Tuesday, June 16, 2009

this is Mary

(disclaimer: I know this is a silly post, but hey I'm unpacking!)

I just found a box that holds my childhood dolls (it resides in a closet.) Mary is my Madame Alexander doll that Santa brought me one Christmas morning when I was about six. I had wanted her for a very long time, and when I received her that Christmas I fell in love! I would cry if anyone referred to Mary as a "doll." She was a baby. I don't think Madame Alexander sanctioned the washing of their dolls hair, but babies must have their baths, and so Mary has a rather frizzed do!

The dress she now dons, and has for years, was actually my dress when I was a baby- my mother made it. Mary is also wearing diapers (helllooooo, she's a baby after all!) and the diaper pin on the diapers was also mine! I still think she is the most beautiful baby doll!

So... what was your favorite doll baby's name? Do you still have her?

Here I am in said dress with my two much-older sisters!!! ;)!
And, since this is a house blog, please note the fabulous antique Chinese ginger jar in the left of the photo! It is one of a pair that my mean, mean mother ;) gave to my oldest sister.

I covet those ginger jars!


  1. Well look at you...don't tell Mary, but you are cuter as a baby(yet, she is dayum cute... I'll have ya know).

    My love was stuffed animals...I still have Mr. Lion. Had him as an infant, brought him to college, to work in Alaska...to Paris. Oy. But then, one of my fave books was the velveteen Rabbit.

    I DO remember my Chatty Kathy...whose little string my brothers broke, so she never talked...just chirped.

    And Kiddles...OH how my friends and I loved kiddles...and these little tiny colorful monkey little things (like a 1/2 inch) and they came with little train cars. I swear...If anyone ever finds those for me...I will give them a whole dollar!

    My daughter Olivia has "heavy Baby" she was one of those lifelike Lee middleton dolls...and HEAVY! Olivia was one year old and could barely hold her, so she kind of limped, dragging her....she is dressed in Olivia's clothes, and I use her to show mom's what's what in lactation classes!

    Ok...ya want me to keep going on?

    Then when I was seven.....

  2. Mr. Lion! Ohmy, he is one well-traveled guy!
    Chatty Cathy that chirped! That's too funny.
    Don't remember Kiddles, but sound fun!
    I love that "heavy Baby" is now leading a new life as a teacher!!
    yes, please do go on.....!

  3. Oh MY - I thought it was ME ! I had a beautiful doll but I never named her .....srange , now that I think of it, and one of the first Barbies.....before you were born ! The thing I do remember is that all my dolls had mink stoles and hats that Grandma and mom would make from the scraps at the hatshop.

    I LOVE the photo of you and what a great laugh !!

  4. I too had a Chatty Cathy doll

    Loved my Barbie doll and her friend Midge,didn't have Skipper though !!

    Great post.....fun memories

  5. that is so lovely, very cute

    i didn't have a doll, but a bear


  6. Mary- I thought you might think it was you!! No name?!! Did you just call her baby? Mink hats & stoles- Oh My!! Love that!
    Anon- I had Midge and Skipper (loved Skipper!) and wasn't there a Francie too?
    Sarah- love bears!!

  7. Great post, Joan! I had a "hadda get betta" doll. There was a knob on the top of her head (it was part of her hat) that, when turned, her head turned to different faces. I still have my blond, short hair Barbie, along with some clothes that both grandmothers and my Mom made.

  8. I had a Madame Alexander baby doll too. But she had painted hair so I never had the opportunity to do a hair washing. My Mom collected Madame Alexander dolls however and I remember that I got into a lot of trouble when I decided to play beauty salon with them and gave several of them strong hair brushings. Talk about friz...they never did look quite as put together after that. I also had a thing for Velveteen Rabbit - felt so confident that my stuffed animals were on the verge up sparking up conversation with me. Never did happen though ; )

  9. old stuff never appear on our memory. We still remember our doll or another toys when we was child. Thanks for share an great picture. I hope you visiting my blog also. cheers.....

  10. I have my much loved dolly Fiona wrapped in a pillowcase in the bottom dresser drawer. One of the boys got over 'excited' one day & pulled her jointed arms & legs from her body - not a pleasant sight. Previously, my younger sister Lizzie, in a fit of pique one day, cut all Fiona's fingers off with a sharp pair of scissors - I can still the happy smirk on her face & that was in 1964! So this wonderful post has prompted me to get her out of hiding & head off to the local Doll's Hospital for some much overdue repair work. We both thank you dear Joan for the nudge.
    Millie ^_^

  11. Oh Mary looks so adorable even with that hairstyle..:)

    Hmmm... I don't really enjoy playing with my walking dolls then, I'm more into ragdolls when I was young, I had a Rageddy Ann Doll. Oh I just love her red yarn hair and how I can just hug her even when I'm sleeping.

  12. Oh it's not a silly post at all. How precious that you still have your 'baby and how gorgeous were you. Look that cheeky little smile! A-M xx

  13. I still have my Baby Boo doll which looks alot like your doll and she is wearing one of my dresses from when I was little. I will have to find her and take a photo and show you in a future post. By the way..love, love what you've done to your house. Amazing!

    Enjoy it! Connie

  14. Dear Joanie, I am so glad to see you still have your "Baby" Mary and she still has on that little dress I made for you......
    You may not know it--but I STILL have my Baby dolls "Jane" and her sister "Jean"--
    Jane has always been my special doll and I can still remember waking up one Christmas Morning when I was about 5 yrs old (1930's)
    and finding Mary under the Christmas Tree
    all dressed up in new baby clothes--her dear little cracked face was shining, she looked so happy for me to see her in her new clothes...
    Her poor cracked face was-- because I sometimes forgot to bring her in at night from the open roof chicken coop that used to be my playhouse and it had rain at night-- her paper-like face would get all wet and soft and when it dried, it would crack--but she would forgive me and we always were the best of buddies--- That is why when you girls were little and we would have a rain & thunder storm coming--I always wanted to have all my girls right with me to protect you. .... .
    I Love You, Mama

  15. I have the very same doll! I got her when I was about 5 or 6 (almost 50 yrs. ago)and she still resides at my Mother's house where my granddaughter's love her to this day. My Mother tells the story of when I had my tonsils removed she (the doll) was sitting on the chair in my room when the nurse walked in. The nurse thought she was a real baby and had to touch her to be sure. I don't remember what I called her, just baby I think. Yours, however looks to be in much better shape than mine. BTW-found your blog through "anything goes here" and LOVE it. I've been reading through it off and on all day. I'm a transplanted Texan now living in Tennessee. One day I hope to make it to New England.

  16. Hi Joan,
    I am seeing this post for the first time. Sitting bedside by my very sick hubby. ( still waiting for a transplant) Is "Mary" officially called "Puddin" or "Pussy Cat" ? She looks very familiar. ha! I kept every one of my MA dolls and bought my daughter a few but times change and she was really into the American Girl collection.
    By the way...I AM the "much older sister" I have a little sister 12 years younger. She never lets me forget. I assume you are the same. LOL
    xoxo Dianne

  17. Hi Joan,I also had a madame Alexander doll (just one)that I still have.Well, my daughter has (age 22),in her room,along with my mother's childhood dishes (a pretty rose color),in a curio case. I saved up my money,after I saw her in a window and I couldn't wait to go back to town,(not where I lived)and bring her home. My mom took pity on me, and we went to get her,before I had saved the total amount. She seemed especially proud of me,and I thought it was just the idea of learning the value of a dollar,etc..But later I realized the beautiful ballerina doll had black skin.I never saw color,only her beauty.I brought her several places and was always proud of her. If only the world saw everything through a childs eyes. I found your site recently,and love the pale colors of your home.I'm in the Adirondacks,NY but we're moving to South Carolina. We're interested in a historical home and I've got many to look at yet. I'm hoping for some advice,for a serine look like yours. Need some calm after rising 3 children!!! Holly

  18. You know how you read a blog post, and then click on a "you might also like" post, and you keep clicking and clicking? I did that today and came upon your post about Mary, your Madame Alexander doll. I am not 100% positive, but I do believe I have the very same baby doll! I received my very cherished and beloved Kitten for Christmas when I was six, also. Some years ago, my mother had her cry box replaced and dressed her in an eyelet Christening gown and bonnet and gave Kitten to me again at Christmas. I brought her to my home in Florida and she now resides in our bedroom in an antique cradle. Of the five babies that slept in that cradle, she is the only one who doesn't cry in the night! I'm wondering if your doll has a tag at the base of her neck that reads "Kitten" by Madame Alexander? If so, then we have the same doll!

    1. hi Rhonda, No Mary doesn't(never did) have a Kitten tag. Your story was sweet!


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