Wednesday, November 9, 2011

eyes into the soul of a house...

"If eyes are the windows to our souls,
then windows are the eyes into the soul of a house."
Rose Tarlow

Yesterday afternoon I was working on photographs of the barn half bath.  As night fell I went outside to snap a shot from outside-in, as I love the warm glow from the picture light on one of our very favorite paintings, entitled "Cat Peak- Carrie Glacier, Olympic National Park". 

Turns out it was a beautiful moonlit night! 
I've always wanted to show you the farmhouse at night.
Here is a glimpse into the soul of our house...


  1. oh my gosh Joan, those are stunning photos! I especially love the moon shining above.

    It looks like it has a very warm and comforting soul to it. lucky lucky you.

  2. LOVE! Your style and taste is so yummy. I love when you post. Thank you for sharing your life with us. I love driving around neighborhoods in the evening and seeing indoor lights on. Really makes a house a warm & cozy home. emily

  3. Beautiful Joan! I love taking a quick peep into people's homes while we're walking our pooch right at dusk...not to sound creepy as I'm not looking at the people, but rather at the home. The decor and the overall 'feel' of the home.

    Your home exudes warmth and serenity, just lovely.

  4. Oh, what gorgeous photos. Last night was fabulous. :) Thank you so much for sharing your home. I absolutely LOVE it. :)

  5. Beautifully captured! Wasn't last night amazing!? And another beauty today. The foliage is perfect right now.

    Did you see the asteroid go by?

  6. It looks so warm and inviting - beckoning us to come in and share your life (which you do so beautifully with your blog).
    This is one of my favorite times of year to take a walk around the neighbourhood and see into the souls of all the houses as dusk settles so early and there is still so much activity in the rooms beyond.

  7. Lovely photos, Joan. Your home and its surrounding land are magical.

  8. How beautiful, Joan! So welcoming and magical. Those pictures just beckon you to come in and hear the stories of the home.

    Thanks for sharing! Now I'm anxious to go outside in the moonlight this evening to see what my house "says" :)

  9. Soul is the right word. You heard your house speaking to you last night, recording it beautifully...

    The photo of the moon through the trees is almost haunting in quality and reminded me of my nights fly fishing on the full moon for striped bass at Cranes Beach in Ipswich, with the old Crane Estate as my backdrop. I would occasionally hear a Great Horned Owl hoot. Wonderful memories...


  10. These photographs are beautiful! I love looking at homes as I walk or drive by at night. They all look so warm and inviting. Of course, the farmhouse looks that way any time of day! :)
    xo Dianne

  11. Those are some seriously beautiful eyes!

  12. Beautiful pictures, Joan. I really enjoyed this peek into your beautiful home!


  13. Good to know that others enjoy viewing their lighted homes at night. Our moon had light clouds skirr across his face making a magical evening. Beautiful pics all around. Thank you.

  14. I can almost imagine myself walking down that moonlit lane, Autumn's chill biting through my clothing and seeing your beautiful home, windows glowing, welcoming, warm. Just lovely, Joan!


  15. The moonlight has been gorgeous these past few nights and love that first image taken through the window.

  16. Love these photos. We are all curious and love to "peek" inside peoples homes at night. Christmas time gives us the perfect excuse as we drive around to see the lights:):) XO, Pinky

  17. ...simply a reflection of the souls living within the house...and...perhaps...the ones who have lived there long ago... beautiful...blessings laney

  18. Thanks for the peek into your beautiful home at night. It was a beautiful day & evening here in NH yesterday. The almost full moon rising over the hills as dusk settled in transformed the sky into such an amazing soft light. It was wonderful to be out at that time. When I visit my sister in Gloucester I love to look into one beautiful brick home in the town as we drive by. In the evening it's wonderful to see into their kitchen and catch a glimpse of the people preparing for dinner. We live right across from the Amtrak rails & I often wonder what the passengers think as they ride by our house on the river in the evenings. I'd like to take that train ride just to see my house at night from a different point of view!

  19. I just love a house with the lights on at nite, yours is no exception. Looks beautiful, great photo's as well. Richard from My old Historic House.

  20. Stunning photos...Looks like the perfect cover for a book...titled, of course, "For the Love of a House".

  21. Beautiful pictures. You reminded me of a quote that I heard once about Edward Hopper, the artist. His wife was asked what is the most difficult thing about being married to a great artist, and she said, "It took me a long time to realize that when he is looking out the window, he is working."

    A beautiful view looking out, as well as looking in!

  22. Love the saying and talk about pictures speaking a thousand words....these pictures are fabulous and tell such a wonderful peaceful at night story. Stunning!!

  23. so true about windows being the soul to a home and i must say your home contains soooo much soul. great photographs!

  24. These are really beautiful photos of your house from a very different perspective. It looks very cozy inside with the warm glow of the lights. Love the moon shot through the trees!

  25. Yes, indeed, the windows are the eyes of the soul here! Thank you for sharing a different perspective than what we normally see! Beautiful!

  26. Oh my, what a beautiful soul! Love the photos and the glimpse into the bath, can't wait to see what special touches you added there.

  27. What gorgeous photos you have shown us of your home. My favorite is the 2nd one from last with the moon shining through the trees and your white fence in the background. Your house looks very soulful, indeed.

  28. Gorgeous nighttime photos...your home looks so warm and inviting!

  29. Hi Joan
    Well I thought I was the only strange person in the world who likes to leave the curtains open at night turn on all the lights and go outside and look at my house in the dark. Must say my house is as pretty as yours on the outside but I still love it
    Kind Regards

  30. It has that perfect look of a home to go home to :)
    The moon was icing on the cake ~

  31. So warm and inviting.

    I've noticed you have an attic in the main house, but I don't recall you mentioning it. Is it usable space? Are there stairs up to it, or just an opening hatch?


  32. joan, you are an incredibly talented photographer! having your house featured in all of those photos doesn't hurt one bit! the moon looks gorgeous!

    ashley over @

  33. Those photos are absolutely gorgeous! Just curious... did you use a tripod? What kind of lens? I am a nosy photographer!!! I love walking at night and always hope that people have their windows open! I never thought of it as the soul of the house, but that is exactly what it is!

  34. Joan I mean't to say my house ISN'T as pretty as yours. I shouldn't comment when I'm in a hurry.
    Kind Regards

  35. Wonderful pictures. I'm going to keep that quote in mind as I plan to change my windows but I don't want the new ones to betray the soul of my home.

  36. Joan, Dan, and Ella: Peaceful. I love the pictures (as usual). There is nothing better than seeing lights on in a home. As another poster commented, I too, will go outside in the evening to see what our home looks like. I would love to see your pictures/stories in a coffee table book. Cindy

  37. Janice- There are walk-up stairs that go to the attic (you can see the side wall for them in my most recent "snapshot" post from October 26th. The attic has a wood floor, and you can stand up through the center of the space. We insulated the attic during the farmhouse renovation and this is where the second story air-handler is located so it stays warm in the winter and cool in the summer!

    Jemsmom- I did not use a tripod. I have one, but never use it- I'm always to lazy to go get it;) In the first couple of shots I used a Canon EFS 55-250 lens (with Image Stabilizer;), but I believe I changed it out to my regular lens for the remaining shots.

  38. I love the look of a home all lit up at night! The first picture is my favorite, just beautiful!

  39. Your pictures are perfection of a warm cozy home in the dark of night.

  40. Great quote and photos. Wonderful photos of your house under the moon! It's a wonderful clear night tonight!
    I've enjoyed my visit to your blog,

  41. Gorgeous views, Joan! Your home looks so cozy and inviting. And, you positioned the moon just perfectly :)

  42. Wonderful pictures,and a warm and cozy home you have :-)

    Greatings from Bergen - Norway

  43. So lovely Joan... such warmth and ambience... xv

  44. The pictures are beautiful. I love how homes look at night and yours looks very welcoming.

  45. I'm just listening to an interview with Joan Didion about her new melancholic memoir Blue Nights. She is speaking about the phenomenon called l'heure bleu by the French, that period of twilight in between day and night, and now here are your photos conjuring exactly that type of mood...
    Very evocative.

  46. Beautiful! I too love the cozy look of a house all lit up at night-especially under a full moon!

  47. I think I saw someone in the attic window.

  48. ...and what a beautiful soul it is.

  49. What amazing eyes and windows you and your house have to let my eyes see your souls.

  50. Reminds me a of a children's book my kids love about a family that goes out looking for owls on their farm during a full moon. We don't see the moon often enough- we do, however, have a huge blue Nokia sign that casts a glow across the entire living room at night! :)

  51. Oh Joan what wonderful photo's! This has inspired me to go outside and 'see' into the soul of our house at night. I wish I had done that with our old Victorian home! Oh well...I love the farm even more. Beautiful shots of your moonlit farmhouse.
    Maura :)

  52. I feel kind of silly leaving a comment because I admire your style and honor all of your hard work! But, I have to say that I return to your blog and pour over the pictures to somehow capture that feeling and translate it into my home. If there were blog stalkers, I'M ONE! But seriously, the subtle colors and simple elegance provokes calmness, comfort and sanctuary that I strive for in my home. Thank you for opening your home and taking the time to discuss the details at length. I would rather live with many "sorbets" than fill a wall, table or buffet with clutter. I too take the time and thought before a purchase and fill my home with items that I connect with. Thank you for the inspiration for decorating and graceful living. All the best from California, Julie

  53. Julie- I greatly appreciate that you took the time to leave a comment for me, and that you have un-stalked yourself;) It's comments like yours that keep me blogging. So, thank you!

  54. What a wonderful post and the photos were great. You did an awesome shots. Big thanks and keep posting.


  55. I love the way your home looks at night - so warm and inviting! I chuckle to myself, though, as I look at these photos, because I can hear my father's voice in my head, asking "Whhhooo is in the Master Bedroom?" "Whhhooo is in the Guest Bedroom?" "Whhhooo is in the Reading Room?" etc, etc....we grew up always shutting the light out as we left a room, or we'd hear about it. :)

    1. Lana, my father worked his whole career at the City Public Service (i.e. the lighting company) in San Antonio, and oh boy did I ever hear that same thing! My excuse is that all the lights are on dimmers!


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