Monday, August 3, 2009

be still my heart...

Our AC units were installed today! Aren't they beau-T-ful?! I've saved this photo as my screen saver I love them so much! I am a very happy girl! This is the second region of the country (the other being Portland, Oregon) where I have lived that you often hear, "oh, you don't need AC here... ." Hellllllooooo, I beg to differ. If it gets over 72 (that's 23C for my international friends), you need an AC in my book!
We've been blessed with a very cool summer this year, but it's been getting a little toasty and humid here lately.
I get a wee-bit cranky in toasty & humid!
Ella and I are very happy to see these babies go in today!
I would like to thank Mr. Willis Carrier today, and depending on where you live you might want to thank him too! When we lived in Dallas we would literally "bless him" every day in the summer!!

And finally, if you prefer your air conditioning a little more
au naturel, you might like this photo that we snapped last week- -
be sure to double click the photo, so that you get a good shot of his beard blowing au naturel in the wind!!
Or not......!
Either way... Stay Cool!!


  1. I know exactly what you mean. On vacation I complained about the lack of air-conditioning - for example, the Tate Gallery on a coolish but very humid day just opened its main doors. It was hell. If ever I move back - heaven forfend - the air-conditioning unit is going too.

  2. Welcome new AC units! Mine isn't central- but we have it in most rooms. I couldn't do anything without them. We've had more than our share of rain, as you know. But when the sun comes's HUMID! Glad to hear that you are cool and collected in NH. Anxiously awaiting more updates on your beautiful home.

  3. I agree, it's BEAUTIFUL! We'll be sleeping at your house from now on ; ) Still hot here in the NW. I remember the day our contractor asked us if we needed was mid-winter and I had four layers of wool on. So the answer was, "nah, don't think so." : + ENJOY your AC - and sweet dreams tonight! Trina

  4. I totally get it on the air conditioner thing. Couldn't have a thing to do with age, could it? And the motor cycle guy - eeuuwww, or is it ooohh - what ever, kind of gross. Excuse my rather blunt opinion. Enjoy that cool air!!

  5. Beautiful, indeed! I live one city block from the Pacific Ocean so practically no one around here has AC. The last couple of weeks, though, have been humid enough that a little AC would've been nice. (Alright, I shouldn't complain; go 15 miles inland and it's 20degrees warmer.)

  6. High five on the twins and congrats...they are beautiful! :)

  7. Uh. 72 degrees is WINTER in our parts.

    I do bow to big metal carrier boxes, however.

  8. As I read your latest blog, my A/C unit is keeping the house nice and cool! I do love the fresh air, but not in this heat! Enjoy!

  9. Enjoy your lovely A/C's this summer, Joan!


  10. Best thing we did on our reno, add air-conditioning. It was in December when they were added but stuck to my guns. Glad I did.

  11. Hi Frosty
    I don't have air - yet - luckily the lower level here is 10 -15 degrees cooler - but it also is so DAMP. Hopefully next year. I'm happy you're happy - we don't need no stinkin' crankypants.

  12. Hi Joan, glad to hear you will be in cheerful spirits with your new ac! We are 21c in winter and I am freezing, so I do use my air-con in summer... up to 40c, but I love it! call me crazy. Thanks for visiting my blog and for leaving your kind and encouraging comments. take care, Flick.

  13. I hear you regarding A/C. It's been on in my house for a week due to the humidity in Boston. Enjoy! Deborah

  14. Joan,
    A very beautiful blog you have!
    I love to pass through your blog!



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