Monday, October 24, 2011

the barn room status...

The recent rash of comments and emails I have received asking "what's up with the barn room" makes me think y'all have banded together and talk amongst yourselves!!
One email, no- 'Hi" or "How ya doin'?"-  just demanding to know when am I going to show the barn room as she had been waiting a long time and checked in daily just to see it! 

So, it appears I need to post an explanation!

Here's the deal...
I am very happy to tell you that the floor issue has been resolved and we are "in" the room!  The room is everything and more that I had hoped it would be!   To say I am "pleased" with the design and how the room is coming together is a huge understatement.   It is a dream to us- football on the manTV (Dan), and listening to Adele LOUD on the sound system (me) is a big hit- though not at the same time!  The huge original barn door as art is, well-
 magic in the room.

That said, it is still a "work in progress," and honestly I won't be showing the finished room for monthsI don't show "in progress" design, that's just not how I roll... sorry.   It took me over a month (and three states) to find all the perfect lampshades for the room.  The room is coming together- it's just a slow process, so I hope you'll bear with me!
The big design elements of the room are all in place, but I am working on:  linen slipcovers for the sofas, curtains for the french doors, window treatments, an 8-foot stone slab for the worktable, and hanging 50+ antique herbariums! 
What I have decided to do is to show you the room in reverse.  Usually I post a room with only photos, no commentary then I go back and re-post with descriptions of elements in the room.  In this case I'll show individual design elements (the coffee table, lamps, sconces, art, etc.)  and will eventually work up to the completed room as a whole.

I am close to showing the finished half bath which is just off of the barn room, and I'm struggling with trying to decide if it is wrong to love a bathroom?!!  :)  :)
What do ya think?!  Is it wrong to love a bathroom?!!!

50 plus antique American herbariums made by Lulu M. Cowan in 1894. 
In Dallas I could only tastefully;) display 27 of these beauties in our living room, but  here... all of them are going up!  They have been packed away in boxes for three and a half years.  I have missed them dearly, and the day they all get hung you'll hear a bottle of Veuve popping! 

In summation, I beg for your patience :) :)



  1. I beg for your patience! Ha ha, love it.

    I feel that is really what all bloggers everywhere want!

  2. I'm sure it will be WELL WORTH the wait!

  3. Loving a bathroom….
    If by Love you mean enjoyable, delightful,good, desirable, inviting, charming, beautiful….then I think the answer is yes!

    Anxious for the big reveal(but not pressure here).

  4. sooooo looking forward to seeing it. My heart skips a beat whenever I see a new post from you, as your home is absolutely an inspiration! I often show rooms in progress on my blog, but I find it helps me decide on a clear direction of the room, and I love to have readers input. If I had your skills, and furnishings, however, I'd wait for a ta-da reveal also =)

  5. Of course it's ok to love a bathroom...if we ever complete our master bath remodel I know I will start my love affair with a bathroom!

    And I'm sure the barn room reveal will be worth the wait! Keep fine tuning, and we'll look forward to the end results!

    Kat :)

  6. You take your time sweetheart. It will be worth the wait.
    Thanks for all your inspiring posts!

  7. Can't wait to see the barn room--I'm sure it will be well worth waiting for. Loved the exterior photos from the back meadow. And as I raked leaves this weekend in my own yard, I'm wondering how you deal with them in New England, as you must have millions of them. Do they fall where they may and you leave them? Do you rake and burn them? Mulch?

  8. It is sad that we hang on every post you post...but I for one, totally understand not wanting to reveal until you are satisfied! And that is a big room! So we (I guess some of us) will patiently wait for the big reveal!! Donna

  9. Tami- since we are on a hill the majority of them blow away, thank goodness. We will rake in early Spring to get them out of beds and places where they have 'wintered':)

  10. Oh I cannot wait to see it all. If you love the bathroom, it has to be fantastic!! I am sure the barn room will not disappoint. Everything you do is wonderfully thought out and beautiful. I am still drooling over the kitchen. :)
    Hello Ella. xo

  11. The Herbariums sound fascinating, and are probably worth a study just in themselves. If they were all collected in one place, and have identifying botanical information, you might want to get an opinion from a university department or museum of natural history. I hope that they are not too fragile to hang--also don't forget to protect them from fading.
    --Road to Parnassus

  12. Oh Joan...I know the wait will be well worth it and I can't wait to see ALL those framed beauties on your wall/walls. Have fun!
    Maura :)

  13. I adore any snip-its you care to show us. Truly, you could post a picture a day of one of your unique finds and I'd gobble it up! But I will gladly wait until you decide to share the great room with us.
    Yes, it's completely normal to love a bathroom!

  14. I know the room will be stunning when you get it all pulled together. I have seen in another house I toured a barn door used for art and it was magnificent. As for the bathroom, I loved the bathroom in my dentist office for years. His office was in a house built in 1910. I''m sure you will love every room in your house as they all seem to be pretty special.

  15. I am so looking forward to seeing the results. In the meantime maybe a photo of sweet Ella will calm the masses.

  16. Oh those silly sassy demanding bloggers. I shall wait patiently, because it will be worth it to see what you've done with the space...every time you reveal a room I swoon.

  17. Hi Joan,
    I hope you are well and I look forward to the unveiling of the "barn room". I love your blog...thanks for sharing

  18. patiently waiting over here...please take your time - i just know it will be so worth the wait!
    happy day to you.

  19. hi joanie,

    a rash of comments sounds painful/itchy. i know you and you will not show anything until a level of perfection has been achieved that i can only dream about. i understand completely. and i will wait...itch and all.


  20. Janet- not too painful;) more endearing! I was thinking since you were always so patient for "years" in waiting to see any photos of the house that you could lead a support group for my more non-patient readers??! Ya know... tell them how I'm slow and all;)

  21. Can't wait to see!!! I am so happy I found your little spot. I do so love your farmhouse. I'll be your latest follower and look forward to hearing and seeing your newest post. Blessings~~Shine

  22. You sure know how to keep a person waiting! Now, I need to know what a herbarium is/looks like and how you can put 50 of them in the room!That seems like a lot of one thing but I don't really know what one is. I can't wait to see the finished room!

  23. ..the barn door!!...oh my!how i cannot wait to see the barn door...and...of course it is not bad to love a bathroom...just think of the farmer and his THEY would have loved the bathrooms...(any bathroom for that matter) see the barn room in all its glory will be more than worth the have all the rooms of this house been worth the wait...hugs and blessings...laney

  24. Your rooms are so increditable, it is hard to wait. I know I certainly am in love with your bathroom upstairs. I can't imagine the next one!!! I was wondering if you have all of the rooms that you have shared on the side bar? Have I missed any? I have tried to find the post of your beautiful closet, but I can't find it and have only seen the master bedroom. You have such talent. Do you ever help people put a room together? best regards, wenda scott,

  25. Aren't we all curious!! We shall wait and it will be so worth it...that I know Joan....xv

  26. I will be patient.
    Never mind that sound, that is just my foot tapping.. it does that sometimes ... when waiting ... and waiting ... besos

  27. Of course you can LOVE a bathroom, isn't that the goal to LOVE the rooms on our homes???? That's my goal anyway! We all need to learn some patience:) I totally understand not wanting to reveal part of the room, especially because it is going to be FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We can all wait, you take your time, it will be SO worth the wait. Everything you touch is magic. XO, Pinky

  28. I have not spoken with anyone else about the barn room but I was wondering the same thing! I actually expected to see it in the magazine shoot- I figured you were holding out on us to save it for that! Then when that didn't happen I thought, soon enough we will see it!! I had to look up the word Herbarium! I couldn't imagine what you had 50 of that you were going to hang in this room!
    Looking forward to seeing your half bath! Must be great if you are "in love" with it!! :-)

  29. Oh you tease JUST SHOW THE! I can't believe a month on lampshades, it's going to be a year on pillows want some help? Not wrong to love a bathroom we just hung some grass paper in our downstairs bath and I'm thinking of moving in there....;)

  30. We know it is going to be amazing, Joan!!!
    We are just like kids wanting to peek at the Christmas presents before Christmas morning..... :)
    Thank you so much for letting us all share your house!

  31. I don't think you can rush these things...I'll be happy to view once it is all done. I'm sure it will be fabulous!


  32. I think it is healthy to love every room in your home if you can!!! I am patient. I know these thing cannot be rushed:)

  33. Pamela- per Wikipedia, an herbarium is a collection of preserved plant specimens that have been dried and mounted on paper to use for reference. They are labeled with all essential data such as date and place found, description of the plant, altitude, and special habitat conditions.
    I have another collection framed and hanging on the walls that flank the fireplace in the living room. You can click on the photo of the living room on my sidebar to see them.

    Wenda- I have all but the guest bath on the sidebar. To see the master closet can click "master closet" on the sidebar under Topics of Interest. Yes, I did some design work (small jobs) back in Dallas. I plan to start my business here once the farmhouse is completed! "If" its ever completed;);)

    Debra- I just might take you up on that;)

  34. Boo-hoo. :(
    I'm sure it will be worth the wait though!

  35. Joan, Dan, Ella: All great things take time. The barn room will be worth the wait! I am just as anxious to see the bathroom. You are lucky about the leaves. Mike and I will be clearing leaves for weeks to come. Cindy

  36. Patience - isn't that what we're all searching for Joan? Patience, a winning lottery ticket, and a maid ... maybe even an assistant! LOL!

    I can only imagine how beautiful the barn room is already - but I know that once you've got everything perfeclty appointed, and styled only the way you can, we'll all be bowled over and it will be worth the wait!

    Course - I can picture a snapshot of your Christmas decor on your beautiful stone fireplace in the barnroom come Christmas - even if you haven't posted the full room! :)

    Just a thought! LOL!

  37. Oh, and yes - I suppose if you could hate a bathroom, as I have, you could love one just as easily. I can't wait to see it!

  38. i can appreciate you doing the big reveal. i like the way you roll. i will try to be patient! ;)

    ashley over @

  39. Hi Joan, love your house and your blog and have been following for ages marvelling at your extraordinary taste and skill at renovating this beautiful home. Your blogging and style are exemplary and I have included you in today's post with my tope 15 Versatile Bloggers Awards.

  40. I check every day to see if there is a new post by you. I'm sure your barn room will be spectacularly stunning, just like the rest of your home. Is that a sneak peak at the carpet? It looks like a sisal. I'm already excited. You really need to do a book on your home!

  41. It's all going to be worth the wait...but don't make us wait too long!!


  42. Bathrooms are usually my least favorite rooms to read about, or see pictures of. Your master bathroom, however, is the exception: I found it to be beautiful and warm and luxurious and I stared at the photos forever.Yes, you can definitely love a bathroom!!

  43. Mel- thank you!

    LL- no- this is actually the master closet! But, you are correct- it is wall to wall sisal!

  44. I promise to have patience, but now that you mention some of the special goodies going into the room, I will be even more anxious to see the results.

    And, yes, you can love a bathroom. I do.

  45. I love that you're taking your time and getting it exactly as you want (or close to it) before showing it to the masses (i.e. US!). In this day and age of instant gratification your way is so refreshing. AFter all, Rome wasn't built in a day. ;-).

    That being said, I wait with bated breath. :)
    xo Heidi

  46. Just wanted you to know how much I have loved following you on your journey. I appreciate the time you put in to showing us all the lovely things you do. Thank you

  47. Hi Joan, thanks for the post and no worries, I can certainly understand having it all 'done' before the photos. I am the same way here at home and our little remodel! Not long ago I remember telling someone I LOVE our powder room now that it is ours, not the previous owner's taste... and got such a funny look! ha

    It is just new and fresh, makes me happy : ) to see it looking so pretty. I say it is possible to adore a pedestal sink, new toilet, gorgeous faucet and a beautiful paint color!

    Thank you Joan for keeping us posted, no pressure, just gratitude for sharing your lovely home.


  48. Joan,
    While patience isn't one of my strong suits I'm confident the wait will be worth it since every room you've shared has become my favorite!

  49. Hello Joan (and Dan!),
    Well, I have finished! I have spent the last four (long) evenings reading all of your back posts, and am now "up to speed". I found your blog when, after recieving my Amazon order of "An Affair with a House" last week, I googled Bunny Williams to learn more about her, and something led me to your blog post about your lunch with her. I started to look at the rooms on your sidebar and was so SMITTEN with your vision and your style that I had to keep reading. OK I am done gushing now. But I will be here for the duration :) Thanks so much for the eye-candy!


  50. Thank you all for your very dear commments, and for understanding;)

    Cheryl- thank you for telling me how you found the blog! And, then you read the 'whole' thing?!! Love it!

  51. Jeez girl get a move on, we can only hang on for so long! Yep I've been wandering about the Barn Room too, but thought you may have rented it out to a group of College students, so was too polite to enquire as to it's status. So glad to know it still remains in your control. And as for that comment about 'I never show in progress images', I've just broken out in a cold sweat. All those images of the Bathroom-From-Hell in all it's various stages will have to be expunged from my bloggie forever.
    Millie xx

  52. Mills- in progress "design" not RENO!! I love in progress reno- that's about 75% of my blog:)

  53. Ha ha haha. No worries. :-) Sometimes folks forget that bloggers have a life too and that we can't meet or exceed all expectations all the time. You do a lovely job and are a true inspiration for what I hope to do in the future- at least to some extent - I'll take what I can get. ;-)

    Happy Tuesday from Kansas!

  54. Thanks for the update. There really is no pressure. I want to squeal, and jump up and down, and yes...drool a bit. So I will wait for the big reveal, too.
    Can't wait for the bath though, I know it'll be ready soon. HURRY!!!

  55. I just picture bloggers waiting patiently outside your doors....begging to see what you have done! I for one can hardly wait for the big reveal!

  56. Joan, It is obvious that you are very particular as to what goes into each room. The result of that is a beautifully decorated home. I know this room will be just as gorgeous as the rest of your house. Thanks for the info on the Saint Joseph statue. At this point I will try anything.

  57. I think it is fine to LOVE a bathroom :)
    Thanks for the update.

  58. Joan, Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful home with all of us. It is beyond fabulous.
    Reading about your home provides me with the inspiration I need as we renovate our 125 year old home. As for waiting to see your Barn Room, we can read all your previous posts (happily) until its ready.

  59. oh, joan- these comments (and your post) make me chuckle. good things come to those who wait-

    happy almost wednesday-


  60. not fair. i have NO patience. just take a corner of the room. something! anything!!! adele. ha! ok - 50 herbiers? i am so jealous. show us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  61. ok ok - just reread all your barn posts - isn't that worth anything?

    ok - how about this - can we at least see how the fireplace looks? please!!!

    i know you are worried about the interiors - but i think most people jsut want to see the design of the room itself. what did you end up as flooring??????

  62. Your barn room is going to be just as magnificent as the rest of your beautiful home. Looking forward to seeing it. I wanted to tell you that I got the magazine that you were featured in. Loved the article and this is a "must" save magazine.


  63. I too had wondered but was working on patience. I know you are a perfectionist so I think we will all wait. However...I would love to join you to listen to Adele but would probably start singing & that would be BAD. We had tickets to see her here in The Woodlands but she has a very hurt sad. I was truly pumped at the thought. Can't wait to see the bath you are in love with either....

  64. Ok, it's not "Wrong" to love a bathroom but, you have to remember there are rules....

    #1 You must set boundaries with your spending hours standing in there looking at the divine wallpaper and making your bathroom think he is the most special"one" in the world.He'll get a swelled "head". (get it?)

    #2 Keep your praise limited. If you lavish too much attention on this "one" the other "ones" (i've noticed bedrooms get particularly jealous:) ) will think you are playing favorites and as every good parent knows you shouldn't have favorites among your I mean "children".

    That brings us to rule #3. Do not treat your bathroom like a child...remember he is a grown up room and he can act like a grown up. Keep his decorum grownup, not too silly or "fadish".Be sure and tell him NO temper tantrums in the sink, no throwing up his plumbing and for heaven's sake keep your hand towels neat and tidy... got it?

    Rule #4. Remember love is fickle. As soon as you think you are done decorating, you will find some wonderful new accessory or some flashy new "convenience" that will make you want to start remodeling all over again. Resist the urge. State your intentions and then carry through. Being faithful is very important in love and with your decorating plan.

    Rule #5.Ok I know the reflection in the mirror gives you goosebumps when it looks back at you all adoring and back lit with pink lightbulbs...but try and resist showing off your love to others...they just won't understand. Keep your PDA to yourself and wait for when you two can be alone.

    See loving a bathroom is the same as loving your ....?
    Well, I THINK IT IS!

  65. Just so glad to hear the floor issue has been resolved. Go ahead and "do your thing". Thank you for the update. Have fun along the way too.


Welcome! Thank you for leaving a comment; you have no idea how much your comments inspire me to keep writing- I appreciate each and every one. Comments are moderated by me prior to publishing on the blog, so if you don't see your comment post immediately it will be posted as soon as I receive and read it. joan