Wednesday, May 16, 2012

the South guest bedroom


click HERE to read the "details" post on this room


  1. Lovely as usual! I especially love the gold mirror and the lamps!

  2. Oh Happy Day!!!! A new room in your house to view!! You have impeccable taste and such an interesting mix of things. I am in love with the mirror and tapestry, and am totally intrigued by the candle/wire thing! Gorgeous. Just gorgeous!!!

  3. Lovely guest room, Joan! I love the effect of the layered mirrors!


  4. Are you taking reservations Joan, because I'd like to book my stay:) Another gorgeous room!!

  5. Gorgeous, Joan! I love the styling on that chest...those stacked mirrors are a great look. And my love for your lamps continues to grow...that green one is stunning. Wish I had Dan's skills! Thank you for sharing this lovely room.

  6. Yet another room in your home that I love. Especially the multiple mirrors, which is something i am contemplating for our bedroom makeover. Thanks for sharing, liz

  7. Joan,
    You have the best lamps. I loved each and everyone...the green lamp with the wicker shade is so charming.

    What a wonderful guest bedroom...guests will be instantly comfortable and not want to leave! :-)

  8. Simply beautiful! You are a master at vignettes and creating great sight lines.

  9. Wow, Joan, what a beautiful room. I adore that antique chest of drawers. And how creative of you to place three mirrors one in front of each other! That sexy chair against the wall is wonderful too. The room looks ready for a visitor. When can I "check in"?

  10. Soooo inviting!
    Have any open dates for this room? Kidding of course but it looks so comfy and cozy.

    I noticed you have an area rug in this room as well as others in your home. How are they for cleaning and wear? We need to replace the rug in our kitchen area and I do like the look of the sisal rugs but not sure how they would hold up with 8 large paws.

  11. I love your style of vintage elegant simplicity. Of all the many many decorating blogs out there (and I have personally bookmarked over a hundred of my favorites), your style comes closest to the look I'd emulate.

  12. I'll be right over...
    Tea at 7am please...
    Poached eggs on whole wheat...
    See you in the morning!!!

    Linda :o)

  13. Gorgeous, as always! You make the most wonderful lamps.
    And that seashell on the dresser!!--did you actually find that? Also, did you make this headboard yourselves as you did in the master?

  14. You did it again. So full of interest and charm.
    What do you think of painting old furniture? Do you think it is a passing fad and that we'll be sorry for it later? I notice you don't use a lot of painted pieces, but I think your antiques are a higher quality than I have.

  15. joan, it's just not fair ;) i am in love with that floor lamp. it's to die for. lovely lovely room. very lucky guest!

    ashley over @

  16. So beautiful! I love the layered mirrors. Your guests are very lucky :)

  17. Oh I just love the layered mirrors. Fabulous guest room Joan, your guests are very lucky.

  18. Your vignettes throughout your home exude personality. I, like you, enjoy the casualness of a mirror or piece of art leaning against a wall rather than formally hung. It is very obvious that you have a flair for and a love of old homes,

  19. Another beautiful guest room, Joan! I can't wait to get the details about your room. Your decor is timeless.

  20. Lovely! I'm curious...what is the paint color on the walls and trim?

  21. awesome, as always, joan. even with very traditional pieces, you make it fresh (stacking mirrors and the "skin" fabric on the chairs.) I'm sure there is a great story behind the mounted candle holders. (what is that anyway?) love your space. donna

  22. So what's up with the Mittens sponsorship? Isn't this blog about design not politics?

  23. Home before dark- I have not a clue what you are talking about.

  24. Is that real alligator skin on the chair seat? If it is, I'd love to know how you were able to get a piece that large.

    I love the room!

  25. I love the sculptural sconce thing, whatever that is. That's a piece of art.

  26. Well another winning design! The layered mirrors look fabulous! The twisted handled metal pieces have me intrigued! I'm partial to French toast just so you know!! I'll work for room and board! :-)

  27. perfect as usual. Love your lamps

  28. Beautiful! Love the layered mirrors and the pics of the view from across the hall. I was wondering if you would do a post on how you clean your antiques after you purchase them.

  29. Home before dark- I was just informed by a friend what "mittens" were..... So I now know you must be referring to some ad you saw on the blog.
    I take it you are not aware that the ads that "you" see on the blog are not the same ads that I or someone else see. The ads are direct marketed to your "location" and to your personal "searches"... for example if I google Pottery Barn, then I'm sure to see Pottery Barn ads on the blog. I do NOT pick and choose ads that appear on the blog.... the ads have more to do with your local and what YOU google/click. And, "yes" this is a design blog.

  30. Thanks, Joan. I doubt what I goggle would = Romney! The fact that I am in Kansas might make sense to someone's database, but not what I personally believe. I have to say to say all things being equal I think Ella is the greater truth!

  31. Oh I love this room, Joan! And the layered mirrors are fabulous!

  32. I am always amazed at your layering.....not amazed really....cause you are so good at it!! I need to have my green balustrade made into a lamp!!!

  33. feeling the peaceful calm of a room with soul and sooooo undecorated. just dreamylovely.

    smiles to you.


  34. Among the details, I love the dresser, that green baluster (which I am assuming is Chinese), and that small seascape painting. Mostly what I love to look at is the pictures showing the flow and connection from room to room.

  35. Another beautiful and serene room. I love it!

  36. Such a restful and peaceful room.......lovely job!

  37. ...i do love it...each detail speaks of you...

  38. I've decided to move in with you!

    If you have guests that linger a bit too long I would truly understand why. You have a wonderful eye, great style and have kept the house consistent from room to room {a talent that not everyone has}.

  39. I love everything you do Joan!
    Your guest bedroom is no exception...
    I admire how you set your dresser up against the drapes, it looks great! Only you can break the rules so beautifully!!!!
    I love seeing more of your 39 lamps too!!!!
    I think we share a lamp fetiish!!!
    I ordered the shades for my "Crespi" lamps... Thanks again!!!

  40. Joan, Dan, and Ella: Another beautiful, serene room. I love the vignettes,the lighting, furniture...all of it! Cindy

  41. love love the stacked mirrors and so many interesting details!

  42. Oh my goodness. You are absolutely amazing. I LOVED everything. Every single detail is so beautiful. You have a gift/talent that is beyond anything I've ever looked at. I'm so excited to see another room. best regards. Wenda Scott

  43. In a cluttered, frenetic life your blog speaks of kindness and peace and is very much appreciated.

  44. Such a wonderful room... Lucky guests you have Joan... xv

  45. Another room tour, yay! I actually went and compared this with the North Guest Room, just to see how they go together. Gorgeous! I love all of the textures. Can't wait for the details post. Need to know the story on that wall sconce (sculpture?).

  46. Oh it all looks so beautiful and I love the colors that you used!

  47. Lovely as always. Such a beautiful peaceful room. Love everything about it. :)

  48. Everything is so perfect and bright. How lovely. I can only wish to get it this right one day.

  49. Beautiful space. It says welcome. Thanks for sharing.

  50. I wish, like you, I had the "sense" to create such a beautiful home because I know what I like when I see it, I just have a darn hard time creating it!

  51. So the three mirrors on the chest that you can see as you enter the beautiful room. Just the items on the chest let's you know from way down the hall that you are in for a treat as you enter the room.

  52. I am sure we will be very comfortable there :)

    I do like the layered mirrors ..

  53. I would have very sweet dreams in that gorgeous room, not that I am hinting or anything.

  54. yes! what are the paint colors?? is it halo again? halo is the main color in my house and i just adore it. it gave me such confidence to pick it having "seen" it at your house.

    you have such a gift for styling :)

  55. Joan...I loved your comment to anonymous. I couldn't see enough pictures of your home. Detail of everything. I also liked what Nancy said and that just fits me to a "T"... "I know what I like when I see it...I just can't make it happen" best, Wenda

  56. Love the starburst many of them look...well new...that one is a beauty! I bet you found it on one of your forraging trips!

  57. Joan,

    A beautiful room! I would love to be a guest in this restfull sanctuary.

    Have a great weekend, Elizabeth

  58. Your layering of three mirrors caught my eye immediately. Love it! You have such a great eye for arranging and placing things. Just right, my friend!


  59. What lucky guests you will have! This room is amazing!

  60. love it all joan. i could definitely get comfy in this room. hint, hint. xo janet

  61. How utterly and completely gorgeous!

  62. It all looks fabulous Joan, thank you dear you've thought of everything. I know we will be very comfortable.
    Millie & MOTH xx

  63. Simply beautiful! You are a master at vignettes and creating great sight company UK

  64. I can't believe it!! I have been meaning to make the two old green porch newel posts I bought in Singapore in 2008 into lamps. They are handmade and not level on either end. Did you have this problem? If so, how did you solve it? What about the cord? Did you drill into the ceramic? Found your blog through Pinterest. It's wonderful!

    1. hi Amy, Welcome to the blog. Our balusters were generally level on the bottom- some were slightly off and I will add felt pads all around as the bottoms are rough, but especially on the side that needed to be taller to level it out. The tops were also fairly level. The green Chinese baluster lamp I have in the living room is very unlevel on top, but I simple let it be as the threaded stock and socket are all horizontally level and it works out. Our balusters are hollow, but we have drilled through other ones (stone and wood that were not.) You can either drill or do a French wire were the wire comes off the back, which as you can see in the photos above is what I did with this one. To drill through ceramic you need a diamond tip drill bit.


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