Friday, July 29, 2011


Twenty three years ago today I married my best friend!
(where does the time go??)

Happy Anniversary to my sweet husband!
I love you Dan, and love being on this adventure with you too!!

My favorite photo of my favorite person in my favorite place...

Dan fly fishing in the Tetons.


  1. So sweet! Happy Anniversary! As someone who's about to get married myself (8 days! Hooray!), any advice?
    I hope you celebrate it fully!

  2. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY from all of us!!!
    Mike, Trina, Margaret and Graham

  3. Happy, Happy Anniversary!!!

    Hope you and Dan have something wonderful planned to celebrate (or maybe nothing special planned which may be twice as nice!!)

    Enjoy your day.....and all those to come!


  4. happy anniversary you two. i believe you were made for each other.


  5. Love your photo
    Happy Anniversary

  6. Happy Anniversary and many, many more.

  7. Happy Anniversary!! My husband and I just celebrated 5 years :)

  8. A very Happy Anniversary to you both!!!! I hope you have a wonderful day, and maybe do something special! That IS a beautiful picture!!!! XO, Pinky

  9. Happy anniversary to a perfectly matched couple! Enjoy the day!

  10. Congratulations - you seemed to have created a wonderful life together. Enjoy!

  11. Congratulations, Joan! Isn't it wonderful?! It took me two tries, but I found my "love for life" 13 years ago.

    I haven't been to the Tetons since skiing there as a teenager. We need to get back there!

    Cheers and continued blessings,

  12. Congratulations! Enjoy your special day together.

  13. Congratulations! Our 36th is in a little over a week. Hard to believe. Drove by the Tetons once on the way to Montana - unbelievably gorgeous.

  14. Happy Anniversary!! Beautiful photo... wow..

    We were married in the same year! Sept. 24th.

  15. I love happily ever afters...congratulations!

  16. ...blessings for 23 more wonderful years...

  17. Dan is one of the best things that ever happened to our family!

    I remember Daddy saying that he had the three best sons-in-law in the world!

  18. Happy Anniversary to you both! We are celebrating double that on the 6th of August. May you have double that and then some too! Blessings!

  19. Now I'm really stupid today. I thought I saw 17 years but it was 17 comments! So, I have been married for 34 years on the 6th and you've been married 23 today! There. I got it straight! LOL Happy 23rd Anniversary!

  20. Happy Anniversary! Amazing.

    ♥ sécia

  21. I could stare at that image all day......Just to share with you folks, i have a new post today on Amish Stories from the Terre Hill days even that was just held in Lancaster Pennsylvania. It was a very hot day but i was able to get i think a few good images from this event. The town is populated with a mix of Amish and old order Mennonites which only adds to its charm. They even have what has become famous in Terre Hill their "outhouse race". The town sits on a hill so it overlooks Lancaster farmland in almost all directions. This is one of my favorite towns to visit because its free from commercialism, so if you are looking for a really all American kind of town with the added bonus of seeing its Amish and Mennonite residents at work and play, then this town is for you. Thanks folks. Richard from Amish Stories.

  22. Congratulations! My husband and I are going on 6 this year! My parent's just celebrated their 36th! Beautiful photo... I had to look close to find your "favorite person."

  23. Congratulations, Joan. Have a wonderful day.

  24. And all of us, your readers, are glad you two found each other, too and for bringing us along on this wonderful love for a house.

  25. Happy anniversary and here's to many more happy years together!


  26. Happy Happy Happy Anniversary! My husband and I just celebrated 4 years...and although we have a long ways to go until we reach 23 years, it's a blessing to see your example before us! You both seem to enjoy life so much, have a lot in common, and are willing to take risks! :)


  27. Thank you for the wonderful memories.
    Happy Anniversary. You failed to mention
    that today is also your birthday!

    >>>> HAPPY BIRTHDAY <<<<

    Love You.

  28. Happy Anniversary --what a beautiful photo

  29. Happy Anniversary and Happy Birthday! I'm sure you have something special planned! The photo is beautiful. That's a beautiful part of this country isn't it!
    Have a spectacular rest of the day! Liz

  30. Happy Anniversary to you and Dan!! May the two of you celebrate many, many more years together. My anniversary was on Tuesday (31 years for us). What a coincidence that I also marked the occasion on my blog by publishing MY favorite photo of us.

  31. Happy Anniversary and many more years of happiness.

  32. Our 24th coming up in September. How blessed we are!

  33. Happy Anniversary!! Keep that love story going!!

  34. Wishing you the happiest of days and many more!

  35. Happy anniversary! Didn't you once share that today was also your birthday? If so happy birthday to you as well!


  36. Hi Joan, Dan, and Ella: Wishing the two of you a wonderful day and many, many years of happiness! Cindy & Mike

  37. Happy Anniversary Joan. I love the photograph with your husband as a dot on the horizon!! You two have had quite the adventure indeed - and a marvelously successful one!! My husband and I are coming up on 25 in September - where did the time go?!

  38. Congratulations. That is some achievement. Wishing you all the best and may you have a lovely celebration...

  39. Here is to all of the yesterdays that have made your today so sweet.
    May you enjoy many more years of tugging at each others hearts. Congratulations!

  40. Happy day! A-M xx PS You are so blessed. xx

  41. Hi Joan and Dan,
    Happy 23rd Anniversary!!
    Love hearing of couples who have been married for a long time, and are still very happy, cause that is one of our passions....
    working with married couples and helping them achieve a great marriage. It is particularly wonderful to me too, as I came from a family riddled by divorce!! We will be married 41 years this November.

    May your celebration be a Sweet One........
    Blessings for another 23+ years,

  42. Happy Anniversary! So Dan is a fly fisherman too? I'm married to one also.
    Hope you and Dan celebrated in style! ~Delores

  43. Well it's a double celebration!!! I hope you did something wonderful. Happy Birthday to one of my favorite bloggers and Happy Anniversary to a delightful couple.
    xoxo Dianne

  44. Happy Anniversary and Happy Birthday!

  45. Happy anniversarry you two crazy kids!

  46. Oh my goodness, Joan! Happy Anniversary and Happy Birthday. We were talking about how sweet it was how you talked about Dan and all of the beautiful things he had made for you and that it was like you guys were newlyweds! It was so wonderful getting to meet you!

  47. Happy anniversary!! Wishing you many more years of wedded bliss!

  48. Hi! I hope you two had a wonderful anniversary. All of the post with the two of you in it makes you two seem like the cutest couple ever. :-)

    I can't seem to find a good place to make my post request, so I guess I'll post it here.

    I LOVE decorating my home, however, I have a small home and a toddler, so I can never seem to make it look like the magical decorator's homes like yours.

    I have no idea how to make tons of toys, wires, and other necessary household items disappear like they are in your home! Can you PLEASE post about how to hide these things to make it look magazine-perfect? And what would you do if you had a tiny kitchen with little storage, one drawer, and too much stuff? How would you display collections like fenton glassware without risking them getting broken? Ect, ect...

    Thank you! Jenn frm

  49. What a fantastic photo...hope it is framed somewhere in your beautiful home.

    Happy Anniversary! It will be 23 for us this year too...on Christmas eve!

  50. Congratulations on your anniversary! This is my first time looking at your beautiful blog and I just had to say something. You have darling taste and a darling home.

  51. a very happy anniversary to you and your husband! it's so wonderful that's he's your very best friend! enjoy your day! hope you two do something enjoyable! <3


  52. Well, a very happy anniversary to you and your husband. The world 's most beautiful photograph of nature you catch and shared here. It is best place for weekend.

  53. Happy Anniversary...

    Also my favorite place! The land speaks to me, can't wait to go back.

  54. Happy Anniversary, love is Grand...speaking of Grand, we love the Tetons you know what teton means? It's funny look that one up...enjoy your blog to pieces!


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