Sunday, July 5, 2009

it was a lovely day...

It was a gorgeous sunny day, which was nice after all the rain we've been having. The high was in the upper 70's, but it was very dry so it felt much cooler. We went to breakfast at our favorite little country diner. Then we went to a favorite antique haunt and found this huge antique iron lantern! It was $28, a ridiculous price, and then the dealer was having a 30% off sale!! In the end it was $19.60!! Ridiculous I tell ya! It needs major cleaning (as you can tell from the photo), and some repairs, but hey it was $19.60 (oh, and no tax- New Hampshire doesn't have a sales tax!) To put it into perspective, it's 28 1/12" tall.

Then, the favorite part of the day... we had our very first guests to the house! Now you know these were special people as I let them see the house in the current "under construction" state.
Dick and Marilyn are two Texans that we met a week ago while having lunch in a neighboring town. I overheard them telling the waitress that they had just flown in from Texas where it was in the 100's! So, of course, I went up to talk to them, they invited us to join them and then we talked for probably an hour. They actually own a vacation house in another neighboring town! Today they came over to see the house, and we talked for probably another four hours- and could have easily gone on for many more! They were the PERFECT first guests to have! We can't wait to see them on their next visit!

It was a very lovely day indeed!

Hope your day was lovely too!


  1. Oh Joan, what a perfect day.... a bargain and time with new friends! I love your lantern! A-M xx

  2. Wow what a stunner Joan! Extremely good hunting you two - it's found an exceptionally good home. MOTH won't let me talk to strangers in public places in case they're Serial Killers in disguise, but I still do when he's not looking. I've met the nicest people that way, just as you obviously have. Disproves his theory nicely thank you!!
    Millie ^_^

  3. Ooooh just look at that lantern. Are you going to wire it or use a candle...or neither. Or, I know...ship it down to florida...ya don't even have to clean it first!

    Yep...I vote for 4, Bob.

  4. Cleaned, nickel plated, one large candle with surrounded by lilies, standing in the middle of the coffee table or the dining table - but that is my taste. You might just want to clean it and hang in the hallway where it really belongs. Great find.

  5. Joan, I am so jealous!! First of all, I covet your lantern, AND the whole experience of the fun of finding it!Can't wait to see it when you get it cleaned up and placed in your house.

    I am also jealous of your first visitors.I want to be there! Of course, you were friendly enough to walk over to their table and chat with them - good friendly Texas girl that you are!! So glad you are having fun! Ann

  6. Good for you! That lantern is something else. Love it.

  7. I'm coming right over to go antiqueing with you ; ) Love your lantern.

  8. A-M: it was a pretty perfect day!

    Millie: too, too funny about MOTH not letting you talk to people! Tell MOTH he better watch out, he might be inadvertently texting serial killers!:)

    Linda: right now I'm thinking of a candle holder by the chaise on the upper porch?! I'll send it to you if it doesn't work!;)

    Barry: you idea sounds beautiful!

    Ann: I want you to be here too! When are y'all coming up to Maine next?!

    Kathleen: Just hoping I don't find someone's name on it like your trunk and have to give it back!! That really was just the nicest of you!

    Trina: You too, head on up here and we'll go visit your old state of Maine, and I'll show you my favorite antique shops! Wouldn't that be fun!

  9. Hello Joan: You just never know where you are going to make a friend! Mike and I helped an elderly man on the Fourth. He had ridden his bike to a farmstand and was packing up to ride back, when I noticed the sky not looking too good. We offered to take him where ever he wanted, we said that we had a bike rack for his first he said no, then after coaxing and him looking at our bike rack he agreed to the ride. Claude had a great 'life' story to tell....he made our day!

  10. That's a great story Cindy! Glad you made a new friend this past weekend too! You sure did your share of bike rescues between rescuing Mike and now this elderly man!! I'm guessing that you are thinking what I'm thinking...Rain, rain go away!

  11. I am so into lanterns right - all kinds.

    btw - your idea about the suzani pillows is genius. I might just do that. seriously = i love that idea. thanks!

  12. I'm so very jealous of you. My husband is from New England, though we live in the Dallas area. I've been here all my life but I must say, it's quite ugly in comparison with the East. The heat is about to kill me too, ha! I have so enjoyed following along as you complete your home. It's beautiful!

  13. Thank you for being so mad at my original painter. You are such a sweetie. It's tough but we will get there. Just between you and me Joan, fuelled by a bottle of red wine, hubby and I have decided we will finish and then sell. I have to do this again... but right! A-M xx

  14. I absolutely love your lantern - clever you to spot such a beauty. It will be wonderful when you have it up and ready for lighting, xv.

  15. Would you share the name of the shop where you got such a steal ??

  16. Hi Anon... of course, I'm happy to share. The name is Fairground Antique Market in Swanzey. Don't be fooled by the exterior, or the interior for that matter! There are many dealers with really good merchandise and good prices.
    Are you in the MA/NH? Please let me know if you go.

  17. Anon- We were just at Fairgrounds Antique Market yesterday and found out that they move out their building, and close down for a month for the county fair (isn't that crazy?!)... so if you plan to go I would suggest calling first!

  18. Joan, loved hearing from you today! Coming back to Texas has been harsh! No cool breezes, no beautiful views. We did have rain for an hour or so the past two days but that pattern has passed by now. More heat. Our trip to NH was so wonderful and meeting you and Dan just makes us smile. Love the cosmic surprise! We will see you next time and I hope it's soon.


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