While for the love of a house started as a renovation blog some 10 years ago now; I feel it has morphed into a lifestyle blog at this point. I love sharing our life, our girls, our home, my designs, projects, the gardens, my favorite things, et cetera with you. I have several "favorites" posts that I've been compiling for over a year that I'm excited to share, but this one simple tip deserves it's own quick post because it has had a huge impact on the health and well-being of my skin, not to mention my daily comfort level since it has been over a year now since I've experienced a single day of dry skin, I kid you not! I'm sure you can imagine the toll a winter in New England can take on one's skin;) I hope this tip will aid (at least some of) you too if you suffer from dry, itchy skin. (fyi- we do this year round, not just in winter)
Sometimes I feel foolish sharing such random little things with you and I will question myself and talk myself out of sharing, but I always revert to the old adage "if it helps one person... ." I have found over the last 10 years of blogging that those little random tips/shares are often the things that I get repeat feedback/thanks about even years later. I'm also trying to post more on what's on my mind instead of overthinking posts which I usually do and then end up not posting at all.... you know, like for over a year😲 ;) Enough of my rambling...
Does your skin look or feel like this?!

Sometimes I feel foolish sharing such random little things with you and I will question myself and talk myself out of sharing, but I always revert to the old adage "if it helps one person... ." I have found over the last 10 years of blogging that those little random tips/shares are often the things that I get repeat feedback/thanks about even years later. I'm also trying to post more on what's on my mind instead of overthinking posts which I usually do and then end up not posting at all.... you know, like for over a year😲 ;) Enough of my rambling...
Does your skin look or feel like this?!
Are you ready for this wonderful tip for your body's largest organ?! It is simple and will cost you zero, nada, zip....nothing (except for the moisturizer ;)
I learned this from a board certified dermatologist that I follow on YouTube,
Dr. Andrea Suarez aka, Dr Dray
She is like having a best friend who is a dermatologist and goes into depth about all the things you want to know from your own dermatologist, but there is just never enough time in your annual exam to ask everything!
You DO get an annual exam from a dermatologist yes????????
If not, find one and make an appointment now as they can easily book be booking now for an appointment 6 months down the road.
She is like having a best friend who is a dermatologist and goes into depth about all the things you want to know from your own dermatologist, but there is just never enough time in your annual exam to ask everything!
You DO get an annual exam from a dermatologist yes????????
If not, find one and make an appointment now as they can easily book be booking now for an appointment 6 months down the road.
After you shower/bathe apply moisturizer IMMEDIATELY to wet skin.
Do Not towel dry or even pat dry- simply apply moisturizer and air dry. Yep... that's it.
Mike drop🙋!!!!!! hahaha
Yes, it is a wee chilly to air dry (even in the summer), but I promise you your skin will feel amazing and it is totally worth it! (I will address this more below;)
By doing this simple act you are preventing transepidermal water loss (TEWL) from taking place. TEWL is the process in which moisture from the deepest level of the skin (the dermis) evaporates through the outmost layer of the skin (the epidermis). TWEL is a continuous, passive process that is not to be confused with sweating.
Towel drying or pat drying your skin and then applying moisturizer allows for transepidermal water loss to occur, because TWEL happens very fast! In less than a minue (between the time you have towel dried then applied moisturizer) the TWEL may have decrease by more than 50% SOURCE
This is an excellent article that explain TEWL
(Also, for those of you who use olive oil as a moisturizer you should know that Dr. Dray has stated that when olive oil is used as a moisturizer (i.e. left on the skin) it has been shown to increase the TEWL. It impairs the skin barrier.)
We use CeraVe moisturizing cream in the tub HERE, We use this on our face and body, but they have lighter moisturizers, and daytime with spf/nighttime moisturizers as well. (Check with Dr. Dray for more recommended moisturizers- she has many favorites and gives honest reviews on all.)
Yes, it's a bit difficult to get on your back, but the application helps you get much better with the reverse prayer pose in yoga!!
Why CeraVe, because it contains ceremides, it is readily available and is inexpesive. "Ceramides are lipids that help form the skin's barrier and help skin retain moisture. Ceramides make up 50% of our skin barrier. They also help the skin protect against environmentail aggressors like irritants, and pollution. Without the proper ration of ceramides, the skin's barrier can become compromised, leading to dryness, itching and irritation." SOURCE
As we age our body makes less ceramides. But the amazing thing is that if you apply ceramides topically (i.e. in the form of a moisturizer) your body will start to make more of your own ceramides!

(Yes, yes I know- it contains petroleum and I got on my high-horse and told you how I quit using mineral oil (a petroleum based product) on my soapstone kitchen counter tops for a natural wax product, and here I am using it on my entire body! WTW?!! I am a hypocrite😁 and I accept all responsibility 😂 But here's the thing... upon researching petroleum it is an organic compound that was formed millions of years ago from the remains of ancient marine organisms. So doesn't that make it organic?!
It you are worried about the use of petroleum based products, and/or mineral oil I highly recommend you read these articles
Okay, so the mere thought (much less the actual event) of getting out of the shower with still-wet moisturizer in the dead of a freezing New England winter makes me have goose bumps! To make it bearable I purchased this little heater HERE (I found mine at Costco) that I turn on for only a couple of minutes to take the chill off. (The heater part is SO NOT Dr. Dray approved, but if I didn't do it I wouldn't moisturize on wet skin, and then my skin would still be dry and itchy, so I figure it is a motivational tool for me!:)
I am a skin care junkie, and I'm not going down without a fight with this whole aging business! Dr. Dray's YouTube channel has been an eye-opening fact-based education as she teaches what actually works, what doesn't, reminds you to wear sunscreen every single day of the year and in the meantime saves you tons of time and wasted money on ingredients/products that don't work and actually harm your skin barrier (i.e. anything with fragrance.) She has topics on all types of skin issues/diseases and cosmetic procedures, suncreen ingredients, etc, etc. If it has to do with dermatology she talks about it! The following are links to two vlogs she did on how to moisturize skin and on mature skin. (And to my sweet young things reading this, you can NEVER start taking care of your skin too early! Moisturize and use sunscreen daily! xxo)
don't forget to follow her too!
Mike drop🙋!!!!!! hahaha
Yes, it is a wee chilly to air dry (even in the summer), but I promise you your skin will feel amazing and it is totally worth it! (I will address this more below;)
By doing this simple act you are preventing transepidermal water loss (TEWL) from taking place. TEWL is the process in which moisture from the deepest level of the skin (the dermis) evaporates through the outmost layer of the skin (the epidermis). TWEL is a continuous, passive process that is not to be confused with sweating.
Towel drying or pat drying your skin and then applying moisturizer allows for transepidermal water loss to occur, because TWEL happens very fast! In less than a minue (between the time you have towel dried then applied moisturizer) the TWEL may have decrease by more than 50% SOURCE
This is an excellent article that explain TEWL
(Also, for those of you who use olive oil as a moisturizer you should know that Dr. Dray has stated that when olive oil is used as a moisturizer (i.e. left on the skin) it has been shown to increase the TEWL. It impairs the skin barrier.)
We use CeraVe moisturizing cream in the tub HERE, We use this on our face and body, but they have lighter moisturizers, and daytime with spf/nighttime moisturizers as well. (Check with Dr. Dray for more recommended moisturizers- she has many favorites and gives honest reviews on all.)
Yes, it's a bit difficult to get on your back, but the application helps you get much better with the reverse prayer pose in yoga!!
Why CeraVe, because it contains ceremides, it is readily available and is inexpesive. "Ceramides are lipids that help form the skin's barrier and help skin retain moisture. Ceramides make up 50% of our skin barrier. They also help the skin protect against environmentail aggressors like irritants, and pollution. Without the proper ration of ceramides, the skin's barrier can become compromised, leading to dryness, itching and irritation." SOURCE
As we age our body makes less ceramides. But the amazing thing is that if you apply ceramides topically (i.e. in the form of a moisturizer) your body will start to make more of your own ceramides!

(Yes, yes I know- it contains petroleum and I got on my high-horse and told you how I quit using mineral oil (a petroleum based product) on my soapstone kitchen counter tops for a natural wax product, and here I am using it on my entire body! WTW?!! I am a hypocrite😁 and I accept all responsibility 😂 But here's the thing... upon researching petroleum it is an organic compound that was formed millions of years ago from the remains of ancient marine organisms. So doesn't that make it organic?!
It you are worried about the use of petroleum based products, and/or mineral oil I highly recommend you read these articles
Okay, so the mere thought (much less the actual event) of getting out of the shower with still-wet moisturizer in the dead of a freezing New England winter makes me have goose bumps! To make it bearable I purchased this little heater HERE (I found mine at Costco) that I turn on for only a couple of minutes to take the chill off. (The heater part is SO NOT Dr. Dray approved, but if I didn't do it I wouldn't moisturize on wet skin, and then my skin would still be dry and itchy, so I figure it is a motivational tool for me!:)
I am a skin care junkie, and I'm not going down without a fight with this whole aging business! Dr. Dray's YouTube channel has been an eye-opening fact-based education as she teaches what actually works, what doesn't, reminds you to wear sunscreen every single day of the year and in the meantime saves you tons of time and wasted money on ingredients/products that don't work and actually harm your skin barrier (i.e. anything with fragrance.) She has topics on all types of skin issues/diseases and cosmetic procedures, suncreen ingredients, etc, etc. If it has to do with dermatology she talks about it! The following are links to two vlogs she did on how to moisturize skin and on mature skin. (And to my sweet young things reading this, you can NEVER start taking care of your skin too early! Moisturize and use sunscreen daily! xxo)
don't forget to follow her too!
I will leave you with this cute story...
At the end of October Dan and I flew out to Portland, Oregon where my mother lives in a lovely retirement center, to surprise her on her 91st birthday!
When we arrived my mother's skin looked like a peeling onion, even her ears😰 I took out a tiny tube of CeraVe Healing Oinment (which I keep in my purse to use on cuticles) and started applying it to her face. Her skin went from peeling onion to peach and looked ah-mazing! (Look how great it looks in the photo above!) I then went out and bought her literally 6 tubs of both the moisturizing cream and the healing ointment and had her start applying it herself. She looked, and more importantly, felt so much better- no more itchy, peeling skin. So about a week later my 50-something cousin, Kim -aka Saint Kim as we call her;), went to visit my mother like she does most weekends, and she could not get over how "incredible" my mother's skin looked. Kim told my mother that she looked like she was only 70! My mother told her about the CeraVe that she had been religiously applying. Kim said she needed to get some!
Kim then went to visit her 23 year old daughter and her roommate and told them how her aunt got this great cream and her skin looks amazing , like she's 70. The twenty year olds laughed and said "that's great, if you want to look 70!" 😄😜😀
Then a couple of weeks later, after Kim had been using CeraVe she was back visiting her daughter and roommate and was bragging how great the product was and that they should try it. They teased her and said that now she looked 70!
Fastforward a few more weeks and Kim is visiting her daughter and roommate again, and the roommate thanked Kim for telling her about CeraVe! She said her skin had never been softer! The other girls laughed and said they wanted to look 70 too!!
My mother loved the story and Kim told her that she had started a trend because now everyone wants to look amazing like her and look 70!!
Now go on...and make that Dermatologist appointment, moisturize and apply sunscreen every day- because I care about you and Dr. Dray said so!!
I will leave you with this cute story...
At the end of October Dan and I flew out to Portland, Oregon where my mother lives in a lovely retirement center, to surprise her on her 91st birthday!
When we arrived my mother's skin looked like a peeling onion, even her ears😰 I took out a tiny tube of CeraVe Healing Oinment (which I keep in my purse to use on cuticles) and started applying it to her face. Her skin went from peeling onion to peach and looked ah-mazing! (Look how great it looks in the photo above!) I then went out and bought her literally 6 tubs of both the moisturizing cream and the healing ointment and had her start applying it herself. She looked, and more importantly, felt so much better- no more itchy, peeling skin. So about a week later my 50-something cousin, Kim -aka Saint Kim as we call her;), went to visit my mother like she does most weekends, and she could not get over how "incredible" my mother's skin looked. Kim told my mother that she looked like she was only 70! My mother told her about the CeraVe that she had been religiously applying. Kim said she needed to get some!
Kim then went to visit her 23 year old daughter and her roommate and told them how her aunt got this great cream and her skin looks amazing , like she's 70. The twenty year olds laughed and said "that's great, if you want to look 70!" 😄😜😀
Then a couple of weeks later, after Kim had been using CeraVe she was back visiting her daughter and roommate and was bragging how great the product was and that they should try it. They teased her and said that now she looked 70!
Fastforward a few more weeks and Kim is visiting her daughter and roommate again, and the roommate thanked Kim for telling her about CeraVe! She said her skin had never been softer! The other girls laughed and said they wanted to look 70 too!!
My mother loved the story and Kim told her that she had started a trend because now everyone wants to look amazing like her and look 70!!
Now go on...and make that Dermatologist appointment, moisturize and apply sunscreen every day- because I care about you and Dr. Dray said so!!
love hearing from you and love this kind of a post! thanks for the tip!
ReplyDeleteYou are most welcome! Thank you for reading.
DeleteThanks so much for the informative post. I just started using CeraVe on my face as recommended by my dermatologist, but will start using it all over now.❤️
ReplyDeleteYou'll love it!
DeleteLove your posts. we have a lake house in NH that we escape to every summer (to avoid Fl heat)
ReplyDeleteIt is a beautiful state!
Love that Robin, what part of the state are you in?!
DeleteWhat a sweet photo of your mother! I am glad you could visit her.
ReplyDeleteThank you Jan, it was a fun surprise and visit!
DeleteGreat idea! I struggle with dry skin these days. I've been using baby oil but it's messy! I will try the CeraVe since it's hypoallergenic and dermatologist recommended- can't go wrong! Love seeing a post from you. Big hugs, Liz
ReplyDeleteI think you'll love it Liz! Let me know. xxo
DeleteThank you, thank you
ReplyDeletemy pleasure!
DeleteI live in Colorado and yes, yes, yes to CeraVe!! My BFF is a nurse for a dermatologist and she swears by the stuff, and now our family does too. I always put it on after my bath or shower, but I’ve never done it while soaking wet. Going to try after my bath this evening...thank you, and the good doctor, too!
Stephanie aka tendrheart4
Yay! Let me know Stephanie!
DeleteGreat post - love all that helpful info ! Yes ! Dr. Dray is the best. I subscribe to her YouTube channel and I just love her. I have switched over from much more expensive moisturizers and am now using CeraVe on my face and body also - it's wonderful. Absorbs so quickly and has really made a difference to my complexion and overall skin. The other thing Dr. Dray recommends to combat dry skin is using a cool mist humidifier in your bedroom at night. I haven't done that yet, but I plan to buy one next time I visit Costco. Tx again for the great post !
ReplyDeletePatricia, I bought mine from Costco (in fact twice as the company said to return it when I called and told them what was wrong.) I purchased again hoping the second one would be different. It was not. I don't recommend the double tank one they sell at my Costco fyi.
DeleteThank you ! I'm so glad you told me that ! I remember in one of Dr. Dray's video's she recommended the cool mist humidifier she uses. If I remember correctly, it had a link to Amazon. I'm going to see if I can find that video !!
DeleteYes, I am getting the product. Your mom looks great. Good point on moisturizer instead of toweling off. Thanks Joan
ReplyDeletehi Alice! I need to email you! xxo
DeleteYes! I have been using Cerave for years. Especially the cream - use on feet at night and you will never have cracked heels :)
ReplyDeleteAlso my daughter used it on her pregnancy belly - no stretch marks. Great price point and very highly rated. Love the PM moisturizer for day as I use a different sunscreen...the cerave ointment is GREAT for lips too....
I love it on heels as well. I first apply my beloved Thayer's no-alcohol witch hazel, and then the CeraVe. I feel like it helps it absorb even better! Target is now carrying Thayers, but I still get mine at Amazon.
DeleteI have always loved your posts on "little things". I've found some great products through you and appreciate your insight.
ReplyDeleteLove this idea and actually read the fact that we should apply moisturizer when wet...I'll try it but not sure I'm going to have the patience to air dry.
Ok I am going to buy it! Thanks! BTW your mom looks beautiful
ReplyDeleteMy mother lived to be 93 and had the most beautiful skin. All she ever used on her face was Vaseline immediately after she cleansed. I am 63 and have spent $$$$ on face/body products. Tomorrow, I will be purchasing CeraVe!!
ReplyDeleteGreat post!I want to look 70 too!
ReplyDeleteWhat a timely post. Between the frigid Kansas temps, bedroom humidifier not working and taking antihistamines for a cold my face has been very dry and flaky. Will certainly give this a try. Thank you for the post!
ReplyDeleteWe have it with the pump in our shower. That's much easier than having to take the lid off each time. My husband is diabetic and it has definitely kept his skin more moisturized. A friend started applying her son's excema (sp?) lotion on wet skin on the advice of her dermatologist 19 years ago. She raved about the difference so that's why we have it in the shower. I turned my daughter onto DR. Dray. Cerave was also a godsend when my daughter was on generic accutane a few years ago. Great post.
ReplyDeleteJust when I thought that I'd switch to a more expensive brand of moisturizer...forget about it. I am staying with CeraVe. In fact I'll use the extra money that I'm saving and buy more CeraVe products. Thanks for the PSA! I love all your posts!!
ReplyDeleteHave a great Weekend
Renee in NorCal
The dryness or skin in a New England winter is all too real. THANK YOU for this timely post! Excuse me as I run to get this cream. :)
ReplyDeleteSuch a great story! And I always appreciate your helpful tips. Some time ago, you mentioned Witch Hazel in one of your stories and I've been using it ever since. I'm wondering if you still recommend using that, too. I like to use it as an astringent.
ReplyDeleteLove your blog Joan! I just ordered the cream and it will be here Monday. Can't wait to try it. I also love your girls! We have always had rescues. We had our Charlie girl and our sweet Emma who now live in Heaven and were the best labs ever. We now have Bishop and Scout who are chihuahuas. Yes, a bit of a size difference. Anyway, love your home and your ideas. ~Bobbie
ReplyDeleteI decided to try this after my shower this morning but I speeded up the drying process with my blow dryer. I wonder if that's cheating?
ReplyDeleteWow, what timing! I was bemoaning the fact that my skin looked like the Sahara, then your post came through. I have tried the wet-skin technique and already it has made a difference. I'll try the cream you use, also.
ReplyDeleteAnd YES, these little tips are welcome. You never know who will need them. I know I did.. Thank you
This is a great post, Joan. I use CeraVe Hydrating Facial Cleanser, after using Burt's Bees facial cleansing oil to remove make-up. But I am not using CeraVe's moisturizer. I will check out the dermatologist you recommend and see what products she recommends.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, I get a skin check every year. Last year I had a skin cancer removed from my chest (my dad had many skin cancers, so I need to be careful).
It's always great to hear from you. Love all your posts, so keep 'em coming!!
Good morning! I just checked out Thayer's on Amazon and saw that there are several different kinds. Which one do you use? Thanks for the tip about CeraVe! I bought some yesterday on your recommendation and I'm excited to try it! (BTW, a belated thanks too for your tip on stainless steel screws for license plates!)
ReplyDeleteSee it's the little things- so glad you could use the tip on the screws! I use the Unscented or the Cucumber personally. They also now see Thayers at Target btw:)
DeleteOMG Joan.....I tried this recommendation of yours and I can't believe the difference it has made. Normally within 2-3 hours of using moisturizer my ankles and feet go back to looking like alligator hide ..yuck! After doing this the first time ..no alligator skin all through the day until my next shower. What a marvelous thing to learn. I am so tickled!! Thanks for the sage advice. Hope your winter is going well and I am loving your new addition to the family. Bonnie Blue says hi too!
ReplyDeleteJoan I IMMEDIATELY bought CeraVe after I read your post a week ago. I have been applying it as soon as I get out of the shower and it had made a huge difference in my skin! I bought their foot ointment and facial cleanser too and just love them all! Thank you so much for sharing!!!💙
ReplyDeleteFinally someone else who watches Dr. Dray !!!! The moisturizing right after getting out of the shower changed everything. It feels a little weird at first - but it makes such a huge difference.
ReplyDeleteI have an antique pro butcher block (table) in my kitchen (as an island). I maintain the maple with mineral oil from the drug store. My friend was “you can not use laxative on your cutting board”, she checked the label on her expensive butcher block oil and was stunned. Dr Dray uses the same stuff to remove her mascara 😂