Saturday, September 17, 2011

Fall has arrived!

Thank you so much for all of your wonderful comments and emails about our feature in
Renovation Style magazine! 
I want you to know how very grateful I am for all of your blog-love and support. 
Thank you, thank you, thank you!

~ ~ ~

Fall has arrived in New Hampshire! 
The temperatures have dropped (I'm wearing a sweater as I type;) and the leaves on the maples are just starting to turn. 

This maple is always the first on our property to start changing colors.

For all of you who live in the South, who have endured this hellish summer, it won't be long now until Fall gets to you.... 


  1. Actually, it's very fall like today in South Carolina. The temp has only reached the low 60s. I have on a sweatshirt! A few days ago, it was 95 degrees. Like a lot of our southern neighbors, we need rain. I pulled out all the fall decorations this morning, and I'm painting pumpkins. How fun!

  2. Joan, we are actually experiencing fall temps today. Only 70 here near Atlanta. Thank goodness!!

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  3. it feels like Fall today in North Georgia!

    Love seeing the pictures of your maple tree!

  4. The beginning of fall looks beautiful where you are :)
    I can feel it here too

    Deborah xo

  5. Still drooling over the magazine feature. I especially loved seeing the floor plan. It helps all the rooms makes sense in my head. LOVE!!!!

    As for Fall...temps in the 60's today in N.C. We are ready! The trees here lost so many leaves during Irene that our fall foliage will be sparse.

  6. I'm headed straight to the hellish summer that just won't quit today, Joan! Anything you want me to pick up for you???? I'm hoping I'll take some of this cool weather and rain with me! I know they could use it! See you when I get back!

  7. We're finally feeling some cooler weather here in GA. We don't have the pretty Fall leaves yet though. Really enjoyed your home in the magazine. It's a keeper! Can't wait to see the rest of your renovations as they get complete.

  8. Are you sure?? It's still so hot here in Florida! Can't wait for some cool, crisp air..oh, yes! Love your maple tree, keep showing it turning..we miss the changing leaves down here!
    Love your blog!!

  9. Thanks for the "cool" thoughts, I feel better already. Lovely photos, I can just imagine ...

  10. much older sister SusanSeptember 17, 2011 at 4:55 PM

    SHUT UP!!!!! Well we get to hear Stevie Wonder from our patio tonight because ACL is going on this weekend and since we live so close to Zilker we can hear the bands!

  11. Fall is peeking her head at us! The past 2 days have been cool. But we are to warm up a little (70's) for the next week which will be perfect for me to transition! I am ALMOST done my fall decorating! I made 4 arrangements today and did my front porch! Will be posting soon, Joe has to still get the fountain off the porch for me:):) XO, Pinky

  12. We just received a good rain last evening here in North Texas. While we will not see the brilliant colors YOU have up there.....hopefully we WILL see a smattering of yellow leaves among the BROWN ones of OUR fall. Love your beautiful photos!

  13. Congrats on the Renovation Home feature!! Well deserved. I should be able to get my copy at Harris Teeter grocery chain.. Next week I'm headed to Dallas. When I went in Aug one day it was 107. I'm hoping it will still feel like summer there as I always have a hard time letting go, especially of warm summer nights.

  14. Having a small taste of it today....60's and rain...rain..rain......going back up to 80's later this week (thank goodness)...I'm not ready! Have a great weekend....k

  15. It's getting cooler here, only 71 today. Yay! Can't wait to wear a sweater and have the first fire in my woodstove.

  16. To see Fall as you do down here in North Florida would be so nice. sigh! I will have to content myself with seeing yours through pictures. Enjoy and any more Fall pictures would be appreciated. Thanks for sharing.

  17. I picked up the magazine yesterday just as soon as I realized your home was in it. Showed it to my 91 year old mom and she loves your house too...she said it reminds her of the home she grew up in in North Carolina.

    Congratulations on your feature!

  18. Hi Joan, Dan, and Ella: What a beautiful NH day, it was today! I picked up the magazine, Tuesday, but am not reading it until I have time to just sit and absorb it all! Congratulations! Cindy

  19. It feels like fall here in Southern California, but it might be just an illusion. We are most likely in for more warm weather before it truly stays cool. We have a next door neighbor with a 'liquid amber' tree and that provides us with "leaves changing color" as the season.

  20. We're having cool weather too. I have been wearing a cardigan around to keep the chill off. We had a near freeze twice this week but managed to escape it. I've seen a hint of color starting. Such a great time of year! Let's embrace it! Hugs...Liz

  21. Big congratulations on you very well deserved and beautiful feature, Joan, we are all so lucky to get more doses of the beauty that you weave so well.
    The air is beginning to crisp up out here for our subtle change of season. I love that I can vicariously experience New England's fiery Sutumn beauty through your blog!
    xo isa

  22. What a great tease. Beautiful. It reminds me of where I live. I am in Oregon and we too are seeing the changes. Love it. Love it. Love it.


  23. We've had a couple of "cooler" days here in Dallas....which has given me hope! Can't wait for Fall!

    Beautiful tree! I hope you show off some Fall decorating too!


  24. it's so exciting this time of the year! i love to see the tree's change color. but then the fun comes. not sure i'm ready for that! enjoy the crisp cool air and stay toasty!


  25. Hi Joan, I just got my hands on the magazine yesterday. Loved it! So amazing all the work you have done. I got a glimpse of your dining room and hope you share the details soon on your blog.

    Glad to see signs of fall. We are in Florida and I'm just over the heat already. Please keep posting about your trees, I miss seeing all of that.

  26. Promise? I'm not holding my breath. Fall looks stunning in your corner of the world. I think I can even hear the sap running through the trees, waiting to be tapped!

  27. Still hot as hell in LA. I'm jealous...

    ♥ sécia

  28. I'm not holding my breath either since we spent a very hot day at the beach yesterday and as I type the kids are in the pool here at home. :)

    Your maple is lovely. I'll be watching mine in the coming weeks for any sign of fall. :)

  29. Hi Joan, I picked up Reno Style yesterday! Loved your feature....especially loved seeing a really large photo of the exterior of your house. Really beautiful!

    Glad to hear fall is on it's way....
    xo kelley

  30. much older sister SusanSeptember 18, 2011 at 7:29 PM

    I gave Clay and Christi my copy of the magazine and I will get another copy one tomorrow. They thought y'all looked great and thought it was all fabulous!!

    Did you get my email about what Karen said? I thought is was sweet!

  31. Well, you know me, we are anxiously awaiting those first warm days of Spring !
    We had a tease the other day but it is cold again now.
    Serves us right for moving somewhere that has everything backwards :)
    Enjoy the Autumn , my favorite season of the year.

  32. Joan,

    I have been looking high and low for the magazine. Our Target did not have it but I FINALLY did find it on our local grocery store. At the checkout, I told the cashier to be careful with it as my "friend's" home was featured in it. She said, "Wow. Really?" I kind of chuckled to myself and said, yes.

    Those words tumbled out of my mouth as I realized that I do consider my blogging buddies "friends." So, friend, I am so proud of you. I have not actually had a chance to sit down and read the article yet. I think I will wait until all 3 kids are at school tomorrow. I will pour a cup of tea and drink it all in.

    Oh and about Fall...I just did a post about how depressed I am missing Fall. It is still HOT here.

  33. Thanks for sending the Fall weather down South. We really appreciate it.
    Congratulations again on the great article in Renovation Style.

  34. Let's hope that winter takes her time this year up here....

  35. LOVE your blog about your house, your life and your love! This is my new 'escape and dream' blog! Love the pictures ~ rhonda

  36. Picked up my copy of Renovation Style and your house looks sooo beautiful in the glossy magazine pictures. I found my copy at Target. :)

    We are holding on to Fall as tight as we can around here. The weather has been beautiful!

  37. I’m freezing already but according to the farmer’s almanac I won’t be freezing all winter. Your article turned out beautifully you and Dan should be so proud! Thank you for all your well wishes!

  38. I always get so homesick this time of year! =( I am jealous you are in a sweater right now and looking at at your changing foliage!

  39. Amen Sister, speaking for all southerns here in the deep south fall can't come to soon. Yes it is my favorite time of the year, cool breezes, changing colors, nature preparing to take a long sleep is wonderful. Thanks for always inspiring. Kathy


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