Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Muffin's Birthday Party!

Ella has had a full dance card lately.  In the last week she was personally invited to go to
Bowerbird  (a favorite antique and retail shop in Peterborough, New Hampshire) and to a birthday party... for her horse friend Muffin!
It was Muffin's 30th birthday!!! 
Muffin and her friends live down the road from us and we like to stop and say hello to them when we are on our walk.  There's just something about petting horses that makes your whole day go better!

So, what do you get a thirty year old horse?  A basket full of apples and carrots, but of course!

This was our birthday basket for Muffin!

Ella arriving and being escorted to the party! 
For the record, let me just say that Ella loves a party.  She worked this party like a pro- meeting and greeting with animals and every person there!  She wiggled and waggled her way through the small crowd!  (I think she secretly thought the party was for her ;-)

The birthday girl.

Ella and Muffin.

Muffin was very happy to see Ella!

Muffin wondering if Ella might be her chocolate birthday cake?!!

Ella wore her special  "cupcake" birthday collar in honor of the big day!


Let me introduce you to the other residents at the barn...

This is Pierre.   Pierre is a 35-year-old hinny!  Pierre was a little worried someone might suggest playing "Pin the Tail on the Donkey" at the party!  :-O

This is Thoroughgood -the sweetest Nubian goat you would ever want to meet!   Thoroughgood is 11-years-old which makes him an "old goat!"
See, he's even smiling for you!  He is a love, and his ears look and feel exactly like the plant "lamb's ear" ... exactly!

Smile for the camera Thoroughgood!!!

Thoroughgood and Ella are good buds!

This is Gibson, Muffin's son.


This is Electra, though we call her Black Beauty!

Ella had a delightful time, and was proclaimed (by her five-year-old little girl friend) to be
"the cutest and best dog at the party!!!"   Music to any girls' ears!!

Say "bye-bye" Thoroughgood!!!


  1. I hope Muffin had a fabulous birthday! Your sweet little Ella looks EXACTLY like my boy, Tink. Do you know what breed she is?

  2. Oh my gosh, what a pleasure to see and read...lucky lucky animals!

  3. Oh how cute! :) What fun to have neighbors with all those animals. Love the present. ;)

  4. oh you guys are such party animals!


  5. OF course Ella was the cutest and best dog at the party...and well dressed too! Love your birthday gift...thoughtful and appropriate!

  6. What a fun post...and what a great party! I got such a giggle from it. Thanks for inviting us to "meet" all the interesting party guests. That Thoroughgood is so funny...and who knew about a hinny? Thanks for the link. Ella looks like she had a great time.

  7. now that's my kind of party! loooove the pictures!

  8. Happy Birthday, Muffin, and many more! So glad Ella the party girl had fun. Beth

  9. Joan,
    I can not tell you how much this post has helped me at this very moment. I'm having one of those terrible days that we all just try to get through. This post is so uplifting! What a fun idea. Ella and Muffin seem to have had a fantastic time.
    Thanks so much for a perfectly timed post.

  10. Oh, how fun! Nice little chuckle to break my blah mood this morning....many thanks.

  11. After having a career in PR, I have to say Ella is a natural! What fun for everyone. And, what a wonderful showing of wire panels in their natural element. Loved your staircase. Have always loved grids. I used them in the garden all the time.

    ps Absolutely loved the name Bowerbird. For those who don't know about these birds, look them up. The are the original decorators!

  12. Adorable! Ella is a charmer! Thoroughgood cracks me up! I've always had a desire to have a goat!
    Looks like the birthday girl Muffin was treated very well! I see she's carved her stall out to be more suitable to her liking!! Cute post, made me smile!! THX!

  13. I love this post! Thoroughgood's toothy smile is hilarious!

  14. I was feeling rather Grinchy this morning, but after this post, my heart grew! These animals are PRECIOUS!

  15. This old-house-lover loves your house and can not get enough. I scour every single picture for minute details. But this animal-lover LOVED this post. Oh so cute and fun. How great it would be to have those neighbors! (The best kind???!!!???). Cute pictures. I am sure Muffin loved her gift as well! Lori L

  16. Oh my goodness, Joan.
    How you always fill my heart with joy! This post is my gift of the week! Hugs to Ella, Muffin and you too!

  17. Joan,
    What a sweet post...I love animals and think its wonderful when they all seem to get along. Thanks for putting a smile on my face!

  18. How sweet! A lovely party with the animals, indeed! They all have such distinct personalities that shine through in these photos! Ella is adorable!
    Thank you for the fun post! This makes me want a farm ene more!

  19. So, so sweet! Thanks for such a light-hearted, fun post!

  20. Adorable! Love the basket of snacks for the barn crew :)

  21. There is something so delightful with animals. I'm weak over a velvety horse muzzle. I certainly enjoy your charming and inspiring blog.

  22. Being an animal lover, this had to be one of my favorite posts! Does Ella have her own closet for all her collars :)

    Thanks for putting a smile on my face!


  23. This looks like an "old folks home" for farm animals! lOVE Thoroughgood! Now, just curious, why are they in the barn instead of outdoors? Cold weather? Looks like Ella was well received and had a great time!! Coming with that basket, I'm sure she was a Big Hit!

  24. Well Ella girl has some pretty interesting pals..30 years old, WOW !!that is a great age to see a horse reach, celebrating it was in order. Tell Ella that cupcake collar is the 'bomb'.

  25. How very fun! I'm sure Muffin will enjoy the carrots and apples...I think she likes to chew on things, her door is a little nibbled on. ;) Ella seemed to enjoy the barn, good puppy! Happy Wednesday! Donna

  26. Thanks for my smile for the day! What a fun post, what a wonderful life you have!

  27. Thanks for making me smile today:) Love that goat smile!

  28. Thank you for this post - it was a great lunch-time read. Now I'll be smiling all afternoon!

  29. Such an adorable party...all the guest are dashing if I may say so! I would LOVE, LOVE. LOVE to one day own farm animal...and move to NH as well, looks like the type of lifestyle that I love. Ella looks adorable with her pink cupcake collar.

  30. Love all the animals, Ella is too cute with her cupcake collar ! I would love a basket of carrots and apples myself, such a healthy treat,mmmmmm !

  31. ...what fun!...and now i know what you need...a horse for ella...

  32. Cutest horse birthday ever! I love birthdays for pets... so much fun.

    ♥ sécia

  33. You have me in stitches! My favorite creatures, ever!
    xoxo, Chris

  34. Loved this post! Thanks for taking us along. Adorable... each one of them!

  35. It may not have been her party, but Ella looks like the belle of the ball with her "party" collar on!

  36. This is one of the best posts I've ever read! Thank you for brightening my day. Blessings to all those lovely creatures, and may they have many more happy birthdays.

  37. Thoroughgood kills me! Thanks for the post.

  38. Fun!!!!!!! I love the basket of goodies......looks like Muffin had a great birthday!

  39. Love the Goat...
    Love your blog...


    Linda :o)

  40. Love it!!! Happy Birthday, Muffin - who couldn't love that face?!

    Your carrot and apple basket was a huge hit, I'm sure!
    xo Elizabeth

  41. I wish I could be invited to a horses birthday! Looks like great fun.

  42. Oh Joan
    You're neighbours look like alot of fun. What a bonus to live near such great friends.
    Kind Regards

  43. OMG, what a party animal Ella is! Gee tomorrow's Duke's birthday . . . don't tell him about Muffin's party, he may sulk! LOL!!!

  44. Joan, Dan, and Ella: gave the perfect gift! What a fun post! Cindy

  45. A 30th horse birthday...I love it! The little girl in me is dreaming of a horse, but our country dream has to come true first! The road I'd love to drive down everyday is loaded with horses. Dreamy just to look at them and pat them on the nose as you said!

    And that goat! What a love!


  46. What a beautiful life you live Joan!


  47. What breed of dog is Ella?

  48. Sweetest post ever! It brought a big smile to my face - thank you....B:)

  49. I like the way you girls party.
    besos, C

  50. I think I missed the most important social event of the season! So glad Ella was there looking her finest in that collar. She obviously knows what all the cool kids are wearing.
    xo Dianne

  51. I have to agree with many others- Thoroughgood is fabulous!!! How could you resist that grin?

    Could it be that you and his owner shopped at the same Tractor Supply store for the wire "railing"?

    Hope Muffin enjoyed her treats- although I'm sure that goes without saying.


  52. Thoroughgood's cage looks like your awesome railing in the barn's mudroom. You both have such great taste!

    Ella is one lucky dog!

    Take care,
    Karla in CA.

  53. Thank you for sharing Muffin's darling birthday party and for the smiles! Happy belated birthday to Muffin! XO to sweet Ella from the furry ones in MT!

  54. How fun!!!! I have to say I love that goat's face.

  55. PCM & Anon9:05- As to what kind of breed of dog is Ella? She is the best "breed" of them all, she is a "mutt!!" We adopted her from the Dallas SPCA when she was a little over one year old. I am a big advocate for adopting dogs, and especially for adopting older dogs! We have heard a big range of breeds that people "think" she has in her, but I suspect it is a lot of different breeds and mutts alike! Whatever she is if I could market it I could make millions;);) Interestly, just yesterday she met a blog reader and the woman said that Ella is a lot smaller in person than she appears on the blog. Ella has been told that a few times by people who read the blog and then meet her!

    Amy- right now all of Ella's 30+ collars are in a basket, but funny you should ask as I have been working on a different solution for displaying them (to make it easier to see which one she wants to wear;)

    Barbara- Your "old folks home for animals" was cute and so true- I always tell them they are doing something right to have all their animals live so long! I forgot to mention that Pierre was a rescue- he had been abused and has only been living there for around 4/5 years. He is shy, but is coming around!
    They were in the stalls for "the party" so that people could pet them; when they are out in the field they just want to eat grass!

  56. Now THAT is the type of birthday party I love!!

    Old goats, old horses...a jack ass. kinda party!

    Ella is a queen!

  57. This is the cutest post ever!

    Just adorable.

  58. Oh, what a delightful post! Janet beat me to the "party animals" line (too funny!), so all I can say is that I loved every one of these photos! The funny, toothy smile on Thoroughgood, Ella's pretty collar, Muffin's excitement at seeing her friend ... all of them, great. Your choice in birthday present for Muffin was perfect, by the way.

  59. Oh, I think I'm in love with Thoroughgood!!

  60. I love animals (and especially Ella!) This post was wonderful, Joan. It was like you took us on a neighborhood visit with you. Thank you!

  61. Thank you for bringing a smile to my day! I can't remember who said it, but have always loved the saying "the outside of a horse is the best thing for the inside of man". And Ella looked adorable visiting with her friends ...


  62. Love those animals! Happy Birthday to Muffin!

  63. This is soooo cute! that goat is so sweet - what a lovely smile!


  64. Precious photos! Four-legged friends are such a pleasure!

  65. Adorable post...brought a much needed smile!
    xo J~

  66. You have a beautiful home, but my favorite is your doggie. I love Ella! I hope to adopt a dog as lovey and lovely as Ella one day.
    I may come back from time to time to see Ella's pics and get some warm fuzzies!


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