Sunday, November 6, 2011

the talented Patricia van Essche

This week I received a very special gift from Patricia van Essche
- the talented artist behind pvedesign .

Patricia painted the farmhouse!
I was extremely humbled by this beautiful gift of art that Patricia created.  She captured the true essence and spirit of the farmhouse.  Her attention to detail is amazing-  from my father's flag flying at the front porch to the antique window trim, to the cobblestone walk, to the bark on the maple (the bark on the maple tree looks exactly in real life as she painted it), to the antique yogurt pot in the front bed... it is all just perfect!
Dan and I are both so touched by this amazingly generous gift. 

As if the painting wasn't generous enough, included in the package were notecards featuring the farmhouse painting.  Patricia didn't know this, but years ago as I sat in Dallas trying to sell our house to move here I would fantasize about having "house" stationary with a picture of the farmhouse on the front.  Having house stationary made from an original piece of art is more than I could have ever dreamed! 

A huge thank you to Patricia for making a long-held dream come true!

Patricia is also a gifted pet artist. 
Ironically, several weeks ago a reader of my blog, Amy, wrote to me to ask if I knew of any "pet artists" as she wanted to have a painting made of her precious Golden " Izzy " to surprise her husband with for Christmas.  I sent her Patricia's blog.  Amy loved Patricia's work and commissioned her to paint the beautiful Izzy!   I was shocked at how quickly Patricia captured Izzy's soul and beauty!
Amy is thrilled with the piece and doesn't know if she'll be able to keep the surprise to herself until Christmas!

(to commission your own original work of art contact Patricia at pvedesign)


  1. She is incredibly talented, I definitely would like to have some notecards and a painting for my husband done of our house when its all said and done..what a wonderful keepsake! Also great gift idea.
    Love the piece of sweet!

  2. What a lovely job she did capturing the likeness of your farmhouse! Something to treasure always :^)

  3. WOW!!!!!Amazing,what a beautiful gift.

  4. patricia is just amazing. that is such a beautiful rendition of your home joan. and the details! she did the same with mine, little tiny details that she brought to life. and could she get any nicer? so excited for you!


  5. Patricia really did capture the farmhouse beautifully. When we first saw our house, there was an amazing painting of it hanging in one of the rooms. Unfortunately the previous owner did not want to part with it - it would have made a great memento. I'm sure you will enjoy the painting for many years to come.

  6. Joan, Dan, and Ella: What a special gift, from such a talented woman. Cindy

  7. Patricia has a wealth of talent! She did a lovely job painting your home! I love her style. I know you will treasure your painting forever!


  8. Very nice indeed, Joan. Patricia is a super talented artist. What a wonderful gift.


  9. what a beautiful rendering our your beautiful house!


  10. Joan,
    Thank-you. I am so inspired by you, your love for your house and you radiate contentment with making your house a home. I know it does not go without work. Nothing worth it ever seems to go without pouring one's heart and soul into. It was a pleasure to capture your home for you as a gift.
    Not a day goes by that I do not give thanks for my own gifts and I know part of it is to share it with others.
    Amy was a pleasure to work with.
    Thanks so much for sharing my gift.
    pve design

  11. All of your work on the house has developed and created the charm that Patricia van Essche has now illuminated and encapsulated in her painting. This is a true example of one kind of artist inspiring another.
    --Road to Parnassus

  12. What a wonderful gift. The painting is so beautiful and the note cards are just so special. What a thoughtful friend you have.

  13. What thoughtful gifts, they're wonderful made by a talented artist! I'll have to see if Patrica will have time to do a picture of Dylan as a surpprise for Rick.

  14. much older sister SusanNovember 6, 2011 at 8:11 PM

    Patricia's gift is FABULOUS!! What an artist!! Just BEAUTIFUL and what a talent!!

  15. oh, joan! i can imagine how thrilled you were. her work is wondering and i've long admired her ability to capture things so perfectly (or maybe i should say, so personally).

    such a special gift!

    hope you're well, my friend- and thawing out from under the 1st snow.


  16. I am always amazed by people with talents like that when my own drawings could with good will be called "naivistic"... Best gift to a house-lover:)

  17. Oh Joan, it's just beautiful. What a lovely gesture. Patricia did a painting of a great room a while back that I modelled my great room on entirely. She is such an inspiration. A-M xx

  18. Oh my, how wonderful! Making dreams a reality!

  19. Patricia's painting is absolutely charming. What a generous thing to do. It captures the home you love, and is a gift from a very talented woman that you can treasure for a lifetime.

  20. ...two beautiful talents merged into one beautiful painting...the talent of the homeowners...and the talent of the artist...what a perfect union...whenever i come to your site...i think of jane austen's words..."there's nothing like staying at home for real comfort" and dan have created a warm and comforting home...even to all of us who will only visit virtually...and patricia has indeed perfectly captured the spirit and the soul of the house... that has become a home...blessings laney

  21. I love this! My daughter painted me a watercolor of our house in California and I treasure it, I'll have to make some cards from it. I just discovered your blog through The Gardener's Cottage...I'm recently transplanted to a small (actually the smallest!) town in New Hampshire as well. I look forward to exploring your blog.

  22. Patricia is indeed very thoughtful of her.

  23. Patricia is an amazing talent and I love the illustration she did of your farmhouse!!! I remember my grandmother having stationery with her home on the front and I always thought that was so impressive. I know your friends will love receiving notes on yours!!!

    xo Elizabeth

  24. What an amazing, generous gift that I'm sure you'll treasure forever! She is so talented and has captured the loving spirit of your home.

  25. What a dream come true! I imagine you'll be wanting to find the perfect frame for it now. :) And stationery too? EEEkk!


  26. What an incredible and touching gift. Patricia is so talented!

  27. WOW, so inspiring and incredible.. Wonderful touching gift.. This is awesome :)))

  28. How wonderful !
    Your home is now Picture Perfect :)

    I love the idea of having a painting of Pup .. and the cards.

  29. I was delighted to find/discover your blog this morning. It looks like I have some catching up to do on the renovation of your home up in New Hampshire. I'm sure it will make for very interesting reading over the next few days, squeezed in between working on our own design projects to the south of you in Ipswich, Essex and manchester, MA.


  30. What a beautiful gift!!! I love the notecards.

  31. OK - you can add me to your list of crazies who have found you and read from first post to this one. What a ride! What a pleasure! Can't wait to see more.

    You mentioned paying for things on the honour system a couple of times (well, you actually said honor system!!!!!). Made me smile. One of my favourite things to do on PEI is buying new potatoes from road side stands - on the honour system.

    Janice, from Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada

  32. hi Janice! Welcome to the sweet, wonderful, crazy club who reads the blog from the beginning!! It is an "honour" to have you here!

  33. How special and what a wonderful gift!

    Also, I was going to tell you that yesterday we were in Lola's room and Lillie pulled the plate you gave Lola down off her dresser and said, "Mommy, what is this doing here? This is a plate! We should give Lola her bananas on it tonight!" Haha - I remember you saying to note that these used to be used so it looks like it will indeed now be being used here! Also, I asked Lillie if she remembered that Miss Joan gave us that and she said, "Oh she has the doggy named Ella. I like her."

  34. Patricia has such a beautiful giving heart, she's just the best. She's captured the true essence of The House hasn't she.
    Millie xx

  35. What precious gifts she gave you -- now treasures. Your home and blog are so welcoming.

  36. Joan, I love the painting of your home and the cards are fabulous. I have been wanting to get a painting done of our home since we bought it 9 years ago, and you have inspired me to contact PVE Designs.

    By the way, I think you would enjoy a book I read this summer - "Killer Stuff and Tons of Money". It is a fabulous book about an antique dealer and the hunt, the excitement, the shows, the addiction, and the FUN of it all. It is very well written and entertaining.

  37. Joan,
    Today the lovely note arrived from Dan.
    What a kind note.
    I feel so honored to share my talents which is a gift.
    I know you feel that way about your home.
    Thanks again for posting this.

  38. What a splendid gift! Patricia is so talented and so sweet. I found her blog 3 years ago after we had just left a home I lovingly designed and had built. It was so hard to leave that house. Anyway, I spoke with her about a commissioned work of either the kids or that house and I am embarrassed to say all these years later I never followed through. As often happens, life got very busy and I forgot. But one of these days, i am going to commission something from her. I simply adore her artistic style. Enjoy your new art:)

  39. Lovely! How kind of her to give this to you as a gift. I was disappointed to see that she normally charges $550 for a very small print such as yours, however. That was enough to scare me away. :(



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