Monday, August 15, 2011

for all my Southern friends and family...

I didn't want for you to forget what rain looked like. 

If I could, I would send this to you
I did hear that Dallas got a bit of rain, which makes me happy.... I still worry about my old yard and gardens.
Here's wishing you all a downpour... .


  1. much older sister SusanAugust 15, 2011 at 2:36 PM

    I can actually smell it!! I had forgotten what rain smells like and looks like. Liz Ann said they got a good rain this weekend but nothing here.

  2. Boy, did we get a downpour here yesterday. Record breaking in my part of NY.

    Wishing I could send a lot of that rain down south.

    My brother and his family were just here visiting from Dallas. Luckily, the days they were here it was picture/temperature perfect.

    Happy Monday!
    xo Elizabeth

  3. Oh Joan - I wish I was sitting on the porch with you right now. It really is the hottest I can remember, ever. Glad you are enjoying a good summer. Your posts are wonderful!

  4. Thanks Joan,
    We got some rain this weekend. We just sat on the porch and watched it rain. It felt so refreshing, and now everything looks so green. I didn't think to take a picture of it, though. It has been so hot and dry in South Carolina this summer. And I agree with your sister, the smell of the rain was heavenly!

  5. Wish that you COULD send it this way - we need it so badly! Of course, in a couple of months, we'll all be complaining about the rain! :-)

  6. We have had such a dry winter it is very concerning! We need more old and more rain. It has hardly been winter in Cape Town.


  7. I would truly love to see that here in Georgia. We are so dry. I look out and see brown instead of green. Then it will be like this all winter. I hope we get green again before we go completely dormant.

  8. Beautiful pics. We've had steady rain for two days - much needed...

  9. This morning in Kansas I had my coffee on the porch because I wanted to see, hear and smell rain. It's been a long dry spell. Not as bad as Texas and Oklahoma, but we had our 111 day and I'd like not to have another in my lifetime. What it is about rain on a window that feels like the the world is shut out and time stops?

  10. I can almost smell it all the way here! Beautiful calming images!

  11. We had that rain for 2+ days...I sent it your way! It's a good thing!

  12. It's so good to finally get some rain - we got a downpouring like your's yesterday - already things are greening up here in SW Ontario

  13. Yes, I do feel sorry for my Oklahoma family/friends that have no rain either. It's been lovely here!! I love New Hampshire

  14. Love your images too! It has been raining bUCKETS here in Pa. for the past 2 days. Wish I could send some south too, I feel so bad for those poor people! XO, Pinky

  15. My son was telling me today, about the rain in NY.
    We are having grey drizzle .. ugh !

    Rain looks beautiful with all that green .. besos, pats to Ella.

  16. I'm in the mid-cites area, between Ft. Worth and Dallas. Yes, we received about an inch of rain early Saturday ~ pure heaven! Just wish it had been more and the cooler temps had actually only got to 98 that day. :/
    I really can't do another summer like this and of course, we're back to the regular triple digits now.

    Wish I were there! The photos are beautiful.


  17. The window photograph is just so beautiful. You are really a talented photographer. In NC we have had rain, thank goodness. I feel bad for Texas.
    xoxo Dianne

  18. This makes me saaad! I live in St. George, UT, but grew up in Virginia. I miss downpours! They make me so happy. Not many around here. Thanks for thinking of us to post these photos. I love them!!!

  19. ahhhh... I was longing for a rainy day today so I could just curl up for a bit. :) No such luck in the sunny South but there is a nice breeze to refresh.
    Enjoy your week, Joan!

  20. There is nothing better for the land than the skies opening up, you can almost hear the tree's sigh in relief.
    Here's hoping there is some relief across the country for those who need to sigh a little.

  21. I think all your readers should move to Wales. This is the third August where it's rained more or less every day - our kids are just used to playing outside with flip flops and umbrella's during the school holidays these days! I'd love a bit of sun. Anyone fancy a house swap?!

  22. I'm very sorry to hear that you had received some unkind comments. I hope they did not bother you too bad. It would break my heart if you stopped blogging. I could look at your beautiful home over and over again and in fact I do. I can tell from reading your blog and stories that you are a fine person with a beautiful heart as well. Wenda Scott

  23. Great images Joan! We did get some rain a couple of days ago and it actually got down to 78 degrees! It was a wonderful break from the 109 degree days. The trees are loosing leaves and the grass is brown. This is the hottest, driest summer I have ever experienced here in Texas. Thank you for sharing the lovely rainfall.

  24. Joan, those photos are amazing! I especially love the misty meadow one.
    Enjoy your rainy day . . . :)

  25. This old Dallas girl is dreaming about someplace cooler. Thank you for letting me cool off via your post. Maybe we can return the favor this winter.

  26. What beautiful images...I look forward to a bit of rain in the next few months. Summer for Southern California has been mild but rain does so much for the land, can't wait for the season.

  27. Beautiful photos of the rain that will be coming to us tonight and tomorrow. :-) I like the sweet mourning doves taking shelter on your porch.

  28. We've had some showers in Tulsa over the past few days and it has been very welcomed!

  29. Sooooo jealous! Everything looks so green! Thankfully, we got a good storm here in Lubbock last week, so I'm pretty content at the moment though :)

  30. love a wonderful porch to watch the rain!! smell the rain and just listen to the pattering on the roof!
    wonderful view you have!!
    thanks for visiting my blog and the sweet comments for my sassy pup!
    She is doing much better on the meds!!

  31. What lovely, lovely pics. We have been blessed with a generous amount the past few weeks. Not too much, just enough. The weather has also cooled. It was a beautiful 85 today. Loving Southern life again! :)

  32. I love the dolly tub with the large platter...I have used glass and put a plant inside but only for so long. I also love the large wine bottle.

    You have a lovely blog. Thank you for visiting ours.

    Team Atelier

  33. Beautiful photographs. Our weather in Va has been unbearably hot this summer, and come to think of it last year too. I have just returned from Milwaukee where I was able to sleep with the French doors and windows open, what a delightful and restorative treat. It really is the little things in life.

    Have a wonderful week.

    Oh, I have been meaning to ask, if it is nosy please feel free not to answer. How did you get into antiques and having a store? Was it a passion from your youth or was it a later career path? Just curious because you have a beautiful collection that you obviously collected over many many years.

    Thank you

  34. No doubt, we could use a good long rain here in Alabama. We lost a rose bush in the front yard and it looks like we've lost a dog wood in the back :( but I have really enjoyed being back in the South where the sun always shines (as opposed to hardly ever seeing it in Germany) so I'm trying not to complain. Your pictures are beautiful and definitely make me long for a good long rainy day. :)

  35. Elizabeth- I "love" that question.... may I save it for a post?! I think it will be helpful to explain my design aesthetic!

  36. Oh, I could use that and I'm not even in the South!

  37. Ahhhh I can almost smell it. We have not had rain in Houston forever!!!!

  38. Nh has been getting a bath, hasn't it? The is something so very special about sitting on the porch and listening to the rain. A porch is like a giant umbrella, isn't it?
    Reading your posts from my porch in Dover, NH

  39. Thank you for thinking of us Dallasites. :) We got a sprinkling on Friday night, but other than that- not too much. Still incredibly dry. We're all on water restrictions here. :( Boo. I can't wait for Fall when it'll be cooler and hopefully we'll get some good rain too. It's pictures like these that have me wanting to move to New England!!! I just LOVE rain---the peaceful feeling you get when it's raining, how it makes you want to curl up and read a book and drink tea, and of course---that it allows the plants to all take a good drink! Thanks for sharing!


  40. I'm in NH (on the coast) and drove to Maine and back today to pick up our son from camp. It has rained the entire day....hard! Sure does keep the grass green.

  41. It drizzled today here but Sunday was a total monsoon!! Wish I could have sent some of it somewhere that really needed it like Texas!

  42. Oh, how wonderful it would be to sit out on that lovely porch and feel dry and safe during a rainstorm. I think there must be no cozier summer feeling.

  43. Beautiful.

    ♥ sécia

  44. ...oh my...this has certainly not been a puddle in the rain summer in atlanta this year...just to hear the music of rain on the roof would be such a the raindropped window...a perfect one of a kind the perfect artist...

  45. beautiful pictures. rain in the afternoon is always so peaceful!

  46. Thanks for stopping by our blog today! We are so excited to have found your blog. Funny how your last post seemed perfect for us. We desperately need rain. Seems that we can't sprinkle the lawn enough. We're you newest followers and can't wait to see more great posts.
    Angela and Renee

  47. Saturday morning and early afternoon were lovely - like your pictures. We definitely need more days like that! It has been brutal here this summer, I'm ready for "fall" (since you're from here, I figured you would get why I used quotation marks!)

    Thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures!

  48. send some our way sweetie, gettin' rather dry, and we don't want the grass to crinkle when we walk on it...

  49. This is my first time to visit your blog (found you through sweet chaos' comments). At first glimpse I was wowed by your home and yard and then to read you live in New Hampshire was just icing on the cake. My husband and I live in the south and dream of moving to New Hampshire all the time. I must admit your blog does make me a bit jealous. I will be back for sure so I can see how life is in New Hampshire and maybe one day we will be residents in the state too.

  50. Beautiful, but I am truly jealous. Here in Georgia we now have a "cool spell" at 95 degrees following last week's heat index of over 100. School started 2 weeks ago, and this week is the first week we have been allowed to have recess outside. Please send us some cooling rain....

  51. My roses could use some rain...but we really do not get much in so. California in the summer time.

  52. Those photographs are lovely and very refreshing. We have had rain recently but not nearly enough. I love the image of the raindrops and mist on the window. Very nice.

  53. How wonderful for you and yes we could sure use some here in South Carolina. We moved to Helena Montana in September of 1995 and we had snow by the end of the month unusual for a southern girl who grew up in Atlanta. The snow stayed on the ground until April. I was used to rainy winters being from the south. We did not have rain for 8 months. When it finally rained I actually wept. The smell and the sound made me really homesick.

  54. We could use just a little bit of rain here... it look so pretty by you!

  55. Love it!
    It actually did that here today (Ky/Tn border) so fresh and inviting...we were all thankful!

  56. Hi Joan!!!

    I DID IT!!!!

    I copied you! LOL! :) I hope you like my take on it! Stop by and check it out when you have a chance! xoxoxo, thanks again for all your advice!

    You're the best!

  57. Love a good summer rain but oh the havoc it causes my hair:)

  58. I really like that you have your antiques and collections out and in use! My favorite picture is the one taken in wintertime and your fishing floats out on the porch were covered in snow. So pretty!

    You have inspired me to start using some of my "nice things" that I have considered "too nice"for daily use.

  59. Anon- That makes me so happy; thank you for telling me. I consider that my creedo- that life is short, so use and enjoy all your good things now!

  60. Ahhhhhhhh thank you!!! Dallas may have received some rain, but Waco did NOT!! We are 65 days above 100 degrees and without rain.....ugh!!
    Thank you so much for showing me what it looks like!!

  61. ohhh Jaybird. I am SO sorry. I can not even imagine waht 65 days over 100 is like. stay strong... Fall is coming;) I know because we've seen the first little signs of its arrival!!

  62. These photos are all so beautiful...i do miss the rain....maybe not this weekend out east, but all in all I do love the rain. My favorite shot is that last peaceful.

  63. Lved this beautiful post.... and yes, I do feel refreshed seeing it... and can almost hear and feel the rain.... the window shot is evocative of a Wyeth painting I love...we have finally gotten a few stingy drops yesterday a.m. as well as this morning, and I look forward to a full downpour soon... meanwhile, I have gotten so behind with your posts... because our sweet Bitsy gave birth to two tiny toy schnauzers on the 12th, and I've been on a two hour feeding schedule with her since then.... they are precious and out of the woods I think now, so I will enjoy catching up to all I've been missing.
    I do so hope that you have been spared the kind of damage we are seeing from Irene in Vermont , and that all is well. Enjoy your respite.

  64. If I were in your home I would have sensory OVERLOAD!! The inside the outside!! Your views are stunning! And the rooms you have that frame that view!


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