Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Let the record show...

that on this March 13th, in the year 2012 - in the state of New Hampshire....
  I have my windows open letting in delicious 70-degree fresh air!

Crazy weather I tell ya, but lovin' it!
Is it crazy in your neck of the woods too?!


  1. Oh, yes! Woke up to snow this morn' (near your old PacNWest stomping grounds!)
    I can feel the WARMTH from your NH

  2. Yes, but not in a good way. I think we have had worse weather than most places...big wind storm yesterday that dropped a large fir branch on my deck, taking down lights. This morning, a dusting of snow. I WISH I was enjoying your 70 degree weather right now.

  3. Me too!!! Working from home today, and windows in guestroom/office are all open and the whole house fan is on...loving it, hopefully that Lion doesn't show up at the end of March! Enjoy!!!

  4. Busy work day, and now the crockpot is smelling great.

    Opened all the doors when I got home to the Conservatory & prepared the table. Dinner at 7pm in this decadent spring air.

    Camellias still blooming, Southern Indica azaleas beginning to bloom, loads of hellebores heavy in bloom, kerria weeping in gold, viburnum tinus & tea olive still fragrant magic.

    Yes, crazy weather. Oh, tons of yellow swallow tail butterflies.

    Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

  5. We live in San Antonio... As you know we define crazy weather in Texas!!!

  6. It sure is! We're at 55 today and are expecting 71 tomorrow! It's wild! I love it too! I had my windows lowered while I went to town. The 22" of snow we got a two weekends ago is gone! There is only a tiny bit left so I'm thrilled! I don't trustthis warm up though, but I will enjoy it while it's here!

  7. Joan,I'm in Andover,Massachusetts and it's 73 degrees here this afternoon! I can't believe it either! Enjoy the beautiful weather! Kathy

  8. The crazy weather is balm for my soul, I tell ya. Sunshine, blue sky, puffy clouds, 80 degrees, lots of outside things accomplished during the last two days. Ahhhh.

  9. Yes, unseasonably warm in Kentucky, too. Gonna reach high 70s and maybe even 80 tomorrow. Unheard of for this time of year, but I'm not complaining!

  10. Windows open here in Salem, too. Incredible warm and delicious southwest breeze. Here's my March 13th footnote to a whacky spring. I saw a raven winging about and being chased by crows. I've NEVER seen a raven down this way - until today.


  11. Yes it is! We had a huge down pour of rain this morning and now it is hot and sunny this afternoon. It is close to 80 degrees. We never got any snow this year either. I think the southern and eastern part of the U.S has been warmer than usual this year. I guess we shouldn't complain though. (I live in GA)

  12. Hi, I'm in Va. and it's 82 and I have a sunburned face from working in the garden! jd

  13. Well, I'm knee deep in yellow pollen here! Everything is blooming in South Carolina. I planted about 50 gladiolus bulbs today. Glad you are enjoying your beautiful weather. How does it affect the maple sap?

  14. We had a warm and sunny weekend here in the West of France, but yesterday I experienced the deepest fog I had ever seen... I came back late from work, it was already dark and I couldn't see the road at all... It was like driving through a nightmare... Crazy weather!

  15. 77 degrees in southeast Virginia. We're loving it!

  16. Doors open letting fresh air in while I was outside fixing our lawn from the last snowstorm. I even got brave enough to sprinkle out grass seed but that might have been pushing things!


  17. I spotted the first few crocus in bloom today. It's the first Spring in the "new" old house, so every blossom is a surprise and a pleasure. I spent some time studying outside, and gave the dog a good brushing. Maybe the birds will use his fur for their nests!Enjoy the fresh air Joan! Best wishes....

  18. Joan, we had this kind of weather for the last two weeks, but today in sunny Calif. we have rain and wind and will have for the rest of the week. I am liking it, we need the rain and I know it won't last for long. Enjoy the fresh air, that is the first thing I do every morning is open up the house and let her breathe!! xo Kathysue

  19. What a wonderful thing! The past three days have been around 60 degrees here in Colorado and I too have had doors and windows open!

  20. Joan,
    I'm convinced Mother Nature is having difficulty making up her mind...we were in the high seventies over the weekend and today its a cool 61 degrees (which for So. Cal) is pretty cool.

  21. Yes!!! As a matter of fact, I'm sitting here telling a friend how nice it is in Georgia right now and I'm hearing thunder! CRAZY!

  22. Low 80s today in suburban Kansas City! The tulips were coming up on Valentines Day and the daffodils, dogwoods and pear trees are in full bloom now. My butterfly bush is fully leafed out already.

    I hate to think what this summer might be like!

  23. Yes, 73 here in PA and oh wait... yup followed by the infamous humidity PA is known for.

    As I am typing this there are 4 deer frolicking in our yard. Even they are confused.

  24. Spring has sprung and it is amazing!!!!! Have a great evening - Jalon

  25. Lovely! Hope you had a wonderful day!

    xo Pam

  26. It was snowing in western Oregon this morning..quickly turned to rain, but it's cold. Daffodils poking up through the snow was pretty and strange at the same time!

  27. Yes, we're getting a late winter storm with freezing rain followed by snow! But, I could have opened my windows yesterday as it was sunny and 50! Enjoy the heat wave! Pamela

  28. Hi Joan
    In Aus our weather is odd as well. Where I am in Adelaide it's 30degrees that's celsius in your scale its 86 degrees and it's only 10 am. Way to warm for the start off Autumn. We are expecting a change today and rain. The change I believe the rain?
    Kind Regards

  29. Also, like Lynn, we woke to snow!! It's been sunny, raining, and snow all in one day...very versatile weather here in the PNW!! Makes it hard to be bored around here!! Gloves, hats, and umbrellas in one day?? You got it!

    PS...Will have to say, in less than two weeks, we'll be in Florida, and hopefully have some of that NH weather there!!


  30. Hi Joan, It was high 60's today in Ohio. Trimmed boxwood and knock out roses. Beautiful day. Low 70's tomorrow!! Maybe I'll get the mulch raked out of the grass! Take care, Sara

  31. Right there with you ~ enjoying the VERY early spring weather! I enjoyed taking our bulldogs out for a walk when I got home from school this eveningl. My students received extra homework tonight ... go outside and play!:)


  32. Too HOT to have windows open in south Louisiana :(

  33. We in Southern Ontario, Canada are also being blessed with a warm spring - robins are so busy and my daffodils are now 2 inches above ground! Golf course opens tomorrow....

    My little dog is so enamoured with all the neighbourhood spring smells! NB

  34. Oooh, same here in the midwest! And I'm grateful to be able to open the house to air out my germ-fest!
    Plus-it's good medicine for the rest of my cold!
    btw-did you ever tell the "white" you used for your exterior? Or did I miss that--I really love it!

  35. And what lovely windows they are. ;) Not too crazy here... a little chilly but nice.

    ♥ sécia

  36. I think we got to just about 60 today Joan, but we'll be at 70 by Saturday!! I can't wait to open up the windows and let some of this stale air out!


  37. It sure is CRAZY March weather here in Pa.! Our thermometer said 75 today and it felt it, Joe and I raked, blew and hauled leaves for HOURS but got a GOOD headstart on our yardwork! Oh my achin back:):) XO, Pinky

  38. Catherine- The exterior white is a custom mix and is listed on my sidebar under "my paint and stain colors."

  39. Joan, Dan, and Ella: Yes, our windows are open, too! Today, I found reasons to be outside; too nice to spend in the house because we know that this weather is not here to stay. Cindy

  40. Joan,
    I have lived here my entire life and would never leave the four seasons. I can attest that I have never experienced the weather as it has been in the last 6-8 years. It has been like nothing I have ever seen in all my life. Things are definitely changing.
    I watch and feel it all in awe.

  41. We were about 15 degrees cooler than you today up here in Northern NH. There is still a couple of feet of snow in my backyard...but its melting!

  42. That glorious glorious glorious fresh air

  43. It is gloriously sunny and mild today. A cousin and I were commenting the other day on how much snow used to fall in March when we were children. The weather patterns are changing, the world is changing - all of us since the beginning of the industrial revolution have helped escalate the warming effect.

  44. We have been having some crazy weather here in Australia. A very mild summer and now a lot of rain. x

  45. We had our doors and windows wide open today too...my kind of crazy!

    Kat :)

  46. It was crazy beautiful here in Toronto too!! I had windows open letting in a beautiful breeze and fresh air all day! Hoping for more days to come, and that this isn't just a huge tease! *fingers crossed*

  47. A bit colder here in Romania I am afraid.

    I notice you have half window shutters in your upstairs windows, but curtains downstairs? Would love a post on the window treatments throughout your home.

  48. Yes!! We are really hoping we had our last snow last week...so ready for spring especially since our whole household went down with a nasty bug!

  49. Absolutely gorgeous! weekend enjoyed by all with highs in the mid 60's that felt like the 70's. On Tuesday almost reached a record high and then around 10PM began snowing with 1.5-2" expected tonight! :)

  50. Joan we had 55 degrees CELSIUS on the weekend here in Western Australia! Tania

  51. Yes, 69 here in the midwest yesterday and will be 75 and sunny today! I might just go jump in our lake and not care if I look like an idiot! HYPER! But isn't this a bit early, and kind of eerie? It just makes me wonder if something cold is going to happen...

  52. Kansas has been at 80+ degree weather for the past 2 days!! Getting my hands dirty in the garden today. :-)

  53. I heard on the news that when the Coast Guard ice breakers went up the Kennebec River (Maine) yesterday, they found no ice at all. As for me, I took a walk on my lunch hour and didn't even need a sweater. Strange indeed.

  54. Our Chicago weather is just the same, we too had all the windows open, lovely breeze all day and when sitting out in the yard in the setting sun, the view of the back of our house was so similar to your photo! sure made me smile to see your posting... thanks for sharing!

  55. We've also had a wonderfully mild winter, and early 'spring'. It makes me want to get out into the yard and dig in the dirt. We can't wait to start landscaping our new home!

  56. We woke up to snow yesterday in the PacNW. So jealous. So let's talk windows. Your windows (open ones) fascinate me. Can you show a pic of the interior mechanisms. Look great.

  57. It was getting awfully springy here. Until I awakened this morning to 4" of snow on the ground and more coming! Had a hard time convincing the cow she wanted to go back out into it after milking!

  58. Wonderfully so - it's supposed to be 80 here today!

  59. Since it is Summer in my neck of the woods, or slowly , too slowly sliding into Autum.. I can only say that today was in the 70s and I was happy.
    Winter in Buenos Aires is much nicer than well, anywhere, but summer gets me down.
    Enjoy your warm spell.
    besos. C

  60. It's been wonderful! We've had our windows open too - we call it "sailing the house!" My students don't even put their coats on lately! Love it!

  61. It has also been unbelievably warm here in Southern Ontario...
    spent the day at my cottage...working the garden beds..
    lots of fresh green shoots popping up..

    Cheers...Linda :o)

  62. Living in the 'Great White North' I am longing for 'Tara D.'s' weather; however on the whole we had a mild Winter and there are actually signs of Spring. Crocuses and Daffodils are sprouting and yesterday morning a flock of Canada Geese overhead, announced their arrival home. Noisy things that they are. :) Temperatures are hovering around 50 F degrees so things are looking good. -Brenda-

  63. Hi Joan, just stopping by to say how delightful your blog is. Thanks so much for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris

  64. I cannot wait for the breezy spring days to make their way west. Lovely to get to open up the house after being couped up all winter.

  65. We are having great weather in Tennessee....I think spring has arrived and I am so ready for it.

  66. The weather is unbelievable here in Minnesota. Hit 80 yesterday, had our first fire in the fire pit last night and even slept with the all windows open. This is unheard of for us, we usually have snow with highs in the 40's. Another 80 degree day on deck for today, sure wish I could start planting :)

  67. Too terribly warm here in Tennessee for me, I was looking forward to cooler weather and now it's so warm I'm having to do a sprint just to make sure I get through w/ all of my Spring chores before April comes and it's Summer!


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