Sunday, July 3, 2011

my father's flag

I have long held a fascination with the flag- I love the symbolism, the patriotism, the pride it represents.
Years ago, in college, I bought the book "The Flag Paintings of Childe Hassan"  - how he captured movement and celebration in his flag paintings is magical.

 My father (who served in WWII as a gunner on a B-29) also loved the American flag, which he would hang each morning and take down each night. (When I moved from Texas to Oregon my father sent me a Texas flag so that I might remember my roots ;)  I adored my father; when he died 16 years ago my mother gave me the flag that he would fly everyday...
his flag.
To fly his flag over my house in New Hampshire makes me happy.
 He would have loved New Hampshire.

My father's flag has also flown over the Texas state capital!
 Last July for my birthday my sister, Susan, gave me a special gift....  she had me send her both my Texas flag and my father's American flag.  She then had them both flown over the state capital of Texas!
I wanted to share this idea with you in case you too were unaware,  as I thought it was such a sweet, touching gift that meant so much- one you might want to share with someone who is state proud or homesick; I would imagine other states do this as well.
She contacted the Office of the Sergeant-at-Arms at the House of Representatives at the Capital.  The fee was nominal, or you can also purchase new flags that they have flown. 
(You can also purchase flags that have been flown over our nation's capital info here.)

my father's flag

Wishing you a Happy Fourth of July!


  1. What a beautiful keepsake. The history of your flag is truly what America is about and I'm sure your daddy is pleased that it means so much to you.

    I do have a flag that flew over the Capital, its a 48 star that then Congressman Ford (later President Ford) had flown and sent. I do treasure, thank you so much for sharing your flag and its history on this special weekend.

  2. Such a wonderful way to honor your state, country, but most of all your dad! Happy 4th of July!

    Kat :)

  3. What a wonderful gift for an anniversary or special birthday. I can see that your father's flag is precious to you - lovely that you have such a reminder of him.

  4. Wow, I can't even say anything. A picture paints a thousand words. Beautiful!

  5. Love this post, Joan. You have a happy 4th and I am keeping my fingers crossed. xo

  6. This is so beautiful. Thank You for sharing.

  7. happy 4th to you as well. I love American and the 4th, for which it stands, but, hate the fireworks. Sissy Dog is so scared, I have to drive her out of town to a quiet spot in the country to get her to do her business. SPOILED! Thanks for sharing. Richard from My Old Historic House

  8. What a unique gift! I never knew you could do this. Thanks for telling me. Hope you 3 have a delightful 4th weekend. Ours is very HOT in N.C. We are coastal but will leave the beach for the tourist this weekend. :)
    xoxo Dianne

  9. Beautiful post. Thanks for sharing this special story of your father's flag.

  10. I thought this was such a sweet post. How awesome that you have your dad's flag. We proudly fly a flag on our porch every day. We've always been patriotic but one of our sons is currently serving in the Army, so it has an even deeper meaning these days.

  11. Joan,that's a lovely story. How special is that flag! Have a great Independence Day! Robx

  12. What a thoughtful sister!
    You are blessed with such memories of your father.
    Thanks for sharing!

  13. Hi Joan,

    Happy 4th of July!!

    The above picture of your father's flag....just says it all.

    Peace and Tranquility....

    Enjoy your holiday!!
    All the Best,

  14. That is awesome! I too so love our flag!

  15. ...Of thee I sing...

    Beautiful. fly your flag with pride and warm memories!

    Happy, jpyful fourth!

  16. We spent 27 years in the Air Force-my husband retired a few years ago as a Chief Master Sargeant, the highest attainable enlisted rank. I've always missed New England, and I hope to live there again some day. Anyway, years ago my mom sent me a 13 star Betsy Ross Flag. I still fly it along side our American Flag. It too holds very special memories.

  17. ...i wondered if you were flying a flag...i am so glad you are...and such a special one at that...blessings...

  18. Joan, Dan, and Ella: Inspiration; I always learn something from your posts. I am going to contact Concord, NH and purchase a flag that has flown. It will be a house warming gift for a family member who is also returning from his second tour. Have a wonderful Fourth! Cindy

  19. Beautiful post! Hope you have a wonderful 4th ~

  20. What a beautiful tribute to the US and to your father...Happy 4th!!

  21. What an incredible gift!! So thoughtful and meaningful. My father also flew in WWII - he was a reconnaissance pilot in a Piper Cub. He proudly displayed a flag at our house as well , which I'm sorry to say I no longer have. Wishing you a wonderful patriotic fourth!!

  22. Great story! I've always loved our flag and it means even more to me, now that both of my children are serving in the military.

    Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all!


  23. Great story, and a great reminder! Have a fantastic Fourth of July!

  24. I LOVED this story! We, too, have a flag that flew over the capitol! My hubby found out that you could send for one so we did. We fly our flag 365 days! Have a wonderful 4th, Joan! XO, Pinky

  25. reading your words, and seeing your father's flag made me want to stand up, cross my hand over my heart, and whisper heaven-ward, "thank you for your service, kind sir" (and for loving your daughter so beautifully). happy 4th to you. and thank you for sharing.

  26. Wow, what an amazing, special gift!

    I hope you have a beautiful July and I hope we will get to meet soon!

  27. My husband flew some flags over Iraq that we gave as gifts- there is something so wonderful about seeing the Stars and Stripes!

  28. This is a lovely story, and I've just spent the nicest 15 minutes looking at all the Childe Hassams, thanks to you. Happy Fourth! (I love looking at your beautiful house, too.)

  29. What a beautiful flag and what a way to honor those who served so bravely! Happy Fourth to you and Dan. Give Ella a great big hug and kiss too!

  30. Love this post! What a beautiful story. Happy 4th!


  31. What a wonderful way to remember your father and such a nice keepsake. We flew a flag my father-in-law gave us today for our home and I couldn't be more proud! Happy Fourth to the three of you!

  32. What a wonderful tradition to carry on. Great story. Happy 4th!

    ♥ sécia

  33. What a beautiful gesture and how fortunate to have such treasured memories...I hope you had a wonderful holiday weekend...xv

  34. Thank you for sharing your very touching story. What a beautiful memory and I love the idea of having the flag flown over the capital. I didn't know you could do that!

  35. Joan, what a wonderful gift! I'll have to file that one away for my Texan father who is impossible to buy gifts for.
    Hope your 4th was blessed!
    Heidi @ Show Some Decor

  36. Joan,
    Such a beautiful way to honor you father, house and our country! Hope you had a great 4th.

  37. We cherish our American flag also. It flew from a flag pole at my in-laws home in Arizona for close to 30 years. When they moved they gave the flag to our son, you see, my Collier has a big soft sentimental All-American heart and takes great pride in flying it here at our home in Kentucky.
    It's nice when boys grow up having respect for such things. It's wonderful to hear stories of other families who's beliefs are rooted so deeply in the love of our country.
    Thank you so much for sharing. Your father was a fine man. I know you are proud. Xo

  38. I am so happy you have your Father's flag. How precious!
    When my Father died, they draped his casket with an American flag as he also served in the military. My Mother didn't give it to me, but chose to fly it at his favorite golf course since she felt that's where he would like it to be flown. Still, I would love my Dad's flag. We fly a flag 365 days a year on our house, but alas, it's not my Dad's. ~Delores

  39. That is such a wonderful idea! My mom & dad had one flown over the Capitol in Washington DC as a birthday gift for Forest two years ago in honor of his service in the military. They sent the flag back to us with a beautiful certificate of the date it was flown (on his actual birthday)and thanking him for his service to our country.

    I think it is really special the respect and admiration your family has for the flag. I know it is very special to Forest and I'm excited for him to pass down the knowledge and respect that your father instilled in him down to Eli. Very cool!

  40. that is beautiful Allison! What a dear and thoughtful gift from your parents to Forest. I, too, am so proud of his service and I know my father was. There are two Thanksgivings that stand out in my mind... the one that Forest wasn't there, because he was in the Army, and the one when he got home. My father adored Forest. I am sorry that you never got to meet him... he would have adored you too.


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