Thursday, March 22, 2012

the barn mud room


click HERE to read the "details" post on this room


  1. Wow...just wow. Beautiful job. I love all the architectural elements.

  2. Love it, especially the hutch against the wooden wall. Beautiful. Really beautiful details. Please forgive me for this next comment: it may just be me thinking of my 80 year old parents, but as much as I love the oriental rug on the landing (and I really really love it), it is an accident waiting to happen.

  3. I absolutely love your blog. Your house is so beautiful and has such a serene feeling. You have pictured large glass bottles in your decor which I particularly love. May I ask where you got them? I have been searching the net for similar bottles to no avail. Kind regards!

  4. Joan,
    I so enjoy watching the birth of your rooms.
    I looked at the photos several times and each time I noticed more details.
    Just the right amount architectural details to retain the barn appeal but enough
    polish to create the feeling of a fine, cozy home.

    The layout looks fun. Around each turn there is another surprise.
    I cannot not begin to imagine the hours of planning you put into
    making this home a reality. Just gorgeous!
    Thanks for sharing.

  5. The "ballustrade" is perfect. I also love that you used a piece of modern artwork. It creates an exciting tension between new and old.

  6. I am no less than astounded. This was well worth the wait, and I can't wait to hear the details! You did such a good job of keeping the barn "feel" and yet creating a warm living space.

  7. a rustic kind of way. ;) Love the wire stair rail. Perfect. Again, the attention to detail is fabulous!! :)

  8. I LUV every picture here! Its like walking into a delicious chocolate mocha je ne sais quoi !

  9. Just wanted to you to know that I am joyously anticipating tomorrow are you explain all of this "beautifulness"! Have a great day!

    Judy :)

  10. ...absolutely fabulous...fabulous as in perfect...classic (but with a bit of a that unexpected painting)...and wonderfuly welcoming...if this is the intro to the must be beyond words...blessings laney

  11. Joan, you have the most wonderful and interesting pieces. You design aesthetic and how you put them together is always inspiring. YOu have such a keen eye for detail and you see such beauty in the unique. A real gift,

  12. ps...those gates...those gates...those gates!...oh my...

  13. Oh Joan! Amazing and your photos are so wonderfully crisp. Your Barn Room is definitely magazine worthy.
    I think the contemporary art on the wall is a brilliant pop of color in this space. I hope you and your husband enjoy this room for many many years.
    My best to you.

  14. Wow! I never comment b/c I never seem to have time but this lef tme speechless. Absolutely Beautiful. I love everything but I think the iron gate door is my favorite or maybe the rug or no wait the modern artwork...

  15. It looks amazing. I love that it is different and not what you would see in every design magazine. You have great style and it shows. Can't wait to see the rest of the room.

  16. All I can say is "wow" ! Absolutely beautiful....

  17. Joan, I'm never disappointed! Are the planks on the wall gray from age or did you stain them to appear grayish. Love the French hearts in the beam. So pretty.

  18. It is just beautiful. Every detail is perfection.

  19. Hi, Joan

    I am in love with your barn. I just want to move right in. Its just lovely and all the details are just wonderful.


  20. Well worth the wait!!! THe modernity of the stair/handrail details is in delightful contrast with the rusticity (Is there such a word???) of the rest of the stair. As is the wonderful juxtaposition of modern art and antique hutch opposite it. The tension is terrific!


  21. I just love that you've kept so many elements of the barn while making it elegant.

  22. Hi Joan, great photos! you really have been busy. Great feel to the space. My favourite pieces are ironwork door/gates - stunning - they add so much character. I also ADORE the bookcase with the ironwork, the books and your cosy little lamp. (There you go again with the lamps - I also loved your kitchen lamps).


  23. Oh, Joan. It's fabulous. Perfect. Love!

  24. ahhhhh...that is so much more than a Barn Mud Room. I love it, can't wait to hear the details! I love so many things in there, the chair, the painting in the hutch, and I love the nail still on the beam. PERFECT!

  25. beautiful joan, just beautiful. i love how rustic it is.

  26. Joan...I can't wait to read the story behind the beautiful pictures!!! It is always such anticipation!!! hopefully tomorrow?!? Darlene

  27. So many interesting architectural elements, everything looks just lovely.

  28. You have elevated the barn room to an elegant space. Can't wait to hear the details behind each piece you chose for this space. Does Ella like to run up and down the stairs?

  29. One thousand percent and then some gorgeous! I Love, love, love, love, love it!!!! The gates and that colorful painting.... OMGEEEE! Drooling over here. How amazing it must feel to live there. You have major talent.

  30. Just jawdropping- The stairs, the wood, just everything! I love it all!

  31. I. Am. Speechless. That's not an easy feat.
    Can't wait to hear the details!

  32. Joan, as with every room in your lovely home....AMAZING!

  33. Joan! I am absolutely blown away! I thought you could not "top" your other beautifully designed rooms. This room is warm, inviting, unique, and lovely. The attention to detail comes through in everything you do. I squealed today when I looked at my in box and saw the reveal. Thank you for sharing your beautiful home with us!!! Keep it coming!!!!

  34. Can't wait for the details! I love the way you've displayed such beautiful things in the hutch. I experienced a most interesting phenomenon as I scrolled through -- I smelled a clean woodsy smell of freshly sawn wood!

  35. Pea-Green with envy and can only imagine the cost of this beautiful renovation.....

  36. Oh Joan {and Dan!!} You have done such a spectacular job in refinishing this space!!! What a transformation! I did have a question, is there a way to see where exactly this space is in the barn??


  37. Wow Joan I have so many questions but I know the next post will answer them
    Kind Regards

  38. It looks beautiful, Joan. What a transformation. I love the collection of milagros on the beam and the vignette at the top of the stairs with that beautiful bracket and spool chair. The hutch looks wonderful as well.

  39. 'Splain LUCY...'Splain! This is a room off of the barn...does it go down to the garage?? Call me flumoxed.

    BUT...what I do see is spectacular! Love the shot of colorful art...LOVE the Milagros on the old door jam and those FAB gate/doors...did you say they were from Argentina???

  40. Can I move into your mudroom?

    It is gorgeous!



  41. I get so excited when I see a post on a room we have yet to see (well, I get excited by any post you do!). This one certainly doesn't disappoint-gorgeous!

  42. Dear Joan,
    You've done it again! I've been going over your beautiful pictures since you posted them...soaking in the details. The contrast of the antique metal doors with the modern metal 'mesh' on the stairway...the modern painting, which looks so 'right' on the stairway...the beautiful architectural elements...that gorgeously accessorized cabinet...the milagros (?) and the tethering ring and the nail (with twine!)
    What an elegant and welcoming way to enter your home from the garage!'s beautiful!
    Cheers! Jean from Maine

  43. Hi Joan,
    Spectacular! So much to love - the painting, iron gates, hutch....Can't wait to hear the stories on how they were found.


  44. Ok, I can honestly say that I've never wanted to live in someone's mud room...until now! Beautiful, simply beautiful!

    Kat :)

  45. Wow! It is just fantastic, in every way. Cannot wait to here about all the details. How did you do the grid on the stair rail?

  46. Wow! Mud room you say? :D!! That's the most magnificent mudroom i've ever seen. And the stairs! Those gorgeous stairs. What's UP there. I would HAVE to climb them.

  47. Joan, Dan, and Ella: Texture. Wow! I LOVE all the texture in this room! I am heading back to take another look. Perfect. Cindy

  48. can't wait for the details.
    i'll be over soon to get those gates.

  49. Just bring in a cot and I'll stay here when you have that big open house party and invite me!! :-)
    The hutch is marvelous and I love how you've detailed it! Your modern art caught my eye immediately and the way you created the fence like balustrade! Those gates for the room opening are fabulous and the Milagro collection is wonderful! Such vision! Are you sure you aren't Bunny Williams in disguise!!

  50. I love the juxtaposition of the old (barn), industrial (ballastrad) and modern (art) - simply put, it just works! I also enjoyed your vignettes in the hutch. You've got me thinking about reworking a few items around here!

    Have a wonderful weekend!


  51. How beautiful Joan! Your gates leading to the staircase are amazing and love that corbel you hung on the wall. If it ever wants a new home...;) Congratulations on an amazing job!


  52. Joan, thank you for sharing your gift. Your rooms elevate and ground me at the same time. They are beautiful and liveable...clearly, you are doing what you were designed to do. Thank you for sharing your inspiring labor of love. The gate, the wall stain, the art, and always the light!...they are my MFP...most frequent pinned. :)

    Many blessings,

  53. WOW My heart is racing!!!!

  54. heaven heaven heaven. pretty please come to dallas and decorate our home. you are a dream to watch create what you love. such inspiration. xx

  55. It's like turning the pages of Architectural Digest magazine! What a stunning transformation, as always, absolutely stunning!

  56. This speaks volumes to the heart and leaves us speechless...visual feast.

  57. Are you kidding me??? You are seriously so talented!!! Amazing, Joan. Truly.

    ♥ sécia

  58. LOVE IT! As I looked at each photo, I kept thinking, every experience in your whole life has led to this. It's truly your best reveal yet. Marvelous!
    Ginny in Boulder

  59. Just beautiful Joan. Love the gates, the stair well, the beams and how you used the raw metal. Does it go from upstairs to down or the other way around? Either way I love it all!

    xo kelley

  60. Hi Joan, the barn is trully beautiful and you've done so much work. Can I come live with you?
    Regards Adriana

  61. Have been waiting with anticipation for this post! Looks so amazing. Tania

  62. I love your house,it is a dream. You have such wonderful ideas and your husband seems like he can do everything. Even if I had your house I still could not come up with ypur ideas. I would live in your kitchen!
    Can't wait to see more.

  63. So pretty Joan! Love rustic mixed with the elegant touches.

  64. In short, I just love everything. Can't wait for the details!
    Thanks for sharing!]
    Carin from Pennsylvania

  65. First, let me say that I love, love, love, your house! It is absolutely spectacular - perfect in every way! Second, I think we might be old farmhouse soul sisters! I live in and am renovating an 85 year old farmhouse in Maryland. The funny thing is that I found your blog today because I was searching for Benjamin Moore Moonshine. After a year of searching for the perfect paint color, I just spent tons of money having my living and dining rooms painted this color. I had checked the shade in every possible way - I painted small patches on a few walls, I had the painters paint huge patches on a few walls, I looked at them in the day, at night, while it was raining, in bright sunshine, etc. I was sure I had found the perfect color, so on the walls it went. , Now I have spent the past week looking at it and thinking, "It's too light, it's too green, it's brighter than I had expected, it's TOO soft, blah blah blah." I was ready to begin the search all over again and have it repainted. Then, I found your blog, and as soon as I saw your pictures I exclaimed to my cat, "It's Moonshine! The whole house is painted in Moonshine and it looks fabulous!" Of course, I now know that this is not true - but your paints are near relatives of Moonshine and I couldn't love them more. You have saved me tons of money and lots of heartache on the paint, so thank you much! I only hope my farmhouse is as stunning as yours when it is finished. Thank you so much for sharing!

  66. That is the most AMAZING space! The first image is almost like the entrance to an exclusive gallery - the gates are absolutely incredible. It also makes me think of the fabulous restaurant Hakkasan (the London branch) which I know may sound weird, but it really is a beautiful space. You must be so proud!

  67. I SO love your blog! Thank you for sharing your talents and passion for beautiful spaces with your readers. Your careful attention to detail is instructive and never obtrusive. The rooms and their beautiful pieces fit together in great harmony and aesthetic delight. The mud room reveal was worth waiting for. Wow!!

  68. I love antique rugs, architectural elements and that hutch! I'd like to move into your barn. I doubt I'd be alone!


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