Tuesday, August 3, 2010

lots of lobster & a little martha too!

It was a fabulous birthday and anniversary!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your well-wishes!

Bar Harbor and Acadia National Park are everything you think of when you think of Maine! It was absolutely gorgeous.

I ate lobster...... lots of lobster!

The first night in Bar Harbor we went walking through the charming town about 9pm as it was still abuzz with activity. As we approached one shop a little dog at the end of a leash came outside the shop and went berserk upon seeing Ella, then a second dog appeared and joined in.... two little French bulldogs- both wanting a piece of sweet, quiet, loves-all-dogs Ella.
Ella sat.

Then.... the person attached to the other end of the leash appeared- none other than Martha Stewart herself! Even though we were literally three feet in front of her, and Ella was only a foot in front of her tiny barking terrors she apparently couldn't see us ;), instead looking past and through us. So, unfortunately I wasn't able to tell her you said hello as I had promised to do in the last post!

Despite the tiny terrors, Ella, too, enjoyed her vacation and her dining experience at one of the many pet-friendly restaurants in Bar Harbor! She ordered a bacon/cheese/bacon/cheese burger, but got a cookie instead!

I had a lobster blt!

One of my birthday presents from Dan is that we are going to go to NYC to see Wicked! I have never been to NYC, and have always wanted to see a Broadway show. And... it just so happens that the Wizard of Oz is one of my all-time favorite classic movies, so this is perfect!

Dan gave me a gift of a lifetime!
A gift to end all gifts.I can say unequivocally that you do not know anyone who has been given this gift.Ever.Seriously, if I were to tell you now what he gave me, one- you wouldn't believe me and then you would be really, really mad at your husband, and then you would faint! I kid you not!! So, since I love you and don't want you mad at your husband today, and I worry about your health;) I can't tell you what it is right now!!! (I want to get permission first;) But please, please stay tuned..... I promise you (I even swear to you) you will NOT want to miss this.If I haven't made myself perfectly clear- this is an off the chart, over the top, unimaginable, crazy-wonderful gift of a lifetime.

Turns out.... 50 ain't so bad after all!!!


  1. Oh Joan - Come on!! You have to tell us! So glad you had fun! You will love Wicked and NYC!! I am so happy for you.

    I am sitting in my hotel room taking a break from the activity of Boston. Let me know if you have any plans to head this way. xoAnn

  2. How exciting, I am not a bit surprised to hear that Ella has better manners than Martha's dogs!

    NYC! How exciting, Brittany and I used to both work for the Broadway Series in Birmingham, you are going to love it!

    I can't wait to hear about Dan's present!!!

  3. Welcome back, Joan. I know that invisible feeling - its quite liberating, I think.

    I hope you like New York, it is such an exciting city. We visit the city three or four times a year and have spent the last few Christmases there also.

  4. Ella is so much more a lady and better mannered than those mutts of Martha's who really should get off the high horse by now.

    I am from NYC.
    You are going to have the time of your life!
    I will always remember my first Broadway play .. the restaurants, just walking the streets and window shopping is fabulous.
    What a wonderful gift .. I am looking forward to hearing what the surprise gift is ... cannot imagine what it could be :)

  5. I have heard that Martha was that way. Even on TV when she is being 'friendly' she comes off as hoity. She should have apologized for her dogs misbehaving even if you are only a mere mortal. I bet it was a hoot seeing her anyway. I bet Ella wasn't impressed at all.

  6. hi joan,

    i don't want to know. i already "hate" you too much!!!



    ps ~ how did ms look?

  7. hi janet!!

    she looked beautiful! I thought she is much prettier in person.

  8. I don't think my dogs would have been able to just sit and be wonderful while Martha's were going bananas. Miss Ella is an excellent dog.

    Sounds like it was a fabulous time.

  9. anon..... OMG, that is hysterical! No, fifty and pregnant does not qualify in my book as the perfect gift!! Unimaginable, yes!!
    Thanks for the laugh!

  10. I can't wait to hear what your gift is! How exciting!! I agree, Martha should have at least smiled as she pulled her pups away! Glad you are having a great time. Enjoy.

  11. If you are pregnant at fifty, I want to know how to get that way too ! lol

  12. Great that you had a wonderful birthday! Bar Harbor is gorgeous (went there on our honeymoon over 28 years ago). Wicked is wonderful - saw it in Chicago and then London, England. It is a terrific show! Can't wait to hear about your birthday gift!

  13. Oooh wonderful that you had such a fabulous time with more to come. Can't wait to hear what your gift was?!!!

  14. Looked at pictures again from your weekend. Is that Ella's water in front of her? That girl has such manners!!

  15. Hi Joan: A vacation home in ME? Cindy

  16. Glad you had a wonderful time but seriously - what a tease! Can't wait to hear the good news.

  17. Ella's so cute and so well mannered! And you are so lucky! I got nothing for my 50th birthday.

  18. Annon- No, Ella doesn't like lemon in her water:) And, she actually prefers Perrier;)!

    Cindy- Now, THAT would be something, wouldn't it?!! But, I'm thinking there's probably some 50 yo out there who has gotten a Maine vacation house?!

    Denise- I'm so sorry... do you want to go to Wicked with us?!

  19. I'd love to go to Wicked with you! But seriously, I'll get over it.

  20. ohhhhh, how are we supposed to wait?.....hurry and spill the beans and happy birthday!

  21. yum.. never had a lobster blt. ...sounds good.
    We were up in Bar Harbor a few weeks ago... no MS sighting for us.. but then again... I have walked right past family members and not noticed. Happy BD

  22. It amazes me how someone who can create such a warm feeling in decor can be so cold (way to go Martha) I'm very impressed that Ella didn't eat her dogs they obviously have a complex.

    Glad you had such a wonderful time, can't wait to hear what you got!!!!

  23. ...martha? martha who?...does she have a blog too?

  24. why actually, yes Laney... I believe she might have a blog!;)

  25. Hi Joan: I told Mike about your post; he thinks that maybe Dan had a birthday message done with sky writing. Cindy

  26. ...not as great at this one....

  27. Cindy- Nope! But tell Mike thanks for trying!!I should have said this in the post, but the gift is priceless! Money can not literally buy it;)!

    Laney- Thank you, you are too kind!!

  28. Sounds like a perfectl trip and you must be so proud of Ella for being so well behaved! Martha sounds a bit cold but I likely would have been a little star-struck anyway as I did name my dog after her and all.

    Your NY trip will be fab I'm sure! Check out my blog - I just returned from a week there and have been blogging about it ever since!

    And that hubby of yours - what is he up to??? Please do tell!

  29. tick, tock, tick, tock......[where is she with the name of the world's most priceless gift that no husband ever gave a wife in this or any other lifetime?] tick, tock.....

  30. Before you tell about this perfect gift from Dan, tell the story about him painting that ugly storage shed in that neighbor's backyard in Dallas for your birthday one year. It is priceless!

  31. P.S. I forgot to say that Ella is the spitting image of my childhood dog, Peggy.

  32. Barry- do you have a photo? I would love to see Peggy!

  33. Does it have to do with Calamity Jane???

  34. Happy, happy, happy birthday! Acadia is wonderful, AND you'll love Wicked and NYC. It's nice to listen to the music beforehand so you can follow the storyline more easily. Can't WAIT to hear what the bday present was! Beth

  35. I've guessed it Joan - he's bought you a new tractor!!! So glad you had a totally awesome time away, despite those 2 little upstart attack-dog Frenchies annoying sweet Ella. Geez if that was me, Martha would have received the Millie Death Stare big-time.
    Millie ^_^

  36. Hey 50 year old girl! Sounds like a hoot...Martha's dogs sound like little pills...as does she. Just sayin'.

    You will LOVE NYC...one of my faves for a weekend!

    Now what in the world did Coolio go and do? Hmmmmm? A poem? A novel in your honor? A garden made just for you? Donate money...or started a shelter for animals in your name???

    Do tell, young 'un...do tell!

  37. I've just read your last few posts..Happy Birthday! Sounds like it was wonderful..Ella is looking as gorgeous and sweet as ever, I am so in love with your dog! Love the Martha story..here in Australia we find her a little 'cold'! We treasure a bit of humility..Can't wait to hear about your present..Rachaelxx

  38. Still anxiously awaiting the revealing of your birthday gift. Can't wait to read what it is. Happy Birthday and have fun in NYC!!!

  39. Sounds like such a wonderful birthday. Your life seems to be just lovely:)

    LOVE the new mailbox. I must send you a real handwritten not now. E-mail me your addy if you wish:)


  40. Oh and I am very interested in this spectacular gift from the hubs. I promise not to get mad at my own husband but perhaps use it as fodder for him to come up with something equally as wonderful someday;)


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