I've been meaning to pin this post for several months, and today as the story came full circle it seems like the perfect time to write it.
Though it is no surprise that I have a obsession great love of dogs, especially rescue dogs, I also am very fond of cats. I've never had a cat, I am allergic to some. But, I've always had this feeling that living here in New Hampshire, surrounded by woods, that one would eventually find its way to us and we would have a cat.
It was the middle of last November- it was a very cold, dark grey day and we were expected to have our first really hard freeze that night. As I was walking through the upstairs master bedroom I saw something in the back meadow. I thought it was a bobcat. We've seen the occasional bobcat (and in fact, this was a month after a neighbor spotted what she thought was a cougar in the area and sent out a "watch out" email) , but something about this sighting was odd- the animal was moving really slow and would sit hunkered in the grass for long periods of time making it difficult to get a good look at. We assumed it was stalking a mouse in the grass We got the binoculars out and decided it was a small bobcat. It had beautiful coloring. It wandered onto my neighbors property and disappeared. Throughout the morning I kept an eye out for the cat, even going up to the fence to see if I could spot it on my neighbor's property.
Later in the day Dan is out with the girls in the front yard and I come out to the front porch to say something to him. He turns to talk to me and then sees something and points to the corner of the front porch, and there curled up behind a chair is the teeniest, tiniest cat. I thought it was a kitten it was so small. I slowly walked up to cat, talking softly to it and it gently gets up and jumps off the porch and starts walking towards the barn. Dan gets the girls inside (they would love to meet and play with a cat, but I wasn't sure this cat wanted to meet them :) and I follow the cat hoping to befriend it. As it came to the tall stone wall at the corner of the garage it jumped down to the gravel drive and you could tell that big jump had knocked the wind out of the poor thing. I scooped the cat up and it melted into my arms- such a sweet, tiny thing. The cat was a beautiful tortoise color.
As I loved on and petted the cat chunks of hair started falling out and the cat seemed very out of sorts, and very cold. Dan quickly cleaned out a small carrier we had in the basement so we could take the cat to our vet and I held the cat in my arms thinking that "our cat" had finally showed up just like I always thought it would.
The last time I had seen the cat in the yard it was heading towards my neighbors house. If the cat had gone to that front porch it would have never been found as my neighbor is rarely home and wasn't there at this time. I think the cat sensed the energy of our dogs and the warmth of the farmhouse and felt that our house was a safe house.
As we drove the cat to the vet I was wondering if it was a girl or a boy. I just had this feeling that the cat was a girl. So, then, I started thinking what will we name her? The first name that came to me was "Daisy." Daisy was on my long list of dog names (I love dog names and always have a running list going, just in case!) when we adopted Magnolia and Louise, but as it turned out the names that we would call them came organically and didn't come off a list. Something about the cat just seemed to fit the name, so I thought to myself, Daisy it is!
Later in the day Dan is out with the girls in the front yard and I come out to the front porch to say something to him. He turns to talk to me and then sees something and points to the corner of the front porch, and there curled up behind a chair is the teeniest, tiniest cat. I thought it was a kitten it was so small. I slowly walked up to cat, talking softly to it and it gently gets up and jumps off the porch and starts walking towards the barn. Dan gets the girls inside (they would love to meet and play with a cat, but I wasn't sure this cat wanted to meet them :) and I follow the cat hoping to befriend it. As it came to the tall stone wall at the corner of the garage it jumped down to the gravel drive and you could tell that big jump had knocked the wind out of the poor thing. I scooped the cat up and it melted into my arms- such a sweet, tiny thing. The cat was a beautiful tortoise color.
As I loved on and petted the cat chunks of hair started falling out and the cat seemed very out of sorts, and very cold. Dan quickly cleaned out a small carrier we had in the basement so we could take the cat to our vet and I held the cat in my arms thinking that "our cat" had finally showed up just like I always thought it would.
The last time I had seen the cat in the yard it was heading towards my neighbors house. If the cat had gone to that front porch it would have never been found as my neighbor is rarely home and wasn't there at this time. I think the cat sensed the energy of our dogs and the warmth of the farmhouse and felt that our house was a safe house.
As we drove the cat to the vet I was wondering if it was a girl or a boy. I just had this feeling that the cat was a girl. So, then, I started thinking what will we name her? The first name that came to me was "Daisy." Daisy was on my long list of dog names (I love dog names and always have a running list going, just in case!) when we adopted Magnolia and Louise, but as it turned out the names that we would call them came organically and didn't come off a list. Something about the cat just seemed to fit the name, so I thought to myself, Daisy it is!
When we got to our vet the first thing they did was check to see if she had a microchip. And, to all our surprise, she did! I held the cat in my arms to warm her, and Dan and I stayed in an examining room while the clinic called the microchip company and then called the phone number that was on the cat's account. After a few minutes they came in and told us that the cat was actually one of their clients. The dad answered the phone and was shocked to get the call because the cat had been missing for 3 months, and they had just assumed the cat was dead. He said he would be there as fast as he could.
Turns out the cat was a girl, she was 8 years old, and her name was......
I. kid. you. not.
I about fell off the chair and freaked everyone out when I told them I had named her Daisy on the drive over.

Daisy normally weighed 8 to 9 pounds, but the day we found her she weighed 3 pounds. With her current health condition, which turned out to be very dire, and the impending hard freeze expected that night the vet and staff felt sure she would not have survived another day. Daisy was an indoor cat who escaped through an open window one lovely early fall afternoon. As the crow flies, she lives about a mile and a half from us. That she survived even one day, much less three months is amazing considering the thick woods between our house and hers are filled with all sorts of wildlife, and she would have been easy prey.
We waited at the vet's to meet Daisy's family. The dad and two little boys quietly walked into the room and they were in complete shock that they are looking at their Daisy. Daisy's mom was at work when she got the call from her husband and broke down sobbing that Daisy had been found. The mom and dad had been gently trying to explain to the two little boys that Daisy was not coming home, but the little boys were convinced that Daisy would come home again! Ahhh, faith through the eyes of a child!
Daisy had to stay at the vet's for over a week to be force fed and monitored. In the meantime Dan and I received texts, phone calls, a gift and cards from Daisy's family and Daisy's grandparents!! Turns out Daisy was one loved and missed little cat! Daisy arrived home right before Thanksgiving and received lots of love and attention and lots of licks on her face (per Daisy's mom) from her dog-brother!!
Daisy made weekly trips to the vet for weight checks and blood work which were all slowly improving! Daisy and her mom even stopped by the house one day on the way to the vet. It was so good to see her regaining her health, she was up over 7 pounds and her blood work was back to normal; she looked like a completely different cat than the one we found.
It had been several months and I had been thinking about Daisy a lot last week, for some reason, and kept meaning to check in to see how she was doing. Then several days later I got a text from Daisy's mom saying that Daisy's health had declined. She had developed diabetes and lost weight, back to almost 4 pounds. No doubt due to her time in the wilderness and the toll it took on her little body. Her family knew that their time with her was short, but they wanted me to know.

This morning I received this text...
Hi Joan, this is the final update... we will be putting Daisy to rest later this morning. It's time. xoxo
We were so sad to get this news, but yet so grateful that Daisy got to go home and live out the rest of her life with love and her family.
It was late this morning that I was standing at the kitchen sink, on the phone with Dan, when out from the woods in the back meadow, not far from where I first spotted Daisy, was what appeared to be a bobcat. (We have not seen a bobcat/cat since that November day.)
But was it??
I had thought Daisy was a bobcat the first time I laid eyes on her too. It's raining and cold today and the windows are closed, but as I spoke to tell Dan what I was seeing, the cat stopped... turned its head and looked directly at me. I had chills. I walked upstairs to get the binoculars and I reached the window just as the cat was disappearing into the woods. I have not seen the cat since.
I think it was Daisy... coming to say goodbye.
We learned the day that we found Daisy that it is rare for people to microchip their indoor cats, thinking they don't need to because the cat live inside. Shelly, the wonderful woman who manages the front desk at our vet said in her 11 years of working there this is the first time she has ever seen a microchipped cat returned to its owner. She said on the rare occasion a cat is found with a microchip the information on the chip is outdated and the owner can not be found.
So... this is a pet-friendly reminder, for the love of Daisy, to microchip your cats too and to all pet owners.... make sure your information is up to date!!
In honor of Daisy I have an "Adoptable Cat of the Week" from Lytle, Texas Animal Care and Control posted at the top of my sidebar. Please share if you can.
Tomorrow I will find some daisies to take to her grieving family.
photo via Pinterest
So... this is a pet-friendly reminder, for the love of Daisy, to microchip your cats too and to all pet owners.... make sure your information is up to date!!
In honor of Daisy I have an "Adoptable Cat of the Week" from Lytle, Texas Animal Care and Control posted at the top of my sidebar. Please share if you can.
Tomorrow I will find some daisies to take to her grieving family.
photo via Pinterest
Such a precious, precious story! Thank you so much for your part in Daisy's well-loved life and for sharing it with us!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful, sweet tstory of Daisy and your part in helping her to be reunited with her family. I am certain she DID go back to say goodbye to you....
ReplyDeleteYour kindness and this sweet story has me in tears. Thank you for caring, and for lifting my heart up. Bless you.
ReplyDeletexoxo Stephanie
God sent that little kitty your way, you saved her life, even for a little while, and allowed her family to love her and be with her to say goodbye. And I truly believe that was her coming to say good bye to her angel (you!) I've had visits from my cats after...
ReplyDeleteI love this story!! Thank you Joan for sharing it. It touched me and I love the adoptable cat!! Whooo whoooo!!
ReplyDeleteOh my...such a beautiful yet heart-breaking story. So glad you found her, and that allowed Daisy to spend her remaining days with her family. I never would have thought to chip an indoor cat...good advice! ;)
ReplyDeleteOH Joan,
ReplyDeleteWhat a heart wrenching story. We haven't had a cat for quite a few years. Our sweet Maggie was an indoor cat and I confess, because of our coyote problem, we never let her out beyond our patio, but if we get another cat it would be a great idea.
I am crying! Thank you Joanie and Dan for giving Daisy her ninth life.
ReplyDeleteYou have such a good heart! Both of my indoor cats are microchipped and have collars with our name and my cell phone number on their tags, they both have tried to escape once or twice but did it in winter when we had snow and promptly wanted back in, they are both fat and happy like Garfield.
ReplyDeleteWow I'm all teared up! I hope you will find a cat that will fill your heart with love! We love our two cats and they are indoor only cats. It never occured to me to have a chip put in them. Great story!
ReplyDeleteHow amazing Joan. Lovely she vould be reunited with her loving family. Both my cats are indoor cats and both are microchipped.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great story to share. Daisy's intersection into your life. I'm sure there are soo many reasons why including the multiple ones for each of us to experience thru your sharing. Thank you and thank you Daisy!
ReplyDeletewell, I had to go away and have a good cry over this. cats are my weak spot, I've had one or another, since I was 4 or 5 yrs old. this hit home with me as one of my two sweet fur babies was diagnosed with diabetes in early February. (She is 13) She was losing ground fast, but two insulin shots a day have brought her back to her almost old feisty self. I hate to think of what sweet Daisy must have gone thru on her own those months. God brought her to you that day. He's good like that, He cares about His kids and even their pets. Thanks so much for sharing this today, sometimes a cry is good for the soul.
ReplyDeletesuch a lovely story. We had 3 cats over 25 or so years. They all passed on and they all have showed up since to say good bye. Nothing says love more than a cat. One cat played a game with our handicapped daughter, and curled up to her painful back the very first night we had him. He protected me from dogs, big and little, and came when we whistled. After 20 some years I still miss him. I say he is in heaven on the right hand of god and I am very sure he will make Daisy welcome and give her comfort. I know I sound crazy but that is just my belief.
ReplyDeleteGreat post Joan! ALL 9 of my animals (5 dogs and 4 cats) are rescued/shelter animals. And they are ALL microchipped. This is a terrific story about the benefit of micro chipping, and rescuing! You are a kindred spirit. Well done!
ReplyDeleteHello Joan, What A bittersweet story. You and Dan are good people, and Daisy was lucky to have wandered into your sphere.
I wept as I read your account of finding Daisy and her short well loved time with you and your husband. Believe in your heart that she did appear her last day to say thank you and goodbye....
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful and heartfelt story. How wonderful that through your actions you were able to reunite this family with their beloved Daisy. Some things are meant to be….
ReplyDeleteOK now you made me cry. My beloved Siamese cat, Lorelei, disappeared one day when somebody (probably me) left the basement door open. Lorelei was an indoor, declawed cat of about 9.5 lbs. We hung up missing posters and were so worried she would not survive outside. Sure enough the neighbor spotted her living under his deck. She had been attracted to his place because he left cat food out for strays. So she managed to find food and shelter! Clever girl! We were united on the fourth day of her disappearance. I gave the neighbors a Gift Card which they refused! I told them to give it to the charity of their choice which they decided to do. I am forevermore grateful to my neighbors for finding Lorelei!
ReplyDeleteI love this story, sweet precious Daisy....
ReplyDeleteWeeping! Such a beautiful story. I completely believe animals can sense the people who will help them. I also keep a running list of dog names. Next on the list are Dixie and Sugar. Don't tell anyone :). Zhivago has also always been on the list but that's one I keep in my back pocket for just the right dog. You make the world a more lovely and warm place, Joan. You clearly carry some magic. So sorry for Daisy's family.
ReplyDelete*cutting onions over here*
ReplyDeleteI would never have thought to chip an indoor cat. I'm sure Daisy's story will inspire other cat owners to chip their pets. Rest in peace sweet Daisy.
ReplyDeleteMicrochip your animals and keep the info up to date is so important. This is so similar to the story of my cat Shadow. We lived on a farm, and Shadow was a mostly outside cat, huge, black, clever hunter, ruler of the other cats and very affectionate. Last year, we sold the farm and moved into a tiny urban house. After two weeks of keeping the cats in, I let them out into my secure back yard to explore, but Shadow hated the new sounds and rushed inside. My other cat stayed outside so I kept the door open. After an hour I went inside to get ready to do some jobs down the street, saw the other cat inside and closed the door. A few minutes later I drove off stopping about a mile away to post some letters. I was reversing away and saw a black cat dash out from near the car and frantically try to get into a nearby house. It looked at me, and I knew it was Shadow. (He must have gone back outside, got under the gate and hidden in the engine bay of the car.)Shadow then dashed away and kept running, stopping when I called, but not letting me catch him. He remained lost for 7 months when I got a call from our vet saying he had turned up. An old man had found him, skinny and starving after being lost for 3 months. His microchip had meant that we could be reunited. We have decided to let the lovely old man keep Shadow. He adores the cat and is a lonely old widower. We pay for the food, registration and vet bills, and will take Shad back if the man can't look after him anymore. We go and visit them both but Shadow makes it quite clear that though he still loves and remembers us, he wants to stay with his old man. As we get up to leave, Shadow rushes to his basket and sits firmly there! Thank you for rescuing Daisy, and for putting the torment of losing a loved one to rest for that family. It was the anxiety and worry about how Shadow was living that was the hardest.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful story, Joan. You seem to be a sort of guardian angel for these lovely animals' souls.
ReplyDeleteOh, my, I love, love, your heart for dogs and cats. You probably are a
ReplyDeletetrue animal lover. Us too.
What a wonderful, heart warming story. It's so rewarding to help in restoring
a lost pet to its loving family.
Thank you, thank you for caring and acting on it!
Well....I love your dog stories, but this just got me because I have always had rescue kitties. When I was a child, they had to be outdoors since Mom was allergic, but once I had a home of my own I only had indoor cats, as I believe that's the only safe place for cats. Never once did I chip a cat, but guess what we'll be doing this week!
ReplyDeleteI've enjoyed your blog for years...thanks for taking the time to write such beautiful stories.
Loved this story! We rescued a stray cat right before Christmas 2015. He was only about 8 months old. I was hesitant because we already had our hands full with 3 kids, but this cat just seemed to "fit" our family. Even his coloring, fit the decor in our house! A neutral cat for our neutral home decor!
ReplyDeletewe tried to find a owner, but knew he didn't have one. I took him to the vet and found out he didn't have a chip, had fleas and round worm, and was possibly hit by a car as a kitten. My heart broke and I knew then, Finn, was to be my third "son".
I just received an email to update his microchip. To be honest, I just deleted the email because Finn is an indoor cat and doesn't go outside. After reading this story, I immediately searched for the email and renewed Finn's microchip membership! I have 3 kids and when I read about Daisy's "brothers" missing her, my heart broke. My kids, along with my husband and I, would be devastated if Finn were to get out!
Thank you for this post!
Tears in my eyes. I love cats like crazy! You are meant to have a new kitty cat. Keep your eyes open. Daisy's going to send you a little friend.
ReplyDeleteJoan, I love this story. Thanks for sharing. ~Miranda
ReplyDeleteYou and Dan are two of the most caring souls!! So many people don't care as deeply about cats so Daisy must have been saying thank you with all her little heart. Tears....all my pets are rescue so I hope Lytle gets some visitors because of this post. God bless you both!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing this story. I am so thankful that you rescued Daisy and were able to bet her home to live out her last days. We are dog and cat people and have rescued many. Now we are dealing with the health problems of our Miss Grace -- a twenty year old kitty. Daisy's story brought tears to my eyes. They bring us so much joy and love and it is so hard to say goodbye.
ReplyDeleteIt's nice to know that there are still good people in the world like you and your husband. xoxo
ReplyDeleteJoan <3. Thank you will never be enough. -Jen
ReplyDeleteThank you for this nice story. Even though Daisy is now at the Rainbow Bridge and running freely, very healthy it's great to know people like you are out there helping our kitty babies. We have 5, yes 5 adopted kitties. We put up with their ways, but Daisy is a great name.....I know you will be on the look out for another kitty in your place......for the love of a home.......we have driven as far as Tennessee for a kitty that a lady called her an ugly duckling....she is beautiful to us.......Thanks again for this beautiful story, and Daisy will be in my thoughts and prayers.........gloria g. in Wellborn, FL
ReplyDeleteAhhh Joan! I got chills reading this. Love wonderful stories like this. We need more of them in our lives.
ReplyDeleteWell, this made me cry!!! I have always been a dog person. Kind of allergic to cats, and just didn't care for them, although, thanks to my kids, we've usually had one. I'm alone now, on my little hobby farm and have feral barn cats. I can rarely even pet them (although they are certainly up for their twice a day feedings!). A couple years ago there was a little tuxedo kitten who always let me pet him. I could even pick him up. So...one day I thought I'd try bringing him in, just to see how it went. He acted like he'd been in the house forever. My lab loves him. I have to tell you - go adopt a cat or kitten now!!! You cannot imagine how much love they give. They are very different than dogs, and seem more independent, but they are incredible. I love my cat beyond words. He disappeared for 2.5 weeks about a year ago. I was sure a coyote got him. One night I heard a meow on my bedroom deck, and thought it was a barn cat. I turned on the light and there was my Billie (named after my dad, who was the sweetest guy ever), none the worse for wear but a bit thinner. He wouldn't go outside for a few weeks, and then when he did it was just for a short time, but now things are back to normal and he's out a lot. Get one. You won't be sorry.
ReplyDeletethankyou for sharing this beautiful story- wish there were many others in this world like you, to have taken in a lost and ill animal. I won't have a pet without it being microchipped.
ReplyDeleteIncredible story! I wonder if she was sick to begin with and that is why she disappeared the first time? Cats are so incredible. I had two forever. I really miss them.
ReplyDeleteHell, I have not seen your blog in awhile but for some reason I came across it this morning.A few years ago we noticed a cat roaming the neighborhood.He was a big guy with a bobtail.I thought he was a stray and had no interest in him.My husband on the other hand was very interested and called him "Bob" for obvious reasons.Well, Bob kept coming by and he woyld just plop down and visit awhile.We learned that he belonged to a neighbor up the street who paid little attention to him and left him out all the time.We gave him treats and such and my other neighbor also fed him.He was very friendly and came by often.One night he got into a fight and we found him laying on our porch.I scooped him up and took him to the animal hospital.He had nasty bite wounds.Since they didn't know if he had been vaccinated or what bit him they said he may have to be put down.I paid for treatment and the next day went to the neighbor who had no interest in him.My husband who is a very kind gentle man looked as if he wanted to slug the guy but just walked home.So Bob was now our cat.He got better and became our loyal companion.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately he became ill and we learned he had a tumor.We treated him for 4 months until he let us know it was time.
I'm sitting in my office sobbing over your story.Bob was the most loved pet I have ever know.This week is the anniversary of his passing and I still miss him.Your story was so beautifully written.
Thank You
I replied earlier but it didn't go through.I have somewhat of a similar story.This made me cry. Thank You
What's an 'indoor' cat ? Do they never go outdoors?
ReplyDeletethey actually stay inside......never ever go outside........gloria g.
DeleteSo sweet. Thank you for helping sweet Daisy find her way home.
ReplyDeleteSuch a wonderful story. My cats are indoor cats and both are micro chipped. I am so glad they are. RIP sweet Daisy.
ReplyDeleteYou are such an amazing and kind soul...
ReplyDeleteOK, now I'm bawling my eyes out. I just put the last of my three beautiful cats down and am so lonely. I've had cats for the last 29 years, except for one year's lapse due to grieving the loss of my first cat I got as an adult. You're such a good soul, Joan.
ReplyDeleteI really want more cats. Keep thinking about your statement that the death of a pet means there are more pets that need you to take their place. I'm trying to wait until I retire so I can get a dog.
Dear Joan, I can understand its really hard to face the grief of losing someone. I remember one of my friend , sent a text message to me "I need to sell my house fast New Braunfels". Later he elaborated he lost his loving pet and wanted to shift somewhere else to come out of trauma.
ReplyDeleteHaving just put our 17 year old Zoe to sleep 2 weeks ago this story has me crying.Tears of happiness for a family who had the joy of more time with their beloved Daisy and sad tears because I'm still so lost without our Zoe.Thank you Joan for helping to find homes for these lovely animals.We still have two more cats who are elderly and could not handle a new pet in our home.When the time comes I plan on adopting an older animal because there seems to be so many who are still looking for that forever home.Thank you for sharing the story of Daisy. Christine
ReplyDeleteI'm a dog person through and through and you just broke my heart
ReplyDeleteLove your blog, just wish you posted more often . 😘
ReplyDeleteYou have shared a sweet story of Daisy whom you make a part of your family. I have also two little cats. Both of my cats have collars id tags with my name and my cell number and her name; they have lost somewhere then with the help of pet id tags we can find both of them.