Friday, April 20, 2012

my favorite everyday glassware....

To tell you this is my favorite go-to, everyday glassware is a big statement for me, as I have a "thing" for glasses. 
Some people do dishes (I'm a white-dish girl, though I admit I do have a "few" other plates ;)...
I do glassware
From Bacarrat to Ikea to antiques.... doesn't matter; I have them all, and love and use them all!

These favorite glasses put me in good company, as they are also Martha's and Ina's favorite too!  In fact, I first ordered these years ago from the old Martha Stewart catalog.  I panicked when the catalog was discontinued until I found them at CB2- Crate and Barrel's hip understudy. 
These are the Marta glasses. 
They are paper-thin, sturdy and elegant!  Yes, sturdy.  They are fabulous for so many drinks, and their ultra-thin lip is perfect for coating with salt for margaritas-   just in case you were wondering;) 
I buy the 18oz. Cooler size.

Just for you :) I made a margarita to show you how wonderful they are in this glass!

With the early arrival of Spring this year (word on the street is that we are at least three weeks ahead of normal) and our gorgeous weather, we have been spending lots of time out on the porches.  We have coffee here in the morning and cocktails at night!  So, this is where I am tonight.... on the porch with my favorite everyday glass, having a margarita for you!!

And, speaking of porches.... look who's porch was shown on
The Huffington Post Stylelist Home today!!!!!!

Happy weekend!
oh, and Cheers!!!


  1. I'm sorry, I misplaced your address so I'll be a little tardy for cocktails this evening!
    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the glasses! Sadly, I have both the plate AND glass addiction--no cure in sight!
    Thank you for your post!

  2. I do love glassware too1 I wish I had three times the amount storage that I have now for more!
    Margaritas are always a hit! Last party I had- all the ladies wanted them or wine!
    Your Marta glass looks like a nice glass to hold in the hand and large enough to make it last a little while!!
    Have a great weekend!

  3. Am I surprised? No! And yours is the first photo. Shame they didn't give you credit.

    Love the margaritas. I'm in love with some water glasses that Ina always shows, but sadly can't find.

  4. Thanks for the heads-up Joan. I am in the market for some new glasses and I love the simplicity of these. I prefer a tumbler size for some reason and these look like they would fit the bill for my hand to fit around them and still hold a good sized beverage! I fell in love with Ina Garten's footed glasses until I found out they cost way too much for every day glasses. I did find some similar in size and shape on ebay so I am happy with mine. Have a wonderful weekend. We are in the high 80s today in Calif. Whew HOT. Today is my hubby's first day of retirement!! We are thrilled! xo Kathysue

  5. That drink looks fabulous in that glass ;-) Cheers, T

  6. congratulations dear joan and dan!

    i wish i were sitting there with you, i could use a margarita today!


  7. I voted for you without even looking at the others. You are without doubt my favorite. Always smile when Google Reader tells me Joan has shared something with us! Love that margarita in that glass, thanks for sharing!

  8. Oh how inviting..not quite that nice out up here yet. The 'rita looks so good and love the glasses, thank you for this, they even ship to Canada..YAY!

  9. Oh and congrats on the 'porch pic' WOW! Love the view as well.))

  10. Just came in from our side yard to refill the wine glass. It's a C+B. They bounce when you drop them on the counter...


  11. I agree with the Huff (never thought I would ever say that!) -- the view is stunning! Something I could never re-create! I'll just have to make do with the DC skyline and pretend the motors roaring by are speedboats on a lake!

  12. Your porch is so pretty, and I agree with the mention that your view is lovely. Congratulations! And for the reader who didn't see the mention of your blog, it is below the photo and text with a link.

  13. Great porch, great wicker chairs! Can you share your source? I'm looking to outfit our screened porch with a pair.


  14. Congratulations on the Huffington Post feature. Your porch was, by far, the prettiest. Love those glasses, but if I get them, I will have to give away others...I have a dish AND a glass addiction. Could be worse.

  15. Heather- Elizabeth beat me too it;) but I'm actually the second photo and I was given credit. They actually asked permission to use the photo which is very nice of them.

    Debe- Voted??! I don't think there's any voting involved??

    Mary- I purchased them several years ago when we moved into the house. They came from a small shop that unfortunately doesn't ship (I researched this back when I originally posted the porch and was asked the question) and my pea/army green color is no longer available to them... sorry I can't be of more help.

  16. Cheers and happy weekend!

  17. Joan,
    I'm looking for new glassware. With an endorsement of 3 stylin' women (Ina, Martha and Joan) I will definitely look into Marta glasses. I love the simple style and the margarita looks especially delicious in it...I must be thirsty!
    Thanks for this. Congratulations on your shout out by some of the other online media sources. You deserve it, your home and blog is one of my top 5 favorites.

  18. Oh, sounds perfect! I think I will make one right now, especially since it was 90 degrees here (Pasadena,CA) today. Cheers!

  19. Those do look like the perfect glasses. Love the size. I wonder how they'd hold up with kids in the picture...maybe I have to wait for retirement years:) And congrats on the feature. I'd love to spend a quite evening sipping ANYthing out on your porch!

  20. Porch weather is the BEST!!! I can't wait to rock on our porch and look out over some pretty land in FRANKLIN!!! In case you didn't here, we're going for it! I'm crazy scared and overwhelmed this week, but I know in my heart we're doing something amazing. Thanks for your encouragement!

    Happy weekend!

  21. Congrats to well deserved. Never has a drink on a porch looked so appetizing and pretty!

  22. I was enjoying reading your post, until, oh my, I saw the margarita....looks delish! Can you tell us the ingredients? Must be lovely to drink one of those in your wonderful porch. Love the glasses as well, you have good taste.

  23. Beautiful porch, gorgeous view, and wonderful wicker chairs! Too bad they aren't available -- I think they would be a great seller!

  24. Sure Kristel! I use:
    2 oz. of 100% Agave Tequila (be sure to read the label as lots of brands aren't 100%- even some of the expensive ones)
    1 oz. of Cointreau/Grand Marnier
    6- 6.5 oz. of Costco's margarita mix (which uses real sugar, no high-fructose)
    lots of freshly squeezed lime juice (if a small lime I'll use half and if a large lime about a quarter)
    lots of ice
    and a pretty Ikea straw that I cut the bottom one inch off of to make it the perfect margarita length!!!

  25. Lovely images. Love the fact that you can sit out on your porch and enjoy a Margarita in New Hampshire in April!?! Crazy, if enjoyable weather.

  26. Oh, I've just discovered your wonderful blog. I'll never catch up -- lucky me! Thank you for the source (there is a CB2 just down Peachtree) and the recipe. Ginger

  27. Your glasses are elegant and fun. They remind me of a set my grandmother passed on to me with a matching pitcher. Nearly as thin as paper.

    Would you be offended if I brought wine instead? Have a terrible aversion to tequila  from my Navy days.

    The nights here on The Eastern shores have been simply delightful.
    Thanks for sharing

  28. Ginger- Welcome!!

    Cath- Not at all! We love wine, but we're going to have to use a different glass! I guess I need to post on my favorite wine glasses next;) p.s. Thank you so much for your service to our country.

  29. Congrats on the porch feature! Your view is indeed lovely. It was a spiced rum and diet Pepsi kind of evening here in South Carolina. Would much rather have had a margarita!

  30. Those thin glasses look like antique ones popular 100 years ago--the ones that often had an engraved band near the top for better grip.

    Recently, I have been collecting hand-made glasses in intense colors and patterns. Not as elegant as yours, but they are fun and proved a needed jolt of color.
    --Road to Parnassus

  31. I adore a good margarita! Add that view...I'd never leave!

  32. Cheers! Your margarita looks delicious in that perfect glass! I have very simple everyday glasses that are quite similar.
    Your porch looks amazing, as always. Congrats on the Huffington post feature! So well deserved!
    Happy Weekend to you!

  33. I know your post was about glassware, but I was struck by how much Ella looks like my girl. I'll be back to read more later.

  34. I like dishes and glassware! :) But I have to keep myself in check as that weight adds up quickly when we're moving and we've got a limit! Your porch looks so relaxing!!

  35. A woman can never have too many glasses. Looks like a friendly little porch

  36. Same glasses I use but the husband likes the thicker ones. Congratulations on your porch mention.

    Enjoy your weekend!

  37. Debe- ohmy there is voting! I didn't see that before- thank you:)

  38. I"m not a margarita person but I wouldn't have a trouble finding another libation to occupy such a beautiful vessel.

    Congrats on the Huffington coverage!

  39. Oops, guess I didn't scroll down far enough in the article to see your credit - glad it was there after all. Thanks for the tip on the Ina glasses. I'll check them out.

  40. What a darling post! Love the glasses as I too love a pretty glass. Everything tastes better in a pretty glass. Now, if only I could sit on the porch with you and sip a margarita!! I have just joined your blog in the recent weeks and love it.

    Mary Anne ox

  41. Ahhhh.... :).
    Cheers, Joan -- so glad y'all are enjoying some spring weather!
    xo Heidi

  42. Crate & Barrel was one of my most favorite stores and I do look forward to finding myself there again..sooner rather than later, if you please :)

    We have the linen draperies that we bought years ago, when living in NY .. here in the windows of our home in Buenos Aires. They have traveled quite a ways with us, soon they will be back in NY.

    I love the glasses and will need them for sure.
    besitos, C

  43. ...oh my...the perfect porch...for the perfect house...with the perfect always have my vote...blessings laney

  44. Joan!
    Thank you!
    I bought two sets of eight!
    One for us and one to take to our son when we visit him in June!
    You are a joy to visit!

  45. Congratulations on having your porch featured! By the way, it was the prettiest one in the article, hands down :)

  46. I will gladly come and have a margarita on your porch with you! :-)

    You are lucky that you're having such nice weather to enjoy being on the porch...I'm in northern IL and while we had beautiful weather in March (go figure!), it's now been a cold April.

  47. Ha, ha - don't think for one minute that we are not all on to you. I can almost hear you saying 'Dan, let's have a Margarita and I'll write a post about it'.

    Congrats on the Huffington Post mention.

  48. Joan, Dan,and Ella: I went to the site, and voted for your porch. You are in first place...and much deserved! Cindy

  49. I bought as many as I could fit in one cabinet!! Love them for their light weight and simple style that goes with almost anything. I also bought a lot of their stemware.
    Happy Saturday.

  50. Thanks, Joan. That's too bad about the wicker chairs. I was inspired by your post, though, so I headed to White Home Market in Wilton, NH today. Joy of joys, what did I find waiting for me outside under the tent? Two gorgeous Henry Link rattan chairs, which are now on the porch with me and a margarita. :-)



  51. Oh, you are making me thirsty, Joan! These are lovely glasses and I haven't come across anything that is thin AND sturdy so I have to check them out!

    Happy Saturday!


  52. Oh Joan, you are so chic! How do you have the time to focus on the smallest of details? It's incredible!
    Congrats on the porch mention. Of course yours is the loveliest but then of course it would be! You deserve that drink after all the hard work you put in to that gorgeous house of yours. Swoon!

  53. Your porch is the porch in my dreams. I have told you before, I would live on your porches all summer long. With a margarita in hand. :)

  54. Now I want a Margarita...But it's 10 the am.

    Is that wrong?

  55. I was devastated when Martha discontinued her catalog too!!!!
    I am an all white dish girl for everyday purposes and buy mine at Williams Sonoma. I like different colored/patterned dinnerware for parties and intimate dinners and swap them in and out of my buffet seasonally.
    I am like you with the glassware, clean lines and always clear glass!

    Thank you for sharing!

  56. I have a feeling that you helped sell a lot of limes this weekend ;). Looks quite refreshing!

  57. Joan - I'm running to the CB2 store this week! I love thin glassware....find heavier ones a bit bulky. I'm going to stock up. Thank you for sourcing. Congrats on your porch in HP!! Have a great week, Loi

  58. Those glasses are beautiful. And the shot of the margarita on the porch is making me sad that the gorgeous warm weather is gone. The girls and I just got to NH and it looks like the weather is going to be yucky most of our time here. Poor Lillie just wants to be outside - haha! And congratulations on your porch being featured! I just went over and checked it out - how cool!

  59. ummmm. I'll take one of those margaritas!

  60. What a lovely way to finish your day Joan - and so selfless of you to have a Margarita just for us - talk about envy lol x

  61. LOVELY PICS:) I really like your blog and I want to follow but I dont see twitter or facebook??

    If you want some swedish decor inspiration, you can check out my blog:)
    Have a great week.

    LOVE Maria at

  62. Do tell us your favorite wine glasses! Love your blog!

  63. What a great porch! Love the glasses and congrats on photo in Stylelist Home.

    Cheers to you!

  64. Ohhhh!!! I am SO proud of you!!! Look at that gorgeous porch! Thanks for the glass secret. On my way to CB2 to buy them now!!! You're the best! xo

  65. Joan,
    I am so excited to know about your favorite glasses. I've been using the Ball glasses that come from a favorite BBQ place. So, it's just become a default. But, they are very casual...and sometimes you need something just a tad more elegant. Enter...the Marta!

    Cheers to you and that lovely margarita.
    xoxo Elizabeth

  66. make it a mojito and I am in :)

    i am a white dish person, too.

    we are already on the porch in atlanta and glad to be there. hope your porch weather is early. nothing like "porch time"!!

  67. I ordered the Marta glasses,bought the Cooler and Old-fashioned and and am enjoying a delicious cocktail in them right now. Thanks ever so much, they are perfection!


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