Monday, March 8, 2010

Reason Number 357...

Why I love Costco...

Orchid $19.99!

There are seven stems full of blooms!

This is a corner in the master bedroom.
Table was mentioned  here.
Pair of original antique french architectural renderings on wall.
Vintage (iron and wood) wheat lamp Dan found at a flea market in California twenty years ago! We were just starting to antique, and this was the first purchase he made on his own... he called me three times to make sure he should "chance" it. It was $7.50!! This was back before cell phones, so the calls home were more than the lamp itself!! For many years it has sat in a closet, but I always loved it's lines and never wanted to sell it. I made the finial- carved it out of clay, baked it and then gilded with gold-leaf to match the wheat on the lamp! New black fabric shade is lined in gold fabric which illuminates the gold wheat stalks!
Old pot the orchid is in was found at an antiques shop in Paris,Texas!!
Two antique Santos- one has a piece of petrified wood as the stand.
Painting was found on a trash pile in Dallas!
Vintage silvered vase in the corner (not mercury glass, as mercury glass has to be "double-walled.")
Great reads: John Salidino, Suzanne Kasler, and Rose Tarlow.


  1. Joan, we have such a similar decorating approach! I have been salvaging, scrounging and faux finishing for decades and, as a result of our years overseas, describe our home as "Mainely Raj"! Your orchid is magnificent! What other plant bestows months of magnificent blooms? A bargain compared to buying fresh cut flowers during the winter!

  2. Reason #358 Why I Love Your Blog.

    This post.

    Everything is perfect. Just perfect. Everything has a story, history and life.


  3. Hi Joan, Your orchid is beautiful! The blossoms are abundant and will be smiling at you well into spring! And I think my jaw dropped when you said that you made your go with the gorgeous wheat detail on the lamp that DAN found! I just love how everything has a story. It really makes the pieces come alive knowing where they came from. As always, beautiful post Joan. And happy blooming orchid to you! xoxoTrina

  4. A table of treasures! What a wonderful grouping of found things. Love how they are all arranged and fit so well together.

  5. What a gorgeous little corner of your home Joan and everything means something. I love that! A-M xx

  6. Loved this post! Now I'm looking at my lamp that has a black shade with gold lining... wondering what else I have to stage a pretty table like to costco to buy an orchid ;)

  7. Hi Joan and Dan,
    Another great post, but as always over too soon!!!! The orchid is really lovely, and yes cut flowers can get made the final for the lamp, clever lady Joan.....I also love how everything has a story. I think that is what decorating is all about.
    Enjoy the rest of your week. Here yesterday was a public holiday, so I have lost a day...keep thinking today is Monday!!!
    Take care
    Tasmania, Australia

  8. What a cute story about your husband, I love that he called you so many times just to check :)

  9. Another beautiful post! I truly enjoy seeing all the special corners of your home, you really have a talent for putting together such beautiful spots.
    What a nice story also about your husband - it makes our things a little more dear to us with special stories behind them ~

  10. Another beautiful and telling corner of your home! The lamp is quite are the santos and the painting. Ahhhh, Just all of it.

    Looks like a ground orchid, maybe.

  11. What a beautiful corner you've created! The lamp is just divine - love everything in this gorgeous vingette. Leigh

  12. Gorgeous lamp, how very clever you are! I love the paintings too..Rachaelx

  13. Hi there Joan, Love it all. Too funny about cell phones...its amazing that anything ever happened 20 years ago. PS Your Hotel silver collection is just amazing, xxkelley

  14. Lovely tabletop. I, too, love your lamp -- but I have a lamp fetish! Beautiful orchid. I love Costco, too!

  15. OH my Gosh you are so thorough. Love that. Love your house. Love your pictures and now love your blog. Health!

  16. I found you via Ticking & Toile - love your house!!

  17. Joan, what a great composition of beautiful items. Love the prints, the lamp, and who wouldn't love your orchid? {Mine is slightly jealous, you have two more floral stalks!} Lidy


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