Friday, May 4, 2012

Come with us to Vermont, won't you?!

One of the many things I love about where we live in New Hampshire is the fact that we are only an hour and a half from Maine, and an hour and a half from Vermont!  Yesterday we drove to Vermont to do a little antiquing in the small town of Chester.  We like to take the back roads as much as possible to see more of the countryside of our newly adopted region, and on the way home we drove through the charming town of Grafton, Vermont.  We've driven through Grafton many times- it has a lovely energy and is filled with charming antique houses, many art galleries and museums.  The surrounding mountains offer a warm embrace.  We always feel as if we have been transported back a hundred years when we drive through. 
I thought you might like to join us?!
It was a cool-ish 50 degrees with cloudy skies and sprinkles every now and again.... in other words, it was a lovely day!!

You can't go to Vermont without seeing at least one covered bridge!

This one was near the Grafton Village Cheese Company.

I'm guessing this is a sign you're not used to seeing everyday?!

I adore this house with its mountain view!

The town library.

Many small New England towns have village stores like this.

The Grafton Inn.

The Town Offices- please notice that taxes are due this month!

Look what I found at this lovely home.... another Texan!!!

This house belongs to the Justice of the Peace!

Another covered bridge!

Main Street.

I love this truck!  My dream is a red one;)

Not just for show, this truck is still a workhorse.

Loved this twig fence- it went on for a good 100+ feet.

Love the purple front door.

I love how this entire house is red, even the trim.

Don't miss the chicken in the front walk at this house!

This charming side porch belongs to the house above.  It overlooks the river that runs through the town.

This river.

We loved this antique stone wall and the stone steps going down to the river.

Thanks for coming along!  Hope you enjoyed your visit to Vermont this weekend;)!!

post script...
I hope you'll also join me on Instagram!!  (see the very bottom of the page)
I'll be posting random snapshots at least once a day!
(username:   fortheloveofahouse )
(for those without smart phones you can also view the images at the bottom of the page!)



  1. I love Vermont. It is where all of my family lives! Thank you for the wonderful little tour! It really is a wonderful state to visit and spend lots of time sightseeing in the beautiful country!


  2. Really, I can't even imagine living in a place so beautiful.

  3. What a lovely state, I hope to one day, live somewhere very similar to that. Thanks for the tour. Amazing how small the NE husband flew in to NY...and drove to CT in 45 in DFW, 45 minutes gets you no where.

  4. thanks it was a wonderful trip
    the town, the homes and the river
    just amazing. and love the picture
    of Ella in the instantgram.

  5. How beautiful. Thank you for taking us on your visit.

    - The Tablescaper

  6. Welcome to our State! You took some beautiful photos. It truly is a special place...just wish we had more sunshine ;)

  7. oh wow joan, what an awesome town. thanks for all the pics! i really love the look of the red house with the red trim. i've never seen that before. also it looked like one of the white cottages was a shingle style with a blue door. very pretty too. i didn't know charming towns like that still existed. thanks again for sharing.

  8. Oh how I hope to see it all up close someday! But your pictures make me feel I'm there already. I notice a lot of metal roofs. In the midwest, this is a new style for replacements. Is this the case in New England, or was it common to have them on these old homes when they were built?

  9. "This river"...perfect comment!

    Thanks for the tour. What a great little town!

    Have a great weekend.
    Karla in CA.

  10. What a lovely trip! Thank you, Joan. I noticed a lot of blue ceilings on porches - I always thought that was just a southern tradition. I love learning something new!

  11. Charming! I, too, am curious about all the steel roofs - I always thought they were a southern thing.

  12. I love the covered bridges in Vermont. So enchanting. Between the time my family spends in Maine and my husband's family spends in Vermont, surely we'll get to meet someday!

    I'm studying all your paint colors...wondering what colors our farmhouse will beg to be bathed in!


  13. Janet- New England is filled with charming little villages like this!

    Cheryl- These are also new replacements, but you do see quite a few on houses, both new and old.

    Jamie- I think its more an "antique" thing!! You see many blue porch ceilings here too!

  14. Oh, sweet memories of antique shopping trips. For a girl from California, New England is better Disneyland ever was to me. So quaint, so well cared for, such history, such landscape, truly a world away. Thank yu for sharing your world!
    xoxo, Chris

  15. Thanks for the lovely drive! I have never been to Vermont nor New Hampshire. I was surprised to see a lot of metal roofs.

  16. So pretty! I've never been.. sadly, but would love to go. Thank you so much for sharing your photos. It is as I pictured {in my mind} it would be. I'm sure you had a wonderful time.


  17. Just so idyllic Joan! I particularly liked the original hitch outside of No. 55. Very beautiful. And that twig fence, perfectly suits the locale.

  18. Thank you for the wonderful tour. So many charming photos it is difficult to single out favorites, but all those old houses made a big hit. I love the steps going down to the river, although I would be a little concerned about having a house backing up on it. I would worry about noise and maintenance on that side, and what happens during spring freshets?
    --Road to Parnassus

  19. What a nice visit I just had with you, thank you!
    It is a bit like the historical village museum we have here in Calgary, except this is real! How cool is that...hugs Z

  20. I just had to share my husband's baby with you: a 1950 Chevy pickup that we definitely put to work!

  21. If ever I was to visit America, the area you live in and it's environs is the region that appeals most, from 'Old England'I would love to see what has been done with the 'New' one. The houses are beautiful, and the area every bit as lovely as I imagined.

  22. What a wonderful tour Joan... I would love to see Vermont... actually any of the East coast... I can't quite believe it's real... the towns are so lovely...xv

  23. On our 5th anniversary we flew into providence, rented a convertible and spent 7 days driving 1700 miles in those states. Our anniversary is December but we went in October to see the fall. It was a beautiful historical and most memorable trip. I remember Grafton, thanks for the lovely drive

  24. Mel@Georgica PondMay 5, 2012 at 5:31 AM

    It looks like a movie set, so picturesque and gorgeous. There isn't a single town in Australia that would look a fraction as delightful or charming as that, we just don't have the architecture or history. I'm so envious!

  25. WOW! What gorgeous pictures! I love old towns, covered bridges, and the charm of a place like that. I would love to visit. You are right, it's like you've stepped back in time. What a neat place; thanks for sharing.

  26. Wow, I love these buildings and the covered bridge...we don't have anything like that in sad !!

  27. I can't imagine how lovely this must be at Christmas! I enjoyed the ride! Thanks for sharing!

  28. Your lovely tour made me miss living in the Northeast...except in the winter. My home had a standing seam metal roof -- very common in upstate NY. As for "noise" when it rained, that sound was part of its charm...and they last for many, many decades, virtually maintenance free. Thanks for the charming tour and the memories.
    All the best...Victoria

  29. What a cool little town! Love the shot with the river!

  30. That's the thing I love most about New England. You can drive to the mountains of Vermont or New Hampshire, you can drive to the beaches of Cape Cod or the rocky coast of Maine. You can even take the Fung Wah bus to New York City to see a show at MOMA and be back in the comfort of your own cottage the same night.

    You really captured the soul of Vermont. There were so many little details on these old places that I loved. The Justice of Peace's place is awesome. Great stonework and gardens. A few great trellis ideas too. And the library photo was a gift.

    What a great day in the country!

  31. Thanks for taking me along on your field trip, I love the photos!

  32. Thank you for inviting us along for the ride! Loved seeing the Greek revival homes. The Inn and Town Library with their wrought iron and porches felt like they could drop right into a small southern town, especially if they had taller windows. Wonderful way for me to start my Saturday!


  33. Oh, I want to go there! I'm going to have to go through these photos several times in order to truly appreciate them! Just lovely!

  34. so so beautiful! thanks for taking us on your journey! hope you are doing well, joan!

    ashley over @

  35. I have been to Grafton! My family used to stop there on the way to and from vacations in Maine. To this day, I buy their cheese in my local grocery store. When we went to Grafton (late 80s-early 90s) there was a place where, in August, you could pick the best blueberries in the world. Wonder if it's still there? Thank you for sharing!

  36. Beautiful pictures...I don't think one could take a bad picture of such a lovely place!! ;) I must visit New England some day!! =D Thanks for sharing.

  37. Loved the visit. I've been from the east coast to the west but not up in your northern area. Would love to venture that way one day. Looks so beautiful.

  38. I really want to visit Vermont one day so thank you for all the lovely photos. What a beautiful little town - with the river and covered bridge! Also, didn't know it was so close to NY and the beach!! Perfect!


  39. What a perfectly lovely little town! I love New England and traveling around the small towns and backroads. It is so picturesque. Thanks for sharing your visit with us. Hugs, Pamela

  40. Oh, Joan. That's so beautiful it makes my heart ache. I miss New England already and I haven't even left yet. But I know I'll find much to love in my new California home, and I can always come back to visit through your lovely photos.

  41. Oh my goodness! Your pictures are so beautiful that it actually hurts! I wish I was closer and not on the other coast!

  42. Joan the last picture of the yellow house on the river had me swooning. Oh how I would love to live there!So beautiful, thank you for such a nice weekend trip!! I am shopping today over on my blog!! Kathysue

  43. Thanks for taking us along. I haven't been in holidays since I bought the house... and I felt like I was right there with you thanks to your pictures!

  44. Just beautiful! Hey MAY be heading your way as child #4 is seriously considering it close to ya???

  45. What a great way to start the weekend! I've never been
    to Vermont....Now I want to hop on a plane from Chicago and visit! I Love all the white houses so simple
    and beautiful.

  46. You captured the vibe so well, Joan! I think of any excuse possible to travel up to Vermont, so beautiful especially in the spring and fall and some of the prettiest things I own (antiques) were found in Vermont so it holds a special place in my heart for love love it! Your pictures are fabulous.

  47. What a delightful outing! Love all the New England architecture. Thanks for sharing, Joan!
    xo Heidi

    PS-- we're a steamy 89 degrees in Atlanta today so your pics are a breath of fresh air. :)

  48. Linda- it's NH... everything is close:) It's about an hour and a half away!

  49. Oh, how wonderful! This type of town is why I'm moving as soon as possible to New England! I just feel the love!
    This post just gave me another boost of excitement! I leave for New England on Monday to go house hunting!
    Here's hoping!


  50. I love New England and now you've made me want to go back there! The houses are just so perfect. Thank you for the wonderful tour. It was just the best fun.


  51. Love it all! I couldn't tell for sure, but it looked like a cat and mouse painted on the barn at the Justice of the Peace. That would be appropriate.
    The image with the white house sitting on the river, it really is on the river. I would be praying every time it rains if I lived there.
    This looks like the kind of trip that evolves into 'Honey, we should do THAT' - and then there are a few new projects on the list... for Dan.

  52. What a great post...thank you so much for sharing. I would love to visit this area one day. Love all of the covered bridges and the Main Street.

  53. If I didn't know better I'd think I was looking at pictures of a movie set!......too charming...thanks k

  54. You know what we are doing with our online hours, househunting in the US again and you know these are the kinds of houses we are looking at.
    I love them all. I worry about being so close to a river or lake though ..
    Should I ?
    It is all so green .. I can't wait to get back when I see photos like these :)
    besos. C

  55. Candice- Actually, this area of Vermont was ravaged by hurricane Irene late last summer. There are still roads closed around the area and bridges being rebuilt. Though we could see obvious flood damage along the river banks Grafton seemed to have fared better than some other towns, cities and villages that were also affected by Irene.

  56. since childhood, this midwestern gal longed to live in vermont. i would not make it there until my 30's and every dream of this gorgeous state came true.

    loved joining you on your journey.....sigh......
    debra (still in the midwest)

  57. I'm not a person who has a strong desire to see the world but the Vermont area is one place I'd like to visit. A friend just emigrated out there. Perhaps it's time to drop in for tea? :)
    Thanks for the tour. xx

  58. He descubierto su blog y me ha encantado su contenido, desde hoy soy seguidora de el.
    Si lo deseas te invito a visitar mi blog y si es de su agrado me gustaría tenerte como seguidora para permanecer en contacto.
    Un saludo muy cordial.


  59. I have never been to VT...this is lovely and quaint and how I would picture parts of the state. Just beautiful.


  60. Can't even count how many times I've visited VT in my lifetime. Living in CT, we go every fall. Then of course, there are the ski trips. People are friendly, scenery is breathtaking. Definitely one of my favorite places on earth.

  61. How charming! I love Vermont. When I was a teenager growing up in upstate NY, we vacationed in Vermont and in New Hampshire, and I love both states. Thanks for sharing your photos. I love old trucks too and would love to have a red one like the one in that photo.

  62. Great road trip! I can't decide which I like better, white homes or yellow ones!!! The other thing I love are all the metal roofs!

    Have a lovely weekend!

  63. I love this post. I turn 40 next month, and just this morning, I told my husband instead of a party, I'd like to take a road trip to Maine. We live in Northeast Iowa, so it will be quite a trip, but I'm envisioning lots of charming little towns along the way. Your post has gotten me even more excited than I already was! :)

  64. Joan,
    I've never seen Vermont, except in the movies. The images you shared looked like something out of a movie. Thanks for taking me along. I love the house that enjoys the river behind it.

  65. Joan, Dan, and Ella: What beautiful pics! We are so fortunate to live in the NE! Just today, I was with my Dad and he was commenting on the landscape/scenery and how it never gets old seeing the beauty. Cindy

  66. What a fun road trip up North! Did you guys find any great Antique stores?

  67. I need to visit Vermont... and you too!

    xo xo

  68. Wow Joan! Thanks for the tour. What a lovely and special town you live in. So full of history and character.

  69. Lovely, quintessentially New England. Want to go there someday. My daughter-in-law's family is from there, so I feel I have a connection now. Thanks for the 'postcards'.

  70. Wow! I'm going to have to show this post to my husband! The last time we were in Vermont was when our first son was 6 months old. He's now in college. Clearly, it's time to go back. Loved every picture. Thanks!


  71. Never been to Vermont...but your photos express everything I had ever thought it would be like...
    lovely post.....again!

    Linda :o)

  72. Thank you for taking me along on your road trip, so enjoyed it. Took me back to a wonderful holiday I had in that part of the world. Just gorgeous, loved the covered bridges and all the little villages which all have a similarity. Thank you so much

  73. Even though I've never been to Vermont, I know in my heart it's where I'm supposed to be. This town is my dream town...thanks so much for the tour. I can't believe towns like this really still where in Nebraska would you find this much charm.
    Happy Spring Joan!

  74. It's been too long since we have visited, but loved my tour of the little town. As usual you made me feel as if I were there with you. Just beautiful...
    xo Prissy

  75. Thanks for the pix of Vermont! We live in Southern Calif. and rarely get to the East coast. Last summer we went to Maine...but missed out on visiting Vermont....sad...I think it looks wonderful...

  76. That was just lovely. I really enjoyed this post and your pictures. I would love to see those charming New England towns. Thank you for sharing. Wenda Scott,

  77. The Grafton Inn reminds me of the Inn that Bob Newhart ran in one of his series. I don't remember if that's the exact look, but as soon as I saw it, that's what I thought of.

  78. We live in Connecticut and love to take day trips to Vermont too!! Grafton is a lovely town, you captured it well. And OOOH, can I have that truck in turquoise??..

  79. That town is AMAZING! The houses, the truck, Main Street - it's all so beautiful! As for the covered bridges - amazing - they remind me of watching 'Ichabod Crane and the Headless Horseman' story on "The Wonderful World of Walt Disney" as a child in 1970's London - lol! It's everything that you imagine America to be in romantic historical stories when you come from England. Thanks for posting such amazing pictures! Paula x

  80. ...that such a place exists...well...that is all we need to know...God's in His heaven...all's right with the world...blessings laney

  81. I loved living in New England. That was back in the 90's. At first I thought you were in Grafton, MA. Which is also a cute town. Thanks for the visit back to my favorite part of the country!

  82. Oh my goodness, this post makes me soooo homesick! Can you do this every time you go out and about! =) I LOVE LOVE LOVE seeing all the homes and inns and covered bridges (many of which are familiar to me). Thanks so much for the little trip. Hope you have a fabulous weekend!

  83. I loved traveling with you via your gorgeous photos of Vt, esp Grafton (just told DH that next trip to NE we must get to Grafton). He loves covered bridges (as a midwesterner he finds them fascinating). I love the stone walls (as a native NY-er I've missed them greatly since moving a bit south) and the authentic shutters on those beautiful white houses (also love the deep yellow houses with black shutters). Thanks for the ride :>) Ann

  84. Thank you for the lovely tour!! My husband is from New Hampshire and I have been a bit "home sick" for New England. There is just no describing it to someone who has never been there. Love the town of Grafton, have driven through it a couple of times! Thanks again for the tour, it made my day!


  85. I was in Crafton on Monday, it's so quiet and pretty. I live in Mass, but moving to Colorado next week. I'll miss New England for sure.
    Love your blog!!

  86. Thanks to the Innkeepers 'The Loudens' (Dick and Joanna) I became smitten with Vermont a number of years ago. :) It reminds of the many rural areas that are common throughout the regions located in the province of Quebec.
    I have been to North Conway (NH) on more than one occasion and it is one of my favourite places as well. (Great scenery, skiing, golfing and .... must not forget shopping.)
    Wonderful tour and amazing photography. Thank you for sharing!
    P.S: As Grafton is about a 50 minute drive from N. Conway shall definitely try to visit it.

  87. Oh my word, how awesome- talk about charming!

    Thank you so much for this wonderful tour.

    I have only been to Vermont twice, both time to Jay Peak to ski - I would love to go in the warm months to really take a good peak - your pics makes me want to soon, for sure!


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