Monday, February 27, 2012

to start your week off with a smile...

Ella's a mighty fine driver!

This photo always makes me laugh-  I save it as my screen saver on those days when I need some extra humor in my life!

Make it a good week!


  1. My dog does this every time we're in the car. I had to get a wagon with a built in dog gate recently. Before that my drivers seat was always covered in fur when I stepped out, never fail!

  2. My big Shepherd mix, Cookie, does that. She also rides in the passenger seat like a person, it amuses everyone while we are out running errands together!

  3. Well that certainly made me smile.
    Thanks Joan. You have a great week as well. I was out and about this weekend and laughed every time I saw a wreath on a door (so that was a lot of laughing). Only in New England!!

  4. LOL, and she knows where to shop too! What a gal.

  5. This also made me smile, such a sweet dog you have there, and she drives...wohoo!


  6. LOVE the photo, Joan. It did put a smile on my face, thanks. I needed it today.

    {{{HUGS TO YOU}}},

  7. So cute! I bet people were walking by looking and wondering. Ha!

  8. Ah, cute photo. As soon as I leave the car Marshall sits in the driver's seat waiting for me. Have a great week!

  9. Dylan dog likes to drive too and even leans on the steering wheel with his paws until the truck beeps at him. Otherwise it's in his seat with the seatbelt on!

  10. I really enjoyed this, as it looks a lot like my dog Sugar, and a lot like my car! Thanks! Robin

  11. I love seeing dogs drive cars :-) Great profile!

  12. too cute joan. who is the better driver of the family?

  13. Ella is a doll! She is probably a better driver than most out there! :)


  14. I didn't realize Ella was sixteen! After watching news coverage of the high school shooting here in N.E. Ohio this morning, this made my day. Thank you, Joan and Ella.

  15. So sweet. We had a toy poodle for 17 1/2 years. One day I was bringing her home from the groomer and stopped to drop a movie into the drop box. Got out of the car, was dropping the movie in the box and heard a CLICK!! She had locked the door!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had to call my hubby at work, to come and let me into my car:):) Thanks for the smile and the memory. XO, Pinky

  16. LOVE IT! I'm smiling from ear to ear!

  17. Ella is so darn cute, and talented, I might add!

  18. Ella's a riot. Bella has to sit in the back seat, because she sheds too much...and I don't think she meets the height requirement to sit in the front.

  19. Mary, Ontario, CanadaFebruary 27, 2012 at 2:04 PM

    ....our white boxer does this too! Every time I get out, she moves over to the driver's seat. So many people have commented on how cute it is.

  20. Horsepower? Dogpower!
    4-wheel drive? 4-footed drive!

    I don't have a dog, but my cat's favorite seat was the dashboard - front-seat-driver!

  21. Joan, Dan, and Ella: Precious; Cindy. P.S.: Ella has great taste in her shopping...well trained! Cindy

  22. :o) I love these kind of pictures, smile maker indeed! Have a marvelous week

  23. LOL!! She is soooo precious! Just a little piece of wonderful. :) Thanks for sharing, Joan.
    xo Heidi

  24. My dog does the same! It cracks me up! Ella's so cute!


  25. my dog do it also. its annoying sometimes specially when your not in the mood but in some way i still find it cute.

  26. Hi Joan,
    That's the wonderful thing about animals - they can always put a smile on our face!

  27. I really can't tell you how much I love this! It made me smile:)

  28. Our collie is the only dog I know that doesn't jump willingly into the car for a ride. He has to be coaxed, prodded and with a boost from the rear. Rediculous! Ella's got it together!

  29. much older sister SusanFebruary 27, 2012 at 10:59 PM

    Why is everyone calling Ella a dog??? She is a little girl in a puppy coat!

  30. HAHA. Super cute.

    ♥ sécia

  31. Awesome! :) A M brought lots of smiles throughout her life to myself and many others doing the exact same thing! Thank you for the joyful smile and darling photo of sweet, beautiful Ella!

  32. We need more drivers like Ella in ATL!!! Have you experienced our trafiic ??
    Thanx for a great laugh - love it. Marcie

  33. She is patiently waiting to head to the store for the yummy Valentine treats you bestow upon her...! Soooo sweet.

  34. I needed Ella to start this week. We had a rough weekend. Thanks so much!

  35. Cute! Does she jump to the back when she spots you coming? We have a new dog(Gus)and he sits in the driver's seat until he see's us, then darts to the very back as if to say "nothing going on here". Michelle

  36. Haha, that is so funny. Looks like she is driving! :)

  37. What a fun picture...Ella looks very capable behind the wheel! :-)

  38. Love that picture. At least she isn't texting!!!Love your blog-it's beautiful!!

  39. Dogs in cars would make a wonderful book for lots of us. Such a cute subject!

  40. I stumbled upon your blog...and I can't tell you how happy I am that I did! My fiance and I up and moved from Southern California to Northeast KANSAS in less than 3 weeks(we're crazy, I've already told him if we ever move again, minimum move time of a month is needed!)! Northeast Kansas, contrary to popular belief, is very heavily wooded and hilly. And like you, we have truly enjoyed the beauty of fall, a season we had never really LIVED in before, it's now my absolute favorite season. And the people are genuine. So kind a friendly, I never want to go back to living somewhere that does not feel like HOME. I think you and I feel the same things about our new adopted states.
    I went ALL the way back and read from the beginning, and I have fallen in love with how you have made your house a home. I look forward to keeping up with you and your home, and your sweet Ella. We also have a rescue dog, Deuce, who was a Daddy's girl before I came along, but we have won each other's hearts, and she makes my heart happy.
    Best to you,
    And thank you,

  41. Puppy Lulu would love to do this, but gets horribly car sick. Any advice from your wonderful readers gratefully accepted Joan.
    Millie xx


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