Monday, October 10, 2011

driving home from Home Depot...

lets just say that driving home from Home Depot in Dallas didn't look like this ;)


this is why we moved!!


  1. Beautiful...and Ella thinks so too it looks like.

  2. more than just a little jealous...donna

  3. I drive home from Home Depot here in the DFW area! Wish I had YOUR view!!

  4. Living on the coast of N.C. I can certainly understand. The water draws you in and doesn't let you go. I feel land logged if I go too far inward. These pictures are just beautiful. The sky, oh my! Sweet Ella seems to be enjoying the ride.

    Our small coastal town is still recoving from Irene. There was so much damage city wide. We were spared but many were not so fortunate. It is taking forever for the cty to clean up. That's what happens when FEMA is involved. Local businesses could have had it done weeks ago. So goes the state of politics!
    xoxo Dianne

  5. Gorgeous! Whenever I go to Costco or Home Depot (located side by side) I marvel at the view of the mountains and tell my husband that 'this Costco has the best view in the world' but I'd say that your HD is a close contender!

  6. Lovely sunset(rise?) over the water. LA never looks even close tot that good!!

  7. Oh My!! I would say you made a very good move. The images are stunning and so peaceful!! Enjoy your little piece of heaven, Kathysue

  8. Looks beautiful! Must be a wonderful place to live. Water vistas are the best.

  9. It's beautiful, right? Sometimes I forget what's in my backyard. Try not to take it for granted. Look at it as a beautiful blessing to live on the water.

  10. Oh, my! What gorgeous images of your lovely view! Do you like shrimp and grits? I just put up my recipe.

  11. Wonderfully beautiful photos and drive home as well as lovely photo of Ella. Also why we moved to Montana...this Southern girl loves the light this time of year, color season and snow!

  12. With a vista as breathtaking as that, you could never regret the move. Enjoy ever precious moment.

  13. Amazing! I just returned from a quick weekend in Myrtle Beach and saw some goosebump inducing sunrises there. Nothing beats rising with the sun.

  14. What a beautiful lake(?). What is it called? Yep, that's an image that could make me want to move.

  15. Could this possibly be Dublin Lake ? Just wondering, one of my favorite views if it is !

  16. I was just coming to ask if it was Dublin Lake, but I see someone beat me to it...great minds think alike....I wonder if we're right? If so, its one of my favorites. I also love the old cemetery on the opposite side of the road looking out on to the lake! :)

  17. Beautiful, gorgeous, stunning- and that's all about Ella!! LOL... Seriously though those are some beautiful sky and sunset pictures. Makes a Home Depot trip worth all the more!

  18. Dear bloggy Friend,

    You are making me home sick for up north. I love your pictures. Just lovely!


  19. I would have packed up and headed east in a heartbeat! Lucky you!

    Outside of my neighborhood, I don't even think there's a tree between my house and HD. :)

  20. Don't blame you! I'd move there too! There's nothing like driving by a lake on your way home. It just says..welcome for the whole trip.

  21. How beautiful! Thank you for sharing.

  22. Amazing.

    ♥ sécia

  23. Beautiful. Sure not the view coming home from MY Home Depot! ;-) Love to see Ella taking it all in!
    Heidi @ Show Some Decor

  24. Absolutely gorgeous! I am glad to see Ella enjoyed the ride, too!

  25. Hi Joan
    Another precious part of our world.
    Kind Regards

  26. Those pictures are downright! Glad your buddy got to enjoy it too.

  27. wow...stunning...breathtaking!

    ashley over @

  28. I stumbled across your blog while searching for an item. I wanted to let you know that this is the most beautiful house I've seen! YOu have done a wonderful job and I love every square inch. I look forward to following your blog in the future.

  29. Joan, Dan, and Ella: Serene. Cindy. I love the picture of Ella!

  30. If I lived there I would be driving to Home Depot all the time!!! Wonderful photos... beautiful place...what a blessing!

  31. Surroundings are as much a part of your home as your actual property, and help to make up the real value of living in a certain area or house.
    --Road to Parnassus

  32. That is amazing--what gorgeous pics!

  33. Stunning images! These sunsets are amazing! Enjoy the fabulous day, Kellie xx

  34. To think in a few weeks there will be a blanket of white...What a gorgeous picturesque drive.
    I always take the scenic route over the short cut!

  35. so pretty, joan...
    on the way to another place is often when you find the best moments (thank you for preserving and sharing this one)...

  36. Looks like your drive home was a treat for the soul.

  37. Hey, don't knock Dallas...we have pretty skies too! (insert sarcasm here). :) No but really....those skies and water and mountains are glorious!!! Okay okay...I'd move too!


    Gail :)

  38. Joan,
    You're not kidding, so beautiful! Btw, I finally picked up a copy of Renovation Style and was thrilled to see every detail of your photo shoot! My husband spent a good deal of time looking at it too since I've talked about how much I LOVE your house :) ever since I first found your blog!

  39. Jealous. I wish my drive home from Home Depot was even half this nice... try run down motels from when honeymooners flocked to Niagara Falls and needed somewhere cheap to stay, an abandoned factory, plus 2 torn down factories with bricks left as a sort of residue, and then house after house of mediocrity. LOL! Then you get to my house ... not sure what that says for it! hehehe!

  40. Your star, Ella....looks just perfect there....Beautiful Joan....xv

  41. I just moved to Dallas from NYC, and let me tell you the drives home from Home Depot do not look anything like that. UGH! You make me swoon for the Northeast. Learning to love Dallas one day at a time. I feel like I need about a thosand more days Thank you. For your daily inspiration. BREATHTAKING sunsets. I'm only 27 and hope that one day my husband and I can do the same exact thing you guys did. = my total dream of life.

  42. Hi there! Just wanted to let you know I featured a photo of your GORGEOUS living room on my blog today. :)

  43. Hi Joan! Beautiful pictures! Seriously, such a lovely part of the U.S. I truly hope our family can make it up there sometime. I know I'd just fall in love...over and over again. I am trying to figure out which bamboo shades you purchased at Lowes. If you get a chance, could you take a peek and tell me which ones they are? Thanks a bunch. Here is the link:

    Have a wonderful night!

  44. When my Mother in Law was visiting last week she asked me if I would ever move back to Texas. And honestly, as much as I still think of myself as a true Texan, I can't imagine ever leaving Maine. I just love it up here. On my drive in to work today I couldn't help but smile because of the beautiful fall colors. As "homesick" as I can get for Texas, I know that I am truly home :)

  45. Just beautiful!
    I loved seeing your gorgeous home in print.


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