Wednesday, November 2, 2011

crazy October snow...

This past weekend's nor'easter dropped 15-inches of snow at our house in one night.
It was a record breaking snow event for the month of October in New Hampshire.  The previous record for the entire month of October was 3-inches.  A nearby town received the highest snowfall in the state- 27.5 inches!  We were without power (and cable) for three full days.  Our power came back on just last night.  This was our first experience using our whole-house, automatic-on generator, affectionately called "Gen."  Gen has been thanked profusely over the past several days.  I'm thinking she is my new BFF! 
We are so grateful to have sustained no damage-  we didn't even have a limb down on our property, but were shocked to see the massive damage in our town and neighboring towns below us-  huge trees snapped off in the center.  We believe that our higher elevation received more wind and helped to blow the snow off of the leaves on our maples, thus protecting them from the wet, heavy snow sitting on the canopy and causing breakage.

This is the scene we woke up to Sunday morning.

Same shot off of the front porch after Dan cleared Ella a path out to the shoveled off "patch" that he made for her to do her business;)

Ella at full speed to get inside for breakfast!

She loves the snow. 

The driveway.  Notice the one tree that hasn't even begun to turn colors- still green. 
It is such a strange sight to see all of this snow with the Fall color still on the trees.
Strange... but beautiful!

it's good to be back!
I hope those of you who were also in the path of the storm are safe and sound.... and have you power on!


  1. As much as I love snow, I don't think I would want it in October. The fall leaves look out of place on top of such a snow (but still pretty...because I love snow). I hope things get back to normal for you soon.

  2. Hello from Germany
    Ooh wow, snow!
    Nice pics...

    Nicole ;)

  3. i so appreciate your photography--these trees hanging on to their leaves in the snow.

    your blog is always a treat to visit.



  4. Oh Joan... it's all so beautiful. I know I say it every time I visit.... "heaven on earth".... thank God for 'Gen' hey! Hi Ella darling. A-M xx

  5. Oh my goodness.....what beautiful pictures. I'm glad you were without damage. I even noticed your orb in one picture. The one I found in Salt Lake is much more solid..I hope vines will grow through it? Love your blog so much. Wenda Scott,

  6. Joan, these photos are so beautiful. I love the stark black tree trunks and the brilliant golden yellow leaves against the snow. Love the pic of Ella running in for breakfast! We only got about 5 in. at our house but some areas got up to 15 inches. Ours has melted now. I'm glad you have Gen to keep you warm and running during power outages. Blessings, Pamela

  7. That IS crazy. We're in Indiana, and heard all about it. We're experiencing weather in the 60's. Come on! Your pictures look pretty though. The trees are gorgeous.

  8. What a great photo op. Gorgeous fall foliage ...and snow. It's really strange to see the leaves on the snow. I grew up in New England and don't ever recall seeing that combination. So strange but so beautiful.

  9. I was wondering how you faired. the photos are beautiful and bless Ella's heart! :)

  10. It's crazy but these photos of fall and snow are a beautiful combination!

    So crisp!


  11. These are the most beautiful photos I've seen on this blog, and that's a statement with weight! I love the autumn leaves scattered about on the fresh snow and the dark little dog running through, all very artful!

  12. Beautiful pictures!I love the snow;)..oh and btw I love your property..

  13. The only crazy I see is how crazy beautiful your pictures are!! OMG, sooo pretty, postcard worthy. Especially with the unique sight of foliage on trees against the theres a sight you don't see every day!! Stunning...

  14. Wow! I love seeing the leaves laying on top of the snow!! Mother Nature is fascinating, isn't she?
    Glad you're safe and sound!
    xo Heidi

  15. Here in New York we also were stunned with so much snow so early. I wish we had a generator...had to move to my sister's home for 3 days. So glad to be home and WARM in our own home now. Your photos are beautiful...too bad so many people had to deal with a tough situation! It has been such a strange year...first Irene and now this snowstorm in Oct. Yikes!

  16. Snow at the end of october is pretty crazy.....Beautiful pictures.
    Living so close to nature must be wonderful!
    Hugs from Holland.

  17. We had in NY Joan. I love the winter but this was a little to early! We never lost power but some of our trees lost big limbs. Your grounds look beautiful! I did a post on the snow to if you want to take a look. Martina

  18. Great photos of your early snow. You are right that it looks strange, although lovely, to have the colourful leaves and the snowfall.

  19. these are some of the most beautiful photos of your property yet. mother nature!

    ella is a doll!


  20. extraordinary pictures - snow and autumn leaves, thank you for sharing

  21. I've been wondering how things were up there. Very strange but beautiful to see the foliage and snow at the same time. Really beautiful pictures!

  22. Your photos are gorgeous and quite a vison for this California girl!! Glad you are ok!

  23. I am so extremely jealous. My best friend is flying in from Manchester to see me (here in Houston) tomorrow. Hope she can make it?!?

    I grew up in Connecticut. Miss the leaves and the snow so much it hurts. Enjoy it for me!


  24.'s 84 DEGREES right now in horrid Houston! Ugh. I can't look at your pics anymore...

  25. These pictures are stunning...especially the ones with the leaves on top of the snow. Crazy weather these days, glad everything turned out alright for you both.

  26. The fallen leaf colors against the snow white background is beautiful. I'm happy you have a new BFF.

  27. Beautiful! Can I come live with you? North Texas is just too hot for me!

  28. Hi Joan - The snow is beautiful dotted with the colored leaves! So extraordinary! Thanks for sharing the photos.

  29. Wow, looks like a dream! Here is AZ we are still in the upper 80's wearing tank tops! :(


  30. So, so breathtaking! I want to make a snow angel.

  31. The golden leaves look stunning against the backdrop of snow! So glad you didn't lose a lot of limbs. (It's usually not good when that happens.) We may have the same situation on Friday night... leaves are turning as I type and snow is due in 48 hours, although I doubt it will be anywhere close to 15 inches. I need a new BBF like yours - JUST IN CASE! :-)

  32. It's absolutely beautiful. I love the green-leaves in contrast to the golden ones. Ella looks like she's having fun. Happy to hear you didn't suffer any damage during the storm.

  33. Hi from Sydney Australia! I've watched your blog for a while but have never commented before - your home is stunning - it makes me dream of life on a farm. I must say the images above are so breathtakingly beautiful they brought a tear to my eye! I would love to experience living somewhere with snow and beauty such as this! being in Sydney snow is not something that we get. It is so amazingly beautiful - glad you made it through the storm OK and I'll definitely be saving some of these pics to my inspiration files! warm regards Kx

  34. Its gorgeous!! Hot still in Texas, wearing flip flops and tank tops as I type..come on Fall!

  35. as beautiful as it looks, i'm not ready! stay warm, joan!

    ashley over @

  36. I am overby Manchester and we just got our power back late today-4 days! But we have a woodstove and were warm and had water-just not hot water. It was an adventure. I am wanting a generator BFF too!

  37. much older sister SusanNovember 2, 2011 at 9:25 PM

    So, so glad y'all are okay!!!!!!!! Mama let us know that she talked to you and all was well. We called and your phone was out. Somehow Mother got through.

  38. I heard Jaffrey got 31.4 inches.

    But I loved this post. Thanks!

  39. Holy snow day Batman! That's crazy! But oh so pretty.

  40. So sorry about your power but you have to admit, it looked like a fall/winter wonderland outside!! ;-D


  41. Beautiful indeed! Ella is so cute. Our dogs love the snow too. So much fun to watch them play in it. Stay safe and warm!

  42. Thank goodness for your generator. We get ice storms in January here in GA, and sometimes lose power. No generator here though. Usually we have power restored within a few hours. I can't imagine three days without power. Hope you have returned to normal now.

  43. These photos are delightful! Makes me want to be back home in Canada even though I technically hate the cold!

  44. That is craziness but so beautiful with the fall leaves! The path reminded me of the tunnels we used to dig in the snow for our dog! Has it all melted away yet?

  45. Even though it is so crazy {and somewhat unimaginable} to see the tree's still green with that much snow lying beneath them; the picture is stunning. Maybe because in itself, the changing leaves are spectacular and a fresh snowfall in the sunshine is so pretty.
    I do hope that this first flurry melts.

  46. So pretty!!! It's chilli(er) here in Dallas, but a good snowfall would do me good, October or not. :)

    Enjoy it and stay warm!!


  47. 'You're not in Texas now Dorothy!' NH even made the evening news on telly here in the Adelaide Hills & when MOTH saw all that snow he said 'I bet Dan will have to tell Joan to get outside quick smart & start shoveling while he gets another beer!' Kisses to Gen, what a gal!
    Millie xx

  48. How magical - what a treat having snow at Halloween. Looks so beautiful with the leaves still on the trees. So unusual to have that colour against all the white.

  49. I'm so glad to hear that you are OK.
    These images are gorgeous!
    As beautiful as the snow looks now, I am sure it was a scary couple of days. Thank goodness for Gen!


  50. I married a snow God and he loves loves the snow. You cannot imagine how much he loved seeing the snow in October. Ski resorts are all over the Northeast touting this as THE year for snow.
    As an artist - the snow is a perfect canvas for all that colorful foliage and your Ella makes me want to paint her dashing madly in the snow. I could just move in your house and never ever run out of scenes to paint.
    Even in the dark, I think I would find inspiration.

  51. How beautiful are the pictures with the leaves and the snow!!! I am from the DC area and I can remember an early snow storm or 2 like that!

  52. Pretty pretty pictures. Thank goodness you have Gen.

  53. It was weird to see the leaves still of some trees, our maples have lost all their leaves but the oaks still have them. So I'm guessing Gen runs on propane? Good to know time to trade our "Gen" in!

  54. So much snow on the ground AND colorful leaves on the trees is highly unusual and makes a photo to remember. We are lucky to witness nature's splendid beauty! Thanks for capturing the moment.

  55. I've heard it could be heading this way. I think snow is beautiful until it turns brown, slushy or icy. xx

  56. Beautiful pics, but as you said, very strange to see all that snow with all the beautiful colors on the trees ! Glad you are safe......strange weather we are all having this year

  57. Your pictures are beautiful! I think I would stare out the window all day.

  58. Loved seeing your photos of the snow with the golden leaves mixed in. How unique! Ella looks like she was having a ball.Thank heavens you installed Gen so that you could stay put during the storm.

  59. I have a lovely old Dept 56 Snow Village piece, it's a cabin in fall with leaves on it, but snow on the roof. My husband always made fun of it, but hey, it does happen!!

  60. Absolutely beautiful images! What a view!

    We only had about 5" up here by the coast where I live so the view wasn't quite as pretty. It was enough for Snowtober though.

  61. I'm amazed at the East getting snow before me! Glad you had the GEN and that your trees made it through nicely! I love that picture of the driveway with the beautiful color of the trees in contrast to the snow! That first one is definitely frame worthy! We still have some trees that haven't turned but on the whole we are done here. Lovely pics-thanks for sharing!

  62. My parents STILL dont have power- it is so nuts up there! Thank goodness they have a generator as well and havent been totally in the dark- but it really is a pain when the power is out for this long. They are saying not till tomorrow or Saturday they will get it back. Thats a full week!

    So glad you had Gen and that your power is back on now!

  63. Oh....I remember those days! Shoveling little paths for kidlets and dogs!

    It is quite beautiful and telling to see the orange "fall" leaves still falling on the "winter's" snow. Hold onto your hat...and shovel...this winter, Joan!

  64. chissà che bella atmosfera, sicuramente con un pò di disagio

  65. Thank goodness for Gen! It looks beautiful though.

  66. I live in NH as well but south of you in the seacoast area where we got only 5 inches of snow. I have coined a new term; "snowliage: when snow and fall foliage mix". We suffered a broken branch off my beloved apple tree and a broken wine glass from a much less amusing story.

  67. As much as I'm not ready to see the snow, I love seeing your beautiful house in the white snow and gorgeous red and gold trees. :)

  68. I don't think I've ever seen snow with such beautiful fall colors AND a green tree. Gorgeous. Glad you weren't affected by the storm!

  69. You know, you have to admit it does look pretty with the yellow tree leaves...

  70. Just beautiful Joan! I love it....

    xoxo kelley

  71. Hi Joan,
    Those are some beautiful photographs and Ella looks like she is loving the October snow.
    Have a beautiful day...

  72. I am so happy to hear that younwere lucky enough to have no damage! And a wonderful generator. I am sad when I see those beautiful trees shaped off from the weight of the snow.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  73. More greetings from Southern California...Your photos are absolutely stunning...such an amount of snow on the ground while the trees are still feathered in color. Thank you so much for sharing your seasons with those of us who must remain 'unseasoned!'

  74. Beautiful photographs and setting!! :) Hope all those around you who sustained damage are doing well now and glad y'all are OK. What a blessing your lovely home is so wonderfully situated!

  75. Saw the reports of the freak storm on the news here in the UK but good to have a personal view of it after the event as it were .... lovely images I must say.

  76. Oh, that looks so beautifull! The clear white and the colored leaves!
    But the weather is so crazy. I'm from Germany and here it is really warm for October. Today here were 66F! What a difference!

  77. Your photos with the fall colors against the snow are wonderful! Thanks for sharing!

  78. Hi and so glad to have you back - thought you might have some snow... wow, what a huge amount!

    So glad you are all safe & warm and back online. praying for those with damage, thank you for the pretty photos : )



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