Thursday, August 20, 2009

And speaking of...

It was a big day here at the house yesterday.... Big Blue had her mandatory 50-hour service call, and hopefully we won't have to do that again (at $350 a pop- who knew?!) until next year! She passed with flying colors, and the tractor people said some owners don't get to 50-hours in a whole year, and Dan got there in 2 months! She really is a trooper and Dan loves her! You can't blame him, as she's very pretty and does a heck of a lot more heavy lifting around here than I do!! And, she doesn't give him "honey-do" lists which probably also makes him like her!

It was also a big day because I think I found my kitchen dining table! She's turn of the century and very nice. I love when you first spot a piece, and you just know it's going to be yours and you get all excited.... and then leave it!!! I did that when we found Ella too..... I like to sleep on big decisions!!

And speaking of sweet, gentle Ella...we had to take time off from our nightly glass (or two;) of wine, and sitting around admiring our daily progress to make a quick little trip to the Immediate Care Center (an emergency center without the trauma and drama) as Dan's finger came in contact with Ella's tooth while they were playing tonight... A little super glue (seriously!) and he's fine!

And speaking of Dan.... today, August 20th, is his birthday! Happy Birthday to Mr. FLOH- (that's how lots of people refer to their husband on their blogs, Mr. Name-of-Blog... but I think we'll just stick with Dan if that's okay with you?!!) Dan is much older than I am, though not as old as my much older sisters:)!! He has decided (seriously, it was his choice) to drive to the Berkshires to go to some antique shops that he remembers us going to when we were house hunting. We haven't been over that way since we moved here. And, in case we have some extra time... Bunny's house isn't too far out of the way;)!!
And speaking of antiques... the top photo was just a pretty photo I snapped today of our antique mariner oil painting by Edwin Hayes (b.1819, d.1904), entitled " In Full Sail" (in it's original frame) that hangs in the dining room and captured the overlay of the shadow of our dining room chandelier!


  1. Now that's a tractor!... and gorgeous in blue too. Happy Birthday MrFLOH, more red wine and I'd say, looking at the work you are doing in that tractor, you need to put your feet up tonight! A-M xx

  2. Boys and their toys - Mr Brabourne is obsessed with his John Deere tractor and finds any excuse to take it out of the shed. Hope Dan had a lovely day and you found some new treasures! Leigh

  3. What a tractor! -- and yes, it is Husband Jim here rather than Mr. L -- Hope your Dan had a lovely birthday and that you brought home new treasures. When do we see the new table?

  4. I love our tractor too. Nothing more meditative than to put on the big headphones (tethered to iPod playing Neil Finn) and bush hog the lower field or move downed tree limbs after a storm...ah, bliss. I let Mr. APITW do the more difficult stuff. Happy Birthday to Dan and a howdy to Big Blue from Big Green (John Deere)...

  5. Happy Birthday, Dan! I believe that you will have nice weather to be antique shopping in the Berkshires. Enjoy your day! Cindy

  6. Happy birthday to the man with the most coolio garage around...and a big blue beauty to put in it!

    The painting is divine! Can we see the whole room?

    Have fun in the Berkshires!

  7. Love the updates, happy birthday to Mr. FLOH from Mrs and Mr. HOT. okay I just laughed outloud-- i may have to start using that. xo julia

  8. Happy birthday Dan! What a beautiful home you and Joan have created. Now if you would just convince her to take just a couple (pretty please) shots of the inside. Right away I noticed that chandelier in the reflection of the painting, and my first thought was wow, I hope she's showing us a picture of that. But not yet, I truly do understand Joan. But I'm getting impatient!

    Your friend,

  9. Many happy returns of the Day to your husband! Just adore your blog -- and your home -- so really wonderful!

    Jan at Rosemary Cottage

  10. Happy Birthday to Dan! Your painting is lovely and the shot of it with the chandy shadow is too.

  11. Happy Birthday to Dan and congratulations on Big Blue's check up. Very nice painting at the top. Love it.

  12. Happy Birthday to sweet Dan!!!!! Have a fabulous birthday in the Berkshires! LOVE your Edwin Hayes piece and the frame (LOVE!) it's in. And JOY about your kitchen dining table - can't wait to see it! I do love the anticipation of bringing home a new piece to love - they're like new members of the family.

  13. love the blue beauty! Antiquing in the Berkshires does sound romantic.

  14. Happy Birthday Dan from another of your fans! Hey Joan I just got a flash about those competitions we used to have at school fairs/fetes. A prize for the Best Decorated Bike. What about we do the same but change it to the Best Decorated Big Boy's Toy? MOTH could enter his truck & ride-on digger thingey. Maybe we could get Joni & Bunny to share judging duties. Now off to get the pink paint & pretty bunting!
    Millie ^_^

  15. August 20th is a big day in our family too!!

    Happy Birthday Dan- hope your day was full of surprises and smiles.

  16. Happy Birthday to Dan. Oh, how jealous I am of your drive to the Berkshires. My inlaws live there and it is the most beautiful place!!! You will have to post where the shops are that you visit so I can drag my hubby there next time we are up.

  17. I am late with my wishes - just catching up w/ reading. Hope your trip was fab and that he can keep up with youngster you. I'll remember next year. Loving Big Blue too

  18. Hi Joan and Dan

    Thought I would leave a quick comment after "calling in". I have to go over town and try and get the colours right that I want to put in the dining and lounge room. Love the picture of the ships - just beautiful. I completely understand about the tractor. We live on a farm and when my son was younger he was obsessed with John Deere tractors and nicknamed them "Johny". If it wasn't a "Johny" it wasn't worth having!! I'm like every one else and getting impatient for the photo's 'cause I know how nice it will all be -so good on you both for all of your hard work! I hope you had a happy birthday Dan and found some time to relax a little. Better go and sort out the paint colours (wish me luck!).

    Take care both of you

    Love Janine
    Tasmania, Australia

    p.s. Thanks for leaving the comment previously on dodgy home reno's. Still blows me away that you are on the other side of the world and yet can meet so many great people on the interior blogs!!

  19. Thank you to my many birthday well-wishers. Your comments were the icing on my perfect day! They were each so appreciated and a wonderful surprise.

    A heartfelt thank you to all of you faithful readers who leave comments on Joan's blog. Your presence with us on this journey has made the bad more bearable and the good more fun.

    Re: the reveal pictures... I'm working on her!

    aka Mr. FLOH


Welcome! Thank you for leaving a comment; you have no idea how much your comments inspire me to keep writing- I appreciate each and every one. Comments are moderated by me prior to publishing on the blog, so if you don't see your comment post immediately it will be posted as soon as I receive and read it. joan