Friday, October 28, 2011

frost on the pumpkins...

actually it's snow!
We woke up to just under two inches of snow this morning.  It will be melted by noon. 
This is early, even for New England.  There are rumors it is going to be a b.a.d. snow year :O

It is a beautiful, yet unusual, sight to see snow on the ground while there are still Fall leaves on the trees.  I had high hopes of regaling you with amazing Fall foliage photos all season, but Fall this year has been very unusual.  Due to all the rain we've had since August the leaves just haven't been their normal OMG Fall-in-New-England selves.  Instead of going through the yellow/orange/red changing of colors, they are turning yellow and then just dropping.  Usually at this time of year you say "OMG" about 100 times a day as every time you turn a corner there is stunning Fall color that literally blows you away. 
(My apologies to all the out-of-state leaf-peeper license plates I see every day;)

Despite it not being a "normal" Fall... it's still nothing to sneeze at:):):)

Happy Weekend!


  1. Wow, that is something to see snow already! The images you posted are quite beautiful. Always love to visit your blog. Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. this is beautiful! im from miami so i never enjoy that change in leaves :/ but post more! its so fun to see


  3. Gorgeous! Even covered in snow I'd take it!

  4. Wow! I love your photos but that photo of the snow on the lawn and the gorgeous golden leaves on the trees is fabulous! Our fall was the same here in New Brunswick and now are trees are bare. There's the odd maple and poplar with leaves but that's it. I do love the orange and gold against the dark green softwoods though. The snow missed us and went to Nova Scotia :) Have a wonderful weekend. Blessings, Pamela

  5. Thanks for the reminder that winter is right around the corner. Your photos are beautiful.

  6. Wow, I am so not ready for snow, though it does look lovely on your pumpkins! Our leaves have been disappointing too, except for our sugar maple which is gorgeous this year!

    Stay warm!

    Kat :)

  7. yep. a strange winter is coming. we are expecting snow in lancaster pa. our weatherman friend is so excited about this weather pattern so are my girls. stay warm. loely pictures. yous always brng a smile as i look on your touch of beauty and creativity.

  8. We got 4 inches where we live in NH. Loving it and the beautiful blue sky!

  9. Beautiful Joan. The images actually made my heart skip a beat as I remember those crisp fall days in Maine.

  10. Joan your photos are gorgeous! We had a dusting last night too. The forecast for tomorrow is 6-8 inches of heavy snow for here UGH! We never get snow this early!! I guess all those rumors about having a bad winter are going to be true! Martina

    PS- We still have fall yard work that needs to get done!

  11. Our normally beautiful fall here in Minnesota has been very lackluster as well. Your pictures still show the glory of Autumn...I've never been to New England but hope to get there in the near future!

  12. EEEEEEEK! Very scary but very beautiful.

    And more snow coming on Saturday!

  13. We have three inches down and Dylan's outside playing in the stuff he's in seventh heaven! Me I torched the wood stove, Dylan's in for a surprise since he hates the heat! Beautiful images enjoy the snow!

  14. It was pretty this morning, wasn't it? We had some snow in Bedford too.

  15. Yikes! It does seem early for snow. We had a bit out here in the West a few weeks ago. It all melted off, but I've heard that we are in for another long, cold and wet winter. Guess I'll just have to stock up on good reading books, gardening books and cinnamon hot chocolate !

  16. can't believe snow already. have a great weekend, joan!

  17. Wow! It snowed already. The snow looks so pretty on the pumpkins! I love reading your blog. Feel free to visit mine when you have a chance.

    I am a follower now!

  18. Beautiful! I love the snow on the pumpkins. Still watching the leaves here in the south.

  19. this "so cal gal" raised in the east is lit up with a snow powdering in my soul by this posting and your photos... bless you, joan, for sharing!

  20. Have a nice weekend!

  21. Lovely photos and they made me waiting for the first morning with snow, too:) Here in south-west of Finland we have no leaves on maple-trees anymore but our first ever halloween pumpkins. Tomorrow we shall try to make lanterns of them with the children. Any good tips?

  22. I'd take yellow any day....we're still all green here in Dallas, with a few "brave" trees showing their colors. But I totally understand that in NE you'd expect quite a bit more! ;) Love the snow on your pumpkins! Wow! Have a fun weekend yourself!!


  23. I went to bed hoping we would have at least a sprinkle on the ground when I woke up, but nope nothing to be seen. I'm not too sad though, as I know I will be seeing ALOT very soon :)

  24. So pretty to see the snow on the pumpkins like that!

  25. They are cslling for the same thing here tomorrow. So strange for October! AND, we are going to a wedding tomorrow but all is ondoors so not to worry! Your foliage is still beautiful, in fact I think I will go take some pics out my windows now! XO, Pinky

  26. Joan,
    As a Southern California gal, trust me, even the dusting of snow on the pumpkins is beautiful.
    Our fall has been unusual as well...the liquid amber tree in our neighbor's yard is taking its time turning colors and dropping its leaves.
    Your area is so pretty! Have a festive Halloween.

  27. ..and we were so happy that it would be under 50 tomorrow...but our leaves have been beautiful in north ga...hugs laney

  28. Loved seeing the snow on your pumpkins! It does seem a little odd to see the colorful leaves on the trees with the snow on the ground. We only see snow in South Carolina in the dead of winter, and that's if we are lucky.

  29. Reminds me of the James Taylor song where he refers to the frost is on the pumpkins, You literally took it a step further and have snow, That is just crazy!! We are finally getting a bit of cold mornings and evenings but the days are in the 70s here in Calif. Weird weather everywhere this year. Enjoy your Halloween Weekend,

  30. Hi Joan,
    Just beautiful! Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend.

  31. It is unusual for us to get snow this early here in NH, but, I'm sure you've heard the expression,
    If you don't like the weather, just wait a minute.
    (I've become a follower since finding your NH blog and I just love your house. I grew up here so I often find your view and insight fun. Thanks for sharing.)

  32. I am not ready to hear the "S" word yet! But I would take a frosty morning or two if they were that beautiful...then warmed up.

    Beautiful photos...I said OMG when I saw the first one. :)

  33. Beautiful photo's Joan...I don't think New England could be anything but beautiful. We hear it's going to be a mild dry winter...just what we don't need here in Kansas. We'll take your snow if you want to get rid of it! Have a great weekend.
    Maura :)

  34. Hi, Joan,
    New Hampshire certainly looks lovely with a dusting of snow on it. Enjoy the view.

  35. Still very lovely! Thanks for sharing! I think things are backwards around the country... we've peaked out at over double our annual rainfall here in Southern CA.

  36. holy cow it is 82 here today!

    what beautiful images and i'd be one of those ooohhhing and awwwing at every turn. one day.


    ps - i made 3 bamboo curtain rods today! so easy (still need to figure out finials) and you were my inspiration!

  37. OMGosh! Snow on the pumpkins. At least it made a great post. Hope you don't get the storm coming this weekend. Our son said a Nor'easter is coming and there's supposed to be snow in NJ and PA. Maybe it won't get as far north as you. I obviously haven't looked at the weather map.
    Happy weekend.

  38. GORGEOUS!! We are blessed! Have a lovely weekend!!

  39. It really is still a beautiful fall ~ lucky!! It was in the high 80's here in AL today and still feels very much like "summer" ~ bummer. I love fall, so I'll enjoy pictures of yours. :)

  40. Oh how beautiful!
    My absolute favorite time of the year!
    Have a pretty day!

  41. Hi Joan: Love the snow and so early! How pretty your front porch looks : )

    No snow in Chicagoland area ( yet ) but our leaves for the most part did not change much, just yellow and then fell off. Boohoo... now that we have had some frosts.. getting color changing on the remaining leaves. looking pretty for a while before they fall to the ground. We mulch all the leaves, great for the perennial planting beds.

    Thank you for the wonderful photos!

  42. Oh my! It was 84 here yesterday and a chilly 73 today!!! My husband has mentioned a move to Minnesota... oh my!!! I guess I will have to get used to seeing snow again! Your pictures are just lovely!

  43. No sneezing here, by gum!

    Bee-you-ti-ful!! Happy fall!

  44. Hi Joan, Are your ready for what is about to come our way...Oy, snow in October, I've never seen it. I have to tell you that I love your beautiful, your are amazingly talented.
    All my best, kelly McGuill o so d blog

  45. I love the smell of the first snow. I am jealous. Our temps have dropped into the 40's at night and I am a happy girl. Love Fall and Winter!!
    xoxo Dianne

  46. SNOW?!?!? boo! fall still looks beautiful where your at! all this rain has been awful! but like you said, nothing to sneeze at! stay warm, joan!

    ashley over @

  47. Can't believe you are getting snow already. Gosh, you are going to have a beautiful Christmas! Such stunning images of the leaves contrasting against the dark of the tree trunks and catching the light.

  48. Hi Joan, Dan, and Ella: I bet that the snow is still on the pumpkins! It never left our yard, yesterday, and now we are getting ready for the 'big storm'. Crazy! Mike gassed up the snow blower and SUV, the food shopping is done, football games today, movies tonight...I am ready! Be safe and enjoy, Cindy

  49. My husband and I were just commenting on how beautiful the foliage was - even though it was only a "fair" year for the leaf peepers!

    I just pulled my pumpkins in . . . with a possible 12" of snow on the way I didn't want my husband to use the snow blower as a food processor and have pumpkin guts all over the place! LOL!!!

    Enjoy the storm, we've hunkered down!

  50. How beautiful~ we are in Florida snow but a but a bit of a cold snap.

  51. Hi Joan
    Snow not something we see in Adelaide South Australia. Our Christmas is hot hopeful not too hot to put us off Xmas dinner.So far the spring here has been mild. I'm grateful for that as the heat and I don't agree.
    Kind Regards

  52. hello,

    These are beautiful pictures, but, on the news here in Belgium we see that terrible Snow storm in your New-England. I hope everything goes well.


  53. Beautiful!! What a wonderful place to wake up to.....

  54. That's just not right...snow is for xmas time...not halloween...I don't like mixing holidays...

  55. Joan,
    We got snow here too in Virginia so amazing! Love all these images beautiful and so picturesque!
    Happy Halloween!!!

  56. Hope you're safe and sound! That's a lot of snow all at once. Electricity on? Stay warm - jj

  57. Your fall leaves are still beautiful, and combined with the snow, they are spectacular, as are the frost covered's all very special and pretty...and of course, unusual!
    Hope this truly doesn't forbode a serious winter for you.
    xo J~

  58. Gorgeous golden leaves. It's funny, but we have had the same type of fall here in Ontario. I think our hot dry summer also didn't help.

  59. Just found your blog and absolutely adore it. Your home inspires me to no end!

    Guess I should be thankful for the warm weather we've had here, but Fall looks so beautiful by you.

  60. Odd to see a "White Halloween!" I think it is a first to have leaves on the trees and snow. Glorious images.

  61. I just discovered your blog today and have read all the way through to June 30, 2011....after reading that entry I had to write.....I have the exact same sewing machine but my mother didn't make me buy it, it was hers and she gave it to me. She got a new modern one and I have used that little Singer for all these years. I love it and wouldn't trade it for anything. I had to laugh at the things you use yours for since they are all the same things I have done with it.
    I'm also loving the story of your home.

    Roxanne Storm

  62. Everything looks so beautiful!!! Here's to bracing for a LONG winter ahead!!!

    And, congratulations on being named one of House of Fify's favorite blogs!!!

    xo Elizabeth

  63. oh my word!! Im so jealous that's such a beautiful scene, wish i had such perfection here in the UK.
    I would have to make snow angels!! xx


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