Thursday, December 15, 2011

please leave your calling card...

I think Christmas is the perfect time to tell you thank you.

I want you to know how very grateful I am that you visit us, and that you are interested in the happenings at the farmhouse.
Your presence here is a gift, and for that...

 I thank you.

It is that time of year again when I bring out the antique brass "Christmas" tray and place it on the living room coffee table.  The tray would have been originally silver-plate, but when we found it many years ago only hints of silver remained.

It is engraved:

Mary and Nannie

As I wrote last year...
  Over the years I have spent hours wondering who was MA?, who were Mary and Nannie?, what was their Christmas like the year this beautiful tray was given as a gift?, where did they live?, and on and on... . 
Just as I wonder about these three people whose names are engraved on an antique tray that has a presence in my home, I also wonder about you, who also have a presence here.
Some of you I know, as you leave me dear comments or send me emails.... but others of you remain a mystery. On my site meter I get visits from places that are near and dear to us, and places that are far away and magical. Dan and I always talk about and wonder who all of you are!

Last year I mentioned a regular visitor from a tiny town in Oregon.  It is the small town where Dan's father (who died when Dan was two) is buried.  I wrote that we would love to know who that person was. 
Several days after Christmas, I received an email from this woman.  I cried as I read it to Dan.  She lives within walking distance of the cemetery where Dan's father is buried.  Her son learned to ride his bike there; she and her husband often take walks there.  To know that someone across the country just happened to find my blog, and now visits our home, and to know that that person lives so close to Dan's father's resting place, and that this all happened because we share a love of houses is a sweet and dear connection that makes the world seem that much smaller. 
You just never know the connections that we all have to one another... . 
Last year one of the things that surprised me the most when I did this calling card post was that so many of you commented that you were surprised that I wanted to know about you!  I was shocked!  Of course I want to know about you!!  You are our guest and I want to know all about you... who you are, where you are, what makes you return to visit!  Anything and everything you wish to share.  You might share something that resonates with another reader, and thus another connection is made. 

As was the custom in the period of this Victorian tray, people would leave their printed "calling cards" in trays at the homes they visited.
(click here to see images of Victorian calling cards)
On the tray is a collection of antique tortoiseshell and sterling calling card holders.

Dan and I are hoping that in the spirit of the holidays that you, too, will drop your "calling card" in the tray and let us know that you stopped by to visit!  We would love to hear from each and every one of you- those who regularly visit and leave comments, and those of you who usually come and go quietly!!

We are honored to have you all here, and we thank you for stopping by today!

Wishing you the Happiest of Holidays!
dan, joan and ella


  1. a beautifully written post Joan, thank you for all the lovely pictures and interesting things you have shown us during the year.
    Happy Christmas to you

  2. Hi! My name is Susan, and I live in Fort Worth. I'm a fairly new follower of yiur blog, having only recently found you through a magazine. I have enjoyed looking at the changes you have made in your beautiful house.

    Merry Christmas, and happy holidays!

  3. Just love the story and the tray, I wish I had as much luck finding lovely things like you.
    My name is MaryBeth, I live in Haverford, PA and I spend hours reading blogs trying to soak in everybody's knowledge, it isn't working. Hope you and yours have a very Merry Christmas.

  4. Hi Joan, Dan and Ella!
    I live in New York state...I love stopping by whenever you post to see what you have been up to. I always wanted a farmhouse and so love to admire yours...I wish you a beautiful Christmas and wonderful New Year!
    Take care, Laura :)

  5. I've been a reader for a little while! I don't comment often but love your gorgeous home! My dream is to one day live in the New England area!
    Nancy from the Low country of South Carolina

  6. Hi, Joan and Dan!
    I'm an infrequent commenter but avid follower. We've "chatted" back and forth occationally. I'm from Dallas and just love following the progression of your home. Merry Christmas!

  7. No, Joan ... thank YOU for sharing your fabulous home and journey with us! Your posts are always so thoughtfully written ... look forward to seeing more! Happy Holidays! *Becca*

  8. I check your wonderful blog often, even though i live in Arizona I still love the traditional, colonial,old antiques. something about the New England style.
    Keep up the great pictures for us dreamers out there.
    Merry Christmas!
    Greetings from Arizona
    Agneta Romano

  9. Hi my name is Sharon, and I'm from Hampshire England and I'm new to blogging and came across your blog via another one does...thank you for sharing your home with us! Happy Christmas and happy holidays!

  10. Hi Joan!

    My name is Elizabeth and I have been following your blog since almost the beginning! I am so excited to read each and every post you write. I live in Ottawa, Canada but I am originally from rural New Jersey. I have loved houses ever since I was little, and I have to say - I think you live in my dream house! I knew I was hooked on your blog when I read the post about you meeting Bunny Williams. I have drooled over her 'An Affair With A House' many, MANY times. And know I feel the same way about your house! I think I have looked over your room pictures dozens of times ;-)

    Anyways - Happy Holidays!

  11. What a lovely post. I have read every post since finding your blog, left a few comments and was thrilled that you have responded to my comments a couple of times. I know blogging can be time consuming but a friendly wave now and then is much appreciated.

    Your home and renovation has been a real treat to follow. I have enjoyed the use if old and new and appreciate a good project.

    I wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas in your beautiful house.

  12. I SO enjoy your posts although sometimes I don't have time to comment. So here is a big thank you to you for writing such interesting posts and sharing your lovely home with us!

    Happy Holidays!


  13. I'm a 37 year old mother to 2, soon to be 3, girls. I'm a veterinarian by career, but am taking time off to be with my littles (after many years of hard work in practice. I adore home decor, crafting and quilting. I adore antiques, pretty things and the thrill of the hunt, and I adore your blog and style. You're a huge inspiration to me. Thank you =)

  14. Hi Sharon ~ wishing you and your family the best Christmas ever ~ all the way from Harrow, Ontario ;-)

  15. Hi Joan, Dan, and Ella: Mike and I wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a new year filled with peace, happiness, and health. I always look forward to reading your entries; you give us a gift everytime you publish a new post. Cindy

  16. I am Laura from Webster, NY. Your house is so beautiful and I love to look at it. The reading room is my favorite. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


  17. Merry Christmas Joan, Dan and Ella!! I only discovered your blog yesterday and just fell in love with it.Thank you for sharing your home and life with us. I am hoping to have the time to start reading your blog from the beginning, that may be my little christmas gift to myself. I am writing to you from a small rural town in Portland Australia. So while you are enjoying a cold Christmas my family and myself will be having a hot summery Christmas. Today the sun is shining and a family of kookaburras are laughing just outside my kitchen window. Thanks for letting us into your life and I look forward to getting to know through your lovely blog. Merry Christmas once again. From a fan down under Tracey

  18. Amy here from Newcastle, WA. I don't remember where I came upon your blog, but thanks again for the tale of finding your home. I still wish one day to live in New England in a older home...

    Merry Christmas!

  19. You're home is such an inspiration - I stop by often, but probably don't comment as much as I should. Thanks so much for sharing all that you do! liz

  20. Hi Joan!! I found your blog several months ago. I've fallen in love with your home, your knowledge of antiques, home decor. I enjoy your well written posts. You can feel your passion for your home, and authenticity in your writings!! So, thank you for choosing to share your home with us!!
    I am Jessica, mother of two small girls, one of whom is battling cancer, and I 'escape' from real life to find beautiful blogs like yours!!
    I live in Sumner, Washington. Not super far from your husbands home in Oregon.
    Anyways, thanks again, and am wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas!!!


  21. Hello! My name is Kathy, and I live in Farmington, Michigan. I have followed your blog for a long time, and look forward to every post. I am inspired by the beautiful photographs, and from the way you take us step-by-step through your projects. I am grateful for bloggers such as yourself, that take the time to share your homes and lives with us. Merry Christmas!

  22. I am in love with your tray, I wonder about the people who have owned things before me too.

    Your blog is always a wonderful respite for me. If I could keep my lot and pluck your house on it I would be a very happy camper. But since I don't think you'll send me your house as an early Christmas present, I will suffice with drooling over it via the internet!

    I'm Kat, I talk too much, read too many blogs, take too many pictures, and live in a beautiful part of Maryland in the Chesapeake Bay area. Merry Christmas and thank you for all you do to bring beauty to my day!

    Kat :)

  23. Merry Christmas Joan and Dan! I not only love following along on the renovations you are making to your beautiful home, I also enjoy reading your posts that you obviously put so much time and thought into. My name is Elizabeth and I am 46 and a happily married mom of two boys, almost 13 and almost 15. I have a huge extended family with many nieces and nephews (and their kids) whom I love dearly. We live in southern Ontario, Canada, about an hour west of Toronto.

  24. What a special tray to own and a beautiful post you wrote! I'm one of your lurkers, still in awe of the risk you took to get where you are. Your home is beautiful! Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year.

    mom to Lucy, 2, and soon to mom to baby boy in March, wife to Nick
    Brownsburg, Indiana

  25. You outdid yourself with this post, my friend! What a great way to get to know the other people who hang out with me down at the bottom of every post. Many of the blog names and little faces are familiar but many of them are a mystery. I look forward to coming back and getting to know some of your callers a little better.

    Merry Christmas, my neighbors to the North!

    Cambridge, MA

  26. Hi! I don't typically comment, not because I am standoffish but more that I can never think of anything clever or meaningful to say.

    We purchased an old farmhouse about two and a half years ago, and I have been drawn to decorating blogs with a country flair. Your lovely post prompted me to give a little shout out to you and those like you with so much talent. Happy Holidays!

  27. Thank you so much for your beautiful post and sharing your home with us. My husband and I are both from New England and hope to live there one day soon. We have lived in beautiful places (military wife :) ), but deep in our hearts know we belong in New England.
    Happy Holidays to you and your family!
    Arnold, Maryland

  28. Dear Joan,

    My name is Kathleen,I live in Grants Pass, Oregon and I am a transplanted New Englander. I miss it everyday and going to your blog is like a little bit of home. About 7 years ago I brought my mom here from Massachusetts. While she was greatful for my care she really never fit in. She rec'd her hometown newspaper every day in the mail!
    She passed away last year and I'm now "mending" and wondering what to do with myself. In the meantime, I follow your blog and revel in your pictures. Really can't express the comfort your stories and pictures of New Hampshire bring me. We used to vacation in NH.
    Wishing you & Don the Merriest Christmas and healthy New Year.

  29. Merry Christmas Joan, Dan and Ella!
    Thank YOU for sharing your most fantastic home and blog with all of us in blogland. I don't remember how I found your blog, no doubt from the sidebar of another and with farmhouse in the title I had to go see. I read your blog starting at the beginning and I remember it being like a good book...just couldn't wait to get back to where I'd left off. Your kitchen and sitting area in it are MY DREAM...Nothing would change. I think about you often as I wander in and out of antique shops in Portland,OR wondering...I wonder if Joan has been here..which was her favorite ones to frequent...where would SHE be looking for the rug that I need for the master bedroom redo. When you emailed that you and Dan were married at Multnomah Falls on your birthday, I felt like I could "see it" as we live just 20 minutes from there and go often. I LOVE everyone of your posts and LOVE when you post about your favorite things. THANK YOU so very much for having this blog and sharing your life from a part of this country I'd LOVE to visit for a long time (minus the summers ;0) I hope you never stop blogging as your posts are my "relief from (fill in the blank)" and I, at least once a day, come to your blog to daydream at your kitchen table. Wishing you the most wonderful Christmas with many blessings for the new year!

  30. Merry Christmas from our home to yours! We are from upstate NY, now living in Virginia.(I'm over here:

    Your home reminds me of all the things I love about New England and why it will always be near and dear to my heart.

  31. hi joanie,

    what a wonderful way to express your christmas joy!

    wishing you 3 a most wonderful christmas.


  32. Hi Joan and Dan,
    My name is Donna and I am from Massachusetts. I feel like a blogaholic as I say this. I started reading your blog when you were posting about the kitchen. I found it through another blogs sidebar...I loved the name. I was thrilled that you were as close as New Hampshire. I love your home and EVERYthing you have done to it. I love your spirit of can do. Your taste is so beautiful and warm at the same time. I get excited whenever I see you have a new post. I just never fail to enjoy visiting you. I go back and reread your posts too.
    Merry Christmas!

  33. Hello! My name is Ashley I'm 24 and live in Washington PA. I found your blog about a month ago and cant stop reading it! My husband and I just bought a hundred and something year old farm house last friday! We are having the floors refinished this weekend! While we were tearing up the 50 something year old carpet we found a news paper from 1957 and a recipe for chicken salad.. haha! I cant wait until we start with all the new drywall to see if they left anything in the walls for us to find! Anyway your home is lovely and I hope one day we can turn our outdated unloved farm house into a happy home just like you have! Thanks you so much for showing the good, the bad, and the beautiful. It gives me hope we can make it through all the house projects ahead of us.

    Have a great holiday,

  34. Joan,
    Merriest of Christmas blessings to you, Dan and Ella. I am from Dallas and say I sorry we never met when you lived here. I am totally encompassed by your blog and your home. We are remodeling a house built in the 1940's (old for Dallas) and I am channeling my kitchen design off of your kitchen. Please take it in the venue of the greatest compliment.
    I also started a blog about our renovation that has turned into quite a building project.
    Thank you for inspiring me, that is a gift in itself.
    Maria Pope

  35. I love your blog and have it "earmarked" as one of my top favorites! I can't remember how I first found you guys - maybe via Sweet Savannah or decorator Lauren Leiss' blog? In any case, I was instantly hooked!

    I live in Williamsburg, Virginia with my 2 young sons and husband.

  36. I check in on you all the time...from Kansas. I love your classic and beautiful home...and many times I wished you would come and help me with mine!lol

    I love this post...I too wonder who visits me...

    Merry Christmas!


  37. Hi! I'm Debra from Boerne, TX. I have been following your blog for awhile. Your home is lovely and has been such an inspiration to me. Thank you for sharing!

  38. Dear Dan, Joan and Ella,
    I am from Tacoma, Washington.
    I found your blog in January 2011.
    It was on January 22nd, that I fell in love with your beautiful kitchen and placed it's image on my dream board. I also blogged about it.
    Your home is amazing love. Your blog resides with my favorites to follow!
    Merry Christmastime!

  39. I would like to tell you THANK YOU. I look forward to your blog each and every day. I look at your rooms and dream and drool. You have such incredible talent. I never tire of looking at all the details over and over. I never comment on blogs, but I have yours. It would be wonderful to know you. You took the time once to email personally and it made my day. I live in Sandy, Utah. I hope you, Dan and Ella have a wonderful Christmas. Wenda Scott

  40. I'm Melissa, from Greensboro, NC. I love dropping in on your home-- it's idyllic and beautiful everything I love to look at when it comes to houses. My own house is a 1930's Cape Cod on a street lined with 100-year-old oaks, and we are bringing it slowly back to life after a B.A.D. renovation in the 1980's. Watching you find *just exactly* the right piece for every corner of every room is both a delight and in inspiration. Thank you, happy holidays, and much house-love!

  41. What a beautiful post and how wonderful it is that you are so loving to know the people who visit your blog everyday. I am a follower and enjoy your blog immensely. My name is Tiffani and I live in a small town called La Vernia Tx., about 30 min from the beautiful city of San Antonio. Thanks for asking and have a wonderful Christmas!

  42. What a lovely post! I'm Lisa and I live in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. I am a new follower of your blog and enjoying it greatly!
    Have a wonderful Christmas and a blessed New Year!

  43. I've been following awhile and love your home. You endeared me forever when you had lunch with Bunny of my decorating idols! I have An Affair With A House and look at it often. I am in Virginia Beach, Va. I am a Mom to five adopted kids, grandmother to 6 and lucky wife to a talented carpenter. We built our home ourselves and I think it's beautiful! If you ever come South, come have lunch with me!

  44. Dear Joan - I too am delighted to have found your blog. I guess I've been following for about a year ago and have loved every post.
    We recently moved to Tillsonburg, Ontario. it's a small town in SW Ontario, Canada. And we bought a 1935 Tudor style house which we are refurbishing.
    So often I have turned to your blog for inspiration. Your choice of colours and decor have been the starting point for my redecorating.
    Thank you for inviting us to call on you.

  45. Wow, loved that post. I recently posted a thank you (three posts ago) to my blog followers, but yours was so incredibly beautiful. I am so intrigued by that tray now. I too love antiques. I have a claw foot tub from 1912 and a painting of a woman that I love that I have no idea who she might have been. I love our connection to the past and I love our connection through blogging. Love your blog.

  46. Thank you, Joan, for sharing that wonderful story. My name is Kirsten and I live in a very small town in Georgia called Franklin with my husband and two children. I have been following your blog for a while now and I absolutely LOVE everything you post. Your home is one of the lovliest homes I have ever seen, and it just amazes me the thought that you put behind every peice that goes in your home. I hope you, your husband, and Miss Ella have the most merry Christmas ever! I look forward to your upcoming posts.


  47. Merry Christmas and all the very best of the season! My name is Jenni and I am a regular reader from Bendigo which is the centre city of Victoria the most south eastern state of mainland Australia. I love your blog - I too live in an old house with a big garden and I watch your inspired renovations with great interest. Our home once belonged to the manager of a local goldmine.
    I dream of visiting the New England area one day in the autumn and also the winter - our winters are not even all that cold let alone snowy.
    Thank you for sharing the beauty.

  48. Hi, I'm Jeanene from California, near Los Angeles. I don't remember how I found your blog earlier this year, but have enjoyed watching your progress and I'm inspired by your good taste. Your home is lovely. I discovered the world of blogs, particularly design blogs, only this year. I subscribe to a number of them now and enjoy reading the updates, no matter how often they show up. I like the ones that make it easy to receive the updates by email (such as yours). I also like the ones that make it easy to comment. Some seam to only accept comments from other bloggers. I don't get that. I don't often take the time to comment, too many other things going on, but I enjoy reading them and yours is one of the best.
    Merry Christmas!

  49. I'm always here, though not always commenting as I follow your blog through email. I'm Beth and my daughter and I have a design blog together and love following along on your decorating ventures...always interesting, beautiful and thoughtful posts!

  50. Merry Christmas to you and your family. I am so happy that I have found your lovely blog! Its always a joy and a pleasure to stop by and see what you have done or created. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and ideas. Have a Bless Christmas and a Happy New Year!


  51. Dear Joan and Dan,
    Such a warm and lovely post. I check your blog daily, hoping for a new post on your life and beautiful home. You are such an inspiration to me.

    Please continue to share.


  52. I have been following along with your blog for a little while now. I'm not sure if I've ever left a comment. I'm pretty bad about that. I've never been to New Hampshire but your blog sure does make me want to visit! I live vicariously through my northern blogger friends in the fall and winter.
    -Nicole from Jacksonville, Florida

    You can live vicariously though me in the summer! ;-)

  53. I always enjoy seeing your beautiful house and hearing your stories about it. Wishing you happy holidays and a happy new year.

    Brookline, MA

  54. Merry Christmas Dan, Joan and Ella!
    I stop by regularly and love every visit. As you already know I live on the coast of NC. You might not know that I am a retired high school art teacher and do freelance painting now by commission. My husband and I have 2 adult children, no grandchildren yet but 3 grand-dogs! :) We would appreciate your prayers as my husband is suffering from a liver disease and the past year has been challenging. Your blog offers a quick get away visit with a dear friend when I need it most. Thank you for much enjoyment.
    xo Dianne

  55. Hello Joan & Dan,

    I've been following your blog for a while now! I love your home & thank you so much for sharing it with us. We live in Bladenboro, NC although I'm originally from Dallas, Texas. Merry Christmas to your family from ours!

  56. Hi, I'm Mary from right here in NH.
    I came upon your blog via another that I follow and have loved reading about your beautiful home and your insights into NH/NE life.
    I'm always happy to see a new post =by you and I thank you for sharing with us.

  57. Hi, I'm Bonnie from Marshfield in central Wisconsin. I've enjoyed your blog daily for several months, and love your decorating and your beautiful home. Your tray is a wonderful mystery. I collect old cabinet cards, and I like to make up stories, of who the people are and where and when they lived. What interesting memories if we only knew...Wishing you a very Merry Christmas

  58. Happy Christmas Joan, Dan and Ella,

    I can't remember which blog site introduced me to your site but hands down, your home is my favorite. I love your and Dan's style and study your images to try to bring some of the warmth and comfort your home exudes.

    I live in sunny (mostly) Irvine, California. I too blog, but I work full time so I blog only twice a week.

    This was such a good idea and like you and Dan I often wonder who my readers are (besides my 2 best friends who comment regularly. :-)

    Thank you for inviting us in.

  59. Wow! This is soo nice of you and so unique! I rarely leave comments because a lot of bloggers never answer (often due to too many comments, understandably).

    You have a gorgeous home and style that it is like an "escape" to follow your blog! I just adore posts about Ella!

    I was so excited to see you were in NH, as I live in Northern Vermont. Thanks for sharing your lovely life (and actually asking about all of us!)

  60. hi mary i am from ga. and i love to read your blog . i am 70 married for 15 years to my soulmate we both lost our first mates . we have 6 kids , 25 grandkids plus 5 in--law kids and 5 g grands with 2 more on the way

  61. What a lovely post! Hi, I am Jennifer and I can't tell you how happy I am when one of your posts is in my inbox. It allows me to live vicariously in you wonderful home. My husband's family is also from a tiny town in Oregon, in the northeast part, Cove and they are all Ducks, too...small world.
    Happy Holidays!

  62. Merry Christmas Joan from Ontario, Canada

    Whenever I see a new posting from you, I am so excited to read (and re-read)! I love the sincerity that comes across in each of your writings with superb photos.

    I wish blessings of health and happiness in 2012 to you, Dan and sweet Ella.

    From my home with another Dan and a sweet terrier too! NB

  63. Dear Joan, Dan and Ella,

    I am a follower from Sun Prairie, Wisconsin. Birthplace of Georgia O'Keeffe. I found your blog a couple months ago, and spent an entire weekend reading it from the beginning. It was a pure delight. Merry Christmas!

  64. Merry Christmas from Norwalk, Ohio. I enjoy the easy flow and peacefulness of your blog. It is a delight to see all the lovely ways you are making your house a home. :)

    May your holidays be filled with love and joy.

    Blessings to you!

  65. I just recently became a fan of your blog. I live in sunny Florida and moved into an older home close to a year ago so I love visiting your site for fabulous inspirations!

  66. Joan, what a beautiful post and beautiful tray, too. It being monogrammed just makes it that much better. You know me from featuring your wonderful home and blog earlier this year. When I found your blog I was so excited and I love when you share your home with us. I look forward to seeing the barn room reveal. I am originally from Greensboro, NC and ended up her in north east Georgia just 38 miles from Atlanta. We live in our house that we designed, contracted and did a lot of the work ourselves on 16 years ago. Many changes have taken place in the last five years to update it and a couple more things need to be done in the future. We have two kids and four grands.

    Have a very merry Christmas!

  67. Hi Joan, what a beautiful story. I follow your lovely blog from Melbourne, Australia. My mum gave me Bunny Williams book "An Affair with a House". I couldn't believe I found reference to Bunny's beautiful home on your blog. Wishing you a Merry Christmas.SamanthaX

  68. Dear Joan,

    I live partly in Perth Aust and the rest of the time in Hong Kong.

    Can't remember how I came by your blog but I do enjoy reading your story. I think that it does not matter where you live in the world as a common denominator and connection is always made with people with the same passions and interests.

    I do send my best wishes to you, Dan and Ella and hope you have the best Xmas ever in your new home.

    Best regards,

  69. What a pleasure!!Imagine you want to know about the folks that read your blog. You seem as warm as your beautiful home, and it's always a pleasure to check-in. I live in Raleigh, North Carolina but originally from Michigan. I have a wonderful husband, and a daughter that comes home tomorrow from college; I've missed her so. Merry Christmas and thanks for sharing a piece of your life. Terri

  70. I'm Sondra, a wife, mother and grandma from Littleton, CO. I visit NH often as one daughter and her hubby live there, and my son and his family live in the Boston area. On every visit, my daughter and I go antiquing somewhere in NH or Maine - I drool over all the great pieces there just waiting to be refinished. A few family pieces that I've refinished are on my blog -

  71. Dear Joan, Dan and Ella,

    I didn't have the heart to read your post today and not leave my calling card, so to speak! Shamefully, I am one of those quiet lurkers that has been visiting your blog long before Marian from Miss Mustard Seed mentioned you and yet, I've never left a comment!

    I was born in New Zealand and spent most of my childhood in Perth, Australia (just like Lillian, the commenter just above me, infact!). Ten years ago, I fell in love with an American who loved VW Beetles just as much as me and now we live in Surry, New Hampshire, just 30 minutes west of you! We recently bought a farmhouse originally built in 1890 and we're having a blast hitting auctions and antique stores picking up things to fill it!

    Thank you sooo much for inspiring me with my home and for bringing a lot of people so much joy! Have a wonderful Christmas and a joyous New Year!


  72. Merry Christmas, Joan, Dan, and Ella from Lancaster County, PA:) I've been an avid follower for quite some time now and look forward to your posts. My husband and I are currently renovating our home and after seeing your barn bathroom decided to see if we can find some old barnwood to clad our stairs walls and ceiling with. Thanks for all the inspiration you guys provide--if you haven't noticed you have some real fans out there! We all love what you're all about--family, friends, and a beautiful home. Hope your holidays are merry and bright:)

  73. Greetings! I've been reading your blog for about 10 months. I love a good before and after, so I check in daily for your progress reports. I live in suburban Kansas City (on the KS side...yes, there is a difference!) I blog myself and you have been gracious enough to stop by once to admire some chairs I reupholstered. We also share a passion for rescue animals, and I commend you for giving Ella a good home! Best wishes to you this holiday season.

  74. Hello! I fell in love with your blog last spring. I literally read the ENTIRE thing in about a week! I loved sharing the posts with my husband and finding inspiration for our someday dream home! We live in Nashville and have an adorable 11 month old son and three sweet and crazy rescue dogs! We have a funky 50s ranch and have big plans to make it perfect for us.

    I'm a stay at home mom now, but your blog inspired me to get back into my love of "junking" and refinishing furniture. Thanks for pushing me think outside the lines of traditional design and to believe that I can make myself a beautiful home with the things I love!

    Merry Christmas from Nashville!!

  75. From Tennessee. Love your home. You always have nice touches to everything!

  76. My name is Stacy Lovoy and I live in the small town of Helena, Alabama, just outside of Birmingham. I was a school teacher for 17 years and this is my first year to be a stay at home mom. My husband and I bought a run down farmhouse and have been renovating it ourselves over the past 3 years. After I drop my daughter off to school I run home, drink my coffee, and click on the first tab on my computer "For The Love of a House". While there are many talented bloggers and designers I are the TOPS! As I have said in my emails to are class personified! I can not wait to see the Barn Room!

  77. Hello Joan and Dan! You know me I've been around for the past year many times! I was googling Bunny Williams and ran across your blog and a part of me has been stuck there since!
    I'm a Michigan girl, born in raised in Southeast Michigan in Rochester. Moved north to Traverse City and because of my love for nature and a relaxed lifestyle I stayed! I have two grown kids and we are as they say now "empty nesters"
    I've never been an antique collector but reading and watching what you've done with antiques, old wood, and stones has given me a new appreciation for them and realizing their value. I love your story a bout Dan's father and the person who emailed you! That was really wonderful!
    You have a heart of gold and wisdom to be admired.
    I wish you, Dan and Ella the Merriest Christmas ever!
    Thanks for sharing a part of your life!
    Best regards,

  78. What a lovely post. I'm a 37-year-old mom from outside Boston. Our house is from 1852, and we've been slowly renovating and making it a home. I love all things New England. I love your house, the details you share about the renovations, the beautiful New England pictures. Thanks and have a happy Christmas!

  79. Hi Joan....Greetings from Sunny Southern California. I love reading you brings me to a time when I lived in NH during college. I have a deep love for old houses, but live in a post war tract house. I have been inspired to make my home the best it can be by reading blogs. My husband just stained our headboard using the same color and wax you suggested! I don't full time and care for our 3 teenagers. Have a blessed Christmas.

  80. Merry Christmas Joan! My name is Nora and I am here in San Antonio, TX. I love your home and blog!!! Thank you for sharing!

  81. What a lovely tray and kind invitation. I'm a house junkie and love being a voyeur in blogland. Your house is one of my favorites. I admire your style and how you use antiques - vintage, but not fussy or trendy. I particularly admire your paintings. It's been fun to see how you've transformed your home and barn (still waiting on the full reveal). I live in High Point, North Carolina in a 1928 Cape Cod in a lovely old neighborhood that will soon be an historic district. I have a second home where we plan to retire to in a few years. It's a log cabin near the top of a mountain just outside of Asheville, NC, my favorite place. Looking forward to seeing more of your reno in 2012. Will you continue to blog when it's all done? Wishing you a Merry Christmas.

  82. What a wonderful idea this was, Joan. I enjoyed reading all the comments the readers above posted...some sweet, some so touching they made me cry. (I am Italian; I cry easily.) It must give you great pleasure and gratification to find out how much your blog means to so many, especially those dealing with sickness or loss.

    I have been following your blog for quite some time and try to comment every time I visit. You put so much energy and generosity into your blogs, I think giving some feedback is the least I can do.

    I lived most of my life in New York, the last thirty years in the Hudson Valley. I lost my husband eleven years ago, and two years ago I moved permanently to SW Florida to what was our winter home. It is lovely here. I would rather -- at my age -- see your pictures of snow than live in it.

    I have two sons, one of whom is married and has a perfectly adorable 17-month old son (the photo that appears with my name).

    I had a home similar to yours when I lived in upstate NY and renovated it so often, my husband called it "Builtmore." I have owned antique stores, worked in advertising and interior design. I love collecting antiques, especially hotel silver, jadite, antique Minton china and mother-of-pearl. I have a lovely calling card case in mother of pearl with a carved basket of flowers. Weren't the Victorians elegant?

    At this stage of my life, I enjoy perpetually decorating my home. I am currently renovating my kitchen and am including a number of design elements you have chosen for yours (calacatta oro counters, Sub Zero fridge with glass door). I also get a great deal of pleasure out of helping my neighbors and friends with their homes.

    I follow many design blogs, sometimes it feels like too many, but your blog is one of my top three favorites. I want to thank you for all the pleasure you bring to my life, and to wish you, the fabulously talented Dan and sweet Ella the best Christmas ever from me and my sweet Bella.

    XXO Victoria Athens

  83. Hi Joan
    Yes I'm going to leave my calling card. THANK YOU for letting me into your home. I look forward to opening your posts ad seeing what's happening in your corner of the world. It's having a wonderful friend you look forward to hearing from. I hope you Dan and Ella have a beautiful Christmas and the New Year brings you joy and happiness.
    Kind Regards

  84. Greetings from one of your "neighbors" near Manchester in NH. Just love your blog and your home and if you are ever part of a home tour I'll be driving over there for sure.

  85. Thanks for inviting us all into your lovely home. I read every post and am inspired by your renovations, antiques, and how you have melded them together so beautifully. I live in a small (pop. 180) town in Nebraska, am an elementary teacher, and love to decorate with vintage things. I also share your love of bringing the beauty of nature into our homes. Thanks for all the inspiration, and Merry Christmas! Karen from NE

  86. Hello from Florida! Thank you for all the time and effort that I can only imagine goes into the creation of your home and blog. It has been fun and inspiring to read and see the process you've undertaken to restore your house. Thanks for sharing it with us!

  87. Dear Joan and Dan,
    Your home is one of my most favorite in this blogging wonderland. Ever since I first found your blog and did a post to share it with my blogging friends, it has inspired me and amazed me on so many levels.
    Wishing you both a most joyous Christmas from Illinois.

  88. Hey to Dan, Joan and Ella! Greetings from the great state of Oklahoma! As a high school and college English teacher, I absolutely love your idea today of having everyone to leave their 'calling card'. Besides teaching, I am a mother to five children (in seven years time!) It seems that I barely had time to blink and now they are all in their 20's (22-29)! My husband and I recently bought a big old house in a historic neighborhood in a historic town. We are fixing it up with dreams of lots of grandchildren running through it one day. I "borrowed" your living room and dining room paint colors for my living room and hallways/stairway and I could not be happier! Your taste and home are truly exquisite...but most importantly so warm and friendly. Thank you for letting us rattle on tonight! Merry Christmas....Lori Lucas

  89. Hi Joan,

    What a beautiful post! I want to know more about Mary and Nannie, too :)

    I think you know that I love your home, your antiques and your blog. It's so interesting to read about the house progress.

    I live in Indiana, but my sister is on the north shore of MA. Hoping someday I might get to meet you in person when I am visiting her :)

    Merry Christmas!!

  90. Oh Joan your home is just TOO perfect! I will be channeling you and your perfect style this Saturday when we host of first Christmas party. Throughout the whole planning process I kept thinking "Is this something Joan would do?". I hope to make you proud!



  91. I just love reading your "blog", For the Love of a House". My husband and I live in a small village north of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. We have retired to the home I grew up in. It is an old brick home built around 1870. Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy New Year!

  92. Greetings! This is Janell from Kannapolis NC! I am one of the quite visitors. I found your blog via Miss Mustard Seed, she was bragging about your paint colors and I was searching for the "one" for all 1000 sq feet of my mill house. I used the blue/grey from your MBath.
    I really admire the way nothing ever competes for attention in your home but everything is the 'star'. Visiting your blog often instigates a trip to my favorite antique market! And I have a new appreciating of other wise ordinary things that are interesting.

    I love seeing how you are preserving history. Thank you must for sharing.

    Merry Christmas!

  93. What a lovely story and invitation. My name is Jennifer. I live near Boston and have a weekend home and store in upstate New York. I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a happy healthy New Year.

  94. I so enjoy reading about your house projects. It is clear the renovation has been a labor of love. Your house is fantastic and clearly a warm HOME. We also have an older house and are almost constantly doing something-or-other to improve it.

  95. I enjoy reading your blog. I love older homes and live in a Tudor Revival built in the 1930's in York, PA. I have enjoyed following your journey with your home.


  96. I'm Verlan from Yukon, Oklahoma. I just recently moved into a new home and find lots of decorating inspiration from great blogs like yours. I hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!

  97. Hello Joan and Dan! Happy Holidays from Athens, Georgia. I love your home and look forward to every post! You have given me many ideas to use in my own home! Cheers!

  98. Greetings from Friendswood, Texas! I don't remember how I found your blog, but I sure do enjoy it! Your house is beautiful!


  99. Although I am I of the visitors to your blog that reads regularly, I don't think I have ever commented on your beautiful home. You are such an inspiration! I live in Frenchtown NJ, a quaint little river town along the Delaware River just north of New Hope, PA. Happy Holidays!

  100. Hi,
    I'm Rhonda, originally from Tennessee but transplanted to Fort Myers, Florida about 29 years ago, and mother to two college daughters and three sons still at home. I grew up surrounded by family who lived in old houses and loved antiques, and this love and appreciation for things old was passed on to me. We have a new Victorian (the closest thing I can get to an old house down here!) filled with antiques. I found your blog when I googled "white kitchen cabinets", looking for inspiration for my own kitchen remodel. Intrigued by your kitchen, I spent a morning visiting each lovely room of your house and reading your story. Your blog and home are beautiful and inspirational and I look forward to each new post. Thank you for taking the time to share with me!

  101. Thank you, Joan! For sharing your lovely home and tales of your precious husband Dan and dog Ella. I've lived here in Houston my whole life. I'm married to Bob, mother to 15 year-old Catherine, and mommy to our dachshund Bacon. Your design style is what I aspire to have in my home -- character, functionality, simplicity and beauty.

    I found you through Zoe Elmore's blog, who I found through the Proverbs 31 website.

    We will probably not meet -- I won't say never -- but I will say if you are ever in Houston, you are always welcome for coffee and conversation. Come on over anytime!

    Merry Christmas to you and Dan, and a thousand thanks for opening your doors to me and all your other followers. It is a blessing.


  102. Oh, I just love the tray. How neat is that to have something that old with the engraving. Must have been treasured by MA. What a lovely story about your reader being in the town where your father in law is buried. I have been reading your blog for awhile and probably have been posting occasionally as "anonymous." I live in rural southwest Virginia. Since I have been reading your blog I am so interested in visiting New England one day. :) Hope you have a Merry Christmas and God's blessings in the New Year!

  103. Hi Joan,
    What a wonderful post. Such a beautiful invitation to go with your beautiful home. I've read everyones comment with so much pleasure. It was fun finding out who all was reading your blog and something about them.
    I live with my husband and two dogs on a river island on the coast of Ga.
    Wishing you and Dan and Ella a very Merry Christmas,

  104. Hi, I am loving your blog and decorating style. What a treat to be able to live in a farm house like that. I am a South African who lived in NY for 10 years and now lives in NC. Thank you for opening your home to all of us!

  105. What a beautiful, well written post. The tray is gorgeous and it is wonderful to think about the history. I come here every few days to see your beautiful home and gain lots of inspiration in your colors and design. I know mine is different than yours but elegant in how you compose it. Merry Christmas and a healthy new year.

  106. Merry Christmas to you and your family! My name is Brooke and I follow along from Birmingham, Alabama with every new post. I feel like your house is magical. Telling stories of times we will never know. I always feel so welcomed every time I drop by. You have inspired me to create a home that is both beautiful and cozy. I have a newfound love of old and loved. Thank you for sharing your farm house with me. If only we could share a spot of tea. :) xoxo Brooke

  107. Hi...I am a follower of your blog through Google Reader. I really enjoy reading it! I am a stay at home Mom to 3 kids, my husband is active duty Air Force. We live in Ohio now, we should be moving soon but not sure when and where yet. I hope you have a Merry Christmas! Carmen

  108. Joan, Dan and Ella,
    Merry Christmas! Thank you so much for inviting me. The very first thing I do when I sign onto my reader is check to see if you have posted. I read and enjoy many, but For the Love of a House is my absolute favorite. I am originally from Dallas and now live in an old house in Tennessee. You are an incredible team and have such a lovely home. Thank you for sharing it. I cannot wait for the full reveal of the barn room. I started my blog yesterday after many months of debating. I have a little help coming in January with the layout :) I now understand why comments mean so much. I have thoroughly enjoyed this visit - as I do all of them. Thank you for your hospitality. Please visit me soon, too.

  109. HI, I have been following you for quite sometime now. In the beginning I was in awe of your home and watched facinated while you took us along on your projects. Your possessions are so beautiful and your abilty to know JUST how to display and collect them are beautiful and so inspiring. I am happy every time I see a new post from you. I admored your courage to go to a place you had never been to and a whole new way of life. Joe and I built this house 28 years ago. I never wanted to live in this particular location but have dealt with it. We would love to move, well I would. I am losing hope that it will ever happen though. Wishing you and Dan a truly blessed Christmas!!!! XO, Pinky

  110. I wish the 3 of you a wonderful Christmas and an exciting New Year! Thanks for sharing your home and journey, it has inspired me so much.

    ann marie
    schertz, texas

  111. Hi Joan-
    Happy Holidays to you!(and Dan and Ella) I am so happy to have found your blog this year and always enjoy your pictures and great information. Of course I felt you were a kindred spirit as a former Texan now living in the Northeast like myself. You are a lovely lady with an equally lovely home!
    Layne from Halifax, Nova Scotia

  112. Merry Christmas Joan, Dan and Ella!! Thank you for sharing your beautiful home through this beautiful blog... but most of all... thank you for sharing your heart!

    Connie in East Tennessee

  113. Hi Joan and Dan! I'm dropping my calling card on the beautiful Christmas tray. I'm Lindsay, I live in Boston with my husband. But I grew up in Amherst, which is why I fell in love with your blog at first sight. Your blog and home remind me of where I grew up and why I love New England with all my heart. I will forever be a New England Yankee and it makes me so happy to know that Southerns like yourselves have found such a love for my home state and that you call it home too.

    Merry Christmas!

  114. Merry Christmas from Houston! Today was 80 degrees, and rainy- the humidity was a faint recollection of summer.

    Dropping my card on your tray and sending you virtual Tex-mex (with margaritas), a freshly baked pecan pie (with nuts from Texas) and a Southern smile. All the best to you and yours.-Kristen

  115. Merry Christmas to you and your family Joan! Everything looks beautiful, thanks for sharing your beautiful home with us! Martina

  116. hello, my name is Maggie ans i am from southern california. i am a frequent visitor to your lovely blog {home}. You are one of my favorites. I love your style and your home is beautiful. Thank you again for letting me peek into your home. I'd love to have you stop by my little blog and say hello.

  117. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a blessed 2012. Thank you for sharing your home and talents. I have so enjoyed following along this past year and look forward to seeing your next project. Stacy

  118. Thank you for a heartfelt warm post. These days most of us are just appreciative of someone who would drop by - but taking it a step further is a nice gesture on your part.

    I "accidentally" dropped by your blog (I will follow now!). I live in Sri Lanka but my three children live in Melbourne which is where I frequently visit. Leaving next week for Australia!

  119. I'm from Nashville, Tn and would love to live in an old farmhouse too. Unfortunately, my husband does not share my desire. I therefore, anxiously await each of your posts so that I can live vicariously through your beautiful home! Have a Merry Christmas! Diane Bradshaw

  120. Dear Dan, Joan and Ella,
    Your posts are a light unto my day! Writing to you from Southern California, I applaud your remarkable home transformation and your generosity in sharing your journey with us viewer/readers. I have been reading your blog for over a year and have loved the seasonal aspects of your move as well. You are pioneers of this era, tackling a huge rebuilding in an area where methods and materials are very different then in Dallas.
    May you continue to prosper and to share your lives with us. Merry Christmas and thank you for your great inspiration!
    Blessings in the New Year,

  121. Such a lovely post. I suppose I am one of the silent visitors that stop by on a regular basis to see all the goings on in your beautiful farmhouse. I really never thought you'd want to hear from all of us! You have so many followers...but it is a sweet and lovely thought. I live in the Great Smoky Mtns. of East Tennessee...happily married for 29 years with 4 children that bless me every day. We are a musical family, we have a home based custom picture framing business and I am still homeschooling our two youngest children. I dream of traveling the northeast coast one day....seems very dreamy:) Blessings to you and your family~~Shine

  122. Gorgeous! Love your holiday decor. I'm lucky to have 2 fireplace mantels in my home. They are so fun to decorate for the holidays. :)

    condominium makati

  123. Happy Holidays Joan and Dan! I can't remember how I found your blog originally, but I have read every post and I enjoy your writing and pictures very much. I live out with my husband and two teenagers in Troy, NH which isn't that far from you and on top of the wonderful post you write, the local aspect of it appeals to me as well. Thank you for sharing your lives and your beautiful home with us all!

  124. Hi Joan, I am a fairly new reader of your blog and love your style! I live in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina and just started a blog myself. I never used to comment much on blogs, but now that I'm writing one, I appreciate them so much! Merry Christmas!

  125. Dear dear Joan. Beautiful warm and heartfelt post! Gorgeous tray!

    I, well, I live in your fridge...can I use a pat of butter as a calling card?



    HUGS and a warm and toasty Christmas to you!!!

  126. Dear Dan, Joan, and Ella,

    I fell in love with your blog when I saw it on Kim's at Savvy Southern Style. Your kitchen is one of my all time favorite kitchens in all of blogland. I must tell you though, that your master bath is a dream come true! That gorgeous bookcase is so beautifully arranged, it takes my breath away! Ha ha! That is funny that I said that because that is what my blog is called!

    Hi. I am Kathryn! I live in Charleston, South Carolina right now but have lived in Tennessee, Germany, and Michigan. My world revolves around my 5 year old (turning 6 on Saturday!) daughter. I am currently starting my own photography business as it is something I absolutely love to do. I started my blog to document our life to share with our family since everyone lives in Tennessee. I have been fortunate to make so many friends through blogging. Technology is amazing!

    Thank you for always sharing your lovely home and inspiring everyone! I hope y'all have a wonderful Christmas season!

  127. Hi Joan,
    You had me as a follower with your master bath remodel:) I just love your style.....
    Merry Christmas from Portland, OR....any secret shopping places you adore here I should explore?

  128. Hi Joan and Dan, I have been reading your blog from the very beginning. I don't remember how I found your blog... but when I read your detailed post on paint color
    way back during the initial stages of your renovation... I was hooked! I live in Maine and Texas

  129. You home is just beautiful and I wish I was your next door neighbor as you would keep me motivated and share your ideas. Merry Christmas from Lockport NY. May you have happiness in the New Year. God Bless.

  130. Merry Christmas Joan, Dan, and Ella!
    My name is Jane and I am a retired elementary school teacher. My husband is a former radio announcer. We are from South Carolina, and we are renovating my husband's homeplace, trying to preserve a place that everyone can call home. I have been following your blog for about a year now, but I have read every post. I get excited when I see that you have put up a new post. I love your style, and more importantly, your heart that you obviously put into everything that you do, including your blog. I, too, am anxiously awaiting the barn room reveal. Thank you for sharing your amazing journey and taking us all along with you.

  131. Hi Joan & Dan & sweet Ella,
    My name is Kim and I live in Cameron Park, California. I absolutely love your house - especially the kitchen. I love stopping by and I am always so happy when you have a new post. Reading your blog is like therapy for me! I LOVE it, So thank you and Merry Christmas.

  132. What a lovely post, and thoughts. Obviously, I must love your blog because you have the gift of hospitality even on your blog!
    Something about me....hmmm love houses and family. My daughter (18 and a HS senior) wrote a hospitality book together, Inspired Design. You can see it on our blog, if you want :) I'm very sentimental this year as she is a senior. Love your blog!
    Merry Christmas

  133. Merry Christmas to you all!
    I am one of your frequent visitors and also one of the quiet ones... My husband is in the AF so home is where we hang our hat - presently, Northern Japan and we love it. I also love the idea of settling down in a place very similar to yours - old, treasured, and loved. Merry Christmas and thank you for sharing your beautiful heart.

  134. A good time of year to enjoy the advantages of the home you have worked so hard to make comfortable and interesting, and also the many positive aspects of living in an old house. People have many different values, but the ideas of home and stability seem to be universal.
    --Road to Parnassus

  135. Merry Christmas Joan, Dan and Ella! I have followed your blog for a long time. Thank you so much for sharing your lives and the restoration of your beautiful home with us.

    I live in Riverside, California with my husband and two Dobermans.

  136. Merry Christmas! You have a beautiful home. I found your blog while searching for paint colors for my home and fell in love with your house. My 95 year-old grandmother passed away two weeks ago. She lived in Grottoes VA on a beautiful piece of countryside land near the Blue Ridge Mountains. She loved to garden and appreciated beautiful things. Her church, Cornerstone by the Lake, in Harrisonburg, VA, is a remodeled barn that is absolutely picturesque. Just as I love what her church did with an old barn, so do I love your home. It is equally picturesque. I enjoy checking in on your blog as I think you too appreciate all things beautiful, old and re"new"ed. Thank you for sharing your life.

  137. Dear Joan, Dan and Bella Ella!
    It's nearly midnight, there in New Hampshire. You and Dan are asleep under a fluffy down comforter, ready for a long winter's nap. Bella's nearby in her peraonal Temperpedic dog bed, dreaming of squirrels....
    If I haven't said it before, let me tell you, as others have, that you're a warm, engaging writer! I'm sure you're the same person I hope to meet one day, in person...either here in northern California or there in New Hampshire.
    I have loved home design since I was a kid, rearranging furniture. I'm now 57, and enjoying my 3rd major career reincarnation as a antique and vintage dealer/collector. I started out as a young college drop out in the 70's and climbed the corporate sa,es ladder. Post divorce and two children, in the early 90's, I started a marketing business that I sold after twelve years. Now, my kids are out of the house and I can do what I love, with the support of a wonderful husband and life partner. I travel as much as possible and always love to come home.

    I enjoy your writing style and incredible taste. I respect your commitment to quality, your natural surroundings and your marriage. I also admire your experience in antiques and your collections.

    Well, that about covers it. Blogging has certainly enriched my life as I know it has yours. Stay happy and healthy for many years to come. I'll be staying tuned!

  138. Hi Joan and Dan,
    I've written comments a number of times but I don't know if I ever told you where I was from. My husband and I live in south central Kansas on 5 acres in the country...our nearest neighbors are about 1/2 mile away and they are few and far between. We love it. Both of us have enjoyed following your renovation/restoration and have a love of old buildings ..especially barns. We wish you both a very Merry Christmas and all the best for 2012.
    Maura :)

  139. Merry Christmas Joan, Dan & Ella! My name is Zolane and I live in a small town between Erie & Pittsburgh, PA. i've been a follower for awhile now and have enjoyed every post. Your style is exquisite, warm and welcoming. You have been an inspiration to me and your blog is always the first place I go to for new ideas. I look forward to reading many more posts about your home (& Ella!) in the future. Have a wonderful Christmas filled with great joy and peace.

  140. I've only commented a couple of times. I'm one of those "quiet" ones. My name is Becky and I'm from Glendale, AZ. I love your old farmhouse and the way in which you portray it. Your blog is lovely, as I'm sure you are as well.
    Have a Merry Christmas!

  141. What a beautiful and touching post! I have been a follow of your blog for awhile, anticipating and enjoying your posts. I recently moved from Vancouver, WA to the eastern edge of the cascade range to the small town of Cle Elum, WA. My husband and I are recent empty nesters in the process of building our dream home here in the mountains. We have two wonderful grown children and a wonderful daughter-in-law. We are in transition, learning a lot, and enjoying the process. I have gained so much from your blog and appreciate your creativity and design. Have a wonderful Christmas and season!

  142. Hi,

    I am another follower from Australia. I live in Tasmania, which is a small island state. I live in an old house with my partner and 4 children and several pets. I discovered your blog a couple of months ago, and I think you have done/are doing an amaazing job with your home renovation. Looking forward to reading and seeing more!


  143. I just love your is filled with so much of what I would see as the perfect house!! Merry Christmas from Hanna, Ab Canada. :)

  144. Hello it's me, you know that pesky Aussie chick from Down Under. I love your house, I love Ella, but most of all I love you two. Linda might live in your refrigerator but I about to move into that wonderful self-contained apartment known as your barn. Just like a naughty possum, once I'm in, warm & settled, there's no way you'll be able to get me out! See you soon & when you least expect it.
    Millie xx

  145. Hello Joan!
    So nice of you to ask about your visitors. I don't comment on blogs too often anymore, though a few years ago I was one very busy blogger! My young family (husband, daughter, age 5 and son, age 2) and I live in northern California, but I am a midwestern girl born and raised. While my husband's job has us living here for the short term, our long term dream is to move back east and raise our family. We are renting a 1950s ranch right now, and can't wait to be homeowners again. Your home is a dream for me! I study the photos and think about how wonderful it will be to have hardwood floors again, and the freedom to renovate my kitchen and make it as warm and inviting as yours.

    Thank you for sharing your home with us and your passion. It's been so fun to "meet" you, and of course I will keep visiting!

  146. Hi Joan and Dan, I'm a frequent reader, but I don't think I've ever commented. Since so many of the good magazines have folded, when a new post of yours appears, I get that happy feeling I used to get with the arrival of a new issue. (Can't wait to see the barn room reveal!) I'm 45, single, and for 12 years I ran two gift shop locations in Houston, but now I work in marketing. Some women love shoes, some jewels - I, like you, love houses. I could spend hours with just a house plan, imagining every nook and cranny of a house. For now, I live in a rented duplex, but I have my dreams. You, dear lady, are living "my" life! God bless you and yours this Christmastime, and thank you for sharing your home with us.

  147. I love your home and that you share with us. Interesting to read the comments and stories. I'm a " Jersey girl" who lives in Alexandria Va. Two kids, four grad kids. The 10 yr old twin boys live here ( some times in our house) since I do the full time child care thing. I also work in video/ theatre production. I love the Internet...connected with someone who lived in the same house I did after we'd moved out.

  148. Merry Christmas from Brenda in Northern California (Grass Valley, to be more precise)...I'm not sure how I stumbled upon your blog, but I've been all the way back to the beginning, enjoying each step of the way, as you transformed your beloved home from what it was to the beauty it has become. Wishing you God's richest blessings in the coming year!

  149. Joan & Dan,

    I found your blog from A Country Farmhouse and have loved following your farmhouse renovation and your life over the last year! My name is Gail, I'm 27, and am married to my wonderful hubby and have a sweet baby boy named Cole who is now one. I long for the simple life in the country (though I must admit I do like the convenience of Dallas). Hearing that you were from Dallas made me feel connected to you too. I find your life and writings incredibly inspiring. I love antiques, organization, food, flowers, my dear family, decorating, entertaining, plants, etc! and you seem to love all of those things too...which means you are a kindred spirit! If you are ever back in Dallas for a visit...would love to have coffee with you and chat. :) I can think of about a million questions I'd ask. I too am always curious about the person behind the blogger.

    Hugs & Happy Holidays!


  150. Merry Christmas from Alabama,
    I just wrote a comment and cyberland would not send so I'm trying one more time. I am a recent new follower via a quilting blog believe it or not! I love vintage fabrics, kitchenware, linens, and most of all quilting.
    I grew up in West Virginia in a beautiful old home built in the late 1880's. Sadly, I didn't appreciate the value of the home I lived in and wanted to live in one of the "newer 60's style" homes. AcK!! Can you believe that?! I'm a retired educator of 30+ years where I taught special education for 22 yr.s and was a Reading Specialist for the last 8 yrs. I married my college sweetheart who played football at Marshall Univ. on the 1971 team that is portrayed in the movie WE ARE...MARSHALL. If you've not seen the movie, may I suggest it for your Holiday screening. It's a good movie with a true storyline! We got to be in the crowd scenes, and consult on the movie. We got our pictures with most of the actors including Matthew McCoughnahey (sp?), matthew Fox, and January Jones.
    I enjoy your well written blog and would like to invite you to visit my blog at
    Gmama Jane

  151. Hello, from Brisbane, Australia. I've been following your blog for sometime and have enjoyed reading it so much. Although I'm a great 'follower' I'm actually a new blogger having only just started my own. I love this time of year as the blogs are full of amazing Christmas photos and ideas. I thought your post was wonderful and it inspired to me drop a card to let you know that I have come a calling. My regards to you and your family and I wish you and all your followers a very merry christmas and a wonderful new year. Adriana

  152. Merry Christmas from Greece..!
    Yes...pretty far away from you..but I love your house! It's a constant inspiration to my attempts.
    My name is Calliope and I live in a coastal city in the south of Greece, Kalamata
    Happy holidays!

  153. I am Elaine from Huntsville,Alabama.I read your blog regularly and enjoy it so...I Pray you and your family have a lovely Christmas and a blessed 2012....keep up the great is divine.....

  154. Hi Joan, Dan and sweet Ella. Christmas greetings from sunny Somerset West (near Cape Town), South Africa.

  155. Well, here I am from Santa Barbara California! New to blogging......decorator for 41 years........and I have learned the emotional connections......amazing!

    I am at! My favorite blog was a film my cousin found in a cupboard of my parent's wedding in 1934. I was born in 1947; my father died in 1951 ; I have pictures....but no memory of my father moving.

    So she discovers this film......marked on the package 1950!

    I wish I knew to give you the link....go to to the "inspirations' part! MY MOMMIES wedding...circa 1934. My Daddie knew he was dying (at 47) he updated the film so we could watch it......(I think)!

  156. Hello, I love your blog...I haven't commented before but after reading this morning I thought I name is Sharon, I'm from Oxford England, currently living in Stafford England (very homesick for Oxford which is approx 2 hours away!)...we have lived here for 4 years and before that we lived in Granada, Spain where we spent many years renovating a very old house which we still own and miss as we don't get to fly there as often as we would like.
    Anyway, I suppose I have left you a rather rambling calling card!...I so look forward to reading your blog and your home is my dream home!...wishing you a very Merry Christmas x
    P.S I have struggled to get my comments published!...had to click on Anonymous for it to accept!

  157. Hello again. My name is Susan and I have been here before. I am the lady who presently lives in a smallish, greyish, northern England village, who would happily pack up and live in your bathroom, or indeed any room of your choosing. I can't remember know how I found your blog, but I love the ( and I hope you don't mind me saying this) rather English accented style of your gorgeous home. I look at quite a few interiors blogs, what shines out in yours is the love and care you have taken with each and every beautiful item chosen to furnish your home. I always get the feeling that if I ever actually did call in person (unlikely I know) that I would feel so relaxed and at home that I would never want to leave.

    Have a very Happy Christmas and a healthy and Happy New Year, and thank you for letting us all visit now and again.xx

  158. hi..,
    i see your post and very happy to know about your preparation. decoration are fabulous and all pictures which are shown above are great.
    a very happy Christmas to all of you...

  159. Hi,...I'm Jenifer, a frequent but rather quiet reader of your beautiful blog. I'm a joung mother to three loved children living in North-Rhine-Westphalia (spelling?) in germany. I adore your home and the thoughtful words you share with us readers, they always give me the relaxed feeling of "homeness" i so grave during my busy days.
    Thank YOU for giving us a place to gather in your dream house.

  160. I just love this post and the meaning behind it, and your story of the initials on the tray and finding the reader who is from your town..all so wonderful and inspiring!
    In the end, its all about the people we meet and the connections we make, and blogging is an amazing way to do both.
    My name is Tina from The Enchanted Home, am in NY and love your blog, your style and when I viist it feels so welcoming and warm. Just like going home to visit a friend:)

  161. Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful home with us. I too love imagining the past lives of treasured finds.

  162. Lori here from Coppell, Texas. If the kitchen is the heart of the home. That is how I found you. A post about your kitchen. It surely touched my heart and I have been watching from here ever since. Now you have me thinking about Ma too. Lovely tray and story. I have gotten of few of those emails too from followers that have been touched by something. It does make the world a little smaller for us all. Merry Christmas to Ma, Mary, Nannie and you and Dan.

  163. What a dear post! This morning I am sitting in my family room reading your blog by the glow of Christmas tree lights, snuggled up with my little one on the sofa and wishing you the happiest of Christmas seasons from my little Village north of Indianapolis.

  164. Your post is very sweet, the image of you and your husband sitting and chatting about where each of us comes from and why we visit brought a nice vision to my head. I am not sure where I first found your blog, but I know I put you on my blog roll and I come back and visit because I love to see how your home is transforming. It shows that each room is a labor of love and you thing about the details. I am visiting from a small town outside of Buffalo, NY. After a full day of rain I am really wishing we would get some snow for Christmas. However, you know, living in the North, the snow will come. And I also know that come February I am going to be wishing the snow was gone already. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and New Year. Thank you for sharing your home with all of us.

  165. Joan, Dan and Ella,
    I come leaving my calling card for you always feeling like your door is open, your hearth exudes a warmth and the tray a perfect polish. Across these miles, I connect with many for the inspiration and my very own utter fascination with life and the many lifestyles.

    Living artfully, giving kind attention to heirlooms and then making one's own nest or footprint excites me.

    How honored am I to feel so welcome and so thanked each time I visit. It makes me want to come back more often. You make each of us feel special and loved.

  166. Merry Christmas to you! My name is Kirsten and I live in Mechanicsburg, PA (outside of Harrisburg). I always love seeing your cool ideas, and I especially loved this post because I would wonder about those names too!

  167. Hi Joan,

    Merry Christmas! I am new to blogging. From the time I was a little girl I have always had an appreciation for a beautiful home and a love of decorating. Whenever I see houses I love I wish it wasn't strange to go up and ring the bell and invite myself in for a tour. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that the blog world allows you to do just that! Thank you so much for welcoming us all into your stunning home. I am from Pennsylvania but my husband and I have always felt like we belong in New England...preferably in a house as amazing as yours! haha Have a wonderful holiday season.


  168. ...what a lovely lovely tradition you have started...of course the mystery of the tray resonates with does the question of how the farmer and his wife celebrated Christmas in the farmhouse...where do you suppose they had their tree...most likely in your front room? the sounds of your voices mingle with theirs as you welcome family and friends through your door...thank you for inviting us to join you...the journey of the house has been such a joy...a gift given with grace and humor and humility...much like that Gift given long know i love you far away friend...hugs and blessings and love...on Christmas day...and every day...laney

  169. Merry Christmas to you and yours! I know the house is gorgeous all decorated for the holidays. I love coming across engraved antiques and wonder about the story behind them. I found some silver plated coasters once from the 40's or 50's that were engraved with my initials..ECS! Thank you for being an inspiration to us all!

  170. I have been following your blog for over a year now. I have so enjoyed seeing the transformation of your home. Your kitchen and master bath are my favorites in the blog world! Thank you for taking the time to share it with all of us! I am married and the mother of two grown sons. I live in a small town about an hour away from Atlanta, GA.
    I hope you and your family have a blessed Christmas!

  171. Thank you for such a lovely post. My name is Linda, I'm 53, with 3 stepchildren and 1 daughter, and 6 absolutely darling grandkids. I love old houses, antiques, and I've always wanted to live in New England, so following your blog is my mini fantasy. I live in Franklin, Tn.

  172. I have been following you for a few months. I really enjoyed reading about your beautiful barn renovation! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  173. Merry Christmas Joan, Dan and Ella! I've followed your blog for over a year (thanks Cote de Texas) and never miss a post. There's not one inch of your house that I don't LOVE! I too collect antiques, mostly English, love to decorate, and re-decorate! My husband and I live in Kingwood, a suburb of Houston, have a home in Oxford, MS (home of Ole Miss) and travel quite a bit. Our son lives in Dallas and LOVES it! So do I, by the the antiquing there as much as Houston.

    We have a precious "ella" too.....her name is Angel (hence my identity). She is a 13 year Springer Spaniel, and not only is the sweetest little thing, but is also a great accessory to the house! Ha! Sometimes she makes a room look magazine-ready!!!

    Next year we will be remodeling our master bath, bedroom, kitchen, and surrounding area. I loathe the thought of it all, but will surely use your home and the process as inspiration to see it through! Thank you for allowing me into your lovely world! Have a blessed Christmas and New Year!

    PS.....started looking for conks as I jog through the forests of Kingwood, but alas...have only found one small one :( Now I can't go on a run without practically tripping over things looking for them!

  174. Sally and I have been following you for only a short time, but we feel like old friends because of how you have opened your house and hearts to us. Living in Salem, MA, we feel like one of your neighbors...

    Sally and I have a residential interior design firm, Wilson Kelsey Design. Our son, who is 25, is "Launched" and teaches autistic children at a residential boarding school nearby. I'm performing his wedding ceremony this coming August. Sally is a fabulous pianist (At least I think so...), we love gardening in our yard. I'm an avid fisherman, skier and lover of wine and fast cars.

    Happy Holidays!

    Merry, merry!


  175. Merry Christmas from Britt, Iowa.
    I am always interested in your decor ideas. Love them. Isn't it interesting how many of us are into decorating!
    We live on a farm in a house that we built close to 30 years ago. Our 2 kids are grown-so its just hubby and me and the 2 Labs-"Lucy and Abby".
    Love living in the country!

  176. An electronic calling card, such a wonderful idea! I like to imagine that I am a young Edith Wharton, most impressed with your beautiful home, and my card is left on a tray given to you by your dear daughters, Mary and Nannie. But in reality, I am just an average gal from Edmond, Oklahoma who happens to love old homes and somehow got stuck in a newer home in the burbs. I stumbled across your blog 6 months go and have been a devoted reader ever since. Did you know you are living in my dream home? I love your colors and mix of natural elements. I also like the fact that you didn't load it down with heavy patterns and drapes. The views and the antiques are what bring the home alive. On a side note: I told my husband the story about your contractor saying he'd never seen a painted air conditioner unit before, and your husband saying, "you've never met my wife." My husband laughed because we've actually painted an AC unit before. Thanks for all the inspiration. Since reading your blog I have found myself frequenting local antique stores and trying to create my own 'love of a house.' And I figure we have something in common since Dallas and OKC are not that far away.

  177. I too wonder about the people that once owned and loved some of the antiques in my home that I now love so much. I even wonder about the families that lived in my house before we did. I've loved your blog for a few months now. My name is Amanda and I visit from Atlanta.
    Merry Christmas!

  178. Merry Christmas from Hampton, VA! I found your blog about a year ago and have read every entry! I love your decorating style and the way you always seem to have a stash somewhere when you need something! I look forward to your posts. Thanks for sharing your beautiful home with all of us!

  179. Joan, I found your blog thru another within the last year or so. There's not one thing in your home that I don't love! It's so beautiful. Thank you for sharing it with the rest of us. My husband and I live in GA...near the mtns and just north of Atlanta. We only have 4-legged children:) I always love it when you include pictures of Ella in your blog. I am a Registered Dental Hygienist by day, and aspire to start my own blog. Merry Christmas to you & yours!

  180. Hi Joan, I am de-lurking to thank you again for your kind answer to my New Hampshire question. We had to postpone the trip due to a family illness.....but plan to take it after the 1st. You are very gracious, and your blog is most appreciated. Your (and Dan's)house is what my house wants to be when it grows up! :) Looking forward to a new year of posts! Rosie

  181. Beautiful words from a person who has created a beautiful house. I live on Long Island, but am orginally from the Hudson Valley. When I look at your place it makes me homesick. Please continue to share. Merry Christmas

  182. I don't remember ever responding to any of the decorating blogs I so thoroughly enjoy,however your "invitation" inspires me to do so. Of all the blogs I look at ~and there are many~most are of young couples starting out. I do enjoy seeing each and every one of them,but yours has caught my eye from the beginning. I admire your sense of adventure in your move and also your tackling of the home you have so creatively and beautifully restored. Until 3 yrs.ago my husband and I lived in an old English tutor home in our downtown area in Mississippi,however since we are empty nesters we downsized. It is the first time either of us has lived away from downtown,but we enjoy our "new" home. I do still love and miss the character of older homes,so I truly enjoy seeing every thing that you are doing. I look forward to seeing your continuing updates in 2012!
    Merry Christmas from Grenada, Mississippi!

  183. Hi! I'm Sarah, from Bloomington, Indiana. Love your blog and I'm always excited to see a new post show up in my reader.
    Have a great Christmas!

  184. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!! I have been a big fan of your blog for a while now. I loved seeing your house in the pages of Renovation Style and I couldn't wait to show my sister and to tell her you were a blog friend. :)

    I am a 40-something, academic advisor at a small college in Iowa. An Air Force brat who calls no one place home.

    Happy Holidays again!

  185. Can you believe all these wonderful comments, from people all over the world? What a wonderful Christmas gift. And you deserve it for your generosity of spirit, in opening the doors of your lovely home. I don't comment often, but be asurd that I am a regular and grateful follower. All the way from Springfild Missouri.
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and Dan.

  186. Happy Holidays!

    I've been visiting your blog regularly for the last few years and find your posts and pictures so lovely. I might be one of your younger readers (22 yrs. old) and not at the point of homeownership, etc - but seeing your amazing house inspires me and lets me daydream about one day fixing up a gorgeous old farm house!

    Atlanta, Georgia

  187. My name is Betha and I live in Higdon, AL. I can't remember how I found your blog, but it was quite a long time ago. The first time I saw your pantry with the blue bowl that belonged to your father, I was hooked. My father (who passed away this year) had one just like it that he used every morning for his cereal. I love your beautiful home and I am inspired by your creativity. Wishing you a holiday season filled with love, peace, hope & joy.

  188. My name is Amy, and I live in a little town called Meriden, KS, just outside the capitol of Topeka. I stumbled across your blog just as you were revealing your bathroom, and I was hooked. My husband and I absolutely love old houses, but there weren't a lot available to buy where we live, so we're building a brand new house, but designing it to look very old. :)

  189. I've been following your blog for some time and have in fact e-mailed you to tell you just how much! Your blog is definitely one of my favorite to visit.

    Merry Christmas

    Jeannette (from Canada)

  190. I'm Kate from Medford, NJ. I look to you and your house for inspiration as I - along with my husband and our two young kids - am making our 1725 farmhouse our home. So thank you for inspiration and for finding love and joy in each and every piece that is in your home - because love and joy are what makes a house a home! Have a blessed holiday season!!!

  191. Merry Christmas !

  192. Hi Joan. I live in Dover, NH and love the way you talk about the beauty of NH on your blog. I want to share a little story with you that has become my "Christmas miracle" and has just filled my heart with peace and love. My first husband & I built a home together on land that had been in his family for three generations. it was a labor of love and we designed and built every aspect of it. Over time, however, our marriage failed and when we separated I realized it was more important for him to stay in the house than me. So I moved to Dover and eventually bought a 100 year old New Englander. Fast forward to this past Sunday when i received an e-mail from the new owner of the house my first husband & I had built. He had found things up in the attic he believed belonged to me and did i want them. he went on to list a few things. I immediately replied YES. I knew that I had packed things up in the attic of that home but at the time of separation had to focus on priorities and did not go through the attic. At the time when my ex left the house I wanted to approach him about helping him with the attic but I could never resolve how to do it without him thinking I was just after "things". I had to let go of this even though I suspected that my original nursing cap from nursing school was up there.
    I made arrangements with the new owner to meet this past Friday at the house and he brought out box after box of things. On top of the second box was my nursing cap and immediately I knew the whole trip had been worth it. Amongst the treasures were my nursing school yearbook, degree and graduation photo, my HS diploma and mortar board, both of my kids first pairs of shoes (Striderites) in their original boxes, an enamelware bucket that I immediately stuck a small Christmas tree in once home, my grandfather's wooden wagon with wooden wheels, twi silver goblets we drank from on our wedding day, the crib my babies slept in, books I read to them or they learned to read on their own, their handprints, every school picture of me from K to 10th grade, the doll bed Santa brought my daughter when she was 4, dresses I'd made her. The list goes on. These things were sealed up in the attic and never disturbed except for by a few mice. Being reunited with these things has restored the past I had been separated from. I am beyond grateful. The owner has told me that everyone advised him to throw it all away and not contact me or not let me near the house because I may be bitter. He felt, however, that it was the right thing to do and I am so thankful to him for this. In return I have been able to share with him the history of the house and land, told him where the septic system is located and given him photos of the house during construction. They love the house and I am glad it went to someone who will love it.

  193. Hello! My husband and I purchased a 1790 farmhouse in CT last year and I have so enjoyed reading your blog for inspiration! And it's funny you mention calling cards - I recently discovered calling cards from both of my grandmothers and have those on display. I love the fact that you have that tray - what a find!

    We had a stroke of good luck on Thanksgiving this year - three siblings, now in their late 80s-early 90s, who were raised in our house stopped by for a peek inside. It was such a treat to get to talk to them about how the house looked when their family lived here between 1890 and 1935. Ten children lived in the house together (!), nine boys and one girl, and, among other things that have changed, what is now the family room was a chicken coop and servants quarters. It really brought home what a treasure it is to own an old home and how we're stewards of these properties.

    Thank you for sharing your home! Merry Christmas!

  194. My name is Corinne - I live in Alabama - moved here 4 years ago after 40! years in Louisiana - to be near to family.
    I started reading DIY blogs for ideas for my old house I bought...but have fallen in love with several that I visit on a daily basis - yours is one. Chrome lets you open all bookmarks in a folder at once and it is my morning ritual - with coffee - to read all the home blogs that I love.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family. And keep up the good work!

  195. Hi, I follow your blog from the edge of Sheffield,Yorkshire,UK. Close to Chatsworth and the area where the new Jane Eyre was filmed.
    Blogging isn't so widespread here so I mainly follow American blogs. Can't remember how I came to'for the love of a house' but I ve enjoyed all the posts I ve read.

  196. I'm a recent follower from Burlington, IA. My husband and I just bought our home in the last year and I have been overwhelmed yet in awe with it everyday. It was built in the 1850's and has loads of character. Discovering your blog was like opening the door to what I thought our house should be. The layout of your house, the style and the craftsmanship of your home is so similar, I gasped when I saw your living room! We're relatively young and have triplet 3 year-olds, so our renovation budget isn't much. We struggle to find time to do the things to the house that we dream about doing. Your blog gives me hope and strength and peace at the end of a long day. Your words inspire me. We know we are simply caretakers of our beautiful home, and when we do something to it, we want to make it proud. Thank you for sharing all your amazing ideas and stories. This truly is more than a blog, it's a place of refuge and creative excitement. Merry Christmas!

  197. Happy Holiday! I love this sweet post. I am Jennifer from Pennsylvania. I love the NH coast and love your home and stories. I first found you when I emailed to ask you about your closet. We have been renovating and redecorating and your home is such an inspiration. We are slow to finish but hope to be soon!

  198. Just stopping here a moment to drop off my calling card!

    Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous Happy New Year.

    Irene, Edinburgh, Scotland.

  199. Here's my card! I'm calling from a small Wyoming mountain town, and blog at I don't remember how I found your beautiful blog, but those of us who love making beautiful places for living seem to find eachother! I read here often and appreciate following what you have done/are doing to your lovely home. Merry Christmas!

  200. Hello,
    Thanks for sharing your beautiful home. My husband and I lived in Vermont for a few years when our children were very young, and I fell in love with New England. I enjoy visiting your blog! Merry Christmas!
    Kristi from Utah


Welcome! Thank you for leaving a comment; you have no idea how much your comments inspire me to keep writing- I appreciate each and every one. Comments are moderated by me prior to publishing on the blog, so if you don't see your comment post immediately it will be posted as soon as I receive and read it. joan