Wednesday, February 2, 2011

the winter house

I realized I had not shown you around the house in the winter... 
We already had about a foot of snow on the ground, and I am very happy to report that we only received another 12-inches in this latest double-storm that hit our area, instead of the 20-inches plus that were predicted!  While the difference might not sound like much, it makes a huge difference in life after a storm.

It's difficult to remember that the house looks like this too!

The stone beehives at the entrance of the driveway in their winter splendor!

Our road. 
And, our beautiful mailbox that sits across the street from our entrance surrounded by reflectors and pink tape that blows in the wind and reminds the town plow to stay away!!

My plow guy...Dan on Big Blue!
  Dan clearing a parking pad for the workers, who have taken a "snow day," but will be back tomorrow.  Dan has found that it is easier to use the front "scoop" on the tractor to "pick up" the snow rather than to plow with the snow-blade which is attached to the rear of the tractor and only pushes the snow off to the side- and you have to drive backwards to use the blade.

Scooping snow onto the snow pile... one of many piles!

Plowing the drive to the house.

This is a good sight:  a "plowed" driveway!

Ella hopping off of the front steps. Check out those "bunny" ears! 
Like her Mama, this Texas-girl loves the snow!  The sound and feel of walking on snow is magical to me!

View towards the back meadow.
It is absolutely beautiful, but what truly surprises, delights and amazes me on a daily basis is how natural this winter scape is to the soul of this born-and-raised Texan.
When we told family and friends of our decision to move to New Hampshire we were asked over an over how we would survive the winters??  In all honesty, the winters were the wild card for us, as neither of us had ever lived anywhere that had a true winter.  People would ask what we would do if we couldn't tolerate the winters.  Our answer... we'd move back. 
Lets just say.... we don't see that happening any time soon!
I hope all of you who were in the path of this winter storm are safe and warm.
And, to my Australian friends in the eye of Yasi.... continued prayers for you and your country.


  1. It looks so much prettier up there than it does here. Love the meadow view. I sure could use Big Blue!

    Glad it wasn't too bad of a storm. We got about the same here and now we're having frizzle! It's bad.

  2. Joan,

    Your Winter House is quite simply, breathtaking. A truly winter post card. Here in N FL it's just brown. I'm not sure I could survive y'all's winter but I surely do admire you for it and of course, your love for this beautiful farmhouse makes it so worth while. I have told some friends here in N FL about your blog and they aren't bloggers but love yours and your wonderful journey.


  3. Oh Joan, it's just beautiful! Look at all that snow! It is so hot and humid here.. hard to imagine such a winter wonderland. A-M xx

  4. ...oh how beautiful...i don't think i would ever think of "moving back"...this georgia girl still smiles at the glimpse of your blue southern ceilings on the porches...i so look forward to your of my favorites...stay warm...cannot wait to see spring in your meadow...

  5. Well, your house looks beautiful in the snow but's hard to imagine what it is like without the snow. We are covered in snow here too in Oklahoma but of course it's nothing like the huge amounts that you have. I should get out and take a photo of my house in the snow...but just don't want to get out in it. Looks like your dog is really loving it. My dogs are trying to avoid it at all costs.

  6. Joan, the house is amazing. Snow or no snow. I love the meadow, it's the epitome of tranquil. can I come stay a while?...

  7. I'm glad you're reveling in the winter weather - it's the only way to be if you've chosen to live with four distinct seasons. Your house is beautiful at all times of year - love those beehives at the beginning of the drive!

  8. I love the photos of your house at any time of year. I think I'll always be a summer girl but I do love a good snowstorm once in a while. :)

  9. Ok why did you get less snow then us? We received eighteen inches! Rick's out there now with Dylan snow blowing Dylan's paths out to the field. Like Ella, Dylan loves the snow. Your home is beautiful in the winter. I like ours in every season too.

    Have fun in the snow!

  10. Honestly, there is nothing prettier than a hidden white farmhouse surrounded by snow! It looks heavenly there ~ now you just need a deer running through the meadow to complete this lovely picture. :)

    And...I'd rather see this in person...if you ever move back, call me first!

  11. It doesn't get any better than Ella at the front door in the snow.

    HAPPY !!

    Ugh, I was in Dallas for the snow/ice storm in the late 70's.

    Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

  12. Your home is beautiful surrounded by the snow. I have been moaning and groaning about the weather in Va. I can't imagine twelve inches of snow!

  13. Hello,

    Looks so beautiful and peaceful. We are surrounded by lots of snow forts! Don't know where else to put the snow.
    Thank you for sharing. Enjoy your night!

  14. Native New Englanders love to hear how happy you are to live here! This is NOT a typical winter by the way.

    P.S. Please include a picture of Ella in every post.

  15. It looks beautiful, however I lived in snow for way too many years. I don't miss it. Hugs, Marty

  16. Your photographs give me an idea of what could be in store for us someday .. if we make that decision.
    Right now it is very appealing :)
    The photo of Ella made me laugh out loud .. I have photos of Pup in a snow bank, nose covered, smiling ..

  17. hi joanie,

    omg what a beautiful picture of your farmhouse in the snow. it looks like a magazine layout. that is how they plow the snow in utah. i watch them every morning plow the driveways. it's quite fascinating. they drive the plows like they were little sportscars. and don't you love it when the sunlight hits that snow and it just sparkles?


  18. That's the spirit! Makes me want to go skiing and drink hot chocolate.
    Mary Ann

  19. Oh, you're in better spirits than I am. Although I'm grateful that we didn't get whomped as badly as they predicted too. Lots of roofs caving in this region. Love that pup!

  20. Gosh-this post blew my mind! Living in S.C. it has snowed maybe three times in 20 years ha! our local wal-mart closes if it snows-no joke!

  21. Love these pictures... as a fellow Texan, I don't think I could leave this! So peaceful, beautiful. Stay warm, light the fire, and enjoy all you've done so far with this fabulous abode! xo
    Heidi @ Show Some Decor

  22. Joan, your home is beautiful in the snow and without. Great shots.

  23. Your home is beautiful! I love the snow pics too - especially the one with your sweet dog. Just adorable!

  24. Oh, I just love your home! Absolutely beautiful, whatever the season!

  25. Joan, Dan, and Ella: Your pictures are beautiful! I LOVE the snow; I have been shoveling, snow blowing and roof raking for days and am not tired of it yet! Do you guys snow shoe? I went out last weekend, at the lake, and will be out again this weekend. You have the perfect property for walks on a beautiful, snowy day. Cindy

  26. It all looks so beautiful even if it is a pain! We have a lot of snow here like you...I've grown up with snow in the gets tiring as the season drags, but I don't know how I could go through life without all the seasons. Looks like you are living a full life and enjoying every minute!

  27. Beautiful!! the snow is always prettier in an unspoiled setting. On well traveled roads and busy highways, it turns that dreadful dirty brown that is certainly less appealing!

  28. You have a beautiful home Joan and I have really enjoyed having a peak. I love the two pictures you have shown in both seasons. It is hot, hot, hot here is Brisbane but we are well away from the terror of cyclone Yasi. Thankfully no one has been hurt physically but the mental scars will take a while to recover no doubt. ;-)

  29. Joan,
    I must ask if I may illustrate your home....and post it.
    What a beauty blanketed in white. We ski every weekend!
    We are having a "doozy" of a winter....Spring is sure to be welcomed!
    (pve design)

  30. Ella reminds me of my Daniel. That boy sure loves to run in snow! I'm really glad you didn't get as much snow as predicted ... this storm seems to have been like that. We were supposed to be glazed in deadly ice. We only got rain, followed by a beautiful sunny day.

  31. Your house and property are so beautiful! One of the things I am really enjoying about your blog is your amazing attitude. You seem to really enjoy and appreciate where you are in life and your surroundings. You are a positive inspiration!

  32. I really love your house! It is truly one of my favorites...ever!

    I lived in Utah for quite a few years and when we moved I thought I would never really miss all of those crazy snow storms, but seeing your photos makes me realize how beautiful winter can be.

    Stay warm Joan!

    xx kelley

  33. Lovely, lovely, lovely home! What an amazing view you have! That porch is fantastic! & the tree in front by the door - oh, wow - words cannot decribe how beautiful it all is!

  34. I am glad to hear you all love the snow! I was born and raised in Kentucky. But married a floridian in guess where I live! But my heart is yearning for country roads and the sight and sounds of rural life.....mooing, whipperwills, horses, hay in the field, and silence. Love all the photos.....your home is stunning! Good job!!!

  35. Oh my!! So beautiful! I see you are storing your olive jar from the elements. Good! I saw recently that 'Martha' has her's wrapped in burlap for the winter. I bet she doesn't do it like I would have too.

    It's suppose to start snowing here tonight! I think I'll fix myself some hot chocolate with a sprinkle of cayenne pepper on top. Have you ever tried that? So good!

    Ella looks adorable!!

    Love you

  36. That is so beautiful. Does snow get heavy on the roof? We don't see much snow here is Australia. I think it looks so heavenly and glad to see your precious mailbox had survived...

  37. wow, the snow is incredible. I am so glad i stumbled across your blog. I just want to move to new england now! your house is stunning!

  38. Lovely image and Ella's ears are like a mood ring!

  39. Dear Ella,
    I really must comment on the photos of you as the flying nun etc. You are one truly talented and unique young lady. Must admit I had the same reaction your Mom did when you did the "Princess" imitation with your ears. (I too laughed...but of course not at you..with you). I think you are special!
    Nancy W.

  40. deErwest nAncY dUb-yA,

    me MomMy tolwd meEs that yeWs wrOte meEs a leTtEr.
    EYes waS vewy hoPy to gEt iT. tHaNks yeWs.
    meEs MomMy and DaDdy lafFs aT me eAwrs a lOt. MeEs MomMy tewells mE I aM sPeciAl toooS aNd giVEs mEE lotSa kIsSis tooos.
    eYes is vewy lUckY to haVe nICest peepoles liKeS yoUs to rIght too mEs.

    yuRs fRiEwnd,


  41. Your home looks just beautiful! I wish I had your great attitude about the weather. I'm in Texas and about to pull my hair out with this latest ice storm. The kids have missed 4 days of school and I'm just ready for SPRING!!

  42. Stephanie.... ice?? oh, the attitude changes "quicker than Dallas" when the "I" word is mentioned.... that's a whole different animal;).... sorry about the ice- hope it's gone soon. I heard y'all will be back in the 80's this next week!!:)

  43. Your photos are beautiful! All of the snow around here is all dirty now (along the roads) I mean. Here at the house it is still white and pretty but we had alot of damage, trees down and bushes uprooted or snapped in half:( This spring is going to be alot of work cleaning up. Maybe I can get some pictures taken around here tomorrow to share. Thanks for sharing yours!!!! XO, Pinky


  45. Oh thank you for commenting on my blog b/c now I get to read yours! Do you know you are living my dream!! I love your house, I can't believe how perfect it is, I tell my husband all the time that I want to live in exactly the same kind of small town that you do, with a farm house, and winter!!! Oh joy!

  46. brrr! i had to get my blanket to read your post. :) it's nice you have such a positive attitude about the snow. it looks lovely from here.

  47. Wow! We don't have a clue in Little Rock. The schools closed here today and we have maybe an inch or two on the grass and the streets are completely clear right now. Everyone is worried sick that the few wet spots will re-freeze tonight. There was a line over an hour long at the grocery store this morning. I'm sure you would get a big laugh if you saw this.

  48. Those winter scenes looks very familiar to my Canadian eyes. Even though we're in town, we have a wonderful neighbour who on particularly snowy days comes around on his little John Deere and clears away the snowbanks the city plows have left at the ends of our driveways. I've always wondered if country life would be manageable in winter...but it looks like you manage very well, beautifully, in fact.

  49. Joan, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your blog! Your house reno is amazing and I love your decorating style. Wanted to award you with the Stylish Blogger see that you've been awarded it once before. You are so deserving :)

  50. I love the meadow view. It's nice that you have a positive attitude about the snow.

  51. Breathtaking! It's disgustingly hot here.

  52. I need to see more of your house!!!!!!! Pleeeeease!

  53. I loved seeing your home in winter and the one in summer. The snow looks just beautiful.. I wish it would snow here where I live in Australia then I wouldn't mind winter so much. I was amazed when you said the sound and feel of walking on snow is magical to you, as a long time ago when I was on holiday in Germany in Winter and walked on the snow for the first time, I felt exactly the same way and has always remained as one of my favourite memories!! Thanks for bringing that memory back to me! take care, Maryann

  54. I am SUCH a snow girl:) But I live in the Pacific Northwest and we get snow from time to time but it is NEVER enough! I get so sad when it all melts . . so keep the snow pictures coming! (and THANK YOU for sharing).

  55. Whoa - & here I am sitting in no sleeves & flip-flops! Looks like a scene from a Christmas Card Joan.
    Millie x

  56. What a gorgeous house!!! Those porches are fabulous!

  57. I'm not even sure how I "landed" at your site, but what a flood of wonderful memories -- we moved to Amherst, New Hampshire 20 years ago from Dallas. We loved our time of living in a postcard, although it was just 2 1/2 years. We've been back in Dallas (pesky work requirements!)since 1994 and still miss the beauty of New Hampshire and the unexpected warmth of its residents.

  58. I just stumbled upon your blog. I absolutely love your house. Just my taste.
    Thanks for sharing.

  59. You're on a great adventure! Love your home!
    Transitions home Design

  60. This is the most interesting house! I am really enjoying your blog.

    I love the character and history that come with old homes, and yours is not lacking in the charm!


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