Monday, July 20, 2009

look what I found...

on etsy.

I've looked on etsy a few times, but never spent much time there, then my friend, Kathleen at House Things I Like (Musings from the House of Sand and Dog)- gotta love that description!, did a post of a nice etsy painting and it encouraged me to go and really look this time!
This little 12" x 12" lovely is what I found and bought (bought it on Friday and received it today, Monday, beautifully wrapped like a gift!) The artist is Jennifer Shears. It is entitled Evening Glow, and isn't it gorgeous?! It's style reminds me of one of my favorite contemporary artist, Wade Hoefer (husband to the wonderful California and Paris designer, Myra Hoefer.)

We love paintings, most of our collection are antique oil paintings, but old or new, as long as the painting has a soul! I think etsy is proof positive that no one should be without original art in their lives and homes!


  1. I love it , Joan! I am torn between the antique paintings I have and some of the contemporary ones we have acquired over the years. I just love too many things! So glad you found such a treasure. Several of the artists at the SoWa antiques/craft/farmers market in Boston have etsy shops - sounds like a very cool way for artists and buyers to do commerce!

  2. Oh, you nailed it. For me anyway. They need a soul. That is gorgeous...and it reminds me of a fave of ours from George Inness (A Hudson River painter...towards the end of his life when his eyes were not as good. It has that beuatiful blurry look....which is even more touching to me to know that it had to do with his sight).

    I love the combo of antique and modern and just plain funky. I'll take an original anyday hee. As a matter of fact my laundry room is full of "amatuer" oils from goodwill and thrifts...LOVE them all!

  3. Lovely painting in a tonalist style!

    Margaret, Virginia Beach

  4. Joan,

    What a gorgeous painting. It has a vintage look to it. It will look so good in your house and I can't wait to see where you put it.


  5. I am SO jealous! Great find. I'm sure you'll enjoy it forever.

  6. Really beautiful! I've seen so much on etsy... one of these times stories like yours will help me be brave enough to buy too.

  7. It is a beautiful painting. It just goes to show that I should be spending more time on Etsy!

  8. Joan, the first thing I thought when I saw the painting was how much it reminds me of our Wade Hoefer landscape. And then you go and mention him too! Great minds think alike, yes?

  9. I love your painting - what a fabulous treasure to find, xv.

  10. Love it! A small painting that needs to be placed on a table top for picking up and looking closely at - like your own crystal ball.

  11. Thank you, Joan for your wonderful blog and thoughtful post. I'm glad to know the painting will have such a great home!

    Best Regards,

  12. I had to stop by the mudroom today, the lighting makes me feel cozy. I also love the little painting, and just realized you compare it to Wade Hoefer who is one of my favorite living artists. He lives in my home-town, and I was fortunate to have a tour of his living space one evening. It's brilliant. And Myra's space is also dreamy from the outside. If you ever have the chance to visit out west go to Healdsburg, I'm sure you would love it. And look me up. ;)

    1. hi Cassandra, I love that you stopped by the mudroom again! I'm so impressed (i.e. jealous:) that you've had a tour of Wade's living space. I adore Myra's work and have watched her for years. I hope she is doing well- the last time I saw her work in a magazine she had broken her back and was in a motorized chair (which she of course had slipcovered!) I hope she has fully recovered and designing more gorgeous spaces. Healdsburg always looks like a magical place! I would love to visit one day.


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