Thursday, May 28, 2009

Burrr..... it's cold!

It's 48 degrees! Now, I'm not complaining.... just sayin'! Here is Ella resting on our bed in front of the master bedroom fireplace (she had to go to the Vet today for her annual check-up and is a bit sore from all the shots, poor baby.) The marble surround is in the works, so it looks a bit unfinished at the moment! We are so loving the fireplace! If only I had a dollar for every time we said "I wish we had a fireplace in the bedroom" in the last house, we could have paid for this one! Grouping of recently unpacked antique prickets we found in France and a green glazed-terra cotta baluster that we use as a candlestick to the right!


  1. Oh this is so lovely and luxurious - lucky pup. Glad you are settled and making progress with the un-packing...what a job. I am looking forward to your pics as they come in, xv.

  2. Keep 'em coming !! I've always wanted a fireplace in my bedroom......hmmmm.

  3. Oh how cozy is that...I can only dream! Enjoy unpacking all of your goodies!

  4. Poor puppy!
    Aren't you thrilled to be in and living there? Oh my!
    I love our bedroom fireplace. Nothing better than to curl up on a cold night, light the fire and read a great book!! But it's going to be MANY MONTHS before we get to do that again out here in California! I could only wish . . .
    Looking forward to more pictures!!! I've missed your posts!
    Have a great day Karen

  5. Welcome back!

    Poor Ella...feel better soon!

    It is chilly I would love to have a fireplace in the bedroom. How cozy! Although I don't think it'd be any help or motivation to get out of bed and unpack. I don't envy you ... except for the decorating part of your gorgeous home!

    Enjoy the weekend!

  6. I can relate to the fireplace. Mike and I came home yesterday and put the fireplace on right away. I hope that Ella is feeling better, soon.

  7. Hello, Joan! Thanks for visiting me and leaving a comment; it allowed me to come over here and visit you, too, which is a definite pleasure. Took a quick look for now, but I'll be back for sure. Homes are always a work in progress, aren't they? Always evolving, always becoming home. Love that crystal Czech chandy - beautiful! And that bedroom fireplace is a real dream, too. Good luck with the continued evoltion of your home and keep posting your progress. It'll be fun to see what you do!


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