Thursday, November 3, 2011

House of Fifty

I am very honored to be mentioned in "Blogs we love" in the latest issue of House of Fifty!
I love this e-magazine and am so excited to be included in their Holiday issue.
This issue is chalk full of gorgeous interiors, creative gift ideas, beautiful clothing, stunning jewelry and delicious recipes, plus more ... I love how well-rounded the magazine is!

Treat yourself and have a look!

click cover to view

The talented Janell Beals of Isabella and Max Rooms is the founding editor of

If you haven't already, click the logo to subscribe to the free subscription!


  1. Very cool! We put a lot of time into our blogs so it's really nice to get some recognition. It's well deserved.

  2. Joan, Dan, and Ella: I love that more and more people are being made aware of your wonderful blog!
    You guys deserve this recognition and more! Cindy

  3. We adore your home and all the beautiful efforts you've put into it. AND, that barn room, truly special! Enjoy! Janell

    p.s. Thanks for sharing the holiday issue of House of Fifty today with your readers.

  4. I love getting my House of Fifty .. this issue is really wonderful. I have not had time to sit and go through it in detail, now I have to go look ! :)
    besos, C

  5. What a lovely feature. The rooms look beautiful, but you teased us again with a mention of the magical barn room!

  6. Joan,
    I was going through House of Fifty mag last night, and I was thrilled to find your blog being featured. Congratulations!! Looking forward to seeing more of your barn room!

  7. Congratulations Joan, Dan and Ella! I saw this two days ago and was wondering if you were going to say had until

  8. Congratulations, although I am not surprised!! Now I'm off to have a peek!


  9. C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S .... I'm officially following ya with smiles.. I'm Marilyn via http://theartsygirlconnection & would LOVE for you to stop in sometime.. Great blog you have here.. Off to indulge and inspire myself.. :))

  10. WoOHoo !! Well deserved and well done! Everyone will now know what we have known all along.....congratulations J.

  11. Joan, I just subscribed to House of Fifty, so it's new to me. You deserve all the recognition you've received. Quality and style down to the core!
    Best to you, Barbara

  12. Congrats. I love this magazine, and especially this issues. So so many goodies.

  13. Congratulations Joan. Boy your place looks good amongst the pages. It's a wonderful magazine. Well done! A-M xx

  14. I snuck off & read this issue this morning when I should have been ploughing through a major Tender document at work. Seeing your accolade made me dizzy with excitement. I now can't vouch for the veracity of the Tender pricing I entered, but I don't give two hoots. Congrats dear Joan, so richly deserved.
    Millie xx

  15. You certainly deserved the mention, Joan! I adore House of Fifty-- I just need a quiet afternoon and a cup of tea to REALLY enjoy this latest issue. :)
    happy friday!
    xo Heidi

  16. Congratulations Joan! You deserve it! :) I just posted pics of the sunroom, first day of the tour of CDLV, I hope you'll stop by and weigh in! :)

  17. Excellent! what a wonderful way to celebrate the end of the week!....smiles

  18. Congrats, well desereved!!

  19. Found you while reading through HOF. Now I know why Janell is enamored with your home. It's gorgeous. So happy to have found your blog.


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