Monday, October 17, 2011

befores and after from the back meadow



 If you look closely under the bottom porch you'll see some stone work going on... she's getting a stone skirt like the front porch!


  1. It was pretty cute before but now it is a beautiful property!

  2. It's just grand! I love how it all turned out! The fireplace and the two sets of doors on either side look so good! It doesn't look like a barn anymore! I love those big trees that are out front- where's the birch tree that was there? I don't see it! I can't imagine how much you've increased the value of your home, but I know it's a lot!

  3. That looks beautiful. Love the colours. x


    Oh how you've transformed that barn, Joan, (and Dan and Ella) it's beautiful! Absolutely beautiful. Can't wait to see the inside! :) hint hint!


  5. Everything is just so beautiful. I wonder how your barn room is coming? I've enjoyed your blog so very much and if you knew just how many times I've looked at each room that you have posted, you would think I was crazy. Do you sell any antiques anymore? Wenda Scott

  6. ..oh my goodness...even the sky is bluer since you moved in...

  7. The barn renovation is so gorgeous. That chimney is a wonderful exterior feature of your home.The stone skirting will certainly enhance this side of your home. I would love to see the same view when it is snow covered.

  8. Your home is so beautifully sited on the land...classic New England. It looked pretty before, and is even better now that you have softened the colors and made every nook and cranny fit with your needs and desires.


  9. Joan, Dan, and Ella: Wow! I thought the before was nice, but the after pictures are beautiful! How long does it take to mow the yard?! Cindy

  10. Beautiful! I can't wait to see the reveal of that barn room!

  11. Wow- I have your illustration finished and I would like to send to you -
    Can you shoot me an e-mail pve at pve design dot com
    and let me know where to send.
    She is a beauty.

  12. Beautiful!! Love to see the transformation of the barn room from the exterior. :)
    Be blessed!
    Heidi @ Show some Decor (soon to be Decor & More!)

  13. Even your grass is lovely! I just love your house - everything about it. It looks so much larger and elegant with all the changes. Did they have shrubs growing in front of the back door in the before shots??
    I can't believe how much you have done - for the love of a house is right. Your house is very lucky to have you. =) So are we.
    xo isa

  14. The house looks beautiful, I love the gray! The stone skirt will be perfect! XO, Pinky

  15. Love the new look. Waiting to see that wonderful barn room.

  16. You two have really done a lot to that old house. I can't wait for a tour of the 'new barn'. It all looks so beautiful and must be such a pleasure to live in. It's quite a remarkable accomplishment! Blessings, Pamela

  17. It's absolutely the color and the elegant work you've done!!

  18. totally breathtaking. a goregous property thw color of the new barn. i agree with the others (i want to see the inside!)...more rooms...please! ;)

    ashley over @

  19. I love the barn in it's new dress...what a great transformation. You have put so much work in your new home, I love it all!


  20. it's amazing what paint can do, not to mention your beautiful barn remodel! Excellent job! I love it.

  21. Lizabeth- good eye! Sadly, that whole little grouping came down in the "ice storm of the century" that occurred a mere two months after we bought the property.

    Wenda- I do not think you crazy at all, I am flattered! No, I am not selling antiques right now, but I do plan on selling "smalls" on ebay in the future. I will do a post when I do!

    Cindy- per Dan;) It takes 1 hour 45 minutes with the tractor and another hour with the push mower. In terms of grass it is about 2.5 acres.

    Patricia- email has been sent! I am thrilled, thank you so much.

    Isa- yes, there were overgrown shrubs growing in front of that door, and also a vine growing up the the side of the porches (which I had totally forgotten about until seeing these photos;)

  22. heavenly just heavenly-I really think
    the reason the house did not sell before you two came along is because it knew you would come and make it this home. I have built 11 homes over the years and loved every minute of it. Your makes me covet girl and that's the truth.

  23. Sooooo beautiful! Seriously, your home is perfect! I know you think so too. :) Thanks for sharing it with us. :)

  24. Wonderful home and wonderful life!

  25. Oh my goodness, what an improvement. I love love your white chimney, and the gray couldn't be any more perfect with the white and the stone. And... you have a meadow!?! There aren't many things in the world any better than a meadow...


  26. It has been such a joy to follow the transformation of your home. I know the amount of work it takes to fulfill your vision. I also know that you and Dan are our kindred spirits and love seeing your dream house become a reality.
    Thank you for taking the time to share your story and inspiring others. It's so important to show everyone what is possible.


  27. Looks beautiful! The grass looks much healthier too. :) And I bet you're excited about the stone skirt--yay!


    P.S. How's the barn room coming along?? ;)

  28. Joan, the vista from your windows must be incredible...what a view to enjoy day by day. Your home is so beautiful and a total credit to you....Such hard work, but oh so worth it...Congratulations....xv

  29. Lovely!! Beautiful and serene! A lot of hard work too--congratulations!!

  30. Currently renovating our house in Sydney and I am finding so much inspiration from your renovation. You have such amazing taste and style and your house has transformed into such a beautiful, stylish, elegant, comfortable and welcoming home - you should be thrilled and I can only hope to get a similar result.

  31. Hello,
    You have a splendid house !
    Have a nice day !
    Céline, watercolorist.

  32. Absolutely beautiful, my personal favorite part is that its not overly landscaped....(a pet peeve of mine) just a beautiful sprawling green piece of property, stunning!

  33. I agree with Brooke's comment. Thank you for sharing this with all of us. Many of us dream the same dream you guys had and make all the efforts to make them come true. It's very inspirational and I'm so grateful for knowing your beautiful blog and home.

    Have a lovely day!


    Luciane at

  34. Joan,
    What a beautiful property. Do you guys use a riding mower? How long before the grass will be covered in a wonderful blanket of fresh snow...such a picturesque part of the nation!

  35. Thank you all! I wish you knew how much your comments mean to me and Dan.... thank you.

    Karen- Big Blue has a mower attachment that mows the front and back meadow, then we have a push-mower for around the house. So, in essense- yes;) we have a riding mower!! Snow "usually" starts in December.

  36. I so much enjoy these Before and After photos and seeing the amazing changes you have made, while the house remains old and charming looking, as if it has been that beautiful all along.

    I looked at a house online, made all my renovations juices start running :)
    Upstate NY .. formerly a one room school house .. can you imagine ?? :)

  37. dear joan,
    such elegance and wonder she is getting another skirt! i want to run with a child down that grass hill!
    thank you for sharing...always.

  38. Dear Joan,
    It's so wonderful to see the transformation full scale. I just love the new lines and colors of the house. It's such a beautiful complement to the surrounding landscape.
    Just so very beautiful xo

  39. There simply are no words to describe what you have done with this house and property. AMAZING!
    Perhaps the fact that I spend way too much time looking at your blog and the renovation magazine that featured your home is a hint that I am in love with it all.
    xoxo Dianne

  40. Great choice. The red wasn't bad by any means, but this ties together so beautifully. What a gorgeous property! I'll bet this is a wonderful time of year there too. With temp's into the high 80's here yesterday, the only thing that's changing is the "light". Anyway, it's perfect, Enjoy!

  41. I would love to see closer photos of the patio space by the barn and whats in the pretty green pots. Also, I wonder how the flowers you planted in the orb have done? I thought that was so cute. I actually found an orb here in Salt Lake and I am very anixous to plant it next spring. Thank you for your reply to me :) wenda scott,

  42. Lucianne how wonderful. It is all in the details. You are so talented.

    Oh I have a Designer Pillows Giveaway! I hope you will join! (a great source as well)

    Art by Karena

  43. Of course I mean Joan. It is early for me!! Hip surgery next week!

    Art by Karena

  44. Oh this looks beautiful! I didn't think I liked having a lot of property when we lived in CT, but now that we have very little living at the beach...I miss it. This makes me miss it even more...

  45. much older sister SusanOctober 18, 2011 at 4:29 PM

    Just beautiful Joanie and Dan! I can just see Vince and Roxi running through the meadow when we come to visit and bring them!!

  46. FABULOUS! Like someone else said - Thank you & bless you for taking the time to share your story and photos and inspiring us. It's so important to show everyone what is possible.

  47. It looks amazing, just like the rest of your beautiful home!

  48. You have such a beautiful eye for design. Your home is sooo lovely! Love seeingbthe fruits of your labor!

    Thanks for the tip on my front door hardware!

  49. It's breathtaking! White and grey are my favorites. Will catch up with you soon. :)

  50. thank you all so much!

    Wenda- There are grasses in the large green jardinieres- varigated maiden hair grass. Honestly, I haven't loved it, so will probably transplant next year and do something else there. I have regular maiden hair grass in the iron container in the courtyard and I LOVE that!
    Actually, there aren't any flowers inside the orb. That is planted with a varigated euonynmos that will eventually wrap the arms of the orb, but no flowers;)
    How fun that you found an orb too!

  51. Stunning transformation!

    ♥ sécia

  52. Oh, it's beautiful.
    You really have done a great job.

  53. Absolutelyu looks so peaceful and serene :o)

  54. I absolutely love your blog. It's one of my favorites. Your home is breathtaking and I am so happy to see another home brought back to it's former glory. You've done a great job!

  55. Beautiful home, takes my breath away.

  56. Beautiful work! By the way, that's an awful lot of grass and I don't see any horses :)

  57. It looks wonderful--you have done such a great job with your antique home! Love the symmetry on the barn and would love to be able to sit on the terrace and share some vino with you both.

  58. WHAT a legacy you have left....breathing such beautiful new life into this old soul! And if I close my eyes...I'm pretty sure I can smell the maple syrup cooking. Sigh. love.

  59. First off: wow! You have a meadow! An awesome, beautiful, large, green meadow! (Me, imagining large garden parties with tables set up, people mingling ... or a wedding with a band ...) The house transformation is just stunning. So beautifully balanced with the changes and the new color palette. Enjoy all that beauty!

  60. Love everything about your house!

  61. Your home is warm, inviting and freshly classic. Do you do any Halloween decorating? If so, I'd love to see pictures.

  62. Joan, What a beautiful transformation! I love the gray paint.

  63. I love seeing before and afters. Yours are always such an incredible transformation. I have been behind on my blog reading so just spent some time looking through several posts of yours. Love the pumpkins on the porch - makes me homesick!

  64. All the hard work had certainly paid off beautifully! It's all
    just lovely.
    Was wondering if you have had
    any trials and troubles with the
    pesty mice? We are just encountering some of that....ugh,
    I truly dislike that problem.
    Enjoying your posts and pictures
    Linda a.

  65. Kari- I don't do any Halloween decorating. I do 'Fall' and then will put out a faux carved lit pumpkin on Halloween night!

    Linda- we do get some mice in the basement. Dan has luck with the cheap wood traps (as opposed to the plastic ones) and using the product Tomcat Mouse Attractant. We have used peanut butter with good success, but this is easier. Not a fun problem, but one you have to deal with.

  66. Your home is so pretty. I can imagine getting up in the morning and seeing that gorgeous back yard. It would remind you how blessed we are to live here. Thanks for sharing


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