Wednesday, January 4, 2012

a sneak peek...

The barn room still isn't complete-  but since it's the new year, and you've all been so lovely I thought I would give you a little "peek" into the room!

(for perspective, the slab of soapstone on the old worktable base is 8 feet long)

Yes, yes I know- I can't wait to see it finished either (trust me;)!!

Now, repeat after me... "Patience is a virtue!" 
Say it. 
Again... ;) 


  1. I love what I'm seeing! Beautiful.

  2. already looks fabulous. did you make that console table?

  3. Oh gosh, why isn't IMpatience ever the virtue?? Love everything you do. Can't wait to see!

  4. If everything was completed in life...what would we have to look forward to?

  5. you have the most divine taste! i love that rug paired with the barn door and old worktable. cant WAIT to see more!


  6. You have the best way of displaying items. I love the urn and the basket tray with bar ware and beverages...the bird is great. Can't wait to see the rest.

  7. I used to dream about living in an amazing converted barn. Thanks for letting me live vicariously through you!

  8. absolutely love your farmhouse. Awaiting with anticipation for the big reveal.
    PS. Patience is not my strongest quality! :)

  9. Patience is my weakness and I can't wait to see the rest. Love it already as I knew I would.

  10. You have an amazing ability to create beauty in every room you design. The styling on the soapstone table with the backdrop of the barn door is incredible! Great job!

  11. You are such a tease but I love it!!! It gives us something to look forward to :o)
    That table is divine as is the barn door...just gorgeous!!!!!

  12. Love the barn door. Looking toward to see it when complete. Thanks for sharing....

  13. It's gorgeous! Elegantly composed! I'm most intrigued by what looks like an old gate peeking in on the right side of the photo...

    Is the soap stone slab fully supported underneath? It looks like there's a little deflection under the urn. (Hopefully it's just distortion in the photo...)


  14. ...THE door...THE door...THE door!

  15. The door, the table, the urn ... Cant wait for more!! Love your home, style and blog. Here's to a fab 2012!

  16. Chomping at the bit to see the whole thing....

  17. I have serious "soapstone envy" - LOL!!! Where did you find that table? Or did you have it made? I just love it! Happy to have stopped by today. Happy New Year!


  18. gorgeous, as always. Can't wait to see the rest of the room.

  19. Hi Joan, My husband inherited two antique urns from his mother. We decorated with small trees and antique ornaments for Christmas. Was wondering what you have planted in your urn. Is that a daisy? Always look forward to your posts. Sara

  20. Hello've whet my appetite for sure. Of course I've been waiting all along but I'm not in any hurry as I KNOW it's going to be beautiful. What you've shown us is amazing...what wonderful texture! Have fun decorating :) I'll be here when you're ready.
    Maura :)

  21. Yes, yes, yes! The door and THAT TABLE! More love for your house! Can't wait for the unveiling to continue!

  22. Love what I see and can't wait to see more!!!

  23. Do we have to have patience too? Love this vignette!! More please.....

  24. Wow! This is extremely stunning. I so excited to see the 'reveal' photos!! You have such an amazing style!!

    Happy New year :)


  25. Oh my goodness, that is looking so cool. How exciting...Just look at that table and garden urn!


  26. Absolutely beautiful Joan! As usual! :) I can't wait to see the rest of this room ... and paitence is a virtue ... just not one of mine. LOL!

  27. I can't believe that just being able to see one picture of one of your rooms that I have not seen sends me into chills. I just love your style and admire your talent so much. I still can't seem to find pictures of your other rooms upstairs with all the details and wonderful pictures??? best regards, wenda scott,

  28. You tease! No, really I love getting a peek--it looks amazing!
    Go Ducks! What an exciting game.

  29. Patience is not my strong suit and highly over-rated! I love what I see but expected no less. Your home is wonderful.

  30. Dearest Joan,
    Lovely peek...I just love that old barn wood. So beautiful.

  31. not to be redundant, but I adore that door.

  32. Oh man...can't wait for the full reveal! Thanks for the peek:)

  33. Oh, that's gorgeous. I can hardly wait for the rest ... and then all the details!

  34. Please, please, please post more pictures! Cannot wait to see the rest of the room!

  35. haha- Beautiful so far!! (And I have to be honest- I felt like royalty visited when you left a comment on my blog! Thank you for your sweet drop in. It was warmly welcomed!!) xoxo Brooke

  36. Ok, just so you know, this is kind of like giving someone just one M&M. You can never eat just one! ;-)

    I can relate though, my kitchen backsplash still isn't done...#*$& it!

    Kat :)

  37. I knew you were up to something great! I could feel the "barn room vibes" through my laptop monitor! Your blog is like waiting for my favorite magazine to come out with a special edition! You are so worth the wait!

  38. Well, this room is going to be "perfection" - I can already tell and, loved. loved the magazine article. and of course, Ella's picture1 ( we have a Golden rescue we adore )

    and ps. I can't believe you left a message in response to all those calling cards - so sweet.

  39. I so enjoyed the sneak peak. It is going to be fabulous as your entire farmhouse is. Happy New Year to you and Dan and also Ella.


  40. It looks amazing. Love the barn door, and the console...fabulous!! Can't wait to see more ~

  41. Hey Joan!
    This looks awesome! Can't wait to see what else you've come up with! I'm still waiting to see that footstool!!
    Tap, tap, tap!!
    (P.S.-loved your Christmas thank-you posting)

  42. ...highly prized but seldom possessed. I grew up with that saying on patience from my Dad and I still don't have any! Can't wait to see more.

  43. Oh my! Beautiful peek Joan, can't wait to see the whole room.

  44. even only partially complete - i love it! can NOT wait! liz

  45. It doesn't matter how much I lean to the left or right, I can't peak at the's always so exciting and inspiring to see something else you've put together.


  46. Love it so far! Wow. Eight feet! What a table. You did a great job accessorizing it. Can't wait to see the finished room. :)

  47. hi all! Thank you so much for your very kind comments!!
    To answer some questions...
    Meg and Mary- I've added a link, so if you click "old worktable base" it will take you to the story of the table base, because as you know;) "everything has a story" around here!!
    John- Yes, the slab is fully supported. And, those antique gates are from Argentina and lead into the barn mud room.
    Sara- the plant is a fern: Microsorium Diversifolium:) Or more commonly known as "Kangaroo Paw"!
    Wenda- you are right! I still have the two guest bedrooms to show you all!
    Jennifer- yes, go Ducks!! Dan is a very happy camper!
    Lizabeth- that "foot stool" actually turned into an antique table;) I think I'll show soon next as it is a fabulous piece!

  48. I spy a familiar basket in this pic ;)
    Looking great! Good luck with the rest of the room! No doubt it will be lovely!
    Happy New Year,

  49. This room already looks great. The worktable has great lines--it is just "my kind" of antique. I love those original doors--I hope that you are not planning to do too much to them--I like to see signs of age in an old building.
    --Road to Parnassus

  50. I'm loving it so far. Can't wait to see the final result

  51. Hi Joan I've just got to really look at your post. But I'm lost for words
    Kind Regards

  52. Everything you have chose so far is over the top gorgeous. I love, love, love the urn and cannot wait to see the finished room.
    All the best...Victoria

  53. Gorgeous! And this is only a little piece of the big prize room. I totally understand about not wanting to show until all is done and you are satisfied, but I'm still anxious!!! Love it ALL! Donna :) Happy New Year!

  54. Oh my, what a tease this is. It's beautiful and I'm sure that when warm weather arrives this will be a favorite spot; unless you have heat to this area. Can't wait to see the finished product.

  55. What a tease! Love what I see so far; please hurry and finish so that we can see the rest. I think that patience is WAY overrated!

    Thanks for the sneak peak.

  56. All I can say is...I am so jealous! What a beautiful little peek into that room. You truly have such fantastic style, not to mention the taste you bring to everything you touch. Thanks for the peek!

  57. Joan,

    I can't WAIT to see it. Just beautiful. I love the barn doors! Amazing. Have a great day.

  58. Michelle- the entire barn is now part of the house and is indeed heated! Even the garage floors have radiant heat;)

    Parnasuss- all finishes (table base, orignial barn door, and iron doors) are original and will stay exactly that way!

  59. LOVE it all! That table is gorgeous. Can't wait to see more :)

  60. Patience is character building. I just had a slice of freshly baked bread and butter. That took a lot of patience and I could have just gone to our local baker but I wanted the satisfaction and the additional character! Just think, your wait will be worth it....good things do come to those who wait!
    That is a saying from my dear Dad.

  61. Can't wait to see it all done!

  62. I know I will love it. I really cannot wait. Just this photo is incredible. Maybe you could give a lesson on putting together a bar tray, too. It looks like you have mastered it!

  63. such a sweet peek... i will be waiting... patiently.

  64. It is already looking fabulous. I am patiently awaiting the rest! That table is wonderful. I have been thinking of trying to put an iron base together for a piece of marble my mom gave us. Now I am ready to hunt down some iron pipes. Inspiration galore.

  65. hi joan- i think sneaky in january is good...especially for those of us who are working on patience in the new year.



  66. I know it's going to be beautiful - just like the rest of your home. Thanks for the sneak peek!

  67. Joan, Dan, and Ella: "Patience is a virtue". I am repeating after you! I know that we are in for a treat, when you post the room. Cindy

  68. Happy New Year Joan! More please!!!!

  69. Gorgeous! And yes, an 8' foo table does indeed give it some perspective when it comes to scale. The items you have arranged so artfully really doesn't give it away....well maybe that planter....Can't wait...

  70. I love how you have placed all those things atop the table. :) The lamp is really beautiful. :)

  71. That barn door is a one-of-a-kind piece of artwork. Fabulous! I love the way you've arranged the table in front of it. It enhances the door but doesn't detract from it's beauty. Well done!

  72. little peek into what I know is going to be a fabulous space you are so talented. It's very humbling as a sister blogger a somewhat new one at that to land on a blog with SO MUCH offered to us..ideas..beautiful inspiration...well written thoughts...AND an appreciative heart to boot thank you for being YOU ..DAN TOO...your both a blessing

    Karena A Loblolly Life

  73. oo i'm so excited to see more! it looks great so far! as to be expected!

    ashley over @

  74. You are such a tease! Love what I'm seeing, can't wait for the complete reveal.

  75. Oh, this is looking amazing. You have such a talent for creating warm, elegant and inviting spaces. I adore all the textures you've incorporated so far.

    Looking forward to the big reveal!!!

    And thank you for your feedback on my tile dilemma. I am leaning heavily toward the Moroccan tile and just waiting on my estimate before making a final decision.

    Have a wonderful weekend!
    xo Elizabeth

  76. It all comes together doesn't it...Lovely!

  77. Looks fabulous! Just like everything else you touch.

    TDM xx

  78. All well & good to give us a peek, but you guys need to get cracking & finish 'our' Guest Room pronto. I need to know where we stand with our room reservations. After a 15 hr + 6hr flight we are going to be VERY tired, so can we expect room service?
    Millie xx
    P.S. Crumbs I got RSI scrolling through all these comments J you star!!

  79. I am loving it! I really cannot wait for it to be done! “Barn rooms” are really amazing because aside from being unusual, they have a country feeling in them. I have to say, your floor really looks wonderful. I wonder what type of flooring it is. Anyway, thank you for sharing this lovely picture. It is such an inspiration.


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