Monday, January 2, 2012

to the new year...

“Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.”
- Ralph Waldo Emerson -




  1. What a beautiful picture!!! Happy New Year! I look forward to visiting your blog during the upcoming year - it is fabulous and one of my absolute favorites!!!!

  2. Love your blog....Looking forward to reading it in 2012....I love your image here!

  3. great photo. And I love the quote - not unlike my own mantra "When the day is over and you have done your best, wait the results in peace".

    Happy New Year

  4. I think you should create a set of note cards using your beautiful photographs. They take my breath away each time you post one.
    Happy New Year!
    Kisses Ella
    xo Dianne

  5. Beautiful. Love the sentiment too! :)

  6. Hi Joan what a gorgeous picture, funny hos just one picture can say it all. Truly breathtaking. Wishing you lifes best in 2012! Stop by, doing a major giveaway including a gorgeous oriental rug as a one year celebration!

  7. Beautiful, both the quote and the image. Happiest of New Year's to you!

    Kat :)

  8. What a beautiful photo, Joan! And I LOVE that quote.

  9. Wow! Your photo is breathtaking! So New England. I was born and grew up in Maine.. though i reside in OR now. Beautiful pictures like that make me feel a little homesick, but in a good way with wonderful memories. Happy, Splendid New Year to you!

  10. Happy New Year to you, Dan and Ella, Joan. I hope it's the very best for you all!


  11. Joan,
    That image is breathtaking...Just as the one in your previous post. Your house on the hill with the lights glowing warmly just as total darkness is about to fall. I've come back to look at this several times. I thought it was very gracious of you to list every name and place of your followers. I'm so happy to have found you and look forward to seeing what you come up with in 2012!

  12. happy new year, joan! can't wait to see what you have in store this year! thanks for being so wonderful! lovely pic, by the way.

    ashley over @

  13. Such intense colors! The bare trees and glowing orange make this look more like Halloween.

    --Road to Parnassus

  14. Happy New Year, Joan! Can't wait to see what you have in store for us in 2012.

  15. Happy New Year Joan. Wishing you all the best in 2012!! Martina

  16. What a lovely photo and the quote is so apt. I want to thank you for leaving your kind comment on Leo's post about his father's eggnog recipe. He was thrilled, and the eggnog was as good this year as ever! Wishing the best the year has to offer to you, Dan, and Ella!

  17. Wow! That's a beautiful would have given me goosebumps to see that in person.

    Happy New Year to all of you...thanks for the great year you've shared with us.

    xo sarah

  18. What a lovely photo,Wishing all of you a HAppy New Year..

  19. Sally and I have settled on an inspirational motto for the year - "This year is our year!" I think we'll adopt the RWE quote as our daily inspiration.

    Bring it on!


  20. Hi Joan
    Beautiful picture Fabulous quote
    Kind Regards

  21. Joan, Dan, and Ella: What a stunning view you have captured, and the quote is so true. Happy New Year, Cindy

  22. Hi Joan,
    What a great quote and something to remember as we embark on a new year, thank you.
    Love the image...I'm feeling the energy of a new year. I look forward to what you share with us.

  23. Looking forward to more lovely posts in 2012. Happy New Year to you, Dan and Ella.
    All the best...Victoria

  24. The photo is gorgeous! There is something so special about a setting sun against the night sky. Great quote with such truth.


  25. Stunning sunset!! Every day in NH is the best!!!

  26. How funny! I was thinking along these lines today!! Can't wait to see what 2012 reveals!!

    Happy New Year!


  27. Beautiful Joan! Happy New Year dear friend.

  28. What a gorgeous image...wishing you all the best in 2012!!

  29. Absolutely beautiful! Have been enjoying all your wonderful posts and lovely photographs! Wishing you a Happy New Year from MT!

  30. I love your blog and look forward to reading more in this new year, as I renovate my new home and blog it too!

  31. so lovely!
    happy 2012-

    hugs to you both (and ella)

  32. Love the quote and how the white fence & trees look against the skyline.

  33. Happy new year, Joan! Looking forward to seeing what 2012 has in store for your lovely abode!

  34. happy new year joan, dan and ella. stunning photo! xo janet

  35. loved your comment today - so true!
    we don't do clothes, we do houses!!!!! sometimes my mother comes up with good savings. another one is 'always keep your own money to yourself' = have your own little nest egg for mani/pedis and housekeepers without having to ask your husband for it!!!! another one was "it's just a easy to marry rich as it is poor.' well, i didn't listen to that one!!!! but it all worked out eventually. but when w =e married, a comma in the paycheck called for celebration. haha!!!!

    hope you had a wonderful holiday! our new hampshire boy is with us for dec/jan and we are having a great time.


  36. Happy New Year

    Kathy :)

  37. Lovely blog, so honest and forthright...I love that, not to mention all the gorgeous photos too. Thank you, N.xo

  38. We're having a contest at The 2 Seasons for a $50 gift card to The Container Store. There are three ways to win. One of them is to mention it on your blog and leave a comment that you did. Thanks.

    Janette and Jordan

  39. Hi Joan and Dan! Happy New Year

    I missed the calling card post but I will leave one now:

    I am just a person, who loves to live my life fully and I try to be the best I can be. I have a son and a wonderful husband. Oh and a very sassy little lab named Millie. I too have a love of houses and more importantly I embrace the concept of a home...because there is a big difference.

    Joan, your blog is so wonderful and I read it as much as I can. Thank you for sharing your love of a house and all the wonderful things that happen when people step through your front door.

    best, Kelley

  40. That photograph is absolutely stunning. Happy New Year to everyone in your well-loved house!

  41. Happy 2012 to you Joan! LOVE your barn room so have the most impeccable taste my friend.

  42. I am late in leaving my calling card but sometimes the one who comes last is remembered the most.
    My Mother says that if anyone can manage to be late to their own funeral it will be me.

    I enjoy the lovely pictures of your home and I thank the two of you for sharing it with me. For you see I see so much that is lovely and comfortable in your home.

  43. I'm so behind in my blog reading, but I had to stop in and tell you that this is just a lovely picture. I love the feeling I get when I look at it. Thank you for sharing. Hope you're having a good evening. Toodles, Kathrym @TheDedicatedHouse


Welcome! Thank you for leaving a comment; you have no idea how much your comments inspire me to keep writing- I appreciate each and every one. Comments are moderated by me prior to publishing on the blog, so if you don't see your comment post immediately it will be posted as soon as I receive and read it. joan