Saturday, July 23, 2011

what I'm reading: Patina Style

It arrived in the mail yesterday. 
I took it out of the mailing box, but couldn't bare to open it... it was just too lovely-
 a gift to be savoured. 
I wanted to open it in a quiet moment with a glass of wine.
I watched it all day today, and smiled each time I walked by it knowing that I was in for a treat.

I opened Patina Style tonight, and was a bit emotional as the soulful photographs jumped off the page and landed in my reading room.  I have admired, coveted and studied the work of Brooke and Steve Giannetti for almost three years now, as Brooke- of the famed Velvet and Linen - was the first blogger I "met." 
It is one thing to look at their gorgeous creations online and quite another to have them in my hands in large, beautiful photographs. 
This is a gorgeous book.
Stunning, really.  A book I will spend hours reading and studying.

"Life isn't about the things you own but about the experiences you have with them.  Patina Style embraces the life in things:  the newel post worn smooth where hands always land, the leather trunk that bears the rubs and scratches of global travel, velvet that is faded, silver that is tarnished, or a flowerpot embedded with moss.  This is the essence of Patina Style, a design philosophy that has evolved through our own lives, both personal and professional.
Patina Style also grew from a desire to add meaning and calm to our surroundings.  It was born of a palette of warm neutral colors- soft creams, gray-greens, and calm blues - that create serenity.  We gravitated towards materials that felt real and that age gracefully over time - pine or oak floors, plaster walls, and natural finishes.  We chose objects that showed the artist's touch and the creative process at work.
Objects also carry the history of the people's interactions with them and the effects of nature on their surface.
Throughout the book, you will come to understand why we believe personal expression and style are so important.  We will show how we do things like repurpose salvaged objects, bring outdoor furniture indoors, turn something old into something better than new.  We hope it will inspire you to do things your own way, to follow your heart, to seek beauty in your life.  When you follow your own unique perspective, you will love the results."

You will love this book. 

to get a copy....   Amazon,
 or to receive a signed copy contact Giannetti Home


  1. I know what you mean about the anticipation of the treat of a beautiful book. Enjoy!

  2. Joan, I can't wait to get my copy. Should be soon.

  3. i have been told this book is amazing... cannot wait to get a copy! xx

  4. Joan I preordered mine so I got it two weeks ago and I was just like you, I ooohed an aaaahed all the way through it. I know I will be picking it up year after year to peruse through the pages, They did a phenomenal job of writing and illustrating and the images are almost impossible to even describe they are all so full of life and of course, PATINA!!!

  5. JOAN:
    I too await my signed copy of Patina Style. Not only have I followed Brooke and Steve, I have visited their shop and their home. I have also been blessed to return the pleasure of sharing Chicago with them! They are everything you think they are and more!! I can't wait for my book to savor in solitude with maybe a glass of iced tea with some fresh mint from my garden.
    Thanks for sharing your excitement! It was wonderful. M.A. ox

  6. Wonderful review! I got mine last week and have thoroughly enjoyed it, makes you want to jump inside those pages and escape to the wonderful beautiful world Brooke and Steve have craeted. Its the kind of book I know I will continue to reference over and over.......

  7. Thank you for this review! I just went and ordered a copy- can't wait to get it.


  8. Mine is order - can't wait!! I love Brooke and Steve as well - both as designers and as people - so generous and considerate. I have frequently received personal emails from Brooke after a comment on the blog - who else does that? No one!! And from such a very busy person!!

  9. You were much more grown up than I. I simply ripped it open and sat down in full garden gear and took a book "siesta." Lovingly written. It's nice to have watched V&L go and grow.

  10. and there i was with you...opening your package...opening the first pages...thank you for the savored and sweet introduction, joan.

  11. I think Brooke is so great! She was encouraging to me too. Thanks for the link to buy the convenient!

  12. I felt the same way when mine arrived just a couple of days ago -- didn't want to untie that string. And I almost cried as I turned each beautiful page. Although I have never met Brooke, I have been reading her blog since 2008. I wondered if that was why my reaction was so emotional, but I think it's more because it is that gorgeous a book, from beginning to end. Can't stop picking it up and feel like I should order another... just in case. ;-) Kerry

  13. I would love to see this book too. I love your blog and love the font used in the title. Could you tell me which one it is?

  14. Robin- I will have to ask and get back to you...

  15. This looks like a book I would thoroughly enjoy. Thanks for sharing this, I have it in my cart at Amazon.


  16. My Dear Joan,

    Thank you for this gift! Being able to share "Patina Style" with the people I care about is so incredible!
    I don't think you realize how much you inspire me...your passion to create a beautiful life is evident in every post that you write.

  17. I too received my book and have enjoyed reading it from cover to cover! The book is a delight for the eyes and every time I look at the photos I discover something new.

  18. Oh I love Brook's blog and I have heard that their new book is just awesome!!

  19. thank you!!!
    i thought amazon was out of stock and did not even copy is now coming on the 28th, cannot wait

  20. Thank you for posting! Just became your newest follower! I've heard nothing but good things about this book. Pop over for a visit if you get time.

  21. have devoured my copy and am so inspired! brooke's office may be my favorite.


  22. Oh, it looks wonderful. I will order min today!! Kathi

  23. looks lovely! thanks for sharing joan.


  24. patina... that beautiful... well worn...polished...softened...mellowed look that comes from aging gracefully...isn't that what we all strive for in our our ourselves...

  25. Beautiful on the outside... much be beautiful on the inside!

  26. I'm Helen from Australia( love ur handy home hints post thx) and have ordered my copy of Patina Style.... Checking the mail each day... Can't wait


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