Wednesday, February 1, 2012

the barn room coffee table

 As I mentioned in my post about the barn room status, while I'm working on the design of the barn room I will post on individual elements in the room in hopes to tide you over!


I think coffee tables are one of the most difficult design elements to find for a room, and antique coffee tables are close to impossible!
I had initially hoped to use the beautiful antique piano legs  that we found several years ago as the base for a large upholstered ottoman that I would then use as the coffee table in the room, but they were way too tall, and will work better as a bench, perhaps in the loft.  So, the hunt for another table began.   

The barn room is fairly large measuring 23' x 27' and has 12' 4" ceilings, so I really needed to find a piece that had the right "look" (I wanted a really wonderful statement piece) and the right "scale" for the room. 

While in Maine antiquing one day we found this fabulous table! 
It is a 19th-century hand-painted Empire-style table.   When we walked in the shop and saw this table at Bob Withington Antiques we both just silently looked at each other with the "this is the one" look!  You never want to sound too excited about something when your next question will be
"Is this your best price?" :)
 It was everything I was hoping to find, and more


Note the beautiful carving...

and the intricate details of the gold brush strokes over black.

Even the inside of the table is beautifully painted. 
(Please ignore the fabric on the sofa!  After saving funds for months I just this week I ordered 58 yards of fabric to slipcover the two sofas in the room and to make curtains for the pair of French doors!)


Then, to top it off (literally :) it has a beautiful, charcoal honed- marble top!  You can place drinks on it and not worry- perfect for the casual feel I wanted for the Barn Room!

Bob Withington Antiques is on Route 1 (611 Route 1) in York, Maine- right next to Stonewall Kitchen's flagship store (which is wonderful btw)!  Have I mentioned lately how much we love Maine?!!

And speaking of 58 yards of fabric... :)
Perhaps you have noticed that I have added advertising to the blog.  I struggled with the decision for a long while.  I invest many, many hours (I think you might be shocked ;)  in photographing, writing, editing...  more editing my blog, and I came to the realization that with the amount of time that I spend blogging that it was the right decision for me to make. I have been very pleased with the ads that appear on the blog and hope you will be too.  So many times I've been really interested in one of the ads and I'm just about to click it only to remember that it is against the rules for me to click my own ads...  bummer!  So, I hope you find them as pertinent and as interesting as I do.

Thank you for reading the blog and for being along on our journey!  We appreciate all of your interest!



  1. Hi, Joan! I'm popping in after a long may remember me from the blog Kentucky Mama? I have a little girl named Ella? And we have soapstone in our kitchen? I have a new blog now with my business and I'm catching up with all my faves. Love all the changes you've done. Thanks always for pleny of inspiration!

  2. Ok, I think that might be the most beautiful coffee table I've ever seen, and I'm not easily impressed! ;-) I love that the top is honed marble so that you don't have to worry about placing drinks or flower arrangements on top. As I've been re-doing my house my mantra has been, it has to be liveable, and I'm loving how I now feel like I can "live" in my own home. I can't wait to see your new fabric, and congratulations on adding ads to your blog. It does take a lot of time to take and process photos and write posts, so why shouldn't you profit from your hard work?!

    Kat :)

  3. You can't click on your own ads?Interesting.

    OK, first I have to tell you what an absolute doofus I felt like after I posted on your floor plan post and called myself a blog stocker. I typed that word three times, knowing it was wrong, but having a brain freeze. Duh! I woke up in the middle of the night, sat up in bed and said s t a l k e r.

    Anyway... What a table! Isn't it just the best thing in the world when you walk into a store and the perfect, absolutely perfect, thing is right there? The best. It gorgeous.

    As is that shop. I want that three-legged black table.


  4. Absolute perfection! What a wonderful piece. Terrific find - congrats! M.

  5. What an amazing table! I'm sure the barn room is coming together just beautifully! Is the rug from Ballard Designs? If so do you like it?

  6. Joan,
    Wow, what a find. It would have been hard to hide your excitement upon seeing this beauty. Can't wait to see more of the Barn Room.

  7. Such a lovely table! Congratulations on your find! We are in the beginning stages of re-doing the kitchen/family room of our Victorian house, and I wanted to find a unique coffee table that would fit in with our antiques. I think I found it. In your barn room! ;)

  8. Hi Joan, I love ♥♥♥ this table. It sounds like it was just waiting for you to find it and bring it home to its perfect spot!! Kathysue

  9. Wowzer, what a coffee table! Can hardly wait to see it in the room.

    As far as your advertising goes, I find the ads on the kind of blogs I like to read are pertinant & interesting. I have bought some cool stuff from these ads. So they're working, at least on me.

  10. Hi Joan,
    I just posted for the first time yesterday, and had stated how I just could not wait to see the barn when you are ready to reveal it...and here you have thrown me a bone...and what a delicious bone it is!! That table is absolutely fabulous!! I love, love, love it. I understand your dilemma too, with the need for something strong in that large room. Oh boy, is this room going to be something! Best of luck with the ads, btw....
    Dolores B.
    Cape Cod, MA

  11. ...perfect...don't you just love it when you find the perfect piece...and you ask those important words "is that your best price?"...and then you get the perfect answer to go with the perfect piece...and you smile all the way home...

  12. I love happening upon the perfect piece. Then everytime you look at it you remember that excitement of when you found it and how perfect it is. Ah, meant to be. And the ads, I read that and though "what ads?" I think that's just proof of the talent you have for styling, photographing, and, it means we get to keep seeing all of those things!


  13. Wow, the table is beautiful. I know that it is pretty much impossible to find a large antique coffee table. I still haven't found what I'm looking for. I can't wait to see it all come together.

  14. Joan, the table is exquisite! I didn't know that marble could be honed and that it came in that gorgeous charcoal color. I totally understand about the advertising. I'm getting ready to put it on our blog, too. No one really knows the hours we put into our blogs, except for other bloggers, of course! So excited about the barn room progress.

  15. Oh, my, that table is stunning and will definitely make a statement. You sure lucked out with that one.
    And what an antique store...saw lots of things I'd like to own. May have to take a road trip to Maine (from Ontario, Canada) to check it out.
    I LOVE everything about your home! You've both done an amazing job in its transformation. I'm enjoying your posts immensely.

  16. What a great find! I love the warmth of the carved wood base combined with the coolness of the marble top. Thanks for sharing and have a beautiful day!

  17. That is one beautiful table! Sally and I drove by there last weekend while we were in York looking for venues for our son's wedding rehearsal dinner and didn't have time to stop. Sally is going back up with Drew's fiance in a week or so. I'll tell them to add this you their list of fun places to drop in on.


  18. That table is A-mazing! What a find!

    I wish we had stores like that in our area, but guess it doesn't really matter as moving over seas in a few days. Hope to pick up some cool finds to bring back with me :)

  19. *sigh...* That table...the design, the carving, the gilt decoration, the marble is exquisite! I know of the Withingtons from my antiquing eons in New England and I am glad to hear continuing great things about York!
    Joni, your table is fantastic!
    ...and now I keep musing..if only I had seen it first...
    Smiling...Great post as always...

  20. Beautiful table and that shop!! Wow, I could spend some time in there:) So looking forward to the big reveal!

  21. Joan, the first glimpse of that table took my breath away. It is stunning and so perfect for you. There's a lesson for me here, too...DON'T settle.

  22. Joan, your table is stunning and iT will look fabulous wherever you place it... Can't wait to see the big reveal... xv

  23. Killer coffee table, what a treasure!!!! It so fun to visit your blog and see all the hard work you and Dan have done. You take our time and show us the completed room when YOU feel it's time.


  24. Wow - that's some table! What a find, with original gold paint and marble top, no less. The scale will look great in your large barn room and will definitely be a conversation piece. I love all the carving. Don't you love finding the perfect thing?

  25. Oh that might have to be a day trip for me Joan~are his price points reasonable, or does one need old money to even walk through the door? Your table is incredible!

  26. What a gorgeous table, and I love the pictures of the antique store!

    I'm just trying to imagine what 58 yards of fabric looks like for your new slipcovers - I can't wait to see what you've got lined up.

    As far as ads go - I think a blog owner should be able to make money from their blogs - I just stop reading blogs that are in your face with ads, but yours are unobtrusive and subtle, so kudos to you!

  27. Be still my heart. Wow, you really do antiques well up in your hemisphere Joan. I would die if I found something so beautiful down here! A-M xx

  28. Big AWESOME coming your way! I can imagine how hard it was to contain your excitement! I can' imagine how much it weighs! I have a cast iron coffee table with a glass top and it's a stinker to move! Looking forward to more pictures!

  29. What a find!! Kismet! :) Love it when that happens.
    xo Heidi

  30. That shop looks heavenly! Your table was such a great find!

  31. That store looks gorgeous! I haven't been in it, but I know just where it is - my grandmother lives just a few miles from there! I'll have to make sure I stop in next time I'm there :-)

  32. Oh Joan,

    You hit the nail on the head with this one! What a perfect addition to that room. It almost has a bit of an Early American vibe? Anyway, you found it!! Congratulations!!

  33. That table is an amazing find! Wow. I love it.

    If you ordered fabric online and have a great site for fabric, will you share?!

    Pretty please.

  34. That table is perfection!!!! Love it, the carving, everything about it is worth creating a room around! That antiques store looks amazing. My brother in law is from Maine and they spend a month every summer up there and just bought land near his parents to build a small summer place which means yours truly will get to go visit:) Such a beautiful state, I agree! Looking forward to seeing your project come to life:)

  35. Elizabeth- hi! so good to see you again!
    Kat- I was thinking the same thing, thank you!
    Janice- Nope; because you get paid for each click;) Too funny about the stocker, especially since I read it as "stalker"! I do that too-wake up in the middle of the night thinking!
    We Have it Vintage- it's not from Ballard, they didn't carry any large enough;)
    Jane- the kitchen island white marble is honed too.
    John- it's a definite "must stop"!
    Diplo- I hope y'all find some great things too!
    Amy- "reasonable" is probably not a word that comes to mind when looking at their sales tags:), but fabulous merchandise!!
    cherier- I didn't buy online, but Joni at Cote de Texas recently had a giveaway from one of her sponsers and they had some beautiful fabrics at some really good price points.

  36. Joan,
    The table is absolutely a work of art! So beautifully made and in such fine condition. What a wonderful find! That's what I love about antiques, that wonderful moment when you find 'the one.'

  37. Oh, wow! That's the perfect table for that room. You're right. Finding an antique coffee table is almost impossible unless you use a trunk or chicken coop or something similar. Good job!

  38. Joan, this table is, hands down, the most beautiful coffee table I've seen!! What a perfect addition to your room! I can't wait to see what fabric choice you went with for your sofa!! How exciting!!


  39. That's a great table. I especially love the top! We spent some time in Maine last fall and absolutely loved it. I'm big into vintage and antique shops in other countries and was delighted by some of the treasures that we found on our trip. I was really interested in the pricing differences between US and Europe. Vintage items (i.e. post 1940 rather than really antique) seemed much pricier in Maine and New Hampshire whilst real antiques seemed better value. It's the other way round in my neck of woods on South Coast of UK. Hey ho! The pleasure is the hunt, right? Am off to Berlin shortly and ever so excited for the fleas over there!



  40. Beautiful table, thank you for sharing with us. it looks just wonderful! Love when you find something so perfect for your home. Yes, noticed the ads and thought, oh are a bit distracting... but understand and good luck with them. Can't wait to see more of the barn room... thanks again!

  41. i say good for you for advertising. you are right, the time we invest is getting crazy!

    58 yards!

    the table is beyond gorgeous joan. you def seem to be in the right place at just the right time when you are antiquing. can't wait to see it in it's whole awesomeness.


  42. Love the table, Joan! Drool. Can't wait to see the finished barn room. Congrats on the ads. I'm with another commenter -- y'all work very hard on your blogs, so I think you should see some return on your time investment.

  43. Love the table and the shop looks beautiful!

  44. Joan, What a gorgeous table! and so practical. I don't envy you working with 58 yds of fabric--I just recently finished roman shades that took 30 yds each of decorator and lining fabric! whew, what a job! So looking forward to the big reveal of the barn room!! Darlene

  45. That table is quite a find! My husband's dad was from York, ME, and his ancestors settled in that area in the 1600's. We haven't been back in several years, but I think it may be time to check out the antique shops, get some PB molasses taffy from the Goldenrod, and enjoy the captivating views of the Nubble!

  46. Well done on finding your antique coffee table, they are nigh on impossible to find! I cannot wait to see it placed in the barn room - it's divine!
    Re the ads - You obviously put a lot of care and time into your posts so I don't see why you shouldn't reap some benefits? the ads aren't annoying - the're just sitting there quietly!

  47. That is a great table and a fun tease for the big reveal! I'm all for advertising on blogs. Some blogs are successful for a reason ~ those bloggers work at it! Might as well get paid for all that hard work. :)

  48. What a really lovely piece -- happy for you to have found (and afforded) it.

  49. Joan. Hi. I am interested in redoing a few rooms in my house and want to incorporate antiques. As I get older I find that I love the mix of old and new and buying something that gets me to feel and to think "where did this come from." do you have any advice on how a novice can get started? I have googled antiques in my area, i live in Long Island, NY, but wanted to know if you have any tips or suggestions. Thank you! Love reading your posts. I found your blog from "decor pad" where I saw a picture of your kitchen and I immediately added it to my favs! Thanks for sharing your love of a hose. Joann

  50. What a fabulous table! I think next time I need to find a specific item, I will ask you to be on the hunt for it. You have such a great eye and find so many amazing pieces. Enjoy your table and new fabric... 54 yards... holy cow :)

  51. Gosh it's absolutely stunning - what a magnificent piece, I hope you bought it. That antiques shop looks brilliant, what a treasure trove. And go for it with ads on your blog, a tough decision but well deserved. It's so time consuming doing a blog, so no harm getting a little something back. Every time I visit your blog homepage, I just can't help doing a tour of your house, again, for about the 12th time. So lovely and I never tire of looking at it and drawing inspiration.

  52. That is one gorgeous table. I love all the intricate work on it and the marble top is just perfection! Kudos to you for having ads that can help you out too. I think if you can make some extra money while doing what you love... go for it!

  53. It's the perfect addition for your beautiful home. Adore the honed marble and the detail in the scroll is amazing. Truly a great find!!

  54. I love it. It's absolutely gorgeous.

  55. I love how the intricate coffee table and the more casual rug play off each other. Goodness, you have a good one if you can a) go into an antiques store together and b)look at each other knowingly when you see "the one."

    That antique store looks amazing. I heart the little tripod table.

  56. Hi Joan
    The coffee table is very special.The barn room is going to be amazing I just know it. All those fabulous details.I've never seen any antique shops like that downunder.I don't think there's anything wrong with the fabric on the lounge now.Joan you deserve to get paid for all the effort you put into your blog.
    Kind Regards

  57. WOW! That table is amazing, simply amazing! Don't you just love it when you walk into a store, and when you least expect it, there it is, the vision in your head has materialized right in front of that you and your husband are so connected that way that you both know it at the same time. Some of us are lucky that way!!! I'm patiently waiting for all the wonderful details to come together to see this room, I'm sure it will blow all of our minds!

  58. Love love love love LOVELY!!!

    Hey...I'll click on yours if you click on mine ;)

  59. What a gorgeous coffee table! And so nice it was exactly what you were looking for too! Boy, do I know what you mean by it being "next to impossible" finding an antique coffee table! I've been searching for months and have not found one yet that has the right scale and look. This weekend I'm going antiquing and flea-marketing with a friend and I have HIGH HOPES of finding one. We'll see!

    Gail from Dallas

  60. While I love the amazing base with its delicate hand-painting, it's the top that makes that table. It "settles it down" making it quite perfect. You have an eye. It's such a pleasure to visit your site, there's always something wonderful to see and learn. Thanks for that....k

  61. Wow! I think I made an audible gasp when I saw that table! I don't think I have ever seen a more beautiful table-EVER!! You are so blessed to have a space that will do it justice!! Congrats on the purchase.

  62. Hi Joan,
    I've been to Bob Withington Antiques and it is fantastic!! Isn't it so fun to just stumble upon something you love and actually need?! Especially when you both love it. Magical moments.
    Can't wait to see the big reveal! The blog world is giddy with anticipation.

  63. hello joan... your coffee table absolutely sings to me and i am excited for the inspiration! my thanks!! (and i understand how long it takes to blog post... thank you for your remarkable dedication!! you bless me abundantly!).
    joy to you today!

  64. Seriously the workmanship on that piece is out of this world! What a beautiful statement piece to add to your barn room, well I mean as if the room itself isnt a statement :)

  65. That table is beautiful!!! You always pick just awesome pieces.

  66. Is there a more exciting feeling than finding "the one" when you are on the lookout for a certain piece?! It is beautiful. I can't wait to see the whole barn room!

  67. What a beautiful table. What a great post. Glad that you are advertising, hope that is a good thing for you, you are deserving. It's obvious that you put time, thought and effort into your writing and photography. Your blog is still my favorite. Thank you!!!

    Warmest wishes Joan,
    Mary Carol, Kansas City

  68. Joan, That table is beyond incredible. What a find.

  69. Hi Joan, Love your home and your blog. Fabulous find for a coffee table. How tall is it? And do you know for what it was originally intended? Old "coffee tables" are so hard to find because they are a relatively new concept. You really hit the jackpot with this one. Thanks for sharing. Ruth

  70. Joann- I've been getting asked that a lot recently;) so I am working on a post with a few suggestions on that topic!

    Ruth- Actually, the first tables designed and called "coffee table" were made in Britian in the Victorian period. I think it's our American version of a low-slung coffee/cocktail table that is the "new" concept. I probably should have said that " antique tables to be used as coffee tables are difficult to find"; sorry for the confusion. The table stands 20".

  71. Now I know why I can't find any of the wonderful things on my furniture have them all in Maine! The table is gorgeous! A wonderful find. Can't wait to see the finished room, particularly the fireplace as we are about to undertake redoing our double sided fireplace. So interested to see if you went the route I'm guessing.

  72. Congratulations on finding the most fabulous table. It is exciting to find "The One." I can hardly drive past an antique shop without just popping in, in the off chance that the perfect piece might be sitting right there just WAITING for me. I agree with your concern about advertising, but I think blogs have become so good they aren't just yammering journals, they are like mini-magazines. They eat so many hours of time, unless we are independently wealthy, at some point there has to be some compensation. We don't get offended that House Beautiful accepts advertising AND our subscription fee. It is hard though. I choose sponsors very carefully and always hope people will click through, so they know it is worth while to keep sponsoring bloggers. Great post.

  73. WOW - that is an incredible coffee table!

  74. Joan,
    Seriously, I love all that you find. I did have a few sponsors and wonder if I should go down that road again. Yes we all spend so many hours sharing - posting and working on our blogs that we all need to earn something for all our time.
    I hope each time I visit - I click so you can pay for more finds to inspire many to return for the love of your blog and your home.

  75. I love that antique store too! The whole strip outside of Wells, ME is fantastic. We moved to Brunswick a few years ago and you've reminded me that I need to head south every now and then. The antiques up here are great but they tend to be more sophisticated the further south you get... unless you're in Wiscasset and up...

  76. This is just the ammo MOTH needs, I must have heard him say a zillion times 'The Hedge has to make us money Mills & fast! And that gorgeous coffee table has lucked in ending up at your place mate.
    M xx


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