Monday, September 12, 2011

Our Feature in Renovation Style Magazine is on newsstands NOW!

Hi everyone!!

I'm excited to tell you that our feature in Renovation Style Magazine is on newsstands now!  
Our feature is titled "Rescuers"! 
love that.

A couple of things I want you to know....
First, this is a "Special Issue... The Before & After Issue" that is a newsstand only publication.
This special issue is not included in your regular subscription to the magazine, if you have one, so it will not be mailed to you.
The issue will be on the newsstands until November 8th.

Secondly, there are some inaccuracies are in the text of the article.   I didn't want you to be confused if you read something in the article that is different than what you have read here, written by me, on the blog. 
As is stated on my sidebar... we moved to New Hampshire three years ago (technically three and a half now), but not the six years written in the article.  We actually lived with Ella in Dallas for two and a half years before moving here.

I've asked the publisher for retail locations for purchasing, but haven't heard back from them on this.  We bought our copy at Target.
When I hear back from the publisher I will add stores to the bottom of this post.  (I would also appreciate hearing where you find a copy!)

I would love to hear what you think of our feature!

I think you'll be happy to see a before and after floor plan!

it's good to be back!

Locations where the magazine has been found:
Barnes & Noble
Acme Markets
Harris Teeter
Books a Million
Stop and Shop
Home Depot
Rite Aid


  1. What a shame we can't get that magazine in England. I would love to read the article. I am sure the photographers managed to capture the beauty of your glorious home.

  2. I am SO happy for you!! I will be on the lookout for the magazine!!


  3. Congrats, I will look for a copy at Target. Hugs, Marty

  4. Congrats on the article! I just bought my copy at a Kroger store in Ohio.

  5. Oh....I'm so happy you're back. I'm going to go on my lunch hour and look for the magazine !!
    Best Wishes, Wenda Scott,

  6. Hi Joan,
    I'm sitting here with Bonnie Broten and we are so excited to see this issue. Will pick it up today!
    Congratulations! ~Delores

  7. I know what I'm going to do today after work ... hopefully my local grocery will have it! Can't wait to see your home featured. (Too bad they didn't let you preview the text before they went to press.)

  8. Congratulations Joan! Can't wait to go get a copy!!!

  9. Joan,
    I'm so excited...I'm going on my lunch hour to Target to pick up my copy. Can't wait.
    So happy you're back.

  10. Joan,

    I can hear your excitement as I read your post. I am so very happy for you. I am going to try to get out this afternoon to find a copy, hopefully at Books a Million but there is a Publix right next door so I will check there as well. Can't wait to see it and I can't believe how fast it was published. YEAH!!!!! {{{HUGS}}}


  11. Hi Joan,

    Picked up the magazine at the airport and drooled over every page on my flight.

    You, your home and, of course, your Dog Ella are Design Stars! Just loved the article and all of the photos! Congratulations.

  12. I will look for it excited for you. Congratulations!!!!

  13. It will be fun to see! Congrats to you! Nicole

  14. My local Barnes and Noble carries this issue, I would imagine their other stores have it as well. I looked through the issue and was delighted to see many photos of your home, just gorgeous! I didn't purchase the issue because I'm a recent suscriber to Renovation Style and didn't know if I'd be receiving this issue. Thanks for setting us straight on that - I'm running back to B&N to pick up a copy. Love your blog!

  15. much older sister SusanSeptember 12, 2011 at 2:00 PM

    I'm on my way out the door now!!

  16. Going to my local grocery store to see if they have a copy. I have to pick up the ingredients to make gumbo tonight anyway. If they don't have a copy, then I'll head to the next town (15 miles away) tomorrow! Yipee! I'm so excited for you. Hope you had a relaxing break!

  17. Congratulations, Joan. How exciting! I will look for it at Publix.

  18. I know! I picked one up at Kroger's on Friday! What a wonderful article! Every single photo is just beautiful! Congrats! Congrats!

  19. oh goody i'm going to target tomorrow! i cannot wait joan.
    congratulations once again, this must be exciting.


  20. Ooo Joan! You know I picked mine up at Target too, which you already have on your list. But for those people living in WNY, they have them at Wegman's Grocery stores, too. (Just saw one right at the check out line!)

    Loved the feature, loved the rooms - the photographer did a great job of capturing the essence of you in the house and my only hope is that this can be a spring board for you to have more features and more applause for the work you've done creating such a lovely home we all are inspired by each and every time we log on!

    Glad you're back ... now if I could just find the address of someone at House Beautiful to send this extra copy to ...

  21. Thanks for letting us know about the magazine. I am going to look for it this afternoon. I am so looking forward to seeing your beautiful home in print. I also wanted to let you know I ordered the beeswax candle covers and I am so pleased. I made a mistake on order and the customer service was wonderful. Thanks for the recommendation.

  22. Congratulations! I hope I can find a copy here in NB, Canada! I'll try at Chapters. Thanks for letting us know about it. And welcome back. I've missed seeing your posts. Blessings, Pamela

  23. Can't wait to go out tonight and pick up my copy. Congratulations and welcome back!

  24. How wonderfully exciting! I'll be getting my copy at Target!

  25. Oh well done! I will look out for it this week. x

  26. I came across an article about Bunny Williams today and thought of you and how much I missed your blog and you magically appeared!!Can't wait to get my very own copy and maybe, just maybe one for Ruth!

    Mary in Connecticut

  27. much older sister SusanSeptember 12, 2011 at 4:31 PM

    WONDERFUL! I found my copy at Barnes & Noble and told everyone in the check out line "this is my baby sister and my brother-in-law!" I'm sure I embarrassed myself but I don't care!!

    Y'all look great and so does Ella! The pics are stunning!!!

  28. We are so happy and excited for you two. The best part is you have made yours and Dan's dream come true. I can't wait to get our copy. We are on the road to ABQ then Durango. Congrats job well done:0) Prissy

  29. you've got to be over the moon thrilled. can't wait to get my hands on a copy, joan! your so deserving!


  30. Dear Joan, congratulations! I shall buy the magazine as soon as I can.

  31. I am so excited for you! I will pick up a copy tomorrow since I will be near a Target! CONGRATS!!!!! XO, Pinky

  32. If I had know the magazine was at Wegmans I would have run there earlier today. I will be going tonight for sure!!!

    Seems to have make the stands quickly! So excited for you!!

  33. I'm definitely going to search for it! Thanks for the heads up!

  34. For all the Dallas readers- I picked up a copy at Barnes & Noble across from NorthPark. The pics are wonderful...can't wait to read it tonight.

    :)Katy (Prissy's neighbor)

  35. Just wanted you to know that my sister (Kim @ Savvy Southern Style) and I just went out and bought this magazine today! We're so excited to see your home in a magazine. It looks so beautiful. I will be reading it as soon as possible. Looks like there is another article in there about a home that was featured on Cote de Texas too! This magazine is a real keeper. Thanks for letting us know that it was out.

  36. I doubt that they sell that magazine in Taiwan, but congratulations anyway on this recognition of your hard work and creativity. I enjoy following your story--I think most of my favorite posts are your projects that involve stone.
    --Road to Parnassus

  37. Congrats, Joan! I just went and bough it. Love your home in print.

  38. Got are a rock star :)

  39. Yay for you! We won't get to read it here in Australia though.

    TDM xx

  40. Hi Joan
    I'm so glad your back. I've been missing you. I don't think will get a copy in Australia but I'll be on the look out.
    Kind Regards

  41. Oh Joan, I am so happy for you! I just picked up a copy of Renovation Home in an airport and flipped through it, wondering if it might be "your" issue. I don't think it was, but I will look tomorrow at the grocery store!!xo

  42. I bought mine earlier at Acme (grocery store) in Pennsylvania. I was flipping through it and was surprised to see your home in it already! I thought that it would be months....
    Love, love, love it but nobody tells the story quite like you do!
    Carin from PA

  43. I'm so glad that you are back, I've missed hearing about your home and life in NH. Getting ready to retire from 30 years of teaching, I plan on visiting NH and maybe retire there. Thanks for sharing. June

  44. How wonderful! Can't wait to get a copy.

  45. Yooohooo - it seems like its been forever since your photo shoot. I am making a special trip out to Barnes and Nobles tomorrow. I am so proud of you and happy to know all of your hard work has paid off. Congrats!!!

  46. Bought the issue on Saturday so I'd have something to read on a loooong car trip we had to take on Sunday. As I was leafing through it, I recognized your house immediately. I got so excited! "Look, honey, look! This is the house that belongs to the woman who has the blog that I follow! Isn't that great? Her house is so beautiful they put it in a magazine!" He looked at me as if I had lost my mind. "You do realize that you don't actually know this woman, don't you?" he asked gently. Yeah, yeah, yeah...whatever. I'm still thrilled for you!

  47. How exciting! I was just thinking about you today and wondering why I hadn't seen a new post. I'm going to the store tomorrow to get a copy. I can't wait to see it.

  48. Congrats, Joan! I'll be heading to Target tomorrow to pick up a copy. I know the pictures of your home are beautiful.

  49. I have missed you! I'm so glad you are back. Picked up my copy the other day and just devoured the article. Congratulations and can't wait to hear what you have been up to!

  50. No Target or Barnes and Noble up here, but I'm sure I'll find a copy!

  51. Glad to see you back! I will get my copy tomorrow! I'm glad you posted some stores to go to. Congratulations again! Liz

  52. Congratulations! This is amazing. I will totally look for it and can't wait to see it!

    ♥ sécia

  53. Rushing out first thing tomorrow morning to find it! Congratulations! Can't wait to see your home in a glossy!

  54. Congratulations, You deserve it and how exciting. I will get a copy tomorrow first thing. Again, all that hard work you deserve it.

  55. Hi Sweetie - although we do get general issues of this mag, I reckon this special one will either never be available Down Under or arrive via a slow boat in 2015, just in time to read tucked up in my Nursing Home bed. Any chance of a dog-eared, used, pre-loved copy coming our way via the U.S. Postal Service? Then it can have pride of place on the coffee table & I'll be able to brag 'I know that house & it's lovely Owners, I REALLY do!!!
    Millie xx

  56. Hi,
    I picked mine up yesterday at CVS Pharmacy (I'm in Raleigh, NC) as I waited in line, not knowing your house was in it. I was so excited to see your home and recognized it right away!

    Nancy W

  57. Congrats. I picked up my copy this morning at Dillons ( aka Kroger in some states.) I can't wait to pour over it this evening. I thumbed through it quickly and the pictures look beautiful. But of course !

  58. ...i can absolutley hear the crunch of the gravel as you and dan and ella walk across the drive and into our hearts...and i can hear too the determined...yet gentle voices of a woman and man of vision...a vision come true...the farmer would be proud...i love the last line of the article...for the puppy you found in texas...who was so in need of the perfect metaphor for the house you found in new hampshire...which was so in need of from now on...this will be (to me anyway!)...a house called ella...blessings...laney

  59. Congratulations!! Your home is absolutely amazing!

  60. Fantastic! I picked up a copy at Harris Teeter ( a grocery store down south). It did not disappoint. I am packing my bags and moving in. :)

    Move over Ella!

    xoxo Dianne

  61. I saw it yesterday at the check-out and almsot bought it...wish I had. I will get it asap.

  62. I can't wait to see your house!! So excited to get my copy! :)

  63. Oh my goodness, Joan! Congratulations! I cannot wait to go grab a copy as soon as I actually make it out of the house. I am so so so excited for you!

  64. Yay! Yay!!!
    So well deserved. I can't wait to get my copy.
    Congratulations my friend.



  65. Sooooo exciting! I can't wait to purchase a copy. Congratulations!

  66. Went to 5 different stores (Target and Books a Million included) and still NO copy. Can't wait to see. Contratulations !

  67. Thats so exciting Joan - I think I can actually get that magazine here next month in Perth, Australia!

  68. Got my copy today at Walgreens (pharmacy). Your home is the best feature in the magazine, for sure!

  69. Bought my copy at Books a Million. I then went for my hair appointment and showed everyone in the salon. Just finished reading the article and it is FABULOUS. DH who never reads any of my magazines read the entire article and thoroughly enjoyed it. I found myself telling him that (now the photos were beautiful in the magazine) your blog photos were so much more gorgeous. I thought that your blog shows so much more of your home. I am so glad that you are back from your summer break. LOVED, LOVED, LOVED the article.


  70. Well deserved! We are nearing the end of a long renovation...I have threatened to move out...and on the way I will pick up a fresh copy of renovation style.

  71. Congratulations!! Can't wait to get our copy!
    xo E + J

  72. Congreatulations and welcome back. I am so excited to go pick up this magazine and see your story. I had beenn thinking of you and missing your blog, even though you have only been done a few weeks.

  73. Congratulations Joan! I'm so excited for you. I couldn't find it at our grocery store earlier today. I called Target and Wal-mart and they didn't have it. I just called our Walgreens and they have it! I can't wait to get my copy tomorrow.

  74. I got mine! Found it at Walgreens! They did a great job on the photos, but with such a great start they didn't have to work too hard! I see the vintage fishing glass floats moved around a bit! Marvelous!!

  75. I finally found a copy at Lowe's. Your home is breathtaking!

  76. I haven't seen it yet but have it on my list to pick up a copy!

    Many, many congratulations!


  77. Joan, so excited to find it in Stop & Shop in Wrentham, MA! You are FAMOUS I tell ya!

  78. I picked that up at Bilo(a grocery store) here in Greenville,SC and put it back because I thought it was too soon. Back to Bilo in the morning.
    Know you are over the moon congrats.

  79. Got it at Wal-Mart!!! LOVED the article and the pictures are truly beautiful! Can't wait to see the REST OF THE HOUSE in print too....thinking BOOK here! Rosie

  80. Hi and welcome back, am going to Target today, hope to be able to buy my copy! thanks and looking forward to the article!


  81. Didn't expect to see a picture of you two. You are so pretty and Dan is a hunk! Ella is ,of course, precious!

  82. CONGRATULATIONS! How fantastic!...& what a treat to have after all of the beautiful work you've done on your home!

  83. I was in Stop and Shop this morning, and there it was! Congratulations...your house looks beautiful (so do you!) and I secretly love floor plans. I'm a little bit smitten by something in each of the featured houses, but when I saw yours it felt like I was seeing an old friend's.

  84. Love your blog and wow--totally love your home & all you did. I am going to look for that magazine tomorrow and will tell you if I find it where I found it.
    -Shelley in San Diego

  85. I just got my issue last night at Target. Wonderful wonderful article! So happy to see such a beautiful place in a magazine. Very well deserved!!

    kelly in georgia

  86. I got mine! Found it at Walgreens (although I see it's on your list). Fantastic story! I must say, I like your photographs more! ;) Congratulations!

  87. Congratulations Joan!! I'll be going to Lowe's in the morning to get my copy!! I can't wait!! Oh, and I'm glad you're back to blogging! :)

  88. Rats's too late to run out now (but soo tempting!).

    Cannot wait to see- ooooh, I'm giddy.


  89. SO SO exciting. I will try and find a copy tomorrow!!

  90. I am thrilled for your and your gorgeous home...can't wait to pick up a copy!!

  91. LOVED the article and pictures!! I am so proud of my sweet Aunt Joanie and Uncle Dan! Can't wait to come see in person!


  92. I found and bought a copy at the Charlotte, NC airport! :) Great photos of your beautiful home.

    Debbie Mason

  93. Oh my goodness I just love your farmhouse.
    What a labor of love! Today I went to CVS--they did not have the magazine.

    Then on to Walmart & I got it there-! YOUR photos on your blog are better but it's still a great piece. Thank for sharing. I am learning so much from you.

  94. Hooray, bought my copy today at Target. Am going to cuddle down in a cozy chair and enjoy tonight... Very cool here in the Chicago suburbs... Brrrr. Perfect night for a warm house and an excellent read!

  95. Oh I am so glad to see you're back you were missed...Congrats Joan, I can't wait to check it out !!!

    All the best,
    Kathy :)

  96. Dear Joan,
    Congratulations, your house is so beautiful and so very inspring. Can't wait to get my hands on a copy!

  97. Congrats!! I purchased 2 for me and one for my daughter who is remodeling her just purchased farm house. Yours is her inspration!!!! Yes...glad you are back!

  98. Hi There!
    Kudos to you! I just wanted to let you know I found the magazine at our Barnes and Noble. I adore your site and all that you have done to your beautiful home! I am a native New Englander (CT) who has found herslef living in Chicago these days (can we say homesick)? Your blog and pictures brings me a bit of "home" everyday....Thank You! :)

  99. Hi Joan, I found the magazine at Chapters! What a lovely article and beautiful photos of your home. It was nice to see the floor layouts of the before and after to visualize the changes. You and your husband have done an amazing job on this renovation and should be very proud of all your efforts. Congrats again! Have a lovely weekend. Pamela

  100. congratulations! I can't wait to see it!

  101. Hi Joan,

    Just picked up my copy!
    Your home is just beautiful...
    What a great feature, love the title!!
    Happy Fall!
    Have a great weekend...
    All the Best,

  102. Congratulations on your feature, I'll be sure to grab a copy!

  103. Now, we can all say "we knew Joan when..."! You have accomplished so much in a very short time! Glad you were able to take a bit of time off to re-charge. Glad you're back.

  104. My much younger sister, Mary, bought me a copy today!
    Beautiful ...but, you are still having 'way too much fun'.!! :)

  105. Hi Joan....our local Target didn't have the magazine but Home Depot did! They had two copies left at one end so I grabbed them both, one for me and one for my neighbor since she wants to see also. So you have another store to add to your list!

  106. I picked up my copy last night at Books-a-Million. Your article was the highlight of the magazine for me. You are always so gracious about sharing, well, EVERYTHING on how you have made such a beautiful home. Thank you for letting us into your home, Joan & Dan!

    - Jenny

  107. I just got a copy of the magazine and love being able to really take my time and study each picture! I'm glad to see that the stylist didn't come in and make a bunch of changes! I did notice a couple, such as removing the tv from the kitchen. I wish magazine people would understand that we like to see real homes exactly how real people live in them, thus the popularity of blogs. Your home is so beautiful exactly how you place things! I still say you should consider doing a book on the rebirth of your old farmhouse! I'd buy the first copy!

  108. We have tried contacting the publisher as well and have had no luck. We are trying to purchase additional copies, maybe 50 or so.We were one of the featured articles as well, on page 34. Have you heard anything from them yet?

  109. Joan,
    I can't believe how quickly your home was featured as it seemed like they were just there taking the photos. I ran out to my local CVS and picked up the magazine, and the article and photos were all wonderful as expected. You are both so talented and have turned a neglected farmhouse into a very warm and inviting home. Congratulations.

  110. Hi, I finally found the magazine at target...I thought the article was great, but I must say that your photos and the copy on your blog are far and away better that what was presented in the mag.This isn't to complain or be critical about renovation Style, they did a fine job and it's so exciting to see your house published, but your blog really expresses the heart and love with which you infuse every decision about the house...and I like your photos better.

  111. I might have to beg you to send me a copy in Japan!

  112. i WISH i was a reader last year!! Any chance you have a stack of these in a closet somewhere, so you can send me an extra copy? ;)


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