Tuesday, October 19, 2010

join us for a glass of wine

Last evening, Dan suggested we have a glass of wine at the adirondacks in the front meadow where we could watch the sun set on the maples up at the house....
a delightful suggestion!

It was a very crisp night, so we donned down jackets and gloves.

As the sun started to go down I noticed Ella sitting there shivering. She's not a shivering kind of dog, so I knew she was really cold. I gave her my faux fur collar I was wearing, and while most dogs would try to shake or paw it off... not Ella! I think she knew how lovely she looked! The shivering stopped immediately. She wore it for a good 30 minutes, and probably would have worn it all night if I hadn't taken it off her when we went inside!

As she would bend over to smell something on the ground, the scarf would rotate and she then looked like a reindeer!
Thank goodness she doesn't take it personally when we laugh hysterically at her!

The light faded and the moon came out... time to go inside.



  1. hi joan,

    keep these posts up and you are going to read about me in the newspaper...woman dies from jealousy.

    your property is amazing and so is ella properly wear faux fur. i think she is part teenager.


  2. What an adorable dog- I am sure she thinks she looked quite enchanting in her fur!

    We just came back from Cape Cod- it was windy and cold but we bundled up and sat on the beach with a bottle of wine- it was the best time. Thanks for reminding me.

    Carpe diem!

  3. Hello Joan!
    What a magnificent setting you have for your home...just gorgeous. It will be sad to see those beautiful colorful leaves fall off the trees but then another wonderful season will begin and you will have more lovely photo's to show us. Enjoy those leaves for as long as you can! Have a wonderful day.
    Maura :)

  4. Hi Joan, Your trees are gorgeous! What a beautiful place to relax and enjoy a glass of wine. Of course Ella is adorable.

  5. Hi Joan,
    Ella is absolutely lovely in her (your) faux fur. Isn't it nice that dogs always seem to have such good self esteem? And I like anyone who lets their dog sleep under the covers!

  6. beautiful piece, Joan. What a smart guy you have to suggest that spot...perfect. great chuckle at your reindeer. so cute!

  7. I just love how Ella is always at your side. What a great girl she is.

  8. I have a very special bottle of wine. I'll be over soon. Maybe I'll bring some Crostini, too!

  9. Oh Joan, thank you for sharing your beautiful spot with us.... and that Ella... I could eat her. A-M xx

  10. seriously Joan, I hope you know how blessed you are to have such a beautiful place to live. It must do wonders for you to be surrounded by so much beauty and tranquility.
    I think I would sneak a bed amongst those trees and sleep under the moon and stars every night.
    Your pictures are just lovely - I love the nightfall sequence.
    Happy fall!

  11. Hi Joan and Dan: Perfect....
    A beautiful NE fall afternoon, your home, and the three of you! Cindy

  12. I think Ella needs her own faux fur wrap. Personally, I think she would be smashing in leopard! Great pictures and a beautiful night. Another glass of wine please.

  13. Everything, all of it...just gorgeous!! The trees! The house! The meadow! Oh and how about Ella....what a lady!

  14. Oh sweet calm Ella, she reminds me so much of Vince and Roxi----------------NOT! I was bragging about Kelsey and Ella just the other day saying that neither puppy left nose marks on your patio doors in Dallas. I clean my doors twice a day!

    Pictures are glorious. The trees in Austin are turning here too, sort of.

  15. Love Ella the Reindeer!!

    Cooper's comment was "if she can fly, I bet Santa would use her". (I love that kid!)

    Here's to more evenings surrounded by beauty and a great glass of wine-

  16. I have to say I sit dreaming about the view from your country home. I would love to live on a big piece of property...where the leaves change color... and life is peaceful.

    I have loved your blog ever since I found it a few months back on cote de texas. Keep the beautiful pictures coming... I may not live in the country but through your pictures I can dream about it :o)

    Wishing you all the best and congratulations on your wonderful birthday gift. I nearly feel out of my chair when I saw the picture of you and Bunny Williams - I mean come on Bunny Williams - what an incredible gift.


  17. It looks like all three of you had a wonderful time under those magnificent fall colors!
    Cheers, my friend...


  18. fur scarf + dog = so cute! It snows where my parents live so their dog gets to wear lots of high end designer coat things. Your home is v. Martha at Turkey Hill-esque xx

  19. I am constantly trying to get my husband and guests to eat outdoors. Sometimes it works, other times not. I would dine al fresco 10 months out of the year if I had my way.

    Your dog is adorable!

  20. The best time of the day and where better than with an apero outside in all that beauty....xv

  21. Absolutely gorgeous! (the dog is pretty funny though)

  22. What a great suggestion. The foilage looks lovely. I look forward to at least a couple of evenings this winter I can sit outside free of mosquitos and such. I'm not sure my girls would be shivering. They like me would welcome the cold. Ella is too cute.

  23. I can't begin to tell you what it's meant to me to linger over each of these perspective frames you've shared. Here in North Florida we don't get breathtaking brilliance like you have right out your door. I am fortunate to be able to look out over a tapestry of marshes, with the Intracoastal Waterway in the distance, but autumn color isn't part of the landscape. If you've noticed an inordinate number of hits for this post of yours, I confess it was I returning again and again, each time with a dropped jaw and an audible sigh of appreciation!

  24. TOO funny! I guess Miss Ella needs a fur collar of her own ;)

  25. Nice to meet you Joan! Thanks so much for your comment on my RL post. I'm happy you enjoyed it!

    Oh my...you live in paradise! How wonderful! Your house and property are absolutely gorgeous. And sweet little Ella with her fur collar (At first glance I thought a little puppy was riding on her back).:)

    Have a great weekend!

  26. We should be there right now enjoying the evening chill & glass of wine with you guys (it's a long story!). Looks like we'll be hitting your neck of the woods next May....still better late than never. Your Fall images are totally scrumptious Joan.
    Millie ^_^

  27. Just a beautiful place. How fortunate you are to live in such splendor.

  28. Thanks for the wonderful read and the hearty belly laugh. My mouth was already hanging open in shock and I scrolled down to see the picture of Ella and then I laughed out loud as I scrolled through the rest. Hilarious- and very real. Thx for sharing.


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