Wednesday, March 31, 2010

sometime it's just not pretty....

Lest you start to think that I'm just another "pretty picture" blog :) or that I only show you the edited version of life here at the farmhouse, rest assured I show you the good, the bad, the ugly... and this is ugly!!
We've been having record rains here in the Northeast, rivers are flooding across our state and region. Even though our house sits on the top of a hill the ground is so saturated that the basement began to "retain water."
(Before I go any further, let me say that I am very grateful that this was our mere inconvenience, as many homes across the region were reported to have had up to 8 feet of water in the basement plus flooded houses.)
In one area of our basement it was a good two inches. Dan used the shop-vac to remove 160 gallons of water last night, and then this morning Dan and our wonderful, fabulous painter/handyman Seth removed another 250 gallons and put in a sump pump. For my Southern family and friends who aren't familiar with this animal it involved having to cut through the concrete floor, digging down about a foot and a half and placing a submersible pump in the hole that removes all the water from underneath the house when the hole fills up with water. Did I mention it's not pretty?!!

This is a sump pump.

Dan's worktable (we found it at an estate sale in Dallas- isn't it a great table?!) had to be moved to put in the sump pump. You can see the pump underneath the worktable towards the back wall.

Okay, maybe a couple of 'fun' pictures.... !
Pile of vintage caps and old ceiling medallions, plus extra harps that we use in making lamps.

Antique cash register stand that Dan uses for small nuts and bolts (also found at an estate sale in Dallas). Old radiators taken from the house are in the background.

It turned out to be a really good day, as Ella got to go to her favorite store...Lowes!
Ella loves Lowes- even more than Petco!! To watch her wiggle and waggle into the store you'd think they were handing out treats.... well, actually they do give her dog cookies!!

That's one happy girl!

Then the day only got better, when we had to go to Home Depot too!!

Luckily it is supposed to be in the 70's this weekend, so we look forward to drying out!!


  1. SAVE THE CEILING MEDALLIONS!!! Do I need to start a non-profit of this sort??

    Sump pumps...know them well from our old NY home. Pretty, not so the job? YES!

    Glad Ella had a great day....our Lowes and HD have big fat signs saying they DO NOT allow dogs. (We may have contributed to that with our big lack dog. May.)

    But not friendly to the canines. Nope.

  2. Joan, I've stared down that same familiar sump pump hole - too many times I'm afraid! But they are a dream and work magic in getting that water out. Ella looks adorable shopping for home goods. I'm afraid Lucy has never gone shopping at either of those stores, our poor girl has been missing out! I imagine that the shopping is a lot more fun when you have your best pal wagging along. Too cute! xoTrina

  3. Sorry to hear you needed a sump pump - at least you managed to make it sound fun for your blog.
    Happy (dry) Easter

  4. Ah, yes. Is it sad that a picture of a sump pump makes me miss NY?? Ella reminds me of my husband when he gets to go to Lowes- minus the tail wagging (I hope!)
    xoxo Pattie

  5. Whoa, that's a lot of water. Good thing the sump pump is there.

    Fabulous work table!

    Give Ella a kiss from my dogs. They wish I'd take them to Lowes or Home Depot.

  6. From VA...I feel your pain!
    Spent 21 straight days running 5 Shop vacs in our basement cause the water table took the sump pump right off it's moorings!
    Several thousands of $$$ and 3 plumbers working 141 hours our basement has been dry!
    Very lucky for us the water that came in our basement was filtered through sand and was extremely clean so no mold! Best of Luck!

  7. Hi Joan,

    I have heard of terrible flooding going on back east. It's hard to believe that your house on the hill could retain that much water. Thank goodness for a sump pump (which I have never heard of until today!)

    Stay dry and have a warm happy weekend.


    p.s. Thanks again for all the help on pillow decisions.

  8. Oh no, that reminds me of the sump pump coming out several times during our renovation to stop our garage and house flooding..I'll post about it some time. It's not fun is it? Glad it didn't get too bad for you..I love the shopping with Ella, kiss for her from me..Rachaelxx

  9. Oh my, New England's subterranean world! The weather will get better now that the sump pump is installed. Never fails!

  10. Hi, Joan,
    Thanks for stopping by. I'll have to look around your house a little bit when I get a few minutes.
    All that rain is scary when you don't have a long history with a house. I started to get some water seeping in and, not knowing what would happen, I stacked everything I could up on plastic storage bins. I didn't get any flooding in the basement. I think it must have all poured behind my vinyl siding! Enjoy the lovely weekend! Steve
    I, too, was lucky with the water.

  11. Joan - Sorry to hear about the water woes! This weekend will be a good chance for everything to dry out. So great that you have a sump pump now. Have a nice weekend!

  12. Oh gosh Joan, I'm glad you escaped fairly unscathed from all that water. Looks like Miss Ella was in seventh heaven!
    Millie ^_^

  13. Yeah, there's something not quite right with our well at the moment. We are getting black silt coming through the faucet. Yippy skippy!

    What is with people like us? Huh? We hate it yet we'd do it all over again to get exactly what we want. A gorgeous home that shows exactly who we are.

    I'm going back to your chandelier post. That was a feel good post. lol. Hang in there kid!

  14. This is why I live in a highrise - no more sump pumps or tree limbs dropping through the roof. My only dealing with water now is in the shower, the view of the duck pond from the dining room window and the occasional rain storm that seems to fly horizontally past the windows.

  15. Thank goodness for the sump pump. Ella you looked like you had the best day! A-M xx

  16. Darn - I was hoping you may have been spared. I am thinking I may have to do the same thing this year. It never ends, does it? Only good thoughts to you - Happy Easter

  17. I'm not going to tell Forest about the sump pump. That sounds like something he'd try to put in for fun just to to get to play with it. Glad to hear you all didn't suffer any further damage from those awful storms! Neat work bench!!


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