Friday, March 16, 2012

naturally, I loved him...

Someone on Pinterest once pinned a photo of the Italian case piece in  the reading room  and because of the contents wrote the comment-  
"A naturalist lives here." 
I liked that.
If you look around my house you can easily see that I love my forestwood, my tree fungus (a.k.a. "conks"), my rocks, my bird and wasp nests, my horns, etc... . 
One day, while I was dusting in  the dining room  I picked up a wasp nest and an original occupant fell out!  I was delighted to see him!

wasp nests and a succulent that mimics a nest in antique marble urns in the dining room

I attached him to a pin and then pinned him to his nest. 
Call me a naturalist, but I love him!!

I think he's the bee's knees :)
sorry... couldn't resist!

Happy Weekend!


  1. How wonderfully clever of you! I love it!

  2. What a beautiful shot Joan with all that sunlight streaming in! Enjoy your weekend!

  3. I like this post and your pictures. You have a very gentle spirit.


  4. At our first home, whenever we would light a fire too early in fall, the wasps would come in through the fireplace by the hundreds. It was so terrible. We had the chimney checked several times and cleaned and there was no nest. We never could figure it a dead wasp is a sight to see! lol Love your can truly make anything look beautiful.

    Have a wonderful weekend,


  5. Oh, I love him - he's perfect!

    Like you, I love all things from nature and am fortunate to have a beautiful "cabinet of cuiosities" filled with seashells, coral, minerals, fossils, sponges, nests, feathers and pinecones.

  6. I see wasps nests in shops in Toronto for sale. A big nest with a branch poking through it (how they cut it down) goes for over $150.00. One guy offered me $50 for every wasp nest I bring him to sell.

  7. I really enjoy natural things too,
    and use them more in the Fall than at other times for some reason, course,
    I use rose petals and flowers from the yard all the time too, so guess that is about as natural as it can get!! lol
    Anyway, what a great find your lil
    Bee.....and a great way to display him in all his glory!!
    Irish Blessings to ya!

  8. I first thought that my opinion was none of your beeswax, but I don't want to seem waspish, so I'll admit that I love all the natural touches you use, and I thought the idea of resurrecting the original occupant a clever one, although it might frighten some people.

    Like all your posts, I'm sure that this one will create a buzz.
    --Road to Parnassus

  9. I love natural objects too and love your honeycomb. I love your tree fungus, rocks and bird nests. You truly are a naturalist! In fact, I used your mantel vignette as an example in my post (hope you don't mind) this morning called "Decorating with Natural Curiosities." So, you see, you really inspire me to go out and collect nature's gifts. ~Delores

  10. "The poetry of the earth is never dead." ~Keats

  11. I have silver trays with minerals and shells, mantels with lichen,twigs and horns, jars of butterfly wings, and my favorite bee nests with queen and worker bee family just shrugs, but you can't buy that kind of beauty! GREAT post.....k

  12. Thanks for the smile! It is perfection!

  13. Joan,
    I too love all things nature...nests, feathers, horns. I will have to watch for a wasp nest...that is great and I love the fact that you let the little guy (RIP) stay with his home. :-)

  14. I just love it when you post...
    A happy weekend to you as well. best regards, wenda scott

  15. Lovely! I too, am a naturalist, I think. I have bowls of rocks, shells, driftwood, pinecones and antlers in every room. I like collecting them, looking through them, and living with them.
    Your post and your home are beautiful!

  16. I love how you displayed your hornets nest. I just did a post on mine this morning too! You'll have to go check it out. I love decorating with them.

  17. I think it's cute that you attached him back to the nest!
    I guess the writing is cast in stone- you are a naturalist!!
    I love your enthusiasm for your new life in the East. You embrace your surroundings and make them a part of you.
    I know you are enjoying this warm weather like I am! Keep the fingers crossed that it will just keep this way!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  18. i love that. the bee would like his new home. nature brought into the home always looks better than something trendy from the store.

  19. I love that you grace your home with the lovely relics of nature - I do too! I think I'm about at my limit of abandoned birds' nests, though. My room for display at the cabin is well below my capacity to collect, and any cabinets for curiosities are full of books. I think my favorite thing is a knotty piece of wood with a heart-shaped hole in it. I just looked down and saw it - my gift from the faeries! I love your giant conk and the papery covering of the wasps' nest - such great texture! Like your wasp specimen, I have several butterflies that I found intact whose luminous wings decorate some of my birds' nests. And I love the lacy filigree of a large dessicated leaf with only the veins left intact. I could go on . . .

  20. Joan,

    This is why I love you and your home. I just did a post on my blog about decorating with nature, I love it so much. Remember we exchange emails on the "conks".

    Thanks for writing about all the things I love too.

  21. Dear Joan,
    Oh no! Why did I throw out one of the original occupants of my wasp nest! Your idea is such a good one...I'll have to look for a dead wasp to replace him! Cheers to you!
    Jean from Maine

  22. Thankfully you see things in a very special light. The results are beautiful.

  23. ahhh, taking the time to admire the beauty of nature and to so lovingly invite her inside your home is precious

  24. Shawna ( 16, 2012 at 7:44 PM

    What a great idea. My dog or cat would just eat it!

  25. I love collecting things from hikes with my little one or from our yard. This winter when looking for something to put under a cloche, it clipped a few branches from my bare crepe myrtle. Love seeing your beautiful home and great ideas. Your house looks like such a serene and welcoming home.

  26. I love your sense of humor...."the bees knees". Love it. I, too, love your NATURAL elements in your house. I always get a WELCOME feeling coming here. XO, Pinky

  27. I, too, have things collected in the wild around the house; bird nests, shells, driftwood, dried flowers, etc. But I could NOT have a wasp nest. They're my nemesis! I spend nine months out of the year spraying them, tearing their nests off porches, roof overhangs, and even inside. I've been stung too many times to feel any sentimentality about them, plus one of my sons is deathly allergic.

    So no wasp nests around here, intentionally anyway!

    P.S. I adore your house and blog.

  28. Beautiful photos and nests and how lucky you are to find them. I usually only see the small wasps nests the one under the deck.
    Love the wasp "pinned" to the nest..very Victorian. :)
    Happy St.Patrick's Day.

  29. Gorgeous and so creative.

  30. Joan,
    What a wonderful surprise and that gorgeous afternoon light. I love all the beauty in nature.

  31. This just goes to show that everything in nature is truly a beautiful.

    I never would have thought of putting an abandoned next in an urn. But, love that you did!!

    xoxo Elizabeth

  32. Inspired! Your home is absolutely beautiful.

  33. i have always scared of bees

    but those photo's are beautiful

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