Tuesday, February 14, 2012

happy valentine's day...

Ella wanted to wish you a very
Happy Valentine's Day

She thought maybe you might like one of her organic Paul Newman heart-shaped puppy cookies.....

Are you sure?  Ella says they are deeeelicious.

No?... well okay then,  she'll have one for you in your honor!

Ella sends a wiggle and a wag, and we both wish you a
Happy Valentine's Day!!


post script:
I've received several inquiries about Ella's red velvet collar and her heart charm, so I thought I would add the information here...
Her red velvet collar is from Isabella Cane.  Ella has several of their collars and they are absolutely gorgeous! 
Ella's sterling heart-shaped charm was her sister Kelsey's charm (they never met, but they are still "sisters").  "Kelsey" is engraved in the dog bone on the front and on the back it says
"Rescued 9-11-93"
I ordered it from a funky little shop, Nuvo, on Cedar Springs in Dallas.  I tried to get one for Ella before we moved, but they no longer showcased this same jewelry designer. 
Ella wears it in memory of our other sweet puppy girl, Kelsey!  


  1. Happy Valentines Day!!

    Thank's Ella!! {lol} I'm sure you enjoyed your treat!

  2. Ella is precious! Those little dog snacks are so cute...my spoiled dogs will only eat dog snacks if they have peanut butter on them. They are like kids!

    Happy Valentine's Day to you and Ella!


  3. Oh how sweet...Happy Valentine's Ella...and to Mom & Dad!!! ♥
    xo J~

  4. Happy Valentines Day Ella, too!! Love the cookies, my dog Alfie would have loved them(probably would have loved Ella as well)!

  5. Happy Valentine's Day, Ella.
    Elsie the Welshie
    (ps - my treat was the crust off mum's toast!)

  6. I just LOVE Ella's face! And those ears! She is a cutie, indeed. Please tell Ella that we wish her a very happy Valentine's Day too.

  7. So cute!! I love expressive dogs...Teddy is one too. Precious...hope she enjoyed those cookies!! Happy Valentines day!

  8. Enjoy your day, Joan {and Ella}!!
    xo Heidi

  9. This is too cute Joan and Ella is a champ for not going after those cookies before Mom got the pictures.

    Happy Valentine's Day to you, Dan and Ella!

  10. much older sister SusanFebruary 14, 2012 at 7:14 AM

    What a precious girl! We love you sweet Ella and Vince and Roxi want to be your valentine!

  11. ...happy valentine's day to ella too...and all those she loves...hugs laney

  12. Bella and I send Valentine's Day wishes to all of you. At Ella's recommendation, I may have to buy some of those heart-shaped cookies for Bella today. Thanks, Ella.
    XOXO Victoria

  13. Very cute! Happy Valentines Day to you too and Ella of course :)


  14. So adorable...Happy Valentine's Day!

  15. Ella is one lucky gal!
    Have a great day!


  16. Happy Valentines day!!Thanks for always sharing wit us!!

  17. Bailey has those treats, too, but you must have Ella trained not to grab them and choke them down. No way could I get a picture of Bailey's.
    Have a great Valentine's day.

  18. Ahhh - Ella is such a sweetie I can tell. I love the idea of homemake treats for our pups also. Glad you reminded me I need to make some!! I did Christmas tree treats for our pups to give out as gifts. I want to make your Paul Newman ones. http://justspiffit.com/2011/12/23/gift-giving-at-christmas-time/ ‎
    Happy Valentines Day to you!

  19. I love the tag on her collar too- so cute!

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  20. Joan,
    Please extend my appreciation to Ella for being so willing to share...we are trying to teach Madison (or terrier mix) to share her biscuits with her big sister (bear mix :-)). She doesn't seem to understand.
    Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours.

  21. Precious, precious Ella! LOVE her. Wish I could give her a big Valentine hug!!!!

  22. Happy Valentine's Day to you too, sweet Ella!! xoxo Brooke and the gang :)

  23. Adorable! Love the pics of Ella! Happy Valentines Day to both YOU and Ella.

  24. Now I may be wrong, but I have a feeling that if I reached for the cookie Ella may have beaten me to it. Who could resist those eyes!

    Wishing you a love filled Valentine's Day.

  25. Looking at that precious face, I'd ALMOST be tempted to eat one! :) What a doll baby.

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  26. Ella steals my heart away! Happy Valentines to her and her family too!

  27. She's so sweet! That's nice that you gave her a special Valentine treat today. We try to remember to include our dog in the holidays too. Ours received a toy. Hope you have a wonderful Valentines Day today!

  28. Awe~ thank you sweet Ella! Sending a nice tummy rub your way.
    Happy V~Day.

  29. Awww. That's the sweetest valentine I've gotten all day. Thank you Ella for wanting to share your special heart shaped cookies. I hope you get lots of hugs,and 'ear scratches' too...if you like 'ear scratches'. Please 'woof' a Happy Valentine's Day to Joan for this cute post.

  30. Happy Valentine's Day Ella! Thank you for sharing...(Mom-this is too precious!!!)♥

  31. Awwww - Ella is too cute!!
    Happy Valentine's Day!

  32. Happy Valentines Day to you Ella, Joan & Dan. Have a wonderful day. Michelle

  33. When I was a kid, we thought it was fun to nibble on dog biscuits, and they probably weren't nearly as good as the Paul Newman variety. Thank Ella for her generous offer! And happy Valentine's Day to all of you there in your well-loved house.

  34. What an adorable pup! Happy Valentine's Day!


  35. Oh...that is darling. My puppy would not have waited for the picture before she ate them. Happy Valentines Day to you also. Wenda

  36. Awww, sweet baby! I love my fur babies too!! :)

  37. She is loved and you can tell! She's your little girl and your angel!
    Happy Valentine's Day!

  38. Ella loves hearing all of your sweet comments! And, she wanted me to tell you that she would have sat there with those cookies all day if I had told her to! As her Mum, I can say that she really would have too! She's very good and very well trained!!

    I received several inquiries as to Ella's red velvet collar and her sterling charm, so I've added that information to the post.

    happy valentine's day!! xoxoj.

  39. Hugs and happy Valentine's Day to you and Ella! She is adorable!

  40. Ella steals my heart each time I see her. She looks beautiful on that rug with her red velvet collar. Happy Valentine's Day sweet Ella!!

  41. Aww... Ella is a darling!
    Happy Valentine's to you and Ella and the family!

  42. Happy Valentine's Day to you Ella and Joan and Dan. True story; I was eating a piece of Newman's Own Organic espresso dark chocolate when I opened this blog. I didn't offer to share my treat with anyone though (Mike had already left for work; my justification!). Cindy

  43. Ella, Ella
    Prettiest puppy in town
    Ella, Ella
    Prettiest puppy aroun'
    The bestessess puppy to be foun'

  44. Aww. Ella is just adorable. How sweet her face is! I miss my girl Libby. She passed away in October while my husband was serving in Afghanistan. She was our almost 10 year old golden retriever, and my 5 yr old son's "sweet girl" and best friend.
    Give Ella a BIG squeeze for us! Sorry, didn't mean to bring down the mood. Just reminded of her when I saw Ella's soulful eyes! :-)
    Happy Valentine's Day!

  45. Happy Valentine's to you and Ella!

  46. you know what's deeeeelicious???


    She's the MOST photogenic pup- love her.

    happy heart day to all of you!!


  47. Happy Valentine's Day!

    ♥ sécia

  48. She sure is a beautiful girl! Thanks for the info on Ella's collar. I remember admiring it from earlier photos. Happy Valentines Day to you as well!

  49. So cute! love her little red collar . She matches the wonderful rug perfectly.

  50. absolutely precious!
    i can tell that any dog that graces your thresheld is one lucky pooch

  51. I LOVE that Ella is so loved. Folks who love dogs like you do are the best in my book. Happy Valentines day from my fur babies to yours

    Ella collar is wonderful indeed and you have lovely persian rug for Valentines Day pictures ( or anytime)

  52. Happy Valentines from Ontario, Canada

    My little schnauzer is sending lots of kisses to the sweet Ella! NB

  53. Aw! I just want to hug Ella! What a sweet, beautiful Valentine she is. And she loves to share. :) Happy Valentine's Day to all in your home.

  54. Happy Valentines Ella, there is a boxer in California that would one to meet you... thanks for sharing Joan, she is precious!

  55. Oh my, she is a precious girl!!! Happy Valentine's Day Ella to you and your mommy!

  56. Such a beautiful shot of Ella! I live in Dallas and Nuvo is STILL going STRONG! They do have a great mix of fun stuff there! Wish they still carried the product line for the charms! Thank you for opening your home and heart to rescue animals. As a long-time animal rescuer I wish I could clone you a million times over. Such great need!

  57. Isn't she just a doll? And these are some of the cutest pics I've seen! I'm glad she enjoyed her cookies, lol.
    My fiancee and I have a 13 year old Chihuahua who is the love of our lives; they add so much joy don't they?
    Have a great week,
    Jenah xo

  58. Love that your fluffy one got to celebrate Valentine's Day. They are a very special part of our lives.

    - The Tablescaper

  59. Ella is so sweet! It looks like she had a lovely Valentine's Day. :) I have looked for a post on your blog incase you wrote about the question I'm going to ask.. how do you care for your antique rugs? I have a few that are rather worn down(that I love the most becase it gives them so much charicter)! I was told by the lady I got them from to clean them my placing them on fresh snow and to step on them to release dirt! But I'm not so sure that is true?!


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